#------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # $File: jpeg,v 1.40 2024/11/10 00:26:35 christos Exp $ # JPEG images # SunOS 5.5.1 had # # 0 string \377\330\377\340 JPEG file # 0 string \377\330\377\356 JPG file # # both of which turn into "JPEG image data" here. # 0 belong 0xffd8fff7 JPEG-LS image data !:mime image/jls !:ext jls >0 use jpeg 0 belong&0xffffff00 0xffd8ff00 JPEG image data !:mime image/jpeg !:apple 8BIMJPEG !:strength *3 !:ext jpeg/jpg/jpe/jfif >0 use jpeg 0 name jpeg >6 string JFIF \b, JFIF standard # The following added by Erik Rossen <rossen@freesurf.ch> 1999-09-06 # in a vain attempt to add image size reporting for JFIF. Note that these # tests are not fool-proof since some perfectly valid JPEGs are currently # impossible to specify in magic(4) format. # First, a little JFIF version info: >>11 byte x \b %d. >>12 byte x \b%02d # Next, the resolution or aspect ratio of the image: >>13 byte 0 \b, aspect ratio >>13 byte 1 \b, resolution (DPI) >>13 byte 2 \b, resolution (DPCM) >>14 ubeshort x \b, density %ux >>16 ubeshort x \b%u >>4 ubeshort x \b, segment length %u # Next, show thumbnail info, if it exists: >>18 byte !0 \b, thumbnail %ux >>>19 byte x \b%u >6 string Exif \b, Exif standard: [ >>12 indirect/r x >>12 string x \b] # Jump to the first segment >(4.S+4) use jpeg_segment # This uses recursion... 0 name jpeg_segment >0 beshort 0xFFFE # Recursion handled by FFE0 #>>(2.S+2) use jpeg_segment >>2 pstring/HJ x \b, comment: "%s" >0 beshort 0xFFC0 >>(2.S+2) use jpeg_segment >>4 byte x \b, baseline, precision %d >>7 ubeshort x \b, %ux >>5 ubeshort x \b%u >>9 byte x \b, components %d >0 beshort 0xFFC1 >>(2.S+2) use jpeg_segment >>4 byte x \b, extended sequential, precision %d >>7 ubeshort x \b, %ux >>5 ubeshort x \b%u >>9 byte x \b, components %d >0 beshort 0xFFC2 >>(2.S+2) use jpeg_segment >>4 byte x \b, progressive, precision %d >>7 ubeshort x \b, %ux >>5 ubeshort x \b%u >>9 byte x \b, components %d # Define Huffman Tables >0 beshort 0xFFC4 >>(2.S+2) use jpeg_segment >0 beshort 0xFFE1 # Recursion handled by FFE0 #>>(2.S+2) use jpeg_segment >>4 string Exif \b, Exif Standard: [ >>>10 indirect/r x >>>10 string x \b] # Application specific markers >0 beshort&0xFFE0 =0xFFE0 >>(2.S+2) use jpeg_segment # DB: Define Quantization tables # DD: Define Restart interval [XXX: wrong here, it is 4 bytes] # D8: Start of image # D9: End of image # Dn: Restart >0 beshort&0xFFD0 =0xFFD0 >>0 beshort&0xFFE0 !0xFFE0 >>>(2.S+2) use jpeg_segment #>0 beshort x unknown %#x #>>(2.S+2) use jpeg_segment # HSI is Handmade Software's proprietary JPEG encoding scheme # Update: Joerg Jenderek # URL: http://fileformats.archiveteam.org/wiki/HSI_JPEG # Reference: http://mark0.net/download/triddefs_xml.7z/defs/b/bitmap-hsi1.trid.xml # Note: called by TrID "HSI JPEG bitmap" 0 string hsi1 JPEG image data, HSI proprietary #!:mime application/octet-stream !:mime image/x-hsi !:ext hsi/jpg # From: David Santinoli <david@santinoli.com> 0 string \x00\x00\x00\x0C\x6A\x50\x20\x20\x0D\x0A\x87\x0A JPEG 2000 # delete from ./animation (version 1.87) with jP (=6A50h) magic at offset 4 # From: Johan van der Knijff <johan.vanderknijff@kb.nl> # Added sub-entries for JP2, JPX, JPM and MJ2 formats; added mimetypes # https://github.com/bitsgalore/jp2kMagic # # Now read value of 'Brand' field, which yields a few possibilities: # Update: Joerg Jenderek # URL: http://fileformats.archiveteam.org/wiki/JP2 # Reference: http://mark0.net/download/triddefs_xml.7z/defs/b/bitmap-jpeg2k.trid.xml # Note: called by TrID "JPEG 2000 bitmap" >20 string \x6a\x70\x32\x20 Part 1 (JP2) # aliases image/jpeg2000, image/jpeg2000-image, image/x-jpeg2000-image !:mime image/jp2 !:ext jp2 # URL: http://fileformats.archiveteam.org/wiki/JPX # Reference: http://mark0.net/download/triddefs_xml.7z/defs/b/bitmap-jpx.trid.xml # Note: called by TrID "JPEG 2000 eXtended bitmap" >20 string \x6a\x70\x78\x20 Part 2 (JPX) !:mime image/jpx !:ext jpf/jpx # URL: http://fileformats.archiveteam.org/wiki/JPM # Reference: http://mark0.net/download/triddefs_xml.7z/defs/b/bitmap-jpm.trid.xml # Note: called by TrID "JPEG 2000 eXtended bitmap" >20 string \x6a\x70\x6d\x20 Part 6 (JPM) !:mime image/jpm !:ext jpm # URL: http://fileformats.archiveteam.org/wiki/MJ2 # Reference: http://mark0.net/download/triddefs_xml.7z/defs/v/video-mj2.trid.xml # Note: called by TrID "Motion JPEG 2000 video" >20 string \x6d\x6a\x70\x32 Part 3 (MJ2) !:mime video/mj2 !:ext mj2/mjp2 # Type: JPEG 2000 codesream # From: Mathieu Malaterre <mathieu.malaterre@gmail.com> # Update: Joerg Jenderek # URL: http://fileformats.archiveteam.org/wiki/JPEG_2000_codestream # Reference: http://mark0.net/download/triddefs_xml.7z/defs/b/bitmap-jpc.trid.xml # Note: called by TrID "JPEG-2000 Code Stream bitmap" 0 belong 0xff4fff51 JPEG 2000 codestream # value like: 0701h FF50h #>45 ubeshort x \b, at 45 %#4.4x #!:mime application/octet-stream # https://reposcope.com/mimetype/image/x-jp2-codestream !:mime image/x-jp2-codestream !:ext jpc/j2c/j2k # MAYBE also JHC like in byte_causal.jhc ? # WHAT IS THAT? DEAD ENTRY? #45 beshort 0xff52 # JPEG extended range # Update: Joerg Jenderek 2023 # URL: http://fileformats.archiveteam.org/wiki/JPEG_XR # Reference: https://www.itu.int/rec/T-REC-T.832 # http://mark0.net/download/triddefs_xml.7z/defs/b/bitmap-wmp.trid.xml # http://mark0.net/download/triddefs_xml.7z/defs/b/bitmap-jxr.trid.xml # Note: called by TrID "JPEG XR bitmap" and "JPEG XR bitmap (WMPHOTO)" # verified as "JPEG XR" by XnView `nconvert -fullinfo *.jxr *.wdp` # partly by ImageMagick command `identify -verbose *.wdp` # and libjxr-tools `JxrDecApp -v -i example.wdp -o example.tif` 0 string \x49\x49\xbc # FILE_VERSION_ID; shall be equal to 1; other values are reserved for future use and are unlike to appear >3 byte 1 # FIRST_IFD_OFFSET; shall be an integer multiple of 2; so skip DROID fmt-590-signature-id-931.wdp >>4 lelong%2 0 JPEG-XR Image #!:mime image/vnd.ms-photo !:mime image/jxr # NO example for HDP ! !:ext jxr/wdp/hdp # MAYBE also WMP ? #!:ext jxr/wdp/hdp/wmp # moved from ./images (version 1.243 ) and merged # example: # http://shikino.co.jp/solution/upfile/FLOWER.wdp.zip # often GDI_SIGNATURE "WMPHOTO\0" at offset 90 like: FLOWER.wdp abydos.jxr SMALLTOMATO.wdp >90 bequad 0x574D50484F544F00 >>0 use jxr-info # seldom no GDI_SIGNATURE WMPHOTO\0 at offset 90 like: example.wdp MARKET-3361-ipm-bg-DE-treat[1].wdp >90 bequad !0x574D50484F544F00 # look for GDI_SIGNATURE WMPHOTO\0 at other offset >>4 search/3267/sb WMPHOTO\0 >>>&-90 use jxr-info # 0 name jxr-info # check for GDI_SIGNATURE that corresponds to "WMPHOTO\0" >90 bequad 0x574D50484F544F00 >>98 byte&0x08 =0x08 \b, hard tiling >>99 byte&0x80 =0x80 \b, tiling present >>99 byte&0x40 =0x40 \b, codestream present >>99 byte&0x38 x \b, spatial xform= >>99 byte&0x38 0x00 \bTL >>99 byte&0x38 0x08 \bBL >>99 byte&0x38 0x10 \bTR >>99 byte&0x38 0x18 \bBR >>99 byte&0x38 0x20 \bBT >>99 byte&0x38 0x28 \bRB >>99 byte&0x38 0x30 \bLT >>99 byte&0x38 0x38 \bLB >>100 byte&0x80 =0x80 \b, short header >>>102 beshort+1 x \b, %u >>>104 beshort+1 x \bx%u >>100 byte&0x80 =0x00 \b, long header >>>102 belong+1 x \b, %x >>>106 belong+1 x \bx%x >>101 beshort&0xf x \b, bitdepth= >>>101 beshort&0xf 0x0 \b1-WHITE=1 >>>101 beshort&0xf 0x1 \b8 >>>101 beshort&0xf 0x2 \b16 >>>101 beshort&0xf 0x3 \b16-SIGNED >>>101 beshort&0xf 0x4 \b16-FLOAT >>>101 beshort&0xf 0x5 \b(reserved 5) >>>101 beshort&0xf 0x6 \b32-SIGNED >>>101 beshort&0xf 0x7 \b32-FLOAT >>>101 beshort&0xf 0x8 \b5 >>>101 beshort&0xf 0x9 \b10 >>>101 beshort&0xf 0xa \b5-6-5 >>>101 beshort&0xf 0xb \b(reserved %d) >>>101 beshort&0xf 0xc \b(reserved %d) >>>101 beshort&0xf 0xd \b(reserved %d) >>>101 beshort&0xf 0xe \b(reserved %d) >>>101 beshort&0xf 0xf \b1-BLACK=1 >>101 beshort&0xf0 x \b, colorfmt= >>>101 beshort&0xf0 0x00 \bYONLY >>>101 beshort&0xf0 0x10 \bYUV240 >>>101 beshort&0xf0 0x20 \bYWV422 >>>101 beshort&0xf0 0x30 \bYWV444 >>>101 beshort&0xf0 0x40 \bCMYK >>>101 beshort&0xf0 0x50 \bCMYKDIRECT >>>101 beshort&0xf0 0x60 \bNCOMPONENT >>>101 beshort&0xf0 0x70 \bRGB >>>101 beshort&0xf0 0x80 \bRGBE >>>101 beshort&0xf0 >0x80 \b(reserved %#x) # JPEG XL # From: Ian Tester # Update: Joerg Jenderek # URL: http://fileformats.archiveteam.org/wiki/JPEG_XL # Reference: http://mark0.net/download/triddefs_xml.7z/defs/b/bitmap-jxl.trid.xml # Note: called by TrID "JPEG XL bitmap" 0 string \xff\x0a JPEG XL codestream !:mime image/jxl !:ext jxl # JPEG XL (transcoded JPEG file) # Update: Joerg Jenderek # URL: http://fileformats.archiveteam.org/wiki/JPEG_XL # Reference: http://mark0.net/download/triddefs_xml.7z/defs/b/bitmap-jxl-iso.trid.xml # Note: called by TrID "JPEG XL bitmap (ISOBMFF)" 0 string \x00\x00\x00\x0cJXL\x20\x0d\x0a\x87\x0a JPEG XL container !:mime image/jxl !:ext jxl