#------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # $File: windows,v 1.12 2015/08/29 07:10:35 christos Exp $ # windows: file(1) magic for Microsoft Windows # # This file is mainly reserved for files where programs # using them are run almost always on MS Windows 3.x or # above, or files only used exclusively in Windows OS, # where there is no better category to allocate for. # For example, even though WinZIP almost run on Windows # only, it is better to treat them as "archive" instead. # For format usable in DOS, such as generic executable # format, please specify under "msdos" file. # # Summary: Outlook Express DBX file # Extension: .dbx # Created by: Christophe Monniez 0 string \xCF\xAD\x12\xFE MS Outlook Express DBX file >4 byte =0xC5 \b, message database >4 byte =0xC6 \b, folder database >4 byte =0xC7 \b, account information >4 byte =0x30 \b, offline database # Summary: Windows crash dump # Extension: .dmp # Created by: Andreas Schuster (http://computer.forensikblog.de/) # Reference (1): http://computer.forensikblog.de/en/2008/02/64bit_magic.html # Modified by (1): Abel Cheung (Avoid match with first 4 bytes only) 0 string PAGE >4 string DUMP MS Windows 32bit crash dump >>0x05c byte 0 \b, no PAE >>0x05c byte 1 \b, PAE >>0xf88 lelong 1 \b, full dump >>0xf88 lelong 2 \b, kernel dump >>0xf88 lelong 3 \b, small dump >>0x068 lelong x \b, %d pages >4 string DU64 MS Windows 64bit crash dump >>0xf98 lelong 1 \b, full dump >>0xf98 lelong 2 \b, kernel dump >>0xf98 lelong 3 \b, small dump >>0x090 lequad x \b, %lld pages # Summary: Vista Event Log # Extension: .evtx # Created by: Andreas Schuster (http://computer.forensikblog.de/) # Reference (1): http://computer.forensikblog.de/en/2007/05/some_magic.html 0 string ElfFile\0 MS Windows Vista Event Log >0x2a leshort x \b, %d chunks >>0x10 lelong x \b (no. %d in use) >0x18 lelong >1 \b, next record no. %d >0x18 lelong =1 \b, empty >0x78 lelong &1 \b, DIRTY >0x78 lelong &2 \b, FULL # Summary: Windows 3.1 group files # Extension: .grp # Created by: unknown 0 string \120\115\103\103 MS Windows 3.1 group files # Summary: Old format help files # Extension: .hlp # Created by: Dirk Jagdmann <doj@cubic.org> 0 lelong 0x00035f3f MS Windows 3.x help file # Summary: Hyper terminal # Extension: .ht # Created by: unknown 0 string HyperTerminal\ >15 string 1.0\ --\ HyperTerminal\ data\ file MS Windows HyperTerminal profile # http://ithreats.files.wordpress.com/2009/05/\ # lnk_the_windows_shortcut_file_format.pdf # Summary: Windows shortcut # Extension: .lnk # Created by: unknown # 'L' + GUUID 0 string \114\0\0\0\001\024\002\0\0\0\0\0\300\0\0\0\0\0\0\106 MS Windows shortcut >20 lelong&1 1 \b, Item id list present >20 lelong&2 2 \b, Points to a file or directory >20 lelong&4 4 \b, Has Description string >20 lelong&8 8 \b, Has Relative path >20 lelong&16 16 \b, Has Working directory >20 lelong&32 32 \b, Has command line arguments >20 lelong&64 64 \b, Icon >>56 lelong x \b number=%d >24 lelong&1 1 \b, Read-Only >24 lelong&2 2 \b, Hidden >24 lelong&4 4 \b, System >24 lelong&8 8 \b, Volume Label >24 lelong&16 16 \b, Directory >24 lelong&32 32 \b, Archive >24 lelong&64 64 \b, Encrypted >24 lelong&128 128 \b, Normal >24 lelong&256 256 \b, Temporary >24 lelong&512 512 \b, Sparse >24 lelong&1024 1024 \b, Reparse point >24 lelong&2048 2048 \b, Compressed >24 lelong&4096 4096 \b, Offline >28 leqwdate x \b, ctime=%s >36 leqwdate x \b, mtime=%s >44 leqwdate x \b, atime=%s >52 lelong x \b, length=%u, window= >60 lelong&1 1 \bhide >60 lelong&2 2 \bnormal >60 lelong&4 4 \bshowminimized >60 lelong&8 8 \bshowmaximized >60 lelong&16 16 \bshownoactivate >60 lelong&32 32 \bminimize >60 lelong&64 64 \bshowminnoactive >60 lelong&128 128 \bshowna >60 lelong&256 256 \brestore >60 lelong&512 512 \bshowdefault #>20 lelong&1 0 #>>20 lelong&2 2 #>>>(72.l-64) pstring/h x \b [%s] #>20 lelong&1 1 #>>20 lelong&2 2 #>>>(72.s) leshort x #>>>&75 pstring/h x \b [%s] # Summary: Outlook Personal Folders # Created by: unknown 0 lelong 0x4E444221 Microsoft Outlook email folder >10 leshort 0x0e (<=2002) >10 leshort 0x17 (>=2003) # Summary: Windows help cache # Created by: unknown 0 string \164\146\115\122\012\000\000\000\001\000\000\000 MS Windows help cache # Summary: IE cache file # Created by: Christophe Monniez 0 string Client\ UrlCache\ MMF Internet Explorer cache file >20 string >\0 version %s # Summary: Registry files # Created by: unknown # Modified by (1): Joerg Jenderek 0 string regf MS Windows registry file, NT/2000 or above 0 string CREG MS Windows 95/98/ME registry file 0 string SHCC3 MS Windows 3.1 registry file # Summary: Windows Registry text # Extension: .reg # Submitted by: Abel Cheung <abelcheung@gmail.com> 0 string REGEDIT4\r\n\r\n Windows Registry text (Win95 or above) 0 string Windows\ Registry\ Editor\ >&0 string Version\ 5.00\r\n\r\n Windows Registry text (Win2K or above) # Windows *.INF *.INI files updated by Joerg Jenderek at Apr 2013 # empty ,comment , section # PR/383: remove unicode BOM because it is not portable across regex impls 0 regex/s \\`(\\r\\n|;|[[]) # left bracket in section line >&0 search/8192 [ # http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Autorun.inf # http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/cc144200.aspx >>&0 regex/c \^(autorun)]\r\n >>>&0 ubyte =0x5b INItialization configuration !:mime application/x-wine-extension-ini # From: Pal Tamas <folti@balabit.hu> # Autorun File >>>&0 ubyte !0x5b Microsoft Windows Autorun file !:mime application/x-setupscript # http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/hardware/ff549520(v=vs.85).aspx # version strings ASCII coded case-independent for Windows setup information script file >>&0 regex/c \^(version|strings)] Windows setup INFormation !:mime application/x-setupscript #!:mime application/inf #!:mime application/x-wine-extension-inf >>&0 regex/c \^(WinsockCRCList|OEMCPL)] Windows setup INFormation !:mime text/inf # http://www.winfaq.de/faq_html/Content/tip2500/onlinefaq.php?h=tip2653.htm # http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/cc144102.aspx # .ShellClassInfo DeleteOnCopy LocalizedFileNames ASCII coded case-independent >>&0 regex/c \^(\.ShellClassInfo|DeleteOnCopy|LocalizedFileNames)] Windows desktop.ini !:mime application/x-wine-extension-ini #!:mime text/plain # http://support.microsoft.com/kb/84709/ >>&0 regex/c \^(don't\ load)] Windows CONTROL.INI !:mime application/x-wine-extension-ini >>&0 regex/c \^(ndishlp\\$|protman\\$|NETBEUI\\$)] Windows PROTOCOL.INI !:mime application/x-wine-extension-ini # http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc722567.aspx # http://www.winfaq.de/faq_html/Content/tip0000/onlinefaq.php?h=tip0137.htm >>&0 regex/c \^(windows|Compatibility|embedding)] Windows WIN.INI !:mime application/x-wine-extension-ini # http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SYSTEM.INI >>&0 regex/c \^(boot|386enh|drivers)] Windows SYSTEM.INI !:mime application/x-wine-extension-ini # http://www.mdgx.com/newtip6.htm >>&0 regex/c \^(SafeList)] Windows IOS.INI !:mime application/x-wine-extension-ini # http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NTLDR Windows Boot Loader information >>&0 regex/c \^(boot\x20loader)] Windows boot.ini !:mime application/x-wine-extension-ini >>>&0 ubyte x # http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CONFIG.SYS >>&0 regex/c \^(menu)]\r\n MS-DOS CONFIG.SYS # http://support.microsoft.com/kb/118579/ >>&0 regex/c \^(Paths)]\r\n MS-DOS MSDOS.SYS # VERS string unicoded case-independent >>&0 ubequad&0xFFdfFFdfFFdfFFdf 0x0056004500520053 # ION] string unicoded case-independent >>>&0 ubequad&0xFFdfFFdfFFdfFFff 0x0049004f004e005d Windows setup INFormation !:mime application/x-setupscript # STRI string unicoded case-independent >>&0 ubequad&0xFFdfFFdfFFdfFFdf 0x0053005400520049 # NGS] string unicoded case-independent >>>&0 ubequad&0xFFdfFFdfFFdfFFff 0x004e00470053005D Windows setup INFormation !:mime application/x-setupscript # unknown keyword after opening bracket >>&0 default x >>>&0 search/8192 [ # version Strings FileIdentification >>>>&0 string/c version Windows setup INFormation !:mime application/x-setupscript # VERS string unicoded case-independent >>>>&0 ubequad&0xFFdfFFdfFFdfFFdf 0x0056004500520053 # ION] string unicoded case-independent >>>>>&0 ubequad&0xFFdfFFdfFFdfFFff 0x0049004f004e005d Windows setup INFormation !:mime application/x-setupscript # http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Initialization_file Windows Initialization File or other #>>>>&0 default x Generic INItialization configuration #!:mime application/x-wine-extension-ini # Windows Precompiled INF files *.PNF added by Joerg Jenderek at Mar 2013 of _PNF_HEADER inf.h # http://read.pudn.com/downloads3/sourcecode/windows/248345/win2k/private/windows/setup/setupapi/inf.h__.htm # GRR: line below too general as it catches also PDP-11 UNIX/RT ldp 0 leshort&0xFeFe 0x0000 !:strength -5 # test for unused null bits in PNF_FLAGs >4 ulelong&0xFCffFe00 0x00000000 # only found 58h for Offset of WinDirPath immediately after _PNF_HEADER structure >>68 ulelong >0x57 # test for zero high byte of InfValueBlockSize, followed by WinDirPath like # C:\WINDOWS (ASCII 0x433a5c.. , unicode 0x43003a005c..) or X:\MININT >>>(68.l-1) ubelong&0xffE0C519 =0x00400018 Windows Precompiled iNF !:mime application/x-pnf # currently only found Major Version=1 and Minor Version=1 #>>>>0 uleshort =0x0101 #>>>>>1 ubyte x \b, version %u #>>>>>0 ubyte x \b.%u >>>>0 uleshort !0x0101 >>>>>1 ubyte x \b, version %u >>>>>0 ubyte x \b.%u # 1 ,2 (windows 98 SE) #>>>>2 uleshort =2 \b, InfStyle %u >>>>2 uleshort !2 \b, InfStyle %u # PNF_FLAG_IS_UNICODE 0x00000001 # PNF_FLAG_HAS_STRINGS 0x00000002 # PNF_FLAG_SRCPATH_IS_URL 0x00000004 # PNF_FLAG_HAS_VOLATILE_DIRIDS 0x00000008 # PNF_FLAG_INF_VERIFIED 0x00000010 # PNF_FLAG_INF_DIGITALLY_SIGNED 0x00000020 # ?? 0x00000100 # ?? 0x01000000 # ?? 0x02000000 >>>>4 ulelong&0x00000001 0x00000001 \b, unicoded >>>>4 ulelong&0x00000020 0x00000020 \b, digitally signed #>>>>8 ulelong x \b, InfSubstValueListOffset 0x%x # many 0, 1 lmouusb.PNF, 2 linkfx10.PNF , f webfdr16.PNF #>>>>12 uleshort x \b, InfSubstValueCount 0x%x # only < 9 found #>>>>14 uleshort x \b, InfVersionDatumCount 0x%x # only found values lower 0x0000ffff #>>>>16 ulelong x \b, InfVersionDataSize 0x%x # only found positive values lower 0x00ffFFff for InfVersionDataOffset >>>>20 ulelong x \b, at 0x%x >>>>4 ulelong&0x00000001 =0x00000001 # case independent: CatalogFile Class DriverVer layoutfile LayoutFile SetupClass signature Signature >>>>>(20.l) lestring16 x "%s" >>>>4 ulelong&0x00000001 !0x00000001 >>>>>(20.l) string x "%s" # FILETIME is number of 100-nanosecond intervals since 1 January 1601 #>>>>24 ulequad x \b, InfVersionLastWriteTime %16.16llx # only found values lower 0x00ffFFff #>>>>32 ulelong x \b, StringTableBlockOffset 0x%x #>>>>36 ulelong x \b, StringTableBlockSize 0x%x #>>>>40 ulelong x \b, InfSectionCount 0x%x #>>>>44 ulelong x \b, InfSectionBlockOffset 0x%x #>>>>48 ulelong x \b, InfSectionBlockSize 0x%x #>>>>52 ulelong x \b, InfLineBlockOffset 0x%x #>>>>56 ulelong x \b, InfLineBlockSize 0x%x #>>>>60 ulelong x \b, InfValueBlockOffset 0x%x #>>>>64 ulelong x \b, InfValueBlockSize 0x%x # WinDirPathOffset #>>>>68 ulelong x \b, at 0x%x >>>>68 ulelong >0x57 >>>>>4 ulelong&0x00000001 =0x00000001 >>>>>>(68.l) ubequad =0x43003a005c005700 # normally unicoded C:\Windows #>>>>>>>(68.l) lestring16 x \b, WinDirPath "%s" >>>>>>(68.l) ubequad !0x43003a005c005700 >>>>>>>(68.l) lestring16 x \b, WinDirPath "%s" >>>>>4 ulelong&0x00000001 !0x00000001 # normally ASCII C:\WINDOWS #>>>>>>(68.l) string =C:\\WINDOWS \b, WinDirPath "%s" >>>>>>(68.l) string !C:\\WINDOWS \b, WinDirPath "%s" # found OsLoaderPathOffset values often 0 , once 70h corelist.PNF, once 68h ASCII machine.PNF #>>>>72 ulelong >0 \b, at 0x%x >>>>72 ulelong >0 \b, >>>>>4 ulelong&0x00000001 =0x00000001 >>>>>>(72.l) lestring16 x OsLoaderPath "%s" >>>>>4 ulelong&0x00000001 !0x00000001 # seldom C:\ instead empty >>>>>>(72.l) string x OsLoaderPath "%s" # 1fdh #>>>>76 uleshort x \b, StringTableHashBucketCount 0x%x >>>>78 uleshort !0x407 \b, LanguageId %x # only 407h found #>>>>78 uleshort =0x407 \b, LanguageId %x # InfSourcePathOffset often 0 #>>>>80 ulelong >0 \b, at 0x%x >>>>80 ulelong >0 \b, >>>>>4 ulelong&0x00000001 =0x00000001 >>>>>>(80.l) lestring16 x SourcePath "%s" >>>>>4 ulelong&0x00000001 !0x00000001 >>>>>>(80.l) string >\0 SourcePath "%s" # OriginalInfNameOffset often 0 #>>>>84 ulelong >0 \b, at 0x%x >>>>84 ulelong >0 \b, >>>>>4 ulelong&0x00000001 =0x00000001 >>>>>>(84.l) lestring16 x InfName "%s" >>>>>4 ulelong&0x00000001 !0x00000001 >>>>>>(84.l) string >\0 InfName "%s"