/* * Copyright (c) 2021 Yubico AB. All rights reserved. * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style * license that can be found in the LICENSE file. */ #include <sys/types.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <windows.h> #include <webauthn.h> #include "fido.h" #define MAXCHARS 128 #define MAXCREDS 128 #define MAXMSEC 6000 * 1000 #define VENDORID 0x045e #define PRODID 0x0001 struct winhello_assert { WEBAUTHN_CLIENT_DATA cd; WEBAUTHN_AUTHENTICATOR_GET_ASSERTION_OPTIONS opt; WEBAUTHN_ASSERTION *assert; wchar_t *rp_id; }; struct winhello_cred { WEBAUTHN_RP_ENTITY_INFORMATION rp; WEBAUTHN_USER_ENTITY_INFORMATION user; WEBAUTHN_COSE_CREDENTIAL_PARAMETER alg; WEBAUTHN_COSE_CREDENTIAL_PARAMETERS cose; WEBAUTHN_CLIENT_DATA cd; WEBAUTHN_AUTHENTICATOR_MAKE_CREDENTIAL_OPTIONS opt; WEBAUTHN_CREDENTIAL_ATTESTATION *att; wchar_t *rp_id; wchar_t *rp_name; wchar_t *user_name; wchar_t *user_icon; wchar_t *display_name; }; static wchar_t * to_utf16(const char *utf8) { int nch; wchar_t *utf16; if (utf8 == NULL) { fido_log_debug("%s: NULL", __func__); return NULL; } if ((nch = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, utf8, -1, NULL, 0)) < 1 || (size_t)nch > MAXCHARS) { fido_log_debug("%s: MultiByteToWideChar %d", __func__, nch); return NULL; } if ((utf16 = calloc((size_t)nch, sizeof(*utf16))) == NULL) { fido_log_debug("%s: calloc", __func__); return NULL; } if (MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, utf8, -1, utf16, nch) != nch) { fido_log_debug("%s: MultiByteToWideChar", __func__); free(utf16); return NULL; } return utf16; } static char * to_utf8(const wchar_t *utf16) { int nch; char *utf8; if (utf16 == NULL) { fido_log_debug("%s: NULL", __func__); return NULL; } if ((nch = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, WC_ERR_INVALID_CHARS, utf16, -1, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL)) < 1 || (size_t)nch > MAXCHARS) { fido_log_debug("%s: WideCharToMultiByte %d", __func__); return NULL; } if ((utf8 = calloc((size_t)nch, sizeof(*utf8))) == NULL) { fido_log_debug("%s: calloc", __func__); return NULL; } if (WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, WC_ERR_INVALID_CHARS, utf16, -1, utf8, nch, NULL, NULL) != nch) { fido_log_debug("%s: WideCharToMultiByte", __func__); free(utf8); return NULL; } return utf8; } static int to_fido_str_array(fido_str_array_t *sa, const char **v, size_t n) { if ((sa->ptr = calloc(n, sizeof(char *))) == NULL) { fido_log_debug("%s: calloc", __func__); return -1; } for (size_t i = 0; i < n; i++) { if ((sa->ptr[i] = strdup(v[i])) == NULL) { fido_log_debug("%s: strdup", __func__); return -1; } sa->len++; } return 0; } static int to_fido(HRESULT hr) { switch (hr) { case NTE_NOT_SUPPORTED: return FIDO_ERR_UNSUPPORTED_OPTION; case NTE_INVALID_PARAMETER: return FIDO_ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER; case NTE_TOKEN_KEYSET_STORAGE_FULL: return FIDO_ERR_KEY_STORE_FULL; case NTE_DEVICE_NOT_FOUND: case NTE_NOT_FOUND: return FIDO_ERR_NOT_ALLOWED; default: fido_log_debug("%s: hr=0x%x", __func__, hr); return FIDO_ERR_INTERNAL; } } static int pack_cd(WEBAUTHN_CLIENT_DATA *out, const fido_blob_t *in) { if (in->ptr == NULL) { fido_log_debug("%s: NULL", __func__); return -1; } if (in->len > ULONG_MAX) { fido_log_debug("%s: in->len=%zu", __func__, in->len); return -1; } out->dwVersion = WEBAUTHN_CLIENT_DATA_CURRENT_VERSION; out->cbClientDataJSON = (DWORD)in->len; out->pbClientDataJSON = in->ptr; out->pwszHashAlgId = WEBAUTHN_HASH_ALGORITHM_SHA_256; return 0; } static int pack_credlist(WEBAUTHN_CREDENTIALS *out, const fido_blob_array_t *in) { WEBAUTHN_CREDENTIAL *c; if (in->len == 0) { return 0; /* nothing to do */ } if (in->len > MAXCREDS) { fido_log_debug("%s: in->len=%zu", __func__, in->len); return -1; } if ((out->pCredentials = calloc(in->len, sizeof(*c))) == NULL) { fido_log_debug("%s: calloc", __func__); return -1; } out->cCredentials = (DWORD)in->len; for (size_t i = 0; i < in->len; i++) { if (in->ptr[i].len > ULONG_MAX) { fido_log_debug("%s: %zu", __func__, in->ptr[i].len); return -1; } c = &out->pCredentials[i]; c->dwVersion = WEBAUTHN_CREDENTIAL_CURRENT_VERSION; c->cbId = (DWORD)in->ptr[i].len; c->pbId = in->ptr[i].ptr; c->pwszCredentialType = WEBAUTHN_CREDENTIAL_TYPE_PUBLIC_KEY; } return 0; } static int set_uv(DWORD *out, fido_opt_t uv, const char *pin) { if (pin) { *out = WEBAUTHN_USER_VERIFICATION_REQUIREMENT_REQUIRED; return 0; } switch (uv) { case FIDO_OPT_OMIT: *out = WEBAUTHN_USER_VERIFICATION_REQUIREMENT_ANY; break; case FIDO_OPT_FALSE: *out = WEBAUTHN_USER_VERIFICATION_REQUIREMENT_DISCOURAGED; break; case FIDO_OPT_TRUE: *out = WEBAUTHN_USER_VERIFICATION_REQUIREMENT_REQUIRED; break; } return 0; } static int pack_rp(wchar_t **id, wchar_t **name, WEBAUTHN_RP_ENTITY_INFORMATION *out, fido_rp_t *in) { /* keep non-const copies of pwsz* for free() */ out->dwVersion = WEBAUTHN_RP_ENTITY_INFORMATION_CURRENT_VERSION; if ((out->pwszId = *id = to_utf16(in->id)) == NULL) { fido_log_debug("%s: id", __func__); return -1; } if (in->name && (out->pwszName = *name = to_utf16(in->name)) == NULL) { fido_log_debug("%s: name", __func__); return -1; } return 0; } static int pack_user(wchar_t **name, wchar_t **icon, wchar_t **display_name, WEBAUTHN_USER_ENTITY_INFORMATION *out, fido_user_t *in) { if (in->id.ptr == NULL || in->id.len > ULONG_MAX) { fido_log_debug("%s: id", __func__); return -1; } out->dwVersion = WEBAUTHN_USER_ENTITY_INFORMATION_CURRENT_VERSION; out->cbId = (DWORD)in->id.len; out->pbId = in->id.ptr; /* keep non-const copies of pwsz* for free() */ if (in->name != NULL) { if ((out->pwszName = *name = to_utf16(in->name)) == NULL) { fido_log_debug("%s: name", __func__); return -1; } } if (in->icon != NULL) { if ((out->pwszIcon = *icon = to_utf16(in->icon)) == NULL) { fido_log_debug("%s: icon", __func__); return -1; } } if (in->display_name != NULL) { if ((out->pwszDisplayName = *display_name = to_utf16(in->display_name)) == NULL) { fido_log_debug("%s: display_name", __func__); return -1; } } return 0; } static int pack_cose(WEBAUTHN_COSE_CREDENTIAL_PARAMETER *alg, WEBAUTHN_COSE_CREDENTIAL_PARAMETERS *cose, int type) { switch (type) { case COSE_ES256: alg->lAlg = WEBAUTHN_COSE_ALGORITHM_ECDSA_P256_WITH_SHA256; break; case COSE_EDDSA: alg->lAlg = -8; /* XXX */; break; case COSE_RS256: alg->lAlg = WEBAUTHN_COSE_ALGORITHM_RSASSA_PKCS1_V1_5_WITH_SHA256; break; default: fido_log_debug("%s: type %d", __func__, type); return -1; } alg->dwVersion = WEBAUTHN_COSE_CREDENTIAL_PARAMETER_CURRENT_VERSION; alg->pwszCredentialType = WEBAUTHN_CREDENTIAL_TYPE_PUBLIC_KEY; cose->cCredentialParameters = 1; cose->pCredentialParameters = alg; return 0; } static int pack_cred_ext(WEBAUTHN_EXTENSIONS *out, fido_cred_ext_t *in) { WEBAUTHN_EXTENSION *e; WEBAUTHN_CRED_PROTECT_EXTENSION_IN *p; BOOL *b; size_t n = 0, i = 0; if (in->mask == 0) { return 0; /* nothing to do */ } if (in->mask & ~(FIDO_EXT_HMAC_SECRET | FIDO_EXT_CRED_PROTECT)) { fido_log_debug("%s: mask 0x%x", in->mask); return -1; } if (in->mask & FIDO_EXT_HMAC_SECRET) n++; if (in->mask & FIDO_EXT_CRED_PROTECT) n++; if ((out->pExtensions = calloc(n, sizeof(*e))) == NULL) { fido_log_debug("%s: calloc", __func__); return -1; } out->cExtensions = (DWORD)n; if (in->mask & FIDO_EXT_HMAC_SECRET) { if ((b = calloc(1, sizeof(*b))) == NULL) { fido_log_debug("%s: calloc", __func__); return -1; } *b = true; e = &out->pExtensions[i]; e->pwszExtensionIdentifier = WEBAUTHN_EXTENSIONS_IDENTIFIER_HMAC_SECRET; e->pvExtension = b; e->cbExtension = sizeof(*b); i++; } if (in->mask & FIDO_EXT_CRED_PROTECT) { if ((p = calloc(1, sizeof(*p))) == NULL) { fido_log_debug("%s: calloc", __func__); return -1; } p->dwCredProtect = (DWORD)in->prot; p->bRequireCredProtect = true; e = &out->pExtensions[i]; e->pwszExtensionIdentifier = WEBAUTHN_EXTENSIONS_IDENTIFIER_CRED_PROTECT; e->pvExtension = p; e->cbExtension = sizeof(*p); i++; } return 0; } static int unpack_fmt(fido_cred_t *cred, WEBAUTHN_CREDENTIAL_ATTESTATION *att) { char *fmt; int r; if ((fmt = to_utf8(att->pwszFormatType)) == NULL) { fido_log_debug("%s: fmt", __func__); return -1; } r = fido_cred_set_fmt(cred, fmt); free(fmt); fmt = NULL; if (r != FIDO_OK) { fido_log_debug("%s: fido_cred_set_fmt: %s", __func__, fido_strerr(r)); return -1; } return 0; } static int unpack_cred_authdata(fido_cred_t *cred, WEBAUTHN_CREDENTIAL_ATTESTATION *att) { int r; if (att->cbAuthenticatorData > SIZE_MAX) { fido_log_debug("%s: cbAuthenticatorData", __func__); return -1; } if ((r = fido_cred_set_authdata_raw(cred, att->pbAuthenticatorData, (size_t)att->cbAuthenticatorData)) != FIDO_OK) { fido_log_debug("%s: fido_cred_set_authdata_raw: %s", __func__, fido_strerr(r)); return -1; } return 0; } static int unpack_cred_sig(fido_cred_t *cred, WEBAUTHN_COMMON_ATTESTATION *attr) { int r; if (attr->cbSignature > SIZE_MAX) { fido_log_debug("%s: cbSignature", __func__); return -1; } if ((r = fido_cred_set_sig(cred, attr->pbSignature, (size_t)attr->cbSignature)) != FIDO_OK) { fido_log_debug("%s: fido_cred_set_sig: %s", __func__, fido_strerr(r)); return -1; } return 0; } static int unpack_x5c(fido_cred_t *cred, WEBAUTHN_COMMON_ATTESTATION *attr) { int r; fido_log_debug("%s: %u cert(s)", __func__, attr->cX5c); if (attr->cX5c == 0) return 0; /* self-attestation */ if (attr->lAlg != WEBAUTHN_COSE_ALGORITHM_ECDSA_P256_WITH_SHA256) { fido_log_debug("%s: lAlg %d", __func__, attr->lAlg); return -1; } if (attr->pX5c[0].cbData > SIZE_MAX) { fido_log_debug("%s: cbData", __func__); return -1; } if ((r = fido_cred_set_x509(cred, attr->pX5c[0].pbData, (size_t)attr->pX5c[0].cbData)) != FIDO_OK) { fido_log_debug("%s: fido_cred_set_x509: %s", __func__, fido_strerr(r)); return -1; } return 0; } static int unpack_assert_authdata(fido_assert_t *assert, WEBAUTHN_ASSERTION *wa) { int r; if (wa->cbAuthenticatorData > SIZE_MAX) { fido_log_debug("%s: cbAuthenticatorData", __func__); return -1; } if ((r = fido_assert_set_authdata_raw(assert, 0, wa->pbAuthenticatorData, (size_t)wa->cbAuthenticatorData)) != FIDO_OK) { fido_log_debug("%s: fido_assert_set_authdata_raw: %s", __func__, fido_strerr(r)); return -1; } return 0; } static int unpack_assert_sig(fido_assert_t *assert, WEBAUTHN_ASSERTION *wa) { int r; if (wa->cbSignature > SIZE_MAX) { fido_log_debug("%s: cbSignature", __func__); return -1; } if ((r = fido_assert_set_sig(assert, 0, wa->pbSignature, (size_t)wa->cbSignature)) != FIDO_OK) { fido_log_debug("%s: fido_assert_set_sig: %s", __func__, fido_strerr(r)); return -1; } return 0; } static int unpack_cred_id(fido_assert_t *assert, WEBAUTHN_ASSERTION *wa) { if (wa->Credential.cbId > SIZE_MAX) { fido_log_debug("%s: Credential.cbId", __func__); return -1; } if (fido_blob_set(&assert->stmt[0].id, wa->Credential.pbId, (size_t)wa->Credential.cbId) < 0) { fido_log_debug("%s: fido_blob_set", __func__); return -1; } return 0; } static int unpack_user_id(fido_assert_t *assert, WEBAUTHN_ASSERTION *wa) { if (wa->cbUserId == 0) return 0; /* user id absent */ if (wa->cbUserId > SIZE_MAX) { fido_log_debug("%s: cbUserId", __func__); return -1; } if (fido_blob_set(&assert->stmt[0].user.id, wa->pbUserId, (size_t)wa->cbUserId) < 0) { fido_log_debug("%s: fido_blob_set", __func__); return -1; } return 0; } static int translate_fido_assert(struct winhello_assert *ctx, fido_assert_t *assert, const char *pin) { WEBAUTHN_AUTHENTICATOR_GET_ASSERTION_OPTIONS *opt; /* not supported by webauthn.h */ if (assert->up == FIDO_OPT_FALSE) { fido_log_debug("%s: up %d", __func__, assert->up); return FIDO_ERR_UNSUPPORTED_OPTION; } /* not implemented */ if (assert->ext.mask) { fido_log_debug("%s: ext 0x%x", __func__, assert->ext.mask); return FIDO_ERR_UNSUPPORTED_EXTENSION; } if ((ctx->rp_id = to_utf16(assert->rp_id)) == NULL) { fido_log_debug("%s: rp_id", __func__); return FIDO_ERR_INTERNAL; } if (pack_cd(&ctx->cd, &assert->cd) < 0) { fido_log_debug("%s: pack_cd", __func__); return FIDO_ERR_INTERNAL; } /* options */ opt = &ctx->opt; opt->dwVersion = WEBAUTHN_AUTHENTICATOR_GET_ASSERTION_OPTIONS_VERSION_1; opt->dwTimeoutMilliseconds = MAXMSEC; if (pack_credlist(&opt->CredentialList, &assert->allow_list) < 0) { fido_log_debug("%s: pack_credlist", __func__); return FIDO_ERR_INTERNAL; } if (set_uv(&opt->dwUserVerificationRequirement, assert->uv, pin) < 0) { fido_log_debug("%s: set_uv", __func__); return FIDO_ERR_INTERNAL; } return FIDO_OK; } static int translate_winhello_assert(fido_assert_t *assert, WEBAUTHN_ASSERTION *wa) { int r; if (assert->stmt_len > 0) { fido_log_debug("%s: stmt_len=%zu", __func__, assert->stmt_len); return FIDO_ERR_INTERNAL; } if ((r = fido_assert_set_count(assert, 1)) != FIDO_OK) { fido_log_debug("%s: fido_assert_set_count: %s", __func__, fido_strerr(r)); return FIDO_ERR_INTERNAL; } if (unpack_assert_authdata(assert, wa) < 0) { fido_log_debug("%s: unpack_assert_authdata", __func__); return FIDO_ERR_INTERNAL; } if (unpack_assert_sig(assert, wa) < 0) { fido_log_debug("%s: unpack_assert_sig", __func__); return FIDO_ERR_INTERNAL; } if (unpack_cred_id(assert, wa) < 0) { fido_log_debug("%s: unpack_cred_id", __func__); return FIDO_ERR_INTERNAL; } if (unpack_user_id(assert, wa) < 0) { fido_log_debug("%s: unpack_user_id", __func__); return FIDO_ERR_INTERNAL; } return FIDO_OK; } static int translate_fido_cred(struct winhello_cred *ctx, fido_cred_t *cred, const char *pin) { WEBAUTHN_AUTHENTICATOR_MAKE_CREDENTIAL_OPTIONS *opt; if (pack_rp(&ctx->rp_id, &ctx->rp_name, &ctx->rp, &cred->rp) < 0) { fido_log_debug("%s: pack_rp", __func__); return FIDO_ERR_INTERNAL; } if (pack_user(&ctx->user_name, &ctx->user_icon, &ctx->display_name, &ctx->user, &cred->user) < 0) { fido_log_debug("%s: pack_user", __func__); return FIDO_ERR_INTERNAL; } if (pack_cose(&ctx->alg, &ctx->cose, cred->type) < 0) { fido_log_debug("%s: pack_cose", __func__); return FIDO_ERR_INTERNAL; } if (pack_cd(&ctx->cd, &cred->cd) < 0) { fido_log_debug("%s: pack_cd", __func__); return FIDO_ERR_INTERNAL; } /* options */ opt = &ctx->opt; opt->dwVersion = WEBAUTHN_AUTHENTICATOR_MAKE_CREDENTIAL_OPTIONS_VERSION_1; opt->dwTimeoutMilliseconds = MAXMSEC; if (pack_credlist(&opt->CredentialList, &cred->excl) < 0) { fido_log_debug("%s: pack_credlist", __func__); return FIDO_ERR_INTERNAL; } if (pack_cred_ext(&opt->Extensions, &cred->ext) < 0) { fido_log_debug("%s: pack_cred_ext", __func__); return FIDO_ERR_UNSUPPORTED_EXTENSION; } if (set_uv(&opt->dwUserVerificationRequirement, cred->uv, pin) < 0) { fido_log_debug("%s: set_uv", __func__); return FIDO_ERR_INTERNAL; } if (cred->rk == FIDO_OPT_TRUE) { opt->bRequireResidentKey = true; } return FIDO_OK; } static int translate_winhello_cred(fido_cred_t *cred, WEBAUTHN_CREDENTIAL_ATTESTATION *att) { if (unpack_fmt(cred, att) < 0) { fido_log_debug("%s: unpack_fmt", __func__); return FIDO_ERR_INTERNAL; } if (unpack_cred_authdata(cred, att) < 0) { fido_log_debug("%s: unpack_cred_authdata", __func__); return FIDO_ERR_INTERNAL; } switch (att->dwAttestationDecodeType) { case WEBAUTHN_ATTESTATION_DECODE_NONE: if (att->pvAttestationDecode != NULL) { fido_log_debug("%s: pvAttestationDecode", __func__); return FIDO_ERR_INTERNAL; } break; case WEBAUTHN_ATTESTATION_DECODE_COMMON: if (att->pvAttestationDecode == NULL) { fido_log_debug("%s: pvAttestationDecode", __func__); return FIDO_ERR_INTERNAL; } if (unpack_cred_sig(cred, att->pvAttestationDecode) < 0) { fido_log_debug("%s: unpack_cred_sig", __func__); return FIDO_ERR_INTERNAL; } if (unpack_x5c(cred, att->pvAttestationDecode) < 0) { fido_log_debug("%s: unpack_x5c", __func__); return FIDO_ERR_INTERNAL; } break; default: fido_log_debug("%s: dwAttestationDecodeType: %u", __func__, att->dwAttestationDecodeType); return FIDO_ERR_INTERNAL; } return FIDO_OK; } static int winhello_manifest(BOOL *present) { DWORD n; HRESULT hr; int r = FIDO_OK; if ((n = WebAuthNGetApiVersionNumber()) < 1) { fido_log_debug("%s: unsupported api %u", __func__, n); return FIDO_ERR_INTERNAL; } fido_log_debug("%s: api version %u", __func__, n); hr = WebAuthNIsUserVerifyingPlatformAuthenticatorAvailable(present); if (hr != S_OK) { r = to_fido(hr); fido_log_debug("%s: %ls -> %s", __func__, WebAuthNGetErrorName(hr), fido_strerr(r)); } return r; } static int winhello_get_assert(HWND w, struct winhello_assert *ctx) { HRESULT hr; int r = FIDO_OK; hr = WebAuthNAuthenticatorGetAssertion(w, ctx->rp_id, &ctx->cd, &ctx->opt, &ctx->assert); if (hr != S_OK) { r = to_fido(hr); fido_log_debug("%s: %ls -> %s", __func__, WebAuthNGetErrorName(hr), fido_strerr(r)); } return r; } static int winhello_make_cred(HWND w, struct winhello_cred *ctx) { HRESULT hr; int r = FIDO_OK; hr = WebAuthNAuthenticatorMakeCredential(w, &ctx->rp, &ctx->user, &ctx->cose, &ctx->cd, &ctx->opt, &ctx->att); if (hr != S_OK) { r = to_fido(hr); fido_log_debug("%s: %ls -> %s", __func__, WebAuthNGetErrorName(hr), fido_strerr(r)); } return r; } static void winhello_assert_free(struct winhello_assert *ctx) { if (ctx == NULL) return; if (ctx->assert != NULL) WebAuthNFreeAssertion(ctx->assert); free(ctx->rp_id); free(ctx->opt.CredentialList.pCredentials); free(ctx); } static void winhello_cred_free(struct winhello_cred *ctx) { if (ctx == NULL) return; if (ctx->att != NULL) WebAuthNFreeCredentialAttestation(ctx->att); free(ctx->rp_id); free(ctx->rp_name); free(ctx->user_name); free(ctx->user_icon); free(ctx->display_name); free(ctx->opt.CredentialList.pCredentials); for (size_t i = 0; i < ctx->opt.Extensions.cExtensions; i++) { WEBAUTHN_EXTENSION *e; e = &ctx->opt.Extensions.pExtensions[i]; free(e->pvExtension); } free(ctx->opt.Extensions.pExtensions); free(ctx); } int fido_winhello_manifest(fido_dev_info_t *devlist, size_t ilen, size_t *olen) { int r; BOOL present; fido_dev_info_t *di; if (ilen == 0) { return FIDO_OK; } if (devlist == NULL) { return FIDO_ERR_INVALID_ARGUMENT; } if ((r = winhello_manifest(&present)) != FIDO_OK) { fido_log_debug("%s: winhello_manifest", __func__); return r; } if (present == false) { fido_log_debug("%s: not present", __func__); return FIDO_OK; } di = &devlist[*olen]; memset(di, 0, sizeof(*di)); di->path = strdup(FIDO_WINHELLO_PATH); di->manufacturer = strdup("Microsoft Corporation"); di->product = strdup("Windows Hello"); di->vendor_id = VENDORID; di->product_id = PRODID; if (di->path == NULL || di->manufacturer == NULL || di->product == NULL) { free(di->path); free(di->manufacturer); free(di->product); explicit_bzero(di, sizeof(*di)); return FIDO_ERR_INTERNAL; } ++(*olen); return FIDO_OK; } int fido_winhello_open(fido_dev_t *dev) { if (dev->flags != 0) return FIDO_ERR_INVALID_ARGUMENT; dev->attr.flags = FIDO_CAP_CBOR | FIDO_CAP_WINK; dev->flags = FIDO_DEV_WINHELLO | FIDO_DEV_CRED_PROT | FIDO_DEV_PIN_SET; return FIDO_OK; } int fido_winhello_close(fido_dev_t *dev) { memset(dev, 0, sizeof(*dev)); return FIDO_OK; } int fido_winhello_cancel(fido_dev_t *dev) { (void)dev; return FIDO_ERR_INTERNAL; } int fido_winhello_get_assert(fido_dev_t *dev, fido_assert_t *assert, const char *pin) { HWND w; struct winhello_assert *ctx; int r = FIDO_ERR_INTERNAL; (void)dev; if ((ctx = calloc(1, sizeof(*ctx))) == NULL) { fido_log_debug("%s: calloc", __func__); goto fail; } if ((w = GetForegroundWindow()) == NULL) { fido_log_debug("%s: GetForegroundWindow", __func__); goto fail; } if ((r = translate_fido_assert(ctx, assert, pin)) != FIDO_OK) { fido_log_debug("%s: translate_fido_assert", __func__); goto fail; } if ((r = winhello_get_assert(w, ctx)) != S_OK) { fido_log_debug("%s: winhello_get_assert", __func__); goto fail; } if ((r = translate_winhello_assert(assert, ctx->assert)) != FIDO_OK) { fido_log_debug("%s: translate_winhello_assert", __func__); goto fail; } fail: winhello_assert_free(ctx); return r; } int fido_winhello_get_cbor_info(fido_dev_t *dev, fido_cbor_info_t *ci) { const char *v[3] = { "U2F_V2", "FIDO_2_0", "FIDO_2_1_PRE" }; const char *e[2] = { "credProtect", "hmac-secret" }; const char *t[2] = { "nfc", "usb" }; const char *o[4] = { "rk", "up", "plat", "clientPin" }; (void)dev; fido_cbor_info_reset(ci); if (to_fido_str_array(&ci->versions, v, nitems(v)) < 0 || to_fido_str_array(&ci->extensions, e, nitems(e)) < 0 || to_fido_str_array(&ci->transports, t, nitems(t)) < 0) { fido_log_debug("%s: to_fido_str_array", __func__); return FIDO_ERR_INTERNAL; } if ((ci->options.name = calloc(nitems(o), sizeof(char *))) == NULL || (ci->options.value = calloc(nitems(o), sizeof(bool))) == NULL) { fido_log_debug("%s: calloc", __func__); return FIDO_ERR_INTERNAL; } for (size_t i = 0; i < nitems(o); i++) { if ((ci->options.name[i] = strdup(o[i])) == NULL) { fido_log_debug("%s: strdup", __func__); return FIDO_ERR_INTERNAL; } ci->options.value[i] = true; ci->options.len++; } return FIDO_OK; } int fido_winhello_make_cred(fido_dev_t *dev, fido_cred_t *cred, const char *pin) { HWND w; struct winhello_cred *ctx; int r = FIDO_ERR_INTERNAL; (void)dev; if ((ctx = calloc(1, sizeof(*ctx))) == NULL) { fido_log_debug("%s: calloc", __func__); goto fail; } if ((w = GetForegroundWindow()) == NULL) { fido_log_debug("%s: GetForegroundWindow", __func__); goto fail; } if ((r = translate_fido_cred(ctx, cred, pin)) != FIDO_OK) { fido_log_debug("%s: translate_fido_cred", __func__); goto fail; } if ((r = winhello_make_cred(w, ctx)) != FIDO_OK) { fido_log_debug("%s: winhello_make_cred", __func__); goto fail; } if ((r = translate_winhello_cred(cred, ctx->att)) != FIDO_OK) { fido_log_debug("%s: translate_winhello_cred", __func__); goto fail; } r = FIDO_OK; fail: winhello_cred_free(ctx); return r; }