#------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # $File: python,v 1.26 2014/08/04 05:58:40 christos Exp $ # python: file(1) magic for python # # Outlook puts """ too for urgent messages # From: David Necas <yeti@physics.muni.cz> # often the module starts with a multiline string 0 string/t """ Python script text executable # MAGIC as specified in Python/import.c (1.5 to 2.7a0 and 3.1a0, assuming # that Py_UnicodeFlag is off for Python 2) # 20121 ( YEAR - 1995 ) + MONTH + DAY (little endian followed by "\r\n" 0 belong 0x994e0d0a python 1.5/1.6 byte-compiled 0 belong 0x87c60d0a python 2.0 byte-compiled 0 belong 0x2aeb0d0a python 2.1 byte-compiled 0 belong 0x2ded0d0a python 2.2 byte-compiled 0 belong 0x3bf20d0a python 2.3 byte-compiled 0 belong 0x6df20d0a python 2.4 byte-compiled 0 belong 0xb3f20d0a python 2.5 byte-compiled 0 belong 0xd1f20d0a python 2.6 byte-compiled 0 belong 0x03f30d0a python 2.7 byte-compiled 0 belong 0x3b0c0d0a python 3.0 byte-compiled 0 belong 0x4f0c0d0a python 3.1 byte-compiled 0 belong 0x6c0c0d0a python 3.2 byte-compiled 0 belong 0x9e0c0d0a python 3.3 byte-compiled 0 belong 0xee0c0d0a python 3.4 byte-compiled 0 search/1/w #!\ /usr/bin/python Python script text executable !:mime text/x-python 0 search/1/w #!\ /usr/local/bin/python Python script text executable !:mime text/x-python 0 search/1 #!/usr/bin/env\ python Python script text executable !:mime text/x-python 0 search/1 #!\ /usr/bin/env\ python Python script text executable !:mime text/x-python # from module.submodule import func1, func2 0 regex \^from\\s+(\\w|\\.)+\\s+import.*$ Python script text executable !:mime text/x-python # def __init__ (self, ...): 0 search/4096 def\ __init__ >&0 search/64 self Python script text executable !:mime text/x-python # comments #0 search/4096 ''' #>&0 regex .*'''$ Python script text executable #!:mime text/x-python #0 search/4096 """ #>&0 regex .*"""$ Python script text executable #!:mime text/x-python # try: # except: or finally: # block 0 search/4096 try: >&0 regex \^\\s*except.*: Python script text executable !:mime text/x-python >&0 search/4096 finally: Python script text executable !:mime text/x-python # def name(args, args): 0 regex \^(\ |\\t){0,50}def\ {1,50}[a-zA-Z]{1,100} >&0 regex \ {0,50}\\(([a-zA-Z]|,|\ ){1,255}\\):$ Python script text executable !:mime text/x-python