 * Copyright (C) 1984-2019  Mark Nudelman
 * You may distribute under the terms of either the GNU General Public
 * License or the Less License, as specified in the README file.
 * For more information, see the README file.

 * An IFILE represents an input file.
 * It is actually a pointer to an ifile structure,
 * but is opaque outside this module.
 * Ifile structures are kept in a linked list in the order they 
 * appear on the command line.
 * Any new file which does not already appear in the list is
 * inserted after the current file.

#include "less.h"

extern IFILE	curr_ifile;

struct ifile {
	struct ifile *h_next;           /* Links for command line list */
	struct ifile *h_prev;
	char *h_filename;               /* Name of the file */
	void *h_filestate;              /* File state (used in ch.c) */
	int h_index;                    /* Index within command line list */
	int h_hold;                     /* Hold count */
	char h_opened;                  /* Has this ifile been opened? */
	struct scrpos h_scrpos;         /* Saved position within the file */
	void *h_altpipe;                /* Alt pipe */
	char *h_altfilename;            /* Alt filename */

 * Convert an IFILE (external representation)
 * to a struct file (internal representation), and vice versa.
#define int_ifile(h)	((struct ifile *)(h))
#define ext_ifile(h)	((IFILE)(h))

 * Anchor for linked list.
static struct ifile anchor = { &anchor, &anchor, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, '\0',
				{ NULL_POSITION, 0 } };
static int ifiles = 0;

	static void
incr_index(p, incr)
	struct ifile *p;
	int incr;
	for (;  p != &anchor;  p = p->h_next)
		p->h_index += incr;

 * Link an ifile into the ifile list.
	static void
link_ifile(p, prev)
	struct ifile *p;
	struct ifile *prev;
	 * Link into list.
	if (prev == NULL)
		prev = &anchor;
	p->h_next = prev->h_next;
	p->h_prev = prev;
	prev->h_next->h_prev = p;
	prev->h_next = p;
	 * Calculate index for the new one,
	 * and adjust the indexes for subsequent ifiles in the list.
	p->h_index = prev->h_index + 1;
	incr_index(p->h_next, 1);
 * Unlink an ifile from the ifile list.
	static void
	struct ifile *p;
	p->h_next->h_prev = p->h_prev;
	p->h_prev->h_next = p->h_next;
	incr_index(p->h_next, -1);

 * Allocate a new ifile structure and stick a filename in it.
 * It should go after "prev" in the list
 * (or at the beginning of the list if "prev" is NULL).
 * Return a pointer to the new ifile structure.
	static struct ifile *
new_ifile(filename, prev)
	char *filename;
	struct ifile *prev;
	struct ifile *p;

	 * Allocate and initialize structure.
	p = (struct ifile *) ecalloc(1, sizeof(struct ifile));
	p->h_filename = save(filename);
	p->h_scrpos.pos = NULL_POSITION;
	p->h_opened = 0;
	p->h_hold = 0;
	p->h_filestate = NULL;
	link_ifile(p, prev);
	 * {{ It's dodgy to call mark.c functions from here;
	 *    there is potentially dangerous recursion.
	 *    Probably need to revisit this design. }}
	return (p);

 * Delete an existing ifile structure.
	public void
	struct ifile *p;

	if (h == NULL_IFILE)
	 * If the ifile we're deleting is the currently open ifile,
	 * move off it.
	if (h == curr_ifile)
		curr_ifile = getoff_ifile(curr_ifile);
	p = int_ifile(h);

 * Get the ifile after a given one in the list.
	public IFILE
	struct ifile *p;

	p = (h == NULL_IFILE) ? &anchor : int_ifile(h);
	if (p->h_next == &anchor)
		return (NULL_IFILE);
	return (ext_ifile(p->h_next));

 * Get the ifile before a given one in the list.
	public IFILE
	struct ifile *p;

	p = (h == NULL_IFILE) ? &anchor : int_ifile(h);
	if (p->h_prev == &anchor)
		return (NULL_IFILE);
	return (ext_ifile(p->h_prev));

 * Return a different ifile from the given one.
	public IFILE
	IFILE ifile;
	IFILE newifile;
	if ((newifile = prev_ifile(ifile)) != NULL_IFILE)
		return (newifile);
	if ((newifile = next_ifile(ifile)) != NULL_IFILE)
		return (newifile);
	return (NULL_IFILE);

 * Return the number of ifiles.
	public int
	return (ifiles);

 * Find an ifile structure, given a filename.
	static struct ifile *
	char *filename;
	struct ifile *p;
	char *rfilename = lrealpath(filename);

	for (p = anchor.h_next;  p != &anchor;  p = p->h_next)
		if (strcmp(filename, p->h_filename) == 0 ||
		    strcmp(rfilename, p->h_filename) == 0)
			 * If given name is shorter than the name we were
			 * previously using for this file, adopt shorter name.
			if (strlen(filename) < strlen(p->h_filename))
				strcpy(p->h_filename, filename);
	if (p == &anchor)
		p = NULL;
	return (p);

 * Get the ifile associated with a filename.
 * If the filename has not been seen before,
 * insert the new ifile after "prev" in the list.
	public IFILE
get_ifile(filename, prev)
	char *filename;
	IFILE prev;
	struct ifile *p;

	if ((p = find_ifile(filename)) == NULL)
		p = new_ifile(filename, int_ifile(prev));
	return (ext_ifile(p));

 * Get the filename associated with a ifile.
	public char *
	IFILE ifile;
	if (ifile == NULL)
		return (NULL);
	return (int_ifile(ifile)->h_filename);

 * Get the index of the file associated with a ifile.
	public int
	IFILE ifile;
	return (int_ifile(ifile)->h_index); 

 * Save the file position to be associated with a given file.
	public void
store_pos(ifile, scrpos)
	IFILE ifile;
	struct scrpos *scrpos;
	int_ifile(ifile)->h_scrpos = *scrpos;

 * Recall the file position associated with a file.
 * If no position has been associated with the file, return NULL_POSITION.
	public void
get_pos(ifile, scrpos)
	IFILE ifile;
	struct scrpos *scrpos;
	*scrpos = int_ifile(ifile)->h_scrpos;

 * Mark the ifile as "opened".
	public void
	IFILE ifile;
	int_ifile(ifile)->h_opened = 1;

 * Return whether the ifile has been opened previously.
	public int
	IFILE ifile;
	return (int_ifile(ifile)->h_opened);

	public void
hold_ifile(ifile, incr)
	IFILE ifile;
	int incr;
	int_ifile(ifile)->h_hold += incr;

	public int
	IFILE ifile;
	return (int_ifile(ifile)->h_hold);

	public void *
	IFILE ifile;
	return (int_ifile(ifile)->h_filestate);

	public void
set_filestate(ifile, filestate)
	IFILE ifile;
	void *filestate;
	int_ifile(ifile)->h_filestate = filestate;

	public void
set_altpipe(ifile, p)
	IFILE ifile;
	void *p;
	int_ifile(ifile)->h_altpipe = p;

	public void *
	IFILE ifile;
	return (int_ifile(ifile)->h_altpipe);

	public void
set_altfilename(ifile, altfilename)
	IFILE ifile;
	char *altfilename;
	struct ifile *p = int_ifile(ifile);
	if (p->h_altfilename != NULL)
	p->h_altfilename = altfilename;

	public char *
	IFILE ifile;
	return (int_ifile(ifile)->h_altfilename);

#if 0
	public void
	struct ifile *p;

	for (p = anchor.h_next;  p != &anchor;  p = p->h_next)
		printf("%x: %d. <%s> pos %d,%x\n", 
			p, p->h_index, p->h_filename, 
			p->h_scrpos.ln, p->h_scrpos.pos);