/* Common parts for printing diff output */ /* * Copyright (c) 2020 Neels Hofmeyr <neels@hofmeyr.de> * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR * ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF * OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. */ #include <ctype.h> #include <errno.h> #include <stdbool.h> #include <stdint.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <arraylist.h> #include <diff_main.h> #include <diff_output.h> #include "diff_internal.h" static int get_atom_byte(int *ch, struct diff_atom *atom, off_t off) { off_t cur; if (atom->at != NULL) { *ch = atom->at[off]; return 0; } cur = ftello(atom->root->f); if (cur == -1) return errno; if (cur != atom->pos + off && fseeko(atom->root->f, atom->pos + off, SEEK_SET) == -1) return errno; *ch = fgetc(atom->root->f); if (*ch == EOF && ferror(atom->root->f)) return errno; return 0; } #define DIFF_OUTPUT_BUF_SIZE 512 int diff_output_lines(struct diff_output_info *outinfo, FILE *dest, const char *prefix, struct diff_atom *start_atom, unsigned int count) { struct diff_atom *atom; off_t outoff = 0, *offp; uint8_t *typep; int rc; if (outinfo && outinfo->line_offsets.len > 0) { unsigned int idx = outinfo->line_offsets.len - 1; outoff = outinfo->line_offsets.head[idx]; } foreach_diff_atom(atom, start_atom, count) { off_t outlen = 0; int i, ch, nbuf = 0; unsigned int len = atom->len; unsigned char buf[DIFF_OUTPUT_BUF_SIZE + 1 /* '\n' */]; size_t n; n = strlcpy(buf, prefix, sizeof(buf)); if (n >= DIFF_OUTPUT_BUF_SIZE) /* leave room for '\n' */ return ENOBUFS; nbuf += n; if (len) { rc = get_atom_byte(&ch, atom, len - 1); if (rc) return rc; if (ch == '\n') len--; } for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { rc = get_atom_byte(&ch, atom, i); if (rc) return rc; if (nbuf >= DIFF_OUTPUT_BUF_SIZE) { rc = fwrite(buf, 1, nbuf, dest); if (rc != nbuf) return errno; outlen += rc; nbuf = 0; } buf[nbuf++] = ch; } buf[nbuf++] = '\n'; rc = fwrite(buf, 1, nbuf, dest); if (rc != nbuf) return errno; outlen += rc; if (outinfo) { ARRAYLIST_ADD(offp, outinfo->line_offsets); if (offp == NULL) return ENOMEM; outoff += outlen; *offp = outoff; ARRAYLIST_ADD(typep, outinfo->line_types); if (typep == NULL) return ENOMEM; *typep = *prefix == ' ' ? DIFF_LINE_CONTEXT : *prefix == '-' ? DIFF_LINE_MINUS : *prefix == '+' ? DIFF_LINE_PLUS : DIFF_LINE_NONE; } } return DIFF_RC_OK; } int diff_output_chunk_left_version(struct diff_output_info **output_info, FILE *dest, const struct diff_input_info *info, const struct diff_result *result, const struct diff_chunk_context *cc) { int rc, c_idx; struct diff_output_info *outinfo = NULL; if (diff_range_empty(&cc->left)) return DIFF_RC_OK; if (output_info) { *output_info = diff_output_info_alloc(); if (*output_info == NULL) return ENOMEM; outinfo = *output_info; } /* Write out all chunks on the left side. */ for (c_idx = cc->chunk.start; c_idx < cc->chunk.end; c_idx++) { const struct diff_chunk *c = &result->chunks.head[c_idx]; if (c->left_count) { rc = diff_output_lines(outinfo, dest, "", c->left_start, c->left_count); if (rc) return rc; } } return DIFF_RC_OK; } int diff_output_chunk_right_version(struct diff_output_info **output_info, FILE *dest, const struct diff_input_info *info, const struct diff_result *result, const struct diff_chunk_context *cc) { int rc, c_idx; struct diff_output_info *outinfo = NULL; if (diff_range_empty(&cc->right)) return DIFF_RC_OK; if (output_info) { *output_info = diff_output_info_alloc(); if (*output_info == NULL) return ENOMEM; outinfo = *output_info; } /* Write out all chunks on the right side. */ for (c_idx = cc->chunk.start; c_idx < cc->chunk.end; c_idx++) { const struct diff_chunk *c = &result->chunks.head[c_idx]; if (c->right_count) { rc = diff_output_lines(outinfo, dest, "", c->right_start, c->right_count); if (rc) return rc; } } return DIFF_RC_OK; } int diff_output_trailing_newline_msg(struct diff_output_info *outinfo, FILE *dest, const struct diff_chunk *c) { enum diff_chunk_type chunk_type = diff_chunk_type(c); struct diff_atom *atom, *start_atom; unsigned int atom_count; int rc, ch; off_t outoff = 0, *offp; uint8_t *typep; if (chunk_type == CHUNK_MINUS || chunk_type == CHUNK_SAME) { start_atom = c->left_start; atom_count = c->left_count; } else if (chunk_type == CHUNK_PLUS) { start_atom = c->right_start; atom_count = c->right_count; } else return EINVAL; /* Locate the last atom. */ if (atom_count == 0) return EINVAL; atom = &start_atom[atom_count - 1]; rc = get_atom_byte(&ch, atom, atom->len - 1); if (rc != DIFF_RC_OK) return rc; if (ch != '\n') { if (outinfo && outinfo->line_offsets.len > 0) { unsigned int idx = outinfo->line_offsets.len - 1; outoff = outinfo->line_offsets.head[idx]; } rc = fprintf(dest, "\\ No newline at end of file\n"); if (rc < 0) return errno; if (outinfo) { ARRAYLIST_ADD(offp, outinfo->line_offsets); if (offp == NULL) return ENOMEM; outoff += rc; *offp = outoff; ARRAYLIST_ADD(typep, outinfo->line_types); if (typep == NULL) return ENOMEM; *typep = DIFF_LINE_NONE; } } return DIFF_RC_OK; } static bool is_function_prototype(unsigned char ch) { return (isalpha((unsigned char)ch) || ch == '_' || ch == '$' || ch == '-' || ch == '+'); } #define begins_with(s, pre) (strncmp(s, pre, sizeof(pre)-1) == 0) int diff_output_match_function_prototype(char *prototype, size_t prototype_size, int *last_prototype_idx, const struct diff_result *result, int chunk_start_line) { struct diff_atom *start_atom, *atom; const struct diff_data *data; unsigned char buf[DIFF_FUNCTION_CONTEXT_SIZE]; const char *state = NULL; int rc, i, ch; if (result->left->atoms.len > 0 && chunk_start_line > 0) { data = result->left; start_atom = &data->atoms.head[chunk_start_line - 1]; } else return DIFF_RC_OK; diff_data_foreach_atom_backwards_from(start_atom, atom, data) { int atom_idx = diff_atom_root_idx(data, atom); if (atom_idx < *last_prototype_idx) break; rc = get_atom_byte(&ch, atom, 0); if (rc) return rc; buf[0] = (unsigned char)ch; if (!is_function_prototype(buf[0])) continue; for (i = 1; i < atom->len && i < sizeof(buf) - 1; i++) { rc = get_atom_byte(&ch, atom, i); if (rc) return rc; if (ch == '\n') break; buf[i] = (unsigned char)ch; } buf[i] = '\0'; if (begins_with(buf, "private:")) { if (!state) state = " (private)"; } else if (begins_with(buf, "protected:")) { if (!state) state = " (protected)"; } else if (begins_with(buf, "public:")) { if (!state) state = " (public)"; } else { if (state) /* don't care about truncation */ strlcat(buf, state, sizeof(buf)); strlcpy(prototype, buf, prototype_size); break; } } *last_prototype_idx = diff_atom_root_idx(data, start_atom); return DIFF_RC_OK; } struct diff_output_info * diff_output_info_alloc(void) { struct diff_output_info *output_info; off_t *offp; uint8_t *typep; output_info = malloc(sizeof(*output_info)); if (output_info != NULL) { ARRAYLIST_INIT(output_info->line_offsets, 128); ARRAYLIST_ADD(offp, output_info->line_offsets); if (offp == NULL) { diff_output_info_free(output_info); return NULL; } *offp = 0; ARRAYLIST_INIT(output_info->line_types, 128); ARRAYLIST_ADD(typep, output_info->line_types); if (typep == NULL) { diff_output_info_free(output_info); return NULL; } *typep = DIFF_LINE_NONE; } return output_info; } void diff_output_info_free(struct diff_output_info *output_info) { ARRAYLIST_FREE(output_info->line_offsets); ARRAYLIST_FREE(output_info->line_types); free(output_info); } const char * diff_output_get_label_left(const struct diff_input_info *info) { if (info->flags & DIFF_INPUT_LEFT_NONEXISTENT) return "/dev/null"; return info->left_path ? info->left_path : "a"; } const char * diff_output_get_label_right(const struct diff_input_info *info) { if (info->flags & DIFF_INPUT_RIGHT_NONEXISTENT) return "/dev/null"; return info->right_path ? info->right_path : "b"; }