#! /usr/bin/perl
use strict;

my $USAGE = <<__EOF__;
   usage: mkutable [-n] [-f#] type... [--] [<] UnicodeData.txt
          -n = take non-matching types
	  -f = zero-based type field (default 2)

use vars qw( $opt_f $opt_n );
use Getopt::Std;
my $type_field = 2;

exit (main() ? 1 : 0);

sub main {
    my $date = `date`;
    chomp $date;
    my $args = join ' ', @ARGV;
    my $header = "/* Generated by \"$0 $args\" on $date */\n";

    die $USAGE if not getopts('f:n');
    $type_field = $opt_f if $opt_f;
    my %types;
    my $arg;
    while ($arg = shift @ARGV) {
        last if $arg eq '--';
        $types{$arg} = 1;
    my %out = ( 'types' => \%types );
    my $last_code = 0;

    print $header;
    while (<>) {
        my @fields = split /;/;
        next if not @fields;
        my $code = hex $fields[0];
        my $type = $fields[$type_field];
        $type =~ s/\s//g;
        while (++$last_code < $code) {
            output(\%out, $last_code, '?');
        output(\%out, $code, $type);
    output(\%out, $last_code+1, '?');

sub output {
    my ($out, $code, $type) = @_;
    my $match = ${${$out}{types}}{$type};
    my $type_change = (not $$out{start_type} or $type ne $$out{start_type});
    $match = not $match if $opt_n;
    if ($match and (not $$out{in_run} or $type_change)) {
        end_run($out, $code-1);
        start_run($out, $code, $type);
    } elsif (not $match and $$out{in_run}) {
        end_run($out, $code-1);

sub start_run {
    my ($out, $code, $type) = @_;
    $$out{start_code} = $code;
    $$out{start_type} = $type;
    $$out{in_run} = 1;

sub end_run {
    my ($out, $code) = @_;
    return if not $$out{in_run};
    printf "\t{ 0x%04x, 0x%04x }, /* %s */\n", $$out{start_code}, $code, $$out{start_type};
    $$out{in_run} = 0;