#------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # $File: sql,v 1.24 2022/07/17 15:32:48 christos Exp $ # sql: file(1) magic for SQL files # # From: "Marty Leisner" <mleisner@eng.mc.xerox.com> # Recognize some MySQL files. # Elan Ruusamae <glen@delfi.ee>, added MariaDB signatures # from https://bazaar.launchpad.net/~maria-captains/maria/5.5/view/head:/support-files/magic # 0 beshort 0xfe01 MySQL table definition file >2 byte x Version %d >3 byte 0 \b, type UNKNOWN >3 byte 1 \b, type DIAM_ISAM >3 byte 2 \b, type HASH >3 byte 3 \b, type MISAM >3 byte 4 \b, type PISAM >3 byte 5 \b, type RMS_ISAM >3 byte 6 \b, type HEAP >3 byte 7 \b, type ISAM >3 byte 8 \b, type MRG_ISAM >3 byte 9 \b, type MYISAM >3 byte 10 \b, type MRG_MYISAM >3 byte 11 \b, type BERKELEY_DB >3 byte 12 \b, type INNODB >3 byte 13 \b, type GEMINI >3 byte 14 \b, type NDBCLUSTER >3 byte 15 \b, type EXAMPLE_DB >3 byte 16 \b, type CSV_DB >3 byte 17 \b, type FEDERATED_DB >3 byte 18 \b, type BLACKHOLE_DB >3 byte 19 \b, type PARTITION_DB >3 byte 20 \b, type BINLOG >3 byte 21 \b, type SOLID >3 byte 22 \b, type PBXT >3 byte 23 \b, type TABLE_FUNCTION >3 byte 24 \b, type MEMCACHE >3 byte 25 \b, type FALCON >3 byte 26 \b, type MARIA >3 byte 27 \b, type PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA >3 byte 127 \b, type DEFAULT >0x0033 ulong x \b, MySQL version %d 0 belong&0xffffff00 0xfefe0500 MySQL ISAM index file >3 byte x Version %d 0 belong&0xffffff00 0xfefe0600 MySQL ISAM compressed data file >3 byte x Version %d 0 belong&0xffffff00 0xfefe0700 MySQL MyISAM index file >3 byte x Version %d >14 beshort x \b, %d key parts >16 beshort x \b, %d unique key parts >18 byte x \b, %d keys >28 bequad x \b, %lld records >36 bequad x \b, %lld deleted records 0 belong&0xffffff00 0xfefe0800 MySQL MyISAM compressed data file >3 byte x Version %d 0 belong&0xffffff00 0xfefe0900 MySQL Maria index file >3 byte x Version %d 0 belong&0xffffff00 0xfefe0a00 MySQL Maria compressed data file >3 byte x Version %d 0 belong&0xffffff00 0xfefe0c00 >4 string MACF MySQL Maria control file >>3 byte x Version %d 0 string \376bin MySQL replication log, >9 long x server id %d >8 byte 1 >>13 long 69 \b, MySQL V3.2.3 >>>19 string x \b, server version %s >>13 long 75 \b, MySQL V4.0.2-V4.1 >>>25 string x \b, server version %s >8 byte 15 MySQL V5+, >>25 string x server version %s >4 string MARIALOG MySQL Maria transaction log file >>3 byte x Version %d #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # iRiver H Series database file # From Ken Guest <ken@linux.ie> # As observed from iRivNavi.iDB and unencoded firmware # 0 string iRivDB iRiver Database file >11 string >\0 Version %s >39 string iHP-100 [H Series] #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # SQLite database files # Ken Guest <ken@linux.ie>, Ty Sarna, Zack Weinberg # # Version 1 used GDBM internally; its files cannot be distinguished # from other GDBM files. # # Version 2 used this format: 0 string **\ This\ file\ contains\ an\ SQLite SQLite 2.x database # URL: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQLite # Reference: https://www.sqlite.org/fileformat.html # Update: Joerg Jenderek # Version 3 of SQLite allows applications to embed their own "user version" # number in the database at offset 60. Later, SQLite added an "application id" # at offset 68 that is preferred over "user version" for indicating the # associated application. # 0 string SQLite\ format\ 3 # skip DROID fmt-729-signature-id-1053.sqlite by checking for valid page size >16 ubeshort >0 SQLite 3.x # deprecated #!:mime application/x-sqlite3 !:mime application/vnd.sqlite3 # seldom found extension sqlite3 like in SyncData.sqlite3 # db # db3 like: AddrBook.db3 cgipcrvp.db3 # https://www.maplesoft.com/support/help/Maple/view.aspx?path=worksheet%2freference%2fhelpdatabase # help is used for newer Maple help database # SQLite database weewx.sdb used by weather software weewx # https://www.weewx.com/docs/usersguide.htm # Avira Antivir use extension "dbe" like in avevtdb.dbe, avguard_tchk.dbe # Unfortunately extension sqlite also used for other databases starting with string # "TTCONTAINER" like in tracks.sqlite contentconsumer.sqlite contentproducerrepository.sqlite # and with string "ZV-zlib" in like extra.sqlite >>68 belong !0x5CDE09EF database !:ext sqlite/sqlite3/db/db3/dbe/sdb/help >>68 belong =0x5CDE09EF database # maple is used for Maple Workbook !:ext maple >>60 belong =0x5f4d544e (Monotone source repository) # if no known user version then check for Application IDs with default clause >>60 belong !0x5f4d544e # The "Application ID" set by PRAGMA application_id >>>68 belong =0x0f055112 (Fossil checkout) >>>68 belong =0x0f055113 (Fossil global configuration) >>>68 belong =0x0f055111 (Fossil repository) >>>68 belong =0x42654462 (Bentley Systems BeSQLite Database) >>>68 belong =0x42654c6e (Bentley Systems Localization File) >>>68 belong =0x47504b47 (OGC GeoPackage file) # https://www.sqlite.org/src/artifact?ci=trunk&filename=magic.txt >>>68 belong =0x47503130 (OGC GeoPackage version 1.0 file) >>>68 belong =0x45737269 (Esri Spatially-Enabled Database) >>>68 belong =0x4d504258 (MBTiles tileset) # https://www.maplesoft.com/support/help/errors/view.aspx?path=Formats/Maple >>>68 belong =0x5CDE09EF (Maple Workbook) # unknown application ID >>>68 default x >>>>68 belong !0 \b, application id %u # The "user version" as read and set by the user_version pragma like: # 1 2 4 5 7 9 10 25 36 43 53 400 416 131073 131074 131075 >>60 belong !0 \b, user version %d # SQLITE_VERSION_NUMBER like: 0 3008011 3016002 3007014 3017000 3022000 3028000 3031001 >>96 belong x \b, last written using SQLite version %d # database page size in bytes; a power of two between 512 and 32768, or 1 for 65536 # like: 512 1024 often 4096 32768 >>16 ubeshort !4096 \b, page size %u # File format write version. 1 for legacy; 2 for WAL; 0 for corruptDB.sqlite >>18 ubyte !1 \b, writer version %u # File format read version. 1 for legacy; 2 for WAL; 4 for corruptDB.sqlite >>19 ubyte !1 \b, read version %u # Bytes of unused "reserved" space at the end of each page. Usually 0 >>20 ubyte !0 \b, unused bytes %u # maximum embedded payload fraction. Must be 64; 1 for corruptDB.sqlite >>21 ubyte !64 \b, maximum payload %u # Minimum embedded payload fraction. Must be 32; 1 for corruptDB.sqlite >>22 ubyte !32 \b, minimum payload %u # Leaf payload fraction. Must be 32; 0 for corruptDB.sqlite >>23 ubyte !32 \b, leaf payload %u # file change counter >>24 ubelong x \b, file counter %u # Size of the database file in pages >>28 ubelong x \b, database pages %u # page number of the first freelist trunk page like: 0 2 3 4 5 9 # 10 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 23 36 39 46 50 136 190 217 307 505 516 561 883 1659 >>32 ubelong !0 \b, 1st free page %u # total number of freelist pages >>36 ubelong !0 \b, free pages %u # The schema cookie like: 2 3 4 6 7 9 A D E F 13 14 1C 25 2A 2F 33 44 4B 53 5A 5F 62 86 87 8F 91 A8 >>40 ubelong x \b, cookie %#x # the schema format number. Supported formats are 1 2 3 and often 4 # 3328 for corruptDB.sqlite and 0 for 512 byte storage.sqlite (TorBrowser Firefox Thunderbird) >>44 ubelong x \b, schema %u # Suggested cache size like: 0 2000 >>48 ubelong !0 \b, cache page size %u # The page number of the largest root b-tree page when in auto-vacuum or incremental-vacuum modes, or zero otherwise. >>52 ubelong !0 \b, largest root page %u # The database text encoding; a value of 1 means UTF-8; 2 means UTF-16le; 3 means UTF-16be #>>56 ubelong x \b, encoding %u >>56 ubelong x >>>56 ubelong =1 \b, UTF-8 >>>56 ubelong =2 \b, UTF-16 little endian >>>56 ubelong =3 \b, UTF-16 big endian # 0 for corruptDB.sqlite and for storage.sqlite with database pages 1 (TorBrowser Firefox Thunderbird) # https://mozilla.github.io/firefox-browser-architecture/text/0010-firefox-data-stores.html >>>56 default x >>>>56 ubelong x \b, unknown %#x encoding # True (non-zero) for incremental-vacuum mode; false (zero) otherwiseqy >>64 ubelong !0 \b, vacuum mode %u # Reserved for expansion. Must be zero >>72 uquad !0 \b, reserved %#llx # The version-valid-for number like: # 1 2 3 4 C F 68h 95h 266h A99h 3DCDh B7CEh >>92 ubelong x \b, version-valid-for %u # SQLite Write-Ahead Log from SQLite version >= 3.7.0 # https://www.sqlite.org/fileformat.html#walformat 0 belong&0xfffffffe 0x377f0682 SQLite Write-Ahead Log, !:ext sqlite-wal/db-wal >4 belong x version %d # SQLite Rollback Journal # https://www.sqlite.org/fileformat.html#rollbackjournal 0 string \xd9\xd5\x05\xf9\x20\xa1\x63\xd7 SQLite Rollback Journal # Panasonic channel list database svl.bin or svl.db added by Joerg Jenderek # https://github.com/PredatH0r/ChanSort 0 string PSDB\0 Panasonic channel list DataBase !:ext db/bin #!:mime application/x-db-svl-panasonic >126 string SQLite\ format\ 3 #!:mime application/x-panasonic-sqlite3 >>&-15 indirect x \b; contains # H2 Database from https://www.h2database.com/ 0 string --\ H2\ 0.5/B\ --\ \n H2 Database file # DuckDB database file from https://duckdb.org 8 string DUCK DuckDB database file >12 lequad x \b, version %lld #>20 lequad x \b, flags %#llx #>28 lequad x \b, flags %#llx