/* * Copyright (c) 2019-2021 Yubico AB. All rights reserved. * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style * license that can be found in the LICENSE file. */ #include <sys/types.h> #include <errno.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <signal.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <Availability.h> #include <CoreFoundation/CoreFoundation.h> #include <IOKit/IOKitLib.h> #include <IOKit/hid/IOHIDKeys.h> #include <IOKit/hid/IOHIDManager.h> #include "fido.h" #if __MAC_OS_X_VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED < 120000 #define kIOMainPortDefault kIOMasterPortDefault #endif #define IOREG "ioreg://" struct hid_osx { IOHIDDeviceRef ref; CFStringRef loop_id; int report_pipe[2]; size_t report_in_len; size_t report_out_len; unsigned char report[CTAP_MAX_REPORT_LEN]; }; static int get_int32(IOHIDDeviceRef dev, CFStringRef key, int32_t *v) { CFTypeRef ref; if ((ref = IOHIDDeviceGetProperty(dev, key)) == NULL || CFGetTypeID(ref) != CFNumberGetTypeID()) { fido_log_debug("%s: IOHIDDeviceGetProperty", __func__); return (-1); } if (CFNumberGetType(ref) != kCFNumberSInt32Type && CFNumberGetType(ref) != kCFNumberSInt64Type) { fido_log_debug("%s: CFNumberGetType", __func__); return (-1); } if (CFNumberGetValue(ref, kCFNumberSInt32Type, v) == false) { fido_log_debug("%s: CFNumberGetValue", __func__); return (-1); } return (0); } static int get_utf8(IOHIDDeviceRef dev, CFStringRef key, void *buf, size_t len) { CFTypeRef ref; memset(buf, 0, len); if ((ref = IOHIDDeviceGetProperty(dev, key)) == NULL || CFGetTypeID(ref) != CFStringGetTypeID()) { fido_log_debug("%s: IOHIDDeviceGetProperty", __func__); return (-1); } if (CFStringGetCString(ref, buf, (long)len, kCFStringEncodingUTF8) == false) { fido_log_debug("%s: CFStringGetCString", __func__); return (-1); } return (0); } static int get_report_len(IOHIDDeviceRef dev, int dir, size_t *report_len) { CFStringRef key; int32_t v; if (dir == 0) key = CFSTR(kIOHIDMaxInputReportSizeKey); else key = CFSTR(kIOHIDMaxOutputReportSizeKey); if (get_int32(dev, key, &v) < 0) { fido_log_debug("%s: get_int32/%d", __func__, dir); return (-1); } if ((*report_len = (size_t)v) > CTAP_MAX_REPORT_LEN) { fido_log_debug("%s: report_len=%zu", __func__, *report_len); return (-1); } return (0); } static int get_id(IOHIDDeviceRef dev, int16_t *vendor_id, int16_t *product_id) { int32_t vendor; int32_t product; if (get_int32(dev, CFSTR(kIOHIDVendorIDKey), &vendor) < 0 || vendor > UINT16_MAX) { fido_log_debug("%s: get_int32 vendor", __func__); return (-1); } if (get_int32(dev, CFSTR(kIOHIDProductIDKey), &product) < 0 || product > UINT16_MAX) { fido_log_debug("%s: get_int32 product", __func__); return (-1); } *vendor_id = (int16_t)vendor; *product_id = (int16_t)product; return (0); } static int get_str(IOHIDDeviceRef dev, char **manufacturer, char **product) { char buf[512]; int ok = -1; *manufacturer = NULL; *product = NULL; if (get_utf8(dev, CFSTR(kIOHIDManufacturerKey), buf, sizeof(buf)) < 0) *manufacturer = strdup(""); else *manufacturer = strdup(buf); if (get_utf8(dev, CFSTR(kIOHIDProductKey), buf, sizeof(buf)) < 0) *product = strdup(""); else *product = strdup(buf); if (*manufacturer == NULL || *product == NULL) { fido_log_debug("%s: strdup", __func__); goto fail; } ok = 0; fail: if (ok < 0) { free(*manufacturer); free(*product); *manufacturer = NULL; *product = NULL; } return (ok); } static char * get_path(IOHIDDeviceRef dev) { io_service_t s; uint64_t id; char *path; if ((s = IOHIDDeviceGetService(dev)) == MACH_PORT_NULL) { fido_log_debug("%s: IOHIDDeviceGetService", __func__); return (NULL); } if (IORegistryEntryGetRegistryEntryID(s, &id) != KERN_SUCCESS) { fido_log_debug("%s: IORegistryEntryGetRegistryEntryID", __func__); return (NULL); } if (asprintf(&path, "%s%llu", IOREG, (unsigned long long)id) == -1) { fido_log_error(errno, "%s: asprintf", __func__); return (NULL); } return (path); } static bool is_fido(IOHIDDeviceRef dev) { char buf[32]; uint32_t usage_page; if (get_int32(dev, CFSTR(kIOHIDPrimaryUsagePageKey), (int32_t *)&usage_page) < 0 || usage_page != 0xf1d0) return (false); if (get_utf8(dev, CFSTR(kIOHIDTransportKey), buf, sizeof(buf)) < 0) { fido_log_debug("%s: get_utf8 transport", __func__); return (false); } #ifndef FIDO_HID_ANY if (strcasecmp(buf, "usb") != 0) { fido_log_debug("%s: transport", __func__); return (false); } #endif return (true); } static int copy_info(fido_dev_info_t *di, IOHIDDeviceRef dev) { memset(di, 0, sizeof(*di)); if (is_fido(dev) == false) return (-1); if (get_id(dev, &di->vendor_id, &di->product_id) < 0 || get_str(dev, &di->manufacturer, &di->product) < 0 || (di->path = get_path(dev)) == NULL) { free(di->path); free(di->manufacturer); free(di->product); explicit_bzero(di, sizeof(*di)); return (-1); } return (0); } int fido_hid_manifest(fido_dev_info_t *devlist, size_t ilen, size_t *olen) { IOHIDManagerRef manager = NULL; CFSetRef devset = NULL; size_t devcnt; CFIndex n; IOHIDDeviceRef *devs = NULL; int r = FIDO_ERR_INTERNAL; *olen = 0; if (ilen == 0) return (FIDO_OK); /* nothing to do */ if (devlist == NULL) return (FIDO_ERR_INVALID_ARGUMENT); if ((manager = IOHIDManagerCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, kIOHIDManagerOptionNone)) == NULL) { fido_log_debug("%s: IOHIDManagerCreate", __func__); goto fail; } IOHIDManagerSetDeviceMatching(manager, NULL); if ((devset = IOHIDManagerCopyDevices(manager)) == NULL) { fido_log_debug("%s: IOHIDManagerCopyDevices", __func__); goto fail; } if ((n = CFSetGetCount(devset)) < 0) { fido_log_debug("%s: CFSetGetCount", __func__); goto fail; } devcnt = (size_t)n; if ((devs = calloc(devcnt, sizeof(*devs))) == NULL) { fido_log_debug("%s: calloc", __func__); goto fail; } CFSetGetValues(devset, (void *)devs); for (size_t i = 0; i < devcnt; i++) { if (copy_info(&devlist[*olen], devs[i]) == 0) { devlist[*olen].io = (fido_dev_io_t) { fido_hid_open, fido_hid_close, fido_hid_read, fido_hid_write, }; if (++(*olen) == ilen) break; } } r = FIDO_OK; fail: if (manager != NULL) CFRelease(manager); if (devset != NULL) CFRelease(devset); free(devs); return (r); } static void report_callback(void *context, IOReturn result, void *dev, IOHIDReportType type, uint32_t id, uint8_t *ptr, CFIndex len) { struct hid_osx *ctx = context; ssize_t r; (void)dev; if (result != kIOReturnSuccess || type != kIOHIDReportTypeInput || id != 0 || len < 0 || (size_t)len != ctx->report_in_len) { fido_log_debug("%s: io error", __func__); return; } if ((r = write(ctx->report_pipe[1], ptr, (size_t)len)) == -1) { fido_log_error(errno, "%s: write", __func__); return; } if (r < 0 || (size_t)r != (size_t)len) { fido_log_debug("%s: %zd != %zu", __func__, r, (size_t)len); return; } } static void removal_callback(void *context, IOReturn result, void *sender) { (void)context; (void)result; (void)sender; CFRunLoopStop(CFRunLoopGetCurrent()); } static int set_nonblock(int fd) { int flags; if ((flags = fcntl(fd, F_GETFL)) == -1) { fido_log_error(errno, "%s: fcntl F_GETFL", __func__); return (-1); } if (fcntl(fd, F_SETFL, flags | O_NONBLOCK) == -1) { fido_log_error(errno, "%s: fcntl F_SETFL", __func__); return (-1); } return (0); } static int disable_sigpipe(int fd) { int disabled = 1; if (fcntl(fd, F_SETNOSIGPIPE, &disabled) == -1) { fido_log_error(errno, "%s: fcntl F_SETNOSIGPIPE", __func__); return (-1); } return (0); } static int to_uint64(const char *str, uint64_t *out) { char *ep; unsigned long long ull; errno = 0; ull = strtoull(str, &ep, 10); if (str == ep || *ep != '\0') return (-1); else if (ull == ULLONG_MAX && errno == ERANGE) return (-1); else if (ull > UINT64_MAX) return (-1); *out = (uint64_t)ull; return (0); } static io_registry_entry_t get_ioreg_entry(const char *path) { uint64_t id; if (strncmp(path, IOREG, strlen(IOREG)) != 0) return (IORegistryEntryFromPath(kIOMainPortDefault, path)); if (to_uint64(path + strlen(IOREG), &id) == -1) { fido_log_debug("%s: to_uint64", __func__); return (MACH_PORT_NULL); } return (IOServiceGetMatchingService(kIOMainPortDefault, IORegistryEntryIDMatching(id))); } void * fido_hid_open(const char *path) { struct hid_osx *ctx; io_registry_entry_t entry = MACH_PORT_NULL; char loop_id[32]; int ok = -1; int r; if ((ctx = calloc(1, sizeof(*ctx))) == NULL) { fido_log_debug("%s: calloc", __func__); goto fail; } ctx->report_pipe[0] = -1; ctx->report_pipe[1] = -1; if (pipe(ctx->report_pipe) == -1) { fido_log_error(errno, "%s: pipe", __func__); goto fail; } if (set_nonblock(ctx->report_pipe[0]) < 0 || set_nonblock(ctx->report_pipe[1]) < 0) { fido_log_debug("%s: set_nonblock", __func__); goto fail; } if (disable_sigpipe(ctx->report_pipe[1]) < 0) { fido_log_debug("%s: disable_sigpipe", __func__); goto fail; } if ((entry = get_ioreg_entry(path)) == MACH_PORT_NULL) { fido_log_debug("%s: get_ioreg_entry: %s", __func__, path); goto fail; } if ((ctx->ref = IOHIDDeviceCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, entry)) == NULL) { fido_log_debug("%s: IOHIDDeviceCreate", __func__); goto fail; } if (get_report_len(ctx->ref, 0, &ctx->report_in_len) < 0 || get_report_len(ctx->ref, 1, &ctx->report_out_len) < 0) { fido_log_debug("%s: get_report_len", __func__); goto fail; } if (ctx->report_in_len > sizeof(ctx->report)) { fido_log_debug("%s: report_in_len=%zu", __func__, ctx->report_in_len); goto fail; } if (IOHIDDeviceOpen(ctx->ref, kIOHIDOptionsTypeSeizeDevice) != kIOReturnSuccess) { fido_log_debug("%s: IOHIDDeviceOpen", __func__); goto fail; } if ((r = snprintf(loop_id, sizeof(loop_id), "fido2-%p", (void *)ctx->ref)) < 0 || (size_t)r >= sizeof(loop_id)) { fido_log_debug("%s: snprintf", __func__); goto fail; } if ((ctx->loop_id = CFStringCreateWithCString(NULL, loop_id, kCFStringEncodingASCII)) == NULL) { fido_log_debug("%s: CFStringCreateWithCString", __func__); goto fail; } IOHIDDeviceRegisterInputReportCallback(ctx->ref, ctx->report, (long)ctx->report_in_len, &report_callback, ctx); IOHIDDeviceRegisterRemovalCallback(ctx->ref, &removal_callback, ctx); ok = 0; fail: if (entry != MACH_PORT_NULL) IOObjectRelease(entry); if (ok < 0 && ctx != NULL) { if (ctx->ref != NULL) CFRelease(ctx->ref); if (ctx->loop_id != NULL) CFRelease(ctx->loop_id); if (ctx->report_pipe[0] != -1) close(ctx->report_pipe[0]); if (ctx->report_pipe[1] != -1) close(ctx->report_pipe[1]); free(ctx); ctx = NULL; } return (ctx); } void fido_hid_close(void *handle) { struct hid_osx *ctx = handle; IOHIDDeviceRegisterInputReportCallback(ctx->ref, ctx->report, (long)ctx->report_in_len, NULL, ctx); IOHIDDeviceRegisterRemovalCallback(ctx->ref, NULL, ctx); if (IOHIDDeviceClose(ctx->ref, kIOHIDOptionsTypeSeizeDevice) != kIOReturnSuccess) fido_log_debug("%s: IOHIDDeviceClose", __func__); CFRelease(ctx->ref); CFRelease(ctx->loop_id); explicit_bzero(ctx->report, sizeof(ctx->report)); close(ctx->report_pipe[0]); close(ctx->report_pipe[1]); free(ctx); } int fido_hid_set_sigmask(void *handle, const fido_sigset_t *sigmask) { (void)handle; (void)sigmask; return (FIDO_ERR_INTERNAL); } int fido_hid_read(void *handle, unsigned char *buf, size_t len, int ms) { struct hid_osx *ctx = handle; ssize_t r; explicit_bzero(buf, len); explicit_bzero(ctx->report, sizeof(ctx->report)); if (len != ctx->report_in_len || len > sizeof(ctx->report)) { fido_log_debug("%s: len %zu", __func__, len); return (-1); } IOHIDDeviceScheduleWithRunLoop(ctx->ref, CFRunLoopGetCurrent(), ctx->loop_id); if (ms == -1) ms = 5000; /* wait 5 seconds by default */ CFRunLoopRunInMode(ctx->loop_id, (double)ms/1000.0, true); IOHIDDeviceUnscheduleFromRunLoop(ctx->ref, CFRunLoopGetCurrent(), ctx->loop_id); if ((r = read(ctx->report_pipe[0], buf, len)) == -1) { fido_log_error(errno, "%s: read", __func__); return (-1); } if (r < 0 || (size_t)r != len) { fido_log_debug("%s: %zd != %zu", __func__, r, len); return (-1); } return ((int)len); } int fido_hid_write(void *handle, const unsigned char *buf, size_t len) { struct hid_osx *ctx = handle; if (len != ctx->report_out_len + 1 || len > LONG_MAX) { fido_log_debug("%s: len %zu", __func__, len); return (-1); } if (IOHIDDeviceSetReport(ctx->ref, kIOHIDReportTypeOutput, 0, buf + 1, (long)(len - 1)) != kIOReturnSuccess) { fido_log_debug("%s: IOHIDDeviceSetReport", __func__); return (-1); } return ((int)len); } size_t fido_hid_report_in_len(void *handle) { struct hid_osx *ctx = handle; return (ctx->report_in_len); } size_t fido_hid_report_out_len(void *handle) { struct hid_osx *ctx = handle; return (ctx->report_out_len); }