# $File: geo,v 1.8 2022/03/24 15:48:58 christos Exp $
# Geo- files from Kurt Schwehr <schwehr@ccom.unh.edu>

# Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers (ADCP)

0	beshort	0x7f7f	RDI Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP)

# Metadata

0	string	Identification_Information	FGDC ASCII metadata

# Seimsic / Subbottom

# Knudsen subbottom chirp profiler - Binary File Format: B9
# KEB D409-03167 V1.75 Huffman
0	string	KEB\ 	Knudsen seismic KEL binary (KEB) -
>4	regex	[-A-Z0-9]+	Software: %s
>>&1	regex	V[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+	version %s

# LIDAR - Laser altimetry or bathy

# Caris LIDAR format for LADS comes as two parts... ascii location file and binary waveform data
0	string	HCA	LADS Caris Ascii Format (CAF) bathymetric lidar
>4	regex [0-9]+\\.[0-9]+	version %s

0	string	HCB	LADS Caris Binary Format (CBF) bathymetric lidar waveform data
>3      byte    x	version %d .
>4	byte	x	%d

# MULTIBEAM SONARS https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/res/pi/MB-System/formatdoc/

# GeoAcoustics - GeoSwath Plus
4	beshort	0x2002	GeoSwath RDF
0	string	Start:-	GeoSwatch auf text file

# Seabeam 2100
# mbsystem code mb41
0	string SB2100	SeaBeam 2100 multibeam sonar
0	string SB2100DR	SeaBeam 2100 DR multibeam sonar
0	string SB2100PR SeaBeam 2100 PR multibeam sonar

# This corresponds to MB-System format 94, L-3/ELAC/SeaBeam XSE vendor
# format. It is the format of our upgraded SeaBeam 2112 on R/V KNORR.
0    string $HSF    XSE multibeam

# mb121 https://www.saic.com/maritime/gsf/
8	string	GSF-v	SAIC generic sensor format (GSF) sonar data,
>&0	regex [0-9]+\\.[0-9]+	version %s

# MGD77 - https://www.ngdc.noaa.gov/mgg/dat/geodas/docs/mgd77.htm
# mb161
9	string MGD77	MGD77 Header, Marine Geophysical Data Exchange Format

# MBSystem processing caches the mbinfo output
1	string	Swath\ Data\ File:	mbsystem info cache

# Caris John Hughes Clark format
0	string	HDCS	Caris multibeam sonar related data
1	string	Start/Stop\ parameter\ header:	Caris ASCII project summary

# Visualization and 3D modeling

# IVS - IVS3d.com Tagged Data Represetation
0	string	%%\ TDR\ 2.0	IVS Fledermaus TDR file

# http://www.ecma-international.org/publications/standards/Ecma-363.htm
# 3D in PDFs
0	string	U3D	ECMA-363, Universal 3D

# Support files

# https://midas.psi.ch/elog/
0	string	$@MID@$	elog journal entry

# Geospatial Designs https://www.geospatialdesigns.com/surfer6_format.htm
0	string		DSBB	Surfer 6 binary grid file
>4	leshort		x	\b, %d
>6	leshort		x	\bx%d
>8	ledouble	x	\b, minx=%g
>16	ledouble	x	\b, maxx=%g
>24	ledouble	x	\b, miny=%g
>32	ledouble	x	\b, maxy=%g
>40	ledouble	x	\b, minz=%g
>48	ledouble	x	\b, maxz=%g

# magic for LAS format files
# alex myczko <alex@aiei.ch>
# https://www.asprs.org/wp-content/uploads/2010/12/LAS_1_3_r11.pdf
0	string		LASF	LIDAR point data records
>24	byte		>0	\b, version %u
>25	byte		>0	\b.%u
>26	string		>\0	\b, SYSID %s
>58	string		>\0	\b, Generating Software %s

# magic for PCD format files
# alex myczko <alex@aiei.ch>
# http://pointclouds.org/documentation/tutorials/pcd_file_format.php
0	string		#\ .PCD	Point Cloud Data