# $File: xilinx,v 1.12 2024/09/04 19:06:12 christos Exp $
# This is Aaron's attempt at a MAGIC file for Xilinx .bit files.
# Xilinx-Magic@RevRagnarok.com
# Got the info from FPGA-FAQ 0026
# Rewritten to use pstring/H instead of hardcoded lengths by O. Freyermuth,
# fixes at least reading of bitfiles from Spartan 2, 3, 6.
# http://www.fpga-faq.com/FAQ_Pages/0026_Tell_me_about_bit_files.htm
# First there is the sync header and its length
0	beshort 0x0009
>2 	belong	=0x0ff00ff0
>>&0	belong  =0x0ff00ff0
>>>&0	byte    =0x00
>>>>&1   beshort =0x0001
>>>>>&3	string	a	Xilinx BIT data
# Next is a Pascal-style string with the NCD name. We want to capture that.
>>>>>>&0	   pstring/H	x	- from %s
# And then 'b'
>>>>>>>&1    string b
# Then the model / part number:
>>>>>>>>&0   pstring/H    x       - for %s
# Then 'c'
>>>>>>>>>&1 string c
# Then the build-date
>>>>>>>>>>&0 pstring/H    x       - built %s
# Then 'd'
>>>>>>>>>>>&1   string d
# Then the build-time
>>>>>>>>>>>>&0  pstring/H x        \b(%s)
# Then 'e'
>>>>>>>>>>>>>&1  string e
# And length of data
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>&0 belong x          - data length %#x

# Raw bitstream files
0      long    0xffffffff
>&0    belong  0xaa995566      Xilinx RAW bitstream (.BIN)

# AXLF (xclbin) files used by AMD/Xilinx accelerators.
# The file format is defined by XRT source tree:
# https://github.com/Xilinx/XRT/blob/master/src/runtime_src/core/include/xclbin.h
# Display file size, creation date, accelerator shell name, xclbin uuid and
# number of sections.

0       string      xclbin2     AMD/Xilinx accelerator AXLF (xclbin) file
>0x130  lequad      x           \b, %lld bytes
>0x138  leqdate     x           \b, created %s
>0x160  string      >0          \b, shell "%.64s"
>0x1a0  ubelong     x           \b, uuid %08x
>0x1a4  ubeshort    x           \b-%04x
>0x1a6  ubeshort    x           \b-%04x
>0x1a8  ubeshort    x           \b-%04x
>0x1aa  ubelong     x           \b-%08x
>0x1ae  ubeshort    x           \b%04x
>0x1c0  lelong      x           \b, %d sections

# Xilinx Boot Image files
# File format spec is from Xilinx UG1283
# https://docs.xilinx.com/r/en-US/ug1283-bootgen-user-guide
0x20	lelong	0xAA995566
>0x24	lelong	0x584c4e58	Xilinx Boot Image
>>0x0	lelong	0xEAFFFFFE	\b, 32-bit
>>0x0	lelong	0x14000000	\b, 64-bit
>>0x28	lelong	0x00000000	\b, unencrypted
>>0x28	lelong	0xA5C3C5A5	\b, black key in efuse
>>0x28	lelong	0xA5C3C5A7	\b, obfuscated key in efuse
>>0x28	lelong	0x3A5C3C5A	\b, red key in bbram
>>0x28	lelong	0xA5C3C5A3	\b, efuse red key in efuse
>>0x28	lelong	0xA35C7CA5	\b, obfuscated key in boot header
>>0x28	lelong	0xA3A5C3C5	\b, user key in boot header
>>0x28	lelong	0xA35C7C53	\b, black key in boot header
>>0x2C	lelong	0x01010000	\b, Zynq 7000 SoC
!:mime	application/x-xilinx-boot-zynq
>>>0x34	ulelong	>0		\b, FSBL size %#x bytes
>>0x2C	lelong	!0x01010000	\b, Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC
!:mime	application/x-xilinx-boot-zynqmp
>>>0x34	ulelong	>0		\b, PMU size %#x bytes
>>>0x3C	ulelong	>0		\b, FSBL size %#x bytes