/* * Copyright (c) 2008 CACE Technologies, Davis (California) * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. Neither the name of CACE Technologies nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from * this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * */ #include <config.h> #include <pcap.h> #include <pcap-int.h> #include "pcap-tc.h" #include <malloc.h> #include <memory.h> #include <string.h> #include <errno.h> #ifdef _WIN32 #include <tchar.h> #endif typedef TC_STATUS (TC_CALLCONV *TcFcnQueryPortList) (PTC_PORT *ppPorts, PULONG pLength); typedef TC_STATUS (TC_CALLCONV *TcFcnFreePortList) (TC_PORT *pPorts); typedef PCHAR (TC_CALLCONV *TcFcnStatusGetString) (TC_STATUS status); typedef PCHAR (TC_CALLCONV *TcFcnPortGetName) (TC_PORT port); typedef PCHAR (TC_CALLCONV *TcFcnPortGetDescription) (TC_PORT port); typedef TC_STATUS (TC_CALLCONV *TcFcnInstanceOpenByName) (PCHAR name, PTC_INSTANCE pInstance); typedef TC_STATUS (TC_CALLCONV *TcFcnInstanceClose) (TC_INSTANCE instance); typedef TC_STATUS (TC_CALLCONV *TcFcnInstanceSetFeature) (TC_INSTANCE instance, ULONG feature, ULONG value); typedef TC_STATUS (TC_CALLCONV *TcFcnInstanceQueryFeature) (TC_INSTANCE instance, ULONG feature, PULONG pValue); typedef TC_STATUS (TC_CALLCONV *TcFcnInstanceReceivePackets) (TC_INSTANCE instance, PTC_PACKETS_BUFFER pBuffer); typedef HANDLE (TC_CALLCONV *TcFcnInstanceGetReceiveWaitHandle) (TC_INSTANCE instance); typedef TC_STATUS (TC_CALLCONV *TcFcnInstanceTransmitPackets) (TC_INSTANCE instance, TC_PACKETS_BUFFER pBuffer); typedef TC_STATUS (TC_CALLCONV *TcFcnInstanceQueryStatistics) (TC_INSTANCE instance, PTC_STATISTICS pStatistics); typedef TC_STATUS (TC_CALLCONV *TcFcnPacketsBufferCreate) (ULONG size, PTC_PACKETS_BUFFER pBuffer); typedef VOID (TC_CALLCONV *TcFcnPacketsBufferDestroy) (TC_PACKETS_BUFFER buffer); typedef TC_STATUS (TC_CALLCONV *TcFcnPacketsBufferQueryNextPacket)(TC_PACKETS_BUFFER buffer, PTC_PACKET_HEADER pHeader, PVOID *ppData); typedef TC_STATUS (TC_CALLCONV *TcFcnPacketsBufferCommitNextPacket)(TC_PACKETS_BUFFER buffer, PTC_PACKET_HEADER pHeader, PVOID pData); typedef VOID (TC_CALLCONV *TcFcnStatisticsDestroy) (TC_STATISTICS statistics); typedef TC_STATUS (TC_CALLCONV *TcFcnStatisticsUpdate) (TC_STATISTICS statistics); typedef TC_STATUS (TC_CALLCONV *TcFcnStatisticsQueryValue) (TC_STATISTICS statistics, ULONG counterId, PULONGLONG pValue); typedef enum LONG { TC_API_UNLOADED = 0, TC_API_LOADED, TC_API_CANNOT_LOAD, TC_API_LOADING } TC_API_LOAD_STATUS; typedef struct _TC_FUNCTIONS { TC_API_LOAD_STATUS LoadStatus; #ifdef _WIN32 HMODULE hTcApiDllHandle; #endif TcFcnQueryPortList QueryPortList; TcFcnFreePortList FreePortList; TcFcnStatusGetString StatusGetString; TcFcnPortGetName PortGetName; TcFcnPortGetDescription PortGetDescription; TcFcnInstanceOpenByName InstanceOpenByName; TcFcnInstanceClose InstanceClose; TcFcnInstanceSetFeature InstanceSetFeature; TcFcnInstanceQueryFeature InstanceQueryFeature; TcFcnInstanceReceivePackets InstanceReceivePackets; #ifdef _WIN32 TcFcnInstanceGetReceiveWaitHandle InstanceGetReceiveWaitHandle; #endif TcFcnInstanceTransmitPackets InstanceTransmitPackets; TcFcnInstanceQueryStatistics InstanceQueryStatistics; TcFcnPacketsBufferCreate PacketsBufferCreate; TcFcnPacketsBufferDestroy PacketsBufferDestroy; TcFcnPacketsBufferQueryNextPacket PacketsBufferQueryNextPacket; TcFcnPacketsBufferCommitNextPacket PacketsBufferCommitNextPacket; TcFcnStatisticsDestroy StatisticsDestroy; TcFcnStatisticsUpdate StatisticsUpdate; TcFcnStatisticsQueryValue StatisticsQueryValue; } TC_FUNCTIONS; static pcap_if_t* TcCreatePcapIfFromPort(TC_PORT port); static int TcSetDatalink(pcap_t *p, int dlt); static int TcGetNonBlock(pcap_t *p); static int TcSetNonBlock(pcap_t *p, int nonblock); static void TcCleanup(pcap_t *p); static int TcInject(pcap_t *p, const void *buf, int size); static int TcRead(pcap_t *p, int cnt, pcap_handler callback, u_char *user); static int TcStats(pcap_t *p, struct pcap_stat *ps); #ifdef _WIN32 static struct pcap_stat *TcStatsEx(pcap_t *p, int *pcap_stat_size); static int TcSetBuff(pcap_t *p, int dim); static int TcSetMode(pcap_t *p, int mode); static int TcSetMinToCopy(pcap_t *p, int size); static HANDLE TcGetReceiveWaitHandle(pcap_t *p); static int TcOidGetRequest(pcap_t *p, bpf_u_int32 oid, void *data, size_t *lenp); static int TcOidSetRequest(pcap_t *p, bpf_u_int32 oid, const void *data, size_t *lenp); static u_int TcSendqueueTransmit(pcap_t *p, pcap_send_queue *queue, int sync); static int TcSetUserBuffer(pcap_t *p, int size); static int TcLiveDump(pcap_t *p, char *filename, int maxsize, int maxpacks); static int TcLiveDumpEnded(pcap_t *p, int sync); static PAirpcapHandle TcGetAirPcapHandle(pcap_t *p); #endif #ifdef _WIN32 TC_FUNCTIONS g_TcFunctions = { TC_API_UNLOADED, /* LoadStatus */ NULL, /* hTcApiDllHandle */ NULL, /* QueryPortList */ NULL, /* FreePortList */ NULL, /* StatusGetString */ NULL, /* PortGetName */ NULL, /* PortGetDescription */ NULL, /* InstanceOpenByName */ NULL, /* InstanceClose */ NULL, /* InstanceSetFeature */ NULL, /* InstanceQueryFeature */ NULL, /* InstanceReceivePackets */ NULL, /* InstanceGetReceiveWaitHandle */ NULL, /* InstanceTransmitPackets */ NULL, /* InstanceQueryStatistics */ NULL, /* PacketsBufferCreate */ NULL, /* PacketsBufferDestroy */ NULL, /* PacketsBufferQueryNextPacket */ NULL, /* PacketsBufferCommitNextPacket */ NULL, /* StatisticsDestroy */ NULL, /* StatisticsUpdate */ NULL /* StatisticsQueryValue */ }; #else TC_FUNCTIONS g_TcFunctions = { TC_API_LOADED, /* LoadStatus */ TcQueryPortList, TcFreePortList, TcStatusGetString, TcPortGetName, TcPortGetDescription, TcInstanceOpenByName, TcInstanceClose, TcInstanceSetFeature, TcInstanceQueryFeature, TcInstanceReceivePackets, #ifdef _WIN32 TcInstanceGetReceiveWaitHandle, #endif TcInstanceTransmitPackets, TcInstanceQueryStatistics, TcPacketsBufferCreate, TcPacketsBufferDestroy, TcPacketsBufferQueryNextPacket, TcPacketsBufferCommitNextPacket, TcStatisticsDestroy, TcStatisticsUpdate, TcStatisticsQueryValue, }; #endif #define MAX_TC_PACKET_SIZE 9500 #pragma pack(push, 1) #define PPH_PH_FLAG_PADDING ((UCHAR)0x01) #define PPH_PH_VERSION ((UCHAR)0x00) typedef struct _PPI_PACKET_HEADER { UCHAR PphVersion; UCHAR PphFlags; USHORT PphLength; ULONG PphDlt; } PPI_PACKET_HEADER, *PPPI_PACKET_HEADER; typedef struct _PPI_FIELD_HEADER { USHORT PfhType; USHORT PfhLength; } PPI_FIELD_HEADER, *PPPI_FIELD_HEADER; #define PPI_FIELD_TYPE_AGGREGATION_EXTENSION ((UCHAR)0x08) typedef struct _PPI_FIELD_AGGREGATION_EXTENSION { ULONG InterfaceId; } PPI_FIELD_AGGREGATION_EXTENSION, *PPPI_FIELD_AGGREGATION_EXTENSION; #define PPI_FIELD_TYPE_802_3_EXTENSION ((UCHAR)0x09) #define PPI_FLD_802_3_EXT_FLAG_FCS_PRESENT ((ULONG)0x00000001) typedef struct _PPI_FIELD_802_3_EXTENSION { ULONG Flags; ULONG Errors; } PPI_FIELD_802_3_EXTENSION, *PPPI_FIELD_802_3_EXTENSION; typedef struct _PPI_HEADER { PPI_PACKET_HEADER PacketHeader; PPI_FIELD_HEADER AggregationFieldHeader; PPI_FIELD_AGGREGATION_EXTENSION AggregationField; PPI_FIELD_HEADER Dot3FieldHeader; PPI_FIELD_802_3_EXTENSION Dot3Field; } PPI_HEADER, *PPPI_HEADER; #pragma pack(pop) #ifdef _WIN32 /* * NOTE: this function should be called by the pcap functions that can theoretically * deal with the Tc library for the first time, namely listing the adapters and * opening one. All the other ones (close, read, write, set parameters) work * on an open instance of TC, so we do not care to call this function */ TC_API_LOAD_STATUS LoadTcFunctions(void) { TC_API_LOAD_STATUS currentStatus; do { currentStatus = InterlockedCompareExchange((LONG*)&g_TcFunctions.LoadStatus, TC_API_LOADING, TC_API_UNLOADED); while(currentStatus == TC_API_LOADING) { currentStatus = InterlockedCompareExchange((LONG*)&g_TcFunctions.LoadStatus, TC_API_LOADING, TC_API_LOADING); Sleep(10); } /* * at this point we are either in the LOADED state, unloaded state (i.e. we are the ones loading everything) * or in cannot load */ if(currentStatus == TC_API_LOADED) { return TC_API_LOADED; } if (currentStatus == TC_API_CANNOT_LOAD) { return TC_API_CANNOT_LOAD; } currentStatus = TC_API_CANNOT_LOAD; g_TcFunctions.hTcApiDllHandle = pcapint_load_code("TcApi.dll"); if (g_TcFunctions.hTcApiDllHandle == NULL) break; g_TcFunctions.QueryPortList = (TcFcnQueryPortList) pcapint_find_function(g_TcFunctions.hTcApiDllHandle, "TcQueryPortList"); g_TcFunctions.FreePortList = (TcFcnFreePortList) pcapint_find_function(g_TcFunctions.hTcApiDllHandle, "TcFreePortList"); g_TcFunctions.StatusGetString = (TcFcnStatusGetString) pcapint_find_function(g_TcFunctions.hTcApiDllHandle, "TcStatusGetString"); g_TcFunctions.PortGetName = (TcFcnPortGetName) pcapint_find_function(g_TcFunctions.hTcApiDllHandle, "TcPortGetName"); g_TcFunctions.PortGetDescription = (TcFcnPortGetDescription) pcapint_find_function(g_TcFunctions.hTcApiDllHandle, "TcPortGetDescription"); g_TcFunctions.InstanceOpenByName = (TcFcnInstanceOpenByName) pcapint_find_function(g_TcFunctions.hTcApiDllHandle, "TcInstanceOpenByName"); g_TcFunctions.InstanceClose = (TcFcnInstanceClose) pcapint_find_function(g_TcFunctions.hTcApiDllHandle, "TcInstanceClose"); g_TcFunctions.InstanceSetFeature = (TcFcnInstanceSetFeature) pcapint_find_function(g_TcFunctions.hTcApiDllHandle, "TcInstanceSetFeature"); g_TcFunctions.InstanceQueryFeature = (TcFcnInstanceQueryFeature) pcapint_find_function(g_TcFunctions.hTcApiDllHandle, "TcInstanceQueryFeature"); g_TcFunctions.InstanceReceivePackets = (TcFcnInstanceReceivePackets) pcapint_find_function(g_TcFunctions.hTcApiDllHandle, "TcInstanceReceivePackets"); g_TcFunctions.InstanceGetReceiveWaitHandle = (TcFcnInstanceGetReceiveWaitHandle)pcapint_find_function(g_TcFunctions.hTcApiDllHandle, "TcInstanceGetReceiveWaitHandle"); g_TcFunctions.InstanceTransmitPackets = (TcFcnInstanceTransmitPackets)pcapint_find_function(g_TcFunctions.hTcApiDllHandle, "TcInstanceTransmitPackets"); g_TcFunctions.InstanceQueryStatistics = (TcFcnInstanceQueryStatistics)pcapint_find_function(g_TcFunctions.hTcApiDllHandle, "TcInstanceQueryStatistics"); g_TcFunctions.PacketsBufferCreate = (TcFcnPacketsBufferCreate) pcapint_find_function(g_TcFunctions.hTcApiDllHandle, "TcPacketsBufferCreate"); g_TcFunctions.PacketsBufferDestroy = (TcFcnPacketsBufferDestroy) pcapint_find_function(g_TcFunctions.hTcApiDllHandle, "TcPacketsBufferDestroy"); g_TcFunctions.PacketsBufferQueryNextPacket = (TcFcnPacketsBufferQueryNextPacket)pcapint_find_function(g_TcFunctions.hTcApiDllHandle, "TcPacketsBufferQueryNextPacket"); g_TcFunctions.PacketsBufferCommitNextPacket = (TcFcnPacketsBufferCommitNextPacket)pcapint_find_function(g_TcFunctions.hTcApiDllHandle, "TcPacketsBufferCommitNextPacket"); g_TcFunctions.StatisticsDestroy = (TcFcnStatisticsDestroy) pcapint_find_function(g_TcFunctions.hTcApiDllHandle, "TcStatisticsDestroy"); g_TcFunctions.StatisticsUpdate = (TcFcnStatisticsUpdate) pcapint_find_function(g_TcFunctions.hTcApiDllHandle, "TcStatisticsUpdate"); g_TcFunctions.StatisticsQueryValue = (TcFcnStatisticsQueryValue) pcapint_find_function(g_TcFunctions.hTcApiDllHandle, "TcStatisticsQueryValue"); if ( g_TcFunctions.QueryPortList == NULL || g_TcFunctions.FreePortList == NULL || g_TcFunctions.StatusGetString == NULL || g_TcFunctions.PortGetName == NULL || g_TcFunctions.PortGetDescription == NULL || g_TcFunctions.InstanceOpenByName == NULL || g_TcFunctions.InstanceClose == NULL || g_TcFunctions.InstanceSetFeature == NULL || g_TcFunctions.InstanceQueryFeature == NULL || g_TcFunctions.InstanceReceivePackets == NULL || g_TcFunctions.InstanceGetReceiveWaitHandle == NULL || g_TcFunctions.InstanceTransmitPackets == NULL || g_TcFunctions.InstanceQueryStatistics == NULL || g_TcFunctions.PacketsBufferCreate == NULL || g_TcFunctions.PacketsBufferDestroy == NULL || g_TcFunctions.PacketsBufferQueryNextPacket == NULL || g_TcFunctions.PacketsBufferCommitNextPacket == NULL || g_TcFunctions.StatisticsDestroy == NULL || g_TcFunctions.StatisticsUpdate == NULL || g_TcFunctions.StatisticsQueryValue == NULL ) { break; } /* * everything got loaded, yay!! */ currentStatus = TC_API_LOADED; }while(FALSE); if (currentStatus != TC_API_LOADED) { if (g_TcFunctions.hTcApiDllHandle != NULL) { FreeLibrary(g_TcFunctions.hTcApiDllHandle); g_TcFunctions.hTcApiDllHandle = NULL; } } InterlockedExchange((LONG*)&g_TcFunctions.LoadStatus, currentStatus); return currentStatus; } #else // static linking TC_API_LOAD_STATUS LoadTcFunctions(void) { return TC_API_LOADED; } #endif /* * Private data for capturing on TurboCap devices. */ struct pcap_tc { TC_INSTANCE TcInstance; TC_PACKETS_BUFFER TcPacketsBuffer; ULONG TcAcceptedCount; u_char *PpiPacket; }; int TcFindAllDevs(pcap_if_list_t *devlist, char *errbuf) { TC_API_LOAD_STATUS loadStatus; ULONG numPorts; PTC_PORT pPorts = NULL; TC_STATUS status; int result = 0; pcap_if_t *dev; ULONG i; do { loadStatus = LoadTcFunctions(); if (loadStatus != TC_API_LOADED) { result = 0; break; } /* * enumerate the ports, and add them to the list */ status = g_TcFunctions.QueryPortList(&pPorts, &numPorts); if (status != TC_SUCCESS) { result = 0; break; } for (i = 0; i < numPorts; i++) { /* * transform the port into an entry in the list */ dev = TcCreatePcapIfFromPort(pPorts[i]); if (dev != NULL) pcapint_add_dev(devlist, dev->name, dev->flags, dev->description, errbuf); } if (numPorts > 0) { /* * ignore the result here */ status = g_TcFunctions.FreePortList(pPorts); } }while(FALSE); return result; } static pcap_if_t* TcCreatePcapIfFromPort(TC_PORT port) { CHAR *name; CHAR *description; pcap_if_t *newIf = NULL; newIf = (pcap_if_t*)malloc(sizeof(*newIf)); if (newIf == NULL) { return NULL; } memset(newIf, 0, sizeof(*newIf)); name = g_TcFunctions.PortGetName(port); description = g_TcFunctions.PortGetDescription(port); newIf->name = (char*)malloc(strlen(name) + 1); if (newIf->name == NULL) { free(newIf); return NULL; } newIf->description = (char*)malloc(strlen(description) + 1); if (newIf->description == NULL) { free(newIf->name); free(newIf); return NULL; } strcpy(newIf->name, name); strcpy(newIf->description, description); newIf->addresses = NULL; newIf->next = NULL; newIf->flags = 0; return newIf; } static int TcActivate(pcap_t *p) { struct pcap_tc *pt = p->priv; TC_STATUS status; ULONG timeout; PPPI_HEADER pPpiHeader; if (p->opt.rfmon) { /* * No monitor mode on Tc cards; they're Ethernet * capture adapters. */ return PCAP_ERROR_RFMON_NOTSUP; } pt->PpiPacket = malloc(sizeof(PPI_HEADER) + MAX_TC_PACKET_SIZE); if (pt->PpiPacket == NULL) { snprintf(p->errbuf, PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE, "Error allocating memory"); return PCAP_ERROR; } /* * Turn a negative snapshot value (invalid), a snapshot value of * 0 (unspecified), or a value bigger than the normal maximum * value, into the maximum allowed value. * * If some application really *needs* a bigger snapshot * length, we should just increase MAXIMUM_SNAPLEN. */ if (p->snapshot <= 0 || p->snapshot > MAXIMUM_SNAPLEN) p->snapshot = MAXIMUM_SNAPLEN; /* * Initialize the PPI fixed fields */ pPpiHeader = (PPPI_HEADER)pt->PpiPacket; pPpiHeader->PacketHeader.PphDlt = DLT_EN10MB; pPpiHeader->PacketHeader.PphLength = sizeof(PPI_HEADER); pPpiHeader->PacketHeader.PphFlags = 0; pPpiHeader->PacketHeader.PphVersion = 0; pPpiHeader->AggregationFieldHeader.PfhLength = sizeof(PPI_FIELD_AGGREGATION_EXTENSION); pPpiHeader->AggregationFieldHeader.PfhType = PPI_FIELD_TYPE_AGGREGATION_EXTENSION; pPpiHeader->Dot3FieldHeader.PfhLength = sizeof(PPI_FIELD_802_3_EXTENSION); pPpiHeader->Dot3FieldHeader.PfhType = PPI_FIELD_TYPE_802_3_EXTENSION; status = g_TcFunctions.InstanceOpenByName(p->opt.device, &pt->TcInstance); if (status != TC_SUCCESS) { /* Adapter detected but we are not able to open it. Return failure. */ snprintf(p->errbuf, PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE, "Error opening TurboCap adapter: %s", g_TcFunctions.StatusGetString(status)); return PCAP_ERROR; } p->linktype = DLT_EN10MB; p->dlt_list = (u_int *) malloc(sizeof(u_int) * 2); if (p->dlt_list == NULL) { snprintf(p->errbuf, PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE, "Error allocating memory"); return PCAP_ERROR; } p->dlt_list[0] = DLT_EN10MB; p->dlt_list[1] = DLT_PPI; p->dlt_count = 2; /* * ignore promiscuous mode * p->opt.promisc */ /* * ignore all the buffer sizes */ /* * enable reception */ status = g_TcFunctions.InstanceSetFeature(pt->TcInstance, TC_INST_FT_RX_STATUS, 1); if (status != TC_SUCCESS) { snprintf(p->errbuf, PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE,"Error enabling reception on a TurboCap instance: %s", g_TcFunctions.StatusGetString(status)); goto bad; } /* * enable transmission */ status = g_TcFunctions.InstanceSetFeature(pt->TcInstance, TC_INST_FT_TX_STATUS, 1); /* * Ignore the error here. */ p->inject_op = TcInject; /* * if the timeout is -1, it means immediate return, no timeout * if the timeout is 0, it means INFINITE */ if (p->opt.timeout == 0) { timeout = 0xFFFFFFFF; } else if (p->opt.timeout < 0) { /* * we insert a minimal timeout here */ timeout = 10; } else { timeout = p->opt.timeout; } status = g_TcFunctions.InstanceSetFeature(pt->TcInstance, TC_INST_FT_READ_TIMEOUT, timeout); if (status != TC_SUCCESS) { snprintf(p->errbuf, PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE,"Error setting the read timeout a TurboCap instance: %s", g_TcFunctions.StatusGetString(status)); goto bad; } p->read_op = TcRead; p->setfilter_op = pcapint_install_bpf_program; p->setdirection_op = NULL; /* Not implemented. */ p->set_datalink_op = TcSetDatalink; p->getnonblock_op = TcGetNonBlock; p->setnonblock_op = TcSetNonBlock; p->stats_op = TcStats; #ifdef _WIN32 p->stats_ex_op = TcStatsEx; p->setbuff_op = TcSetBuff; p->setmode_op = TcSetMode; p->setmintocopy_op = TcSetMinToCopy; p->getevent_op = TcGetReceiveWaitHandle; p->oid_get_request_op = TcOidGetRequest; p->oid_set_request_op = TcOidSetRequest; p->sendqueue_transmit_op = TcSendqueueTransmit; p->setuserbuffer_op = TcSetUserBuffer; p->live_dump_op = TcLiveDump; p->live_dump_ended_op = TcLiveDumpEnded; p->get_airpcap_handle_op = TcGetAirPcapHandle; #else p->selectable_fd = -1; #endif p->cleanup_op = TcCleanup; return 0; bad: TcCleanup(p); return PCAP_ERROR; } pcap_t * TcCreate(const char *device, char *ebuf, int *is_ours) { ULONG numPorts; PTC_PORT pPorts = NULL; TC_STATUS status; int is_tc; ULONG i; pcap_t *p; if (LoadTcFunctions() != TC_API_LOADED) { /* * XXX - report this as an error rather than as * "not a TurboCap device"? */ *is_ours = 0; return NULL; } /* * enumerate the ports, and add them to the list */ status = g_TcFunctions.QueryPortList(&pPorts, &numPorts); if (status != TC_SUCCESS) { /* * XXX - report this as an error rather than as * "not a TurboCap device"? */ *is_ours = 0; return NULL; } is_tc = FALSE; for (i = 0; i < numPorts; i++) { if (strcmp(g_TcFunctions.PortGetName(pPorts[i]), device) == 0) { is_tc = TRUE; break; } } if (numPorts > 0) { /* * ignore the result here */ (void)g_TcFunctions.FreePortList(pPorts); } if (!is_tc) { *is_ours = 0; return NULL; } /* OK, it's probably ours. */ *is_ours = 1; p = PCAP_CREATE_COMMON(ebuf, struct pcap_tc); if (p == NULL) return NULL; p->activate_op = TcActivate; /* * Set these up front, so that, even if our client tries * to set non-blocking mode before we're activated, or * query the state of non-blocking mode, they get an error, * rather than having the non-blocking mode option set * for use later. */ p->getnonblock_op = TcGetNonBlock; p->setnonblock_op = TcSetNonBlock; return p; } static int TcSetDatalink(pcap_t *p, int dlt) { /* * We don't have to do any work here; pcap_set_datalink() checks * whether the value is in the list of DLT_ values we * supplied, so we don't have to, and, if it is valid, sets * p->linktype to the new value; we don't have to do anything * in hardware, we just use what's in p->linktype. * * We do have to have a routine, however, so that pcap_set_datalink() * doesn't think we don't support setting the link-layer header * type at all. */ return 0; } static int TcGetNonBlock(pcap_t *p) { snprintf(p->errbuf, PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE, "Non-blocking mode isn't supported for TurboCap ports"); return -1; } static int TcSetNonBlock(pcap_t *p, int nonblock) { snprintf(p->errbuf, PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE, "Non-blocking mode isn't supported for TurboCap ports"); return -1; } static void TcCleanup(pcap_t *p) { struct pcap_tc *pt = p->priv; if (pt->TcPacketsBuffer != NULL) { g_TcFunctions.PacketsBufferDestroy(pt->TcPacketsBuffer); pt->TcPacketsBuffer = NULL; } if (pt->TcInstance != NULL) { /* * here we do not check for the error values */ g_TcFunctions.InstanceClose(pt->TcInstance); pt->TcInstance = NULL; } if (pt->PpiPacket != NULL) { free(pt->PpiPacket); pt->PpiPacket = NULL; } pcapint_cleanup_live_common(p); } /* Send a packet to the network */ static int TcInject(pcap_t *p, const void *buf, int size) { struct pcap_tc *pt = p->priv; TC_STATUS status; TC_PACKETS_BUFFER buffer; TC_PACKET_HEADER header; if (size >= 0xFFFF) { snprintf(p->errbuf, PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE, "send error: the TurboCap API does not support packets larger than 64k"); return -1; } status = g_TcFunctions.PacketsBufferCreate(sizeof(TC_PACKET_HEADER) + TC_ALIGN_USHORT_TO_64BIT((USHORT)size), &buffer); if (status != TC_SUCCESS) { snprintf(p->errbuf, PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE, "send error: TcPacketsBufferCreate failure: %s (%08x)", g_TcFunctions.StatusGetString(status), status); return -1; } /* * we assume that the packet is without the checksum, as common with WinPcap */ memset(&header, 0, sizeof(header)); header.Length = (USHORT)size; header.CapturedLength = header.Length; status = g_TcFunctions.PacketsBufferCommitNextPacket(buffer, &header, (PVOID)buf); if (status == TC_SUCCESS) { status = g_TcFunctions.InstanceTransmitPackets(pt->TcInstance, buffer); if (status != TC_SUCCESS) { snprintf(p->errbuf, PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE, "send error: TcInstanceTransmitPackets failure: %s (%08x)", g_TcFunctions.StatusGetString(status), status); } } else { snprintf(p->errbuf, PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE, "send error: TcPacketsBufferCommitNextPacket failure: %s (%08x)", g_TcFunctions.StatusGetString(status), status); } g_TcFunctions.PacketsBufferDestroy(buffer); if (status != TC_SUCCESS) { return -1; } else { return 0; } } static int TcRead(pcap_t *p, int cnt, pcap_handler callback, u_char *user) { struct pcap_tc *pt = p->priv; TC_STATUS status; int n = 0; /* * Has "pcap_breakloop()" been called? */ if (p->break_loop) { /* * Yes - clear the flag that indicates that it * has, and return -2 to indicate that we were * told to break out of the loop. */ p->break_loop = 0; return -2; } if (pt->TcPacketsBuffer == NULL) { status = g_TcFunctions.InstanceReceivePackets(pt->TcInstance, &pt->TcPacketsBuffer); if (status != TC_SUCCESS) { snprintf(p->errbuf, PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE, "read error, TcInstanceReceivePackets failure: %s (%08x)", g_TcFunctions.StatusGetString(status), status); return -1; } } while (TRUE) { struct pcap_pkthdr hdr; TC_PACKET_HEADER tcHeader; PVOID data; ULONG filterResult; /* * Has "pcap_breakloop()" been called? * If so, return immediately - if we haven't read any * packets, clear the flag and return -2 to indicate * that we were told to break out of the loop, otherwise * leave the flag set, so that the *next* call will break * out of the loop without having read any packets, and * return the number of packets we've processed so far. */ if (p->break_loop) { if (n == 0) { p->break_loop = 0; return -2; } else { return n; } } if (pt->TcPacketsBuffer == NULL) { break; } status = g_TcFunctions.PacketsBufferQueryNextPacket(pt->TcPacketsBuffer, &tcHeader, &data); if (status == TC_ERROR_END_OF_BUFFER) { g_TcFunctions.PacketsBufferDestroy(pt->TcPacketsBuffer); pt->TcPacketsBuffer = NULL; break; } if (status != TC_SUCCESS) { snprintf(p->errbuf, PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE, "read error, TcPacketsBufferQueryNextPacket failure: %s (%08x)", g_TcFunctions.StatusGetString(status), status); return -1; } /* No underlying filtering system. We need to filter on our own */ if (p->fcode.bf_insns) { filterResult = pcapint_filter(p->fcode.bf_insns, data, tcHeader.Length, tcHeader.CapturedLength); if (filterResult == 0) { continue; } if (filterResult > tcHeader.CapturedLength) { filterResult = tcHeader.CapturedLength; } } else { filterResult = tcHeader.CapturedLength; } pt->TcAcceptedCount ++; hdr.ts.tv_sec = (bpf_u_int32)(tcHeader.Timestamp / (ULONGLONG)(1000 * 1000 * 1000)); hdr.ts.tv_usec = (bpf_u_int32)((tcHeader.Timestamp % (ULONGLONG)(1000 * 1000 * 1000)) / 1000); if (p->linktype == DLT_EN10MB) { hdr.caplen = filterResult; hdr.len = tcHeader.Length; (*callback)(user, &hdr, data); } else { PPPI_HEADER pPpiHeader = (PPPI_HEADER)pt->PpiPacket; PVOID data2 = pPpiHeader + 1; pPpiHeader->AggregationField.InterfaceId = TC_PH_FLAGS_RX_PORT_ID(tcHeader.Flags); pPpiHeader->Dot3Field.Errors = tcHeader.Errors; if (tcHeader.Flags & TC_PH_FLAGS_CHECKSUM) { pPpiHeader->Dot3Field.Flags = PPI_FLD_802_3_EXT_FLAG_FCS_PRESENT; } else { pPpiHeader->Dot3Field.Flags = 0; } if (filterResult <= MAX_TC_PACKET_SIZE) { memcpy(data2, data, filterResult); hdr.caplen = sizeof(PPI_HEADER) + filterResult; hdr.len = sizeof(PPI_HEADER) + tcHeader.Length; } else { memcpy(data2, data, MAX_TC_PACKET_SIZE); hdr.caplen = sizeof(PPI_HEADER) + MAX_TC_PACKET_SIZE; hdr.len = sizeof(PPI_HEADER) + tcHeader.Length; } (*callback)(user, &hdr, pt->PpiPacket); } if (++n >= cnt && cnt > 0) { return n; } } return n; } static int TcStats(pcap_t *p, struct pcap_stat *ps) { struct pcap_tc *pt = p->priv; TC_STATISTICS statistics; TC_STATUS status; ULONGLONG counter; struct pcap_stat s; status = g_TcFunctions.InstanceQueryStatistics(pt->TcInstance, &statistics); if (status != TC_SUCCESS) { snprintf(p->errbuf, PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE, "TurboCap error in TcInstanceQueryStatistics: %s (%08x)", g_TcFunctions.StatusGetString(status), status); return -1; } memset(&s, 0, sizeof(s)); status = g_TcFunctions.StatisticsQueryValue(statistics, TC_COUNTER_INSTANCE_TOTAL_RX_PACKETS, &counter); if (status != TC_SUCCESS) { snprintf(p->errbuf, PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE, "TurboCap error in TcStatisticsQueryValue: %s (%08x)", g_TcFunctions.StatusGetString(status), status); return -1; } if (counter <= (ULONGLONG)0xFFFFFFFF) { s.ps_recv = (ULONG)counter; } else { s.ps_recv = 0xFFFFFFFF; } status = g_TcFunctions.StatisticsQueryValue(statistics, TC_COUNTER_INSTANCE_RX_DROPPED_PACKETS, &counter); if (status != TC_SUCCESS) { snprintf(p->errbuf, PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE, "TurboCap error in TcStatisticsQueryValue: %s (%08x)", g_TcFunctions.StatusGetString(status), status); return -1; } if (counter <= (ULONGLONG)0xFFFFFFFF) { s.ps_ifdrop = (ULONG)counter; s.ps_drop = (ULONG)counter; } else { s.ps_ifdrop = 0xFFFFFFFF; s.ps_drop = 0xFFFFFFFF; } #if defined(_WIN32) && defined(ENABLE_REMOTE) s.ps_capt = pt->TcAcceptedCount; #endif *ps = s; return 0; } #ifdef _WIN32 static struct pcap_stat * TcStatsEx(pcap_t *p, int *pcap_stat_size) { struct pcap_tc *pt = p->priv; TC_STATISTICS statistics; TC_STATUS status; ULONGLONG counter; *pcap_stat_size = sizeof (p->stat); status = g_TcFunctions.InstanceQueryStatistics(pt->TcInstance, &statistics); if (status != TC_SUCCESS) { snprintf(p->errbuf, PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE, "TurboCap error in TcInstanceQueryStatistics: %s (%08x)", g_TcFunctions.StatusGetString(status), status); return NULL; } memset(&p->stat, 0, sizeof(p->stat)); status = g_TcFunctions.StatisticsQueryValue(statistics, TC_COUNTER_INSTANCE_TOTAL_RX_PACKETS, &counter); if (status != TC_SUCCESS) { snprintf(p->errbuf, PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE, "TurboCap error in TcStatisticsQueryValue: %s (%08x)", g_TcFunctions.StatusGetString(status), status); return NULL; } if (counter <= (ULONGLONG)0xFFFFFFFF) { p->stat.ps_recv = (ULONG)counter; } else { p->stat.ps_recv = 0xFFFFFFFF; } status = g_TcFunctions.StatisticsQueryValue(statistics, TC_COUNTER_INSTANCE_RX_DROPPED_PACKETS, &counter); if (status != TC_SUCCESS) { snprintf(p->errbuf, PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE, "TurboCap error in TcStatisticsQueryValue: %s (%08x)", g_TcFunctions.StatusGetString(status), status); return NULL; } if (counter <= (ULONGLONG)0xFFFFFFFF) { p->stat.ps_ifdrop = (ULONG)counter; p->stat.ps_drop = (ULONG)counter; } else { p->stat.ps_ifdrop = 0xFFFFFFFF; p->stat.ps_drop = 0xFFFFFFFF; } #if defined(_WIN32) && defined(ENABLE_REMOTE) p->stat.ps_capt = pt->TcAcceptedCount; #endif return &p->stat; } /* Set the dimension of the kernel-level capture buffer */ static int TcSetBuff(pcap_t *p, int dim) { /* * XXX turbocap has an internal way of managing buffers. * And at the moment it's not configurable, so we just * silently ignore the request to set the buffer. */ return 0; } static int TcSetMode(pcap_t *p, int mode) { if (mode != MODE_CAPT) { snprintf(p->errbuf, PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE, "Mode %d not supported by TurboCap devices. TurboCap only supports capture.", mode); return -1; } return 0; } static int TcSetMinToCopy(pcap_t *p, int size) { struct pcap_tc *pt = p->priv; TC_STATUS status; if (size < 0) { snprintf(p->errbuf, PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE, "Mintocopy cannot be less than 0."); return -1; } status = g_TcFunctions.InstanceSetFeature(pt->TcInstance, TC_INST_FT_MINTOCOPY, (ULONG)size); if (status != TC_SUCCESS) { snprintf(p->errbuf, PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE, "TurboCap error setting the mintocopy: %s (%08x)", g_TcFunctions.StatusGetString(status), status); } return 0; } static HANDLE TcGetReceiveWaitHandle(pcap_t *p) { struct pcap_tc *pt = p->priv; return g_TcFunctions.InstanceGetReceiveWaitHandle(pt->TcInstance); } static int TcOidGetRequest(pcap_t *p, bpf_u_int32 oid _U_, void *data _U_, size_t *lenp _U_) { snprintf(p->errbuf, PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE, "An OID get request cannot be performed on a TurboCap device"); return PCAP_ERROR; } static int TcOidSetRequest(pcap_t *p, bpf_u_int32 oid _U_, const void *data _U_, size_t *lenp _U_) { snprintf(p->errbuf, PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE, "An OID set request cannot be performed on a TurboCap device"); return PCAP_ERROR; } static u_int TcSendqueueTransmit(pcap_t *p, pcap_send_queue *queue _U_, int sync _U_) { snprintf(p->errbuf, PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE, "Packets cannot be bulk transmitted on a TurboCap device"); return 0; } static int TcSetUserBuffer(pcap_t *p, int size _U_) { snprintf(p->errbuf, PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE, "The user buffer cannot be set on a TurboCap device"); return -1; } static int TcLiveDump(pcap_t *p, char *filename _U_, int maxsize _U_, int maxpacks _U_) { snprintf(p->errbuf, PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE, "Live packet dumping cannot be performed on a TurboCap device"); return -1; } static int TcLiveDumpEnded(pcap_t *p, int sync _U_) { snprintf(p->errbuf, PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE, "Live packet dumping cannot be performed on a TurboCap device"); return -1; } static PAirpcapHandle TcGetAirPcapHandle(pcap_t *p _U_) { return NULL; } #endif