#------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # $File: wordprocessors,v 1.31 2022/08/31 08:00:53 christos Exp $ # wordprocessors: file(1) magic fo word processors. # ####### PWP file format used on Smith Corona Personal Word Processors: 2 string \040\040\040\040\040\040\040\040\040\040\040ML4D\040'92 Smith Corona PWP >24 byte 2 \b, single spaced >24 byte 3 \b, 1.5 spaced >24 byte 4 \b, double spaced >25 byte 0x42 \b, letter >25 byte 0x54 \b, legal >26 byte 0x46 \b, A4 # URL: http://fileformats.archiveteam.org/wiki/Microsoft_Works_Word_Processor # reference: http://mark0.net/download/triddefs_xml.7z # /defs/w/wps-works-dos.trid.xml # From: Joerg Jenderek # Note: older non OLE 2 Compound based versions 0 ubeshort =0x01FE >112 ubeshort =0x0100 Microsoft Works 1-3 (DOS) or 2 (Windows) document # title like THE GREAT KHAN GAME >>0x100 string x %s !:mime application/vnd-ms-works #!:mime application/x-msworks # https://www.macdisk.com/macsigen.php !:apple ????AWWP !:ext wps # Corel/WordPerfect # URL: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WordPerfect # Reference: https://github.com/OneWingedShark/WordPerfect/blob/master/doc/SDK_Help/FileFormats/WPFF_DocumentStructure.htm # http://mark0.net/download/triddefs_xml.7z/defs/w/wp-generic.trid.xml 0 string \xffWPC # WordPerfect >8 byte 1 # Reference: http://mark0.net/download/triddefs_xml.7z/defs/w/wpm-macro.trid.xml # Note: there exist other macro variants >>9 byte 1 WordPerfect macro #!:mime application/octet-stream !:mime application/x-wordperfect-wpm # like: ALTD.WPM ENDFOOT.WPM FOOTEND.WPM LABELS.WPM REVEALTX.WPM !:ext wpm # Note: used in WordPerfect 5.1; there exist other FIL variants >>9 byte 2 WordPerfect help file #!:mime application/octet-stream !:mime application/x-wordperfect-help # like: WPHELP.FIL !:ext fil # pointer to document area like: 10h >>>4 ulelong !0x10 \b, at %#x document area >>9 byte 3 WordPerfect keyboard file #!:mime application/octet-stream !:mime application/x-wordperfect-keyboard !:ext wpk # no document area, so point to end of file; so this is file size like: 23381 2978 32835 3355 3775 919 >>>4 ulelong x \b, %u bytes >>9 byte 4 WordPerfect VAX keyboard definition #!:mime application/octet-stream !:mime application/x-wordperfect-keyboard #!:ext foo # URL: http://fileformats.archiveteam.org/wiki/WordPerfect # Reference: http://mark0.net/download/triddefs_xml.7z/defs/w/wpd-doc-gen.trid.xml >>9 byte 10 WordPerfect document # https://www.iana.org/assignments/media-types/application/vnd.wordperfect !:mime application/vnd.wordperfect #!:apple ????WPC2 # TODO: distinguish different suffix !:ext wpd/wpt/wkb/icr/tut/sty/tst/crs >>9 byte 11 WordPerfect dictionary >>9 byte 12 WordPerfect thesaurus >>9 byte 13 WordPerfect block >>9 byte 14 WordPerfect rectangular block >>9 byte 15 WordPerfect column block >>9 byte 16 WordPerfect printer data #!:mime application/octet-stream !:mime application/x-wordperfect-prs # like: STANDARD.PRS WORKBOOK.PRS !:ext prs # like: "Standard Printer" "Workbook Printer" >>>0x64 pstring/B >A "%s" #>>9 byte 18 WordPerfect Prefix information file # printer resource .ALL >>9 byte 19 WordPerfect printer data #!:mime application/octet-stream !:mime application/x-wordperfect-all !:ext all # display Resource >>9 byte 20 WordPerfect driver resource data #!:mime application/octet-stream !:mime application/x-wordperfect-drs # like: WPSMALL.DRS !:ext drs # pointer to index area with string "smalldrs" like: 46h >>>4 uleshort !0x46 \b, at %#x index area >>9 byte 21 WordPerfect Overlay file #!:mime application/octet-stream !:mime application/x-wordperfect-fil # like: WP.FIL !:ext fil # URL: http://fileformats.archiveteam.org/wiki/WordPerfect_Graphics # Reference: http://mark0.net/download/triddefs_xml.7z/defs/b/bitmap-wpg.trid.xml # Note: called "WordPerfect Graphics bitmap" by TrID and # "WordPerfect Graphics Metafile" by DROID via x-fmt/395 fmt/1042 # "WPG (Word Perfect Graphics)" by ImageMagick `identify -verbose BUTTRFLY.WPG` >>9 byte 22 WordPerfect graphic image # TODO: skip DROID x-fmt-395-signature-id-132.wpg by check for existing document area #>>>4 ulelong >15 WordPerfect_graphic_OK #!:mime application/octet-stream # http://extension.nirsoft.net/wpg !:mime image/x-wordperfect-graphics # https://reposcope.com/mimetype/application/x-wpg #!:mime application/x-wpg # like: BUTTRFLY.WPG STAR-5.WPG input.wpg WORDPFCT.WPG !:ext wpg # pointer to document area like: 10h 1Ah >>>4 ulelong !0x1A \b, at %#x document area >>9 byte 23 WordPerfect hyphenation code >>9 byte 24 WordPerfect hyphenation data >>9 byte 25 WordPerfect macro resource data #!:mime application/octet-stream !:mime application/x-wordperfect-mrs # like: WP.MRS !:ext mrs >>9 byte 27 WordPerfect hyphenation lex >>9 byte 29 WordPerfect wordlist >>9 byte 30 WordPerfect equation resource data #!:mime application/octet-stream !:mime application/x-wordperfect-qrs # like: WQ.QRS wpDE.qrs wpen.qrs !:ext qrs # jump to document area with some marker and equation >>>(4.l) ubyte x # equation like: "Fraction: x OVER y" >>>>&1 string >A (...%-.19s...) # pointer to document area like: 17C4h >>>4 ulelong x \b, at %#x document area #>>9 byte 31 reserved #>>9 byte 32 WordPerfect VAX .SET >>9 byte 33 WordPerfect spell rules >>9 byte 34 WordPerfect dictionary rules #>>9 byte 35 reserved # video resource device driver # Note: filetype 26 for VRS and filetype 36 for WPD apparently is wrong >>9 byte 36 WordPerfect Video Resource #!:mime application/octet-stream !:mime application/x-wordperfect-vrs # like: STANDARD.VRS !:ext vrs # like: "IBM CGA (& compatibles)" >>>0x20 string >A "%.23s" >>9 byte 39 WordPerfect spell rules (Microlytics) #>>9 byte 40 reserved >>9 byte 41 WordPerfect Install options #!:mime application/octet-stream !:mime application/x-wordperfect-ins # like: WP51.INS !:ext ins # probably default directory name like: "C:\WP51\" >>>0x12 string >A "%.8s" # maybe mouse driver for WP5.1 >>9 byte 42 WordPerfect Resource #!:mime application/octet-stream !:mime application/x-wordperfect-irs # like: STANDARD.IRS !:ext irs # like: "Mouse Driver (MOUSE.COM)" >>>0x28 string >A "%.24s" >>9 byte 43 WordPerfect settings file # maybe Macintosh WP2.0 document >>9 byte 44 WordPerfect 3.5 document !:mime application/vnd.wordperfect !:apple ????WPD3 # like: WP3.wpd !:ext wpd >>9 byte 45 WordPerfect 4.2 document # External spell code module (WP5.1) #>>9 byte 46 WordPerfect external spell # external spell dictionary .LEX #>>9 byte 47 WordPerfect external spell dictionary # Macintosh SOFT graphics file (SOFT (Sequential Object Format) #>>9 byte 48 WordPerfect SOFT graphics #>>9 byte 49 reserved #>>9 byte 50 reserved # WPWin 5.1 Application Resource Library added for WPWin 5.1 #>>9 byte 51 WordPerfect application resource library >>9 byte 69 WordPerfect dialog file # From: Joerg Jenderek # Note: found in sub directory WritingTools inside WordPerfect 2021 program directory >>9 byte 70 WordPerfect Writing Tools #!:mime application/octet-stream !:mime application/x-wordperfect-cbt # like: Wt13cbede.cbt Wt13cbeit.cbt Wt13cbefr.cbt WT21cbede.cbt Wt13cbeEN.CBD WT21cbeEN.CBD !:ext cbd/cbt >>9 byte 76 WordPerfect button bar >>9 default x >>>9 byte x Corel WordPerfect: Unknown filetype %d # Corel Shell >8 byte 2 >>9 byte 1 Corel shell macro >>9 byte 10 Corel shell definition >>9 default x >>>9 byte x Corel Shell: Unknown filetype %d # Corel Notebook >8 byte 3 >>9 byte 1 Corel Notebook macro >>9 byte 2 Corel Notebook help file >>9 byte 3 Corel Notebook keyboard file >>9 byte 10 Corel Notebook definition >>9 default x >>>9 byte x Corel Notebook: Unknown filetype %d # Corel Calculator >8 byte 4 >>9 byte 2 Corel Calculator help file >>9 default x >>>9 byte x Corel Calculator: Unknown filetype %d # Corel File Manager >8 byte 5 >>9 default x >>>9 byte x Corel File Manager: Unknown filetype %d # Corel Calendar >8 byte 6 >>9 byte 2 Corel Calendar help file >>9 byte 10 Corel Calendar data file >>9 default x >>>9 byte x Corel Calendar: Unknown filetype %d # Corel Program Editor/Ed Editor >8 byte 7 >>9 byte 1 Corel Editor macro >>9 byte 2 Corel Editor help file >>9 byte 3 Corel Editor keyboard file >>9 byte 25 Corel Editor macro resource file >>9 default x >>>9 byte x Corel Program Editor/Ed Editor: Unknown filetype %d # Corel Macro Editor >8 byte 8 >>9 byte 1 Corel Macro editor macro >>9 byte 2 Corel Macro editor help file >>9 byte 3 Corel Macro editor keyboard file >>9 default x >>>9 byte x Corel Macro Editor: Unknown filetype %d # Corel Plan Perfect >8 byte 9 >>9 default x >>>9 byte x Corel Plan Perfect: Unknown filetype %d # Corel DataPerfect >8 byte 10 # CHECK: Don't these belong into product 9? >>9 byte 1 Corel PlanPerfect macro >>9 byte 2 Corel PlanPerfect help file >>9 byte 3 Corel PlanPerfect keyboard file >>9 byte 10 Corel PlanPerfect worksheet >>9 byte 15 Corel PlanPerfect printer definition >>9 byte 18 Corel PlanPerfect graphic definition >>9 byte 19 Corel PlanPerfect data >>9 byte 20 Corel PlanPerfect temporary printer >>9 byte 25 Corel PlanPerfect macro resource data >>9 default x >>>9 byte x Corel DataPerfect: Unknown filetype %d # Corel Mail >8 byte 11 >>9 byte 2 Corel Mail help file >>9 byte 5 Corel Mail distribution list >>9 byte 10 Corel Mail out box >>9 byte 11 Corel Mail in box >>9 byte 20 Corel Mail users archived mailbox >>9 byte 21 Corel Mail archived message database >>9 byte 22 Corel Mail archived attachments >>9 default x >>>9 byte x Corel Mail: Unknown filetype %d # Corel Printer >8 byte 12 >>9 byte 11 Corel Printer temporary file >>9 default x >>>9 byte x Corel Printer: Unknown filetype %d # Corel Scheduler >8 byte 13 >>9 byte 2 Corel Scheduler help file >>9 byte 10 Corel Scheduler in file >>9 byte 11 Corel Scheduler out file >>9 default x >>>9 byte x Corel Scheduler: Unknown filetype %d # Corel WordPerfect Office >8 byte 14 >>9 byte 10 Corel GroupWise settings file >>9 byte 17 Corel GroupWise directory services >>9 byte 43 Corel GroupWise settings file >>9 default x >>>9 byte x Corel WordPerfect Office: Unknown filetype %d # Corel DrawPerfect >8 byte 15 >>9 default x >>>9 byte x Corel DrawPerfect: Unknown filetype %d # Corel LetterPerfect >8 byte 16 >>9 default x >>>9 byte x Corel LetterPerfect: Unknown filetype %d # Corel Terminal >8 byte 17 >>9 byte 10 Corel Terminal resource data >>9 byte 11 Corel Terminal resource data >>9 byte 43 Corel Terminal resource data >>9 default x >>>9 byte x Corel Terminal: Unknown filetype %d # Corel loadable file >8 byte 18 >>9 byte 10 Corel loadable file >>9 byte 11 Corel GUI loadable text >>9 byte 12 Corel graphics resource data >>9 byte 13 Corel printer settings file >>9 byte 14 Corel port definition file >>9 byte 15 Corel print queue parameters >>9 byte 16 Corel compressed file >>9 default x >>>9 byte x Corel loadable file: Unknown filetype %d >>15 byte 0 \b, optimized for Intel >>15 byte 1 \b, optimized for Non-Intel # Network service >8 byte 20 >>9 byte 10 Corel Network service msg file >>9 byte 11 Corel Network service msg file >>9 byte 12 Corel Async gateway login msg >>9 byte 14 Corel GroupWise message file >>9 default x >>>9 byte x Corel Network service: Unknown filetype %d # GroupWise >8 byte 31 >>9 byte 20 GroupWise admin domain database >>9 byte 21 GroupWise admin host database >>9 byte 23 GroupWise admin remote host database >>9 byte 24 GroupWise admin ADS deferment data file >>9 default x >>>9 byte x GroupWise: Unknown filetype %d # Corel Writing Tools WT*.* # From: Joerg Jenderek # URL: https://support.corel.com/hc/en-us/articles/215876258-Writing-Tools-Spell-Check-Dictionary-does-not-work-in-WordPerfect-X5 # http://wordperfect.helpmax.net/en/editing-and-formatting-documents/using-the-writing-tools/working-with-user-word-lists/ # Reference: http://mark0.net/download/triddefs_xml.7z/defs/u/uwl-wp.trid.xml >8 byte 32 >>9 byte 10 Corel Writing Tools User Word List #!:mime application/octet-stream !:mime application/x-wordperfect-wordlist # personal user word list UWL under user directory like: WTDE.UWL WTUS.UWL WT21DE.UWL WT21US.UWL WT13DE.UWL ... # and "template" SAV/HWL variant under program directory like: wt13en.hwl Wt13de.sav Wt13it.sav wt13ru.sav WT21us.sav Wtcz.sav ... !:ext uwl/hwl/sav # jump to document area with some marker and word list >>>(4.l) ubyte x # look for beginning of word list starting mostly with letter a as UTF-16 like: Wt13es.sav # but not found in russian wt13ru.sav >>>>&0 search/91/sb a\0 # word list starting like: "acsesory\022accessory.\001\026acomodate\026accommodate4\001" >>>>>&0 lestring16 x (...%-.33s...) # pointer to document area like: 200h >>>4 ulelong !0x200 \b, at %#x document area # file size, not including pad characters at EOF >>>0x14 uleshort x \b, %u bytes # IntelliTAG >8 byte 33 >>9 byte 10 IntelliTAG (SGML) compiled DTD >>9 default x >>>9 byte x IntelliTAG: Unknown filetype %d # Summary: Corel WordPerfect WritingTools advise part # From: Joerg Jenderek # Reference: http://mark0.net/download/triddefs_xml.7z/defs/a/adv-wp.trid.xml >8 byte 34 >>9 byte 11 Corel WordPerfect dictionary advise #!:mime application/octet-stream !:mime application/x-wordperfect-adv #!:mime application/vnd.wordperfect.adv # like: WT21de.adv Wt13de.adv Wt13es.adv Wt13fr.adv wt13us.adv !:ext adv # advise text part often start with tag like: 580A #>>>(16.s) ubequad x ADVISE PART %#llx # part of advise text like: "This is too informal for most writing." >>>(16.s+16) string x (...%-.33s...) # everything else >8 default x >>8 byte x Unknown Corel/Wordperfect product %d, >>>9 byte x file type %d >10 byte 0 \b, v5. >10 byte !0 \b, v%d. >11 byte x \b%d # Hangul (Korean) Word Processor File 0 string HWP\ Document\ File Hangul (Korean) Word Processor File 3.0 # CosmicBook, from Benoit Rouits 0 string CSBK Ted Neslson's CosmicBook hypertext file 2 string EYWR AmigaWriter file # chi: file(1) magic for ChiWriter files 0 string \\1cw\ ChiWriter file >5 string >\0 version %s 0 string \\1cw ChiWriter file # Quark Express from https://www.garykessler.net/library/file_sigs.html 2 string IIXPR3 Intel Quark Express Document (English) 2 string IIXPRa Intel Quark Express Document (Korean) 2 string MMXPR3 Motorola Quark Express Document (English) !:mime application/x-quark-xpress-3 2 string MMXPRa Motorola Quark Express Document (Korean) # From: Joerg Jenderek # URL: http://fileformats.archiveteam.org/wiki/PageMaker # https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adobe_PageMaker # Reference: http://mark0.net/download/triddefs_xml.7z/defs/p # pm4-pagemaker.trid.xml # pm5-pagemaker.trid.xml # Note: since version 6 in 1995 called Adobe PageMaker and # embedded in Compound Document handled by ./ole2compounddocs # mainly tested little endian variant 4 ubelong =0x0000FF99 >0 use PageMaker # big endian variant 4 ubelong =0x000099FF >0 use \^PageMaker # display information of Aldus/Adobe PageMaker document/publication 0 name PageMaker >110 uleshort <0x0600 Aldus >110 uleshort >0x05FF Adobe >110 uleshort x PageMaker # "MP" marker for newer version 4 and above according to TrID #>108 string x \b, MARKER "%.2s" # http://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/pronom/fmt/876 !:mime application/vnd.pagemaker #!:mime application/x-pagemaker # different file name extensions are used depending on version # older version like 3 >110 uleshort/256 =0 document # https://www.macdisk.com/macsigen.php !:apple ALB3ALD3 # PT3 for template and no example for PageMaker document/publiction with PM3 extension !:ext pm3/pt3 >110 uleshort/256 =4 document !:apple ALD4ALB4 # no example for PT4 template !:ext pm4/pt4 >110 uleshort/256 =5 document !:apple ALD5ALB5 # no example for PT5 template !:ext pm5/pt5 >110 uleshort =0x0600 document !:apple ALD6ALB6 # PT6 for template !:ext pm6/pt6 # HOWTO to distinguish version 7 from 6.5 ? >110 uleshort =0x0632 document !:apple AD65AB65 # no example for T65 template !:ext p65/t65/pmd/pmt # version 7 with PMT extension for template #!:ext pmd/pmt #!:apple ????PUBF # endian marker FF 99 for little endian >6 ubyte =0xFF \b, little-endian >6 ubyte =0x99 \b, big-endian # newer numeric version like: 4 5 6 6.50 #>110 uleshort x \b, VERSION=%#x >110 uleshort >0x03FF >>110 uleshort/256 x \b, version %u >>110 uleshort%256 >0 \b.%u # older version like 3 >110 uleshort <0x0400 \b, maybe version 3 # adobe indesign (document, whatever...) from querkan 0 belong 0x0606edf5 Adobe InDesign >16 string DOCUMENT Document #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # ichitaro456: file(1) magic for Just System Word Processor Ichitaro # # Contributor kenzo-: # Reversed-engineered JS Ichitaro magic numbers # 0 string DOC >43 byte 0x14 Just System Word Processor Ichitaro v4 !:mime application/x-ichitaro4 >144 string JDASH application/x-ichitaro4 0 string DOC >43 byte 0x15 Just System Word Processor Ichitaro v5 !:mime application/x-ichitaro5 0 string DOC >43 byte 0x16 Just System Word Processor Ichitaro v6 !:mime application/x-ichitaro6 # Type: Freemind mindmap documents # From: Jamie Thompson <debian-bugs@jamie-thompson.co.uk> 0 string/w \<map\ version Freemind document !:mime application/x-freemind # Type: Freeplane mindmap documents # From: Felix Natter <fnatter@gmx.net> 0 string/w \<map\ version="freeplane Freeplane document !:mime application/x-freeplane # Type: Scribus # From: Werner Fink <werner@suse.de> 0 string \<SCRIBUSUTF8\ Version Scribus Document 0 string \<SCRIBUSUTF8NEW\ Version Scribus Document !:mime application/x-scribus # help files .hlp compiled from html and used by gfxboot added by Joerg Jenderek # markups page=0x04,label=0x12, followed by strings like "opt" or "main" and title=0x14 0 ulelong&0x8080FFFF 0x00001204 gfxboot compiled html help file # From: Joerg Jenderek # URL: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/StarOffice # Reference: http://mark0.net/download/triddefs_xml.7z # /defs/t/thm-staroffice.trid.xml # Note: used in Star-, Open- and Libre-Office # named as soffice.StarConfigFile.6 or OpenOffice.org configuration by others 0 ubeshort 0x0400 # non nil gap #>(2.s+8) ubequad x \b, gap %#16.16llx # test for null value in gap after theme name maybe unreliable #>(2.s+9) ubyte 0 \b, 0-byte # look for keyword GALRESRV near the end # "C:\Program Files (x86)\StarOffice6.0\share\gallery\sg27.thm" Navigation, 238 objects #>0 search/8415 GALRESRV \b, GALRESRV found # "neues thema6.thm" MorePictures, 315 objects #>0 search/19299 GALRESRV \b, GALRESRV FOUND #>2 uleshort x \b, name length %u # skip file2147.chk by check for positive name length like for sg16.thm "3D" >2 uleshort >0 # skip dBase printer form T6.PRF with misidentified gallery # name :\DBASE\IV\T6.txts by check for 1st object name or RESRV keyword # https://www.clicketyclick.dk/databases/xbase/xbase/dbase_ex.zip # template/t6/with_data/T6.PRF # by first char of object name or RESRV part of keyword GALRESRV >>(2.s+13) ubyte >0x1F StarOffice Gallery theme !:mime application/x-stargallery-thm # thm is also used for JPEG thumbnail images !:ext thm # gallery name often 1 word like: 3D sounds Diagrams Flussdiagramme Fotos # or like private://gallery/hidden/imgppt "Cisco - WAN - LAN" >>>2 pstring/h x %s # number of objects >>>(2.s+4) ulelong x \b, %u object # plural s >>>(2.s+4) ulelong !1 \bs # if available then display first object name >>>(2.s+4) ulelong >0 # partial file name, URL or internal name like "dd2*" of 1st object or RESRV >>>>(2.s+11) pstring/h x \b, 1st %s # From: Joerg Jenderek # URL: http://fileformats.archiveteam.org/wiki/StarOffice_Gallery # Note: used in Star-, Open- and Libre-Office and found in directories like # %APPDATA%\Roaming\LibreOffice\4\user\gallery # $HOME/.config/libreoffice/4/user/gallery 0 string SGA3 StarOffice Gallery thumbnails # Unknown like 0x04000?0001000142 #>4 ubequad x \b, UNKNOWN %#16.16llx #!:mime application/x-sdg !:mime application/x-stargallery-sdg !:ext sdg # display image magic for debugging purpose like 'BM' # looking like PC bitmap, Windows 3.x format with unknown compression #>11 string x \b, image magic '%-.2s' # inspect 1st GALLERY thumbnail magic by ./images with 1 space at end #>11 indirect x \b; contains