## Description

What changes and why

## Checklist

- [ ] I have read followed [CONTRIBUTING.md](https://github.com/PJK/libcbor/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md)
	- [ ] I have added tests
	- [ ] I have updated the documentation
	- [ ] I have updated the CHANGELOG
- [ ] Are there any breaking changes?
	- [ ] If yes: I have marked them in the CHANGELOG ([example](https://github.com/PJK/libcbor/blob/87e2d48a127968d39f158cbfc2b79d6285bd039d/CHANGELOG.md?plain=1#L16))
- [ ] Does this PR introduce any platform specific code?
- [ ] Security: Does this PR potentially affect security?
- [ ] Performance: Does this PR potentially affect performance?