# $File: games,v 1.35 2024/11/09 23:04:46 christos Exp $
# games:  file(1) for games

# Fabio Bonelli <fabiobonelli@libero.it>
# Quake II - III data files
0       string  IDP2        	Quake II 3D Model file,
>20     long    x               %u skin(s),
>8      long    x               (%u x
>12     long    x 		%u),
>40     long    x               %u frame(s),
>16     long    x               Frame size %u bytes,
>24     long  	x               %u vertices/frame,
>28     long    x            	%u texture coordinates,
>32     long    x               %u triangles/frame

0       string  IBSP            Quake
>4      long    0x26            II Map file (BSP)
>4      long    0x2E      	III Map file (BSP)

0       string  IDS2            Quake II SP2 sprite file

# Doom and Quake
# submitted by Nicolas Patrois

0       string  \xcb\x1dBoom\xe6\xff\x03\x01    Boom or linuxdoom demo
# some doom lmp files don't match, I've got one beginning with \x6d\x02\x01\x01

24      string  LxD\ 203        Linuxdoom save
>0      string  x       , name=%s
>44     string  x       , world=%s

# The levels

# Quake 1

0	string	5\x0aIntroduction             Quake I save: start Introduction
0	string	5\x0athe_Slipgate_Complex     Quake I save: e1m1 The slipgate complex
0	string	5\x0aCastle_of_the_Damned     Quake I save: e1m2 Castle of the damned
0	string	5\x0athe_Necropolis           Quake I save: e1m3 The necropolis
0	string	5\x0athe_Grisly_Grotto        Quake I save: e1m4 The grisly grotto
0	string	5\x0aZiggurat_Vertigo         Quake I save: e1m8 Ziggurat vertigo (secret)
0	string	5\x0aGloom_Keep               Quake I save: e1m5 Gloom keep
0	string	5\x0aThe_Door_To_Chthon       Quake I save: e1m6 The door to Chthon
0	string	5\x0aThe_House_of_Chthon      Quake I save: e1m7 The house of Chthon
0	string	5\x0athe_Installation         Quake I save: e2m1 The installation
0	string	5\x0athe_Ogre_Citadel         Quake I save: e2m2 The ogre citadel
0	string	5\x0athe_Crypt_of_Decay       Quake I save: e2m3 The crypt of decay (dopefish lives!)
0	string	5\x0aUnderearth               Quake I save: e2m7 Underearth (secret)
0	string	5\x0athe_Ebon_Fortress        Quake I save: e2m4 The ebon fortress
0	string	5\x0athe_Wizard's_Manse       Quake I save: e2m5 The wizard's manse
0	string	5\x0athe_Dismal_Oubliette     Quake I save: e2m6 The dismal oubliette
0	string	5\x0aTermination_Central      Quake I save: e3m1 Termination central
0	string	5\x0aVaults_of_Zin            Quake I save: e3m2 Vaults of Zin
0	string	5\x0athe_Tomb_of_Terror       Quake I save: e3m3 The tomb of terror
0	string	5\x0aSatan's_Dark_Delight     Quake I save: e3m4 Satan's dark delight
0	string	5\x0athe_Haunted_Halls        Quake I save: e3m7 The haunted halls (secret)
0	string	5\x0aWind_Tunnels             Quake I save: e3m5 Wind tunnels
0	string	5\x0aChambers_of_Torment      Quake I save: e3m6 Chambers of torment
0	string	5\x0athe_Sewage_System        Quake I save: e4m1 The sewage system
0	string	5\x0aThe_Tower_of_Despair     Quake I save: e4m2 The tower of despair
0	string	5\x0aThe_Elder_God_Shrine     Quake I save: e4m3 The elder god shrine
0	string	5\x0athe_Palace_of_Hate       Quake I save: e4m4 The palace of hate
0	string	5\x0aHell's_Atrium            Quake I save: e4m5 Hell's atrium
0	string	5\x0athe_Nameless_City        Quake I save: e4m8 The nameless city (secret)
0	string	5\x0aThe_Pain_Maze            Quake I save: e4m6 The pain maze
0	string	5\x0aAzure_Agony              Quake I save: e4m7 Azure agony
0	string	5\x0aShub-Niggurath's_Pit     Quake I save: end Shub-Niggurath's pit

# Quake DeathMatch levels

0	string	5\x0aPlace_of_Two_Deaths	 Quake I save: dm1 Place of two deaths
0	string	5\x0aClaustrophobopolis		 Quake I save: dm2 Claustrophobopolis
0	string	5\x0aThe_Abandoned_Base		 Quake I save: dm3 The abandoned base
0	string	5\x0aThe_Bad_Place		 Quake I save: dm4 The bad place
0	string	5\x0aThe_Cistern		 Quake I save: dm5 The cistern
0	string	5\x0aThe_Dark_Zone		 Quake I save: dm6 The dark zone

# Scourge of Armagon

0	string	5\x0aCommand_HQ               Quake I save: start Command HQ
0	string	5\x0aThe_Pumping_Station      Quake I save: hip1m1 The pumping station
0	string	5\x0aStorage_Facility         Quake I save: hip1m2 Storage facility
0	string	5\x0aMilitary_Complex         Quake I save: hip1m5 Military complex (secret)
0	string	5\x0athe_Lost_Mine            Quake I save: hip1m3 The lost mine
0	string	5\x0aResearch_Facility        Quake I save: hip1m4 Research facility
0	string	5\x0aAncient_Realms           Quake I save: hip2m1 Ancient realms
0	string	5\x0aThe_Gremlin's_Domain     Quake I save: hip2m6 The gremlin's domain (secret)
0	string	5\x0aThe_Black_Cathedral      Quake I save: hip2m2 The black cathedral
0	string	5\x0aThe_Catacombs            Quake I save: hip2m3 The catacombs
0	string	5\x0athe_Crypt__              Quake I save: hip2m4 The crypt
0	string	5\x0aMortum's_Keep            Quake I save: hip2m5 Mortum's keep
0	string	5\x0aTur_Torment              Quake I save: hip3m1 Tur torment
0	string	5\x0aPandemonium              Quake I save: hip3m2 Pandemonium
0	string	5\x0aLimbo                    Quake I save: hip3m3 Limbo
0	string	5\x0athe_Edge_of_Oblivion     Quake I save: hipdm1 The edge of oblivion (secret)
0	string	5\x0aThe_Gauntlet             Quake I save: hip3m4 The gauntlet
0	string	5\x0aArmagon's_Lair           Quake I save: hipend Armagon's lair

# Malice

0	string	5\x0aThe_Academy      Quake I save: start The academy
0	string	5\x0aThe_Lab          Quake I save: d1 The lab
0	string	5\x0aArea_33          Quake I save: d1b Area 33
0	string	5\x0aSECRET_MISSIONS  Quake I save: d3b Secret missions
0	string	5\x0aThe_Hospital     Quake I save: d10 The hospital (secret)
0	string	5\x0aThe_Genetics_Lab Quake I save: d11 The genetics lab (secret)
0	string	5\x0aBACK_2_MALICE    Quake I save: d4b Back to Malice
0	string	5\x0aArea44           Quake I save: d1c Area 44
0	string	5\x0aTakahiro_Towers  Quake I save: d2 Takahiro towers
0	string	5\x0aA_Rat's_Life     Quake I save: d3 A rat's life
0	string	5\x0aInto_The_Flood   Quake I save: d4 Into the flood
0	string	5\x0aThe_Flood        Quake I save: d5 The flood
0	string	5\x0aNuclear_Plant    Quake I save: d6 Nuclear plant
0	string	5\x0aThe_Incinerator_Plant    Quake I save: d7 The incinerator plant
0	string	5\x0aThe_Foundry              Quake I save: d7b The foundry
0	string	5\x0aThe_Underwater_Base      Quake I save: d8 The underwater base
0	string	5\x0aTakahiro_Base            Quake I save: d9 Takahiro base
0	string	5\x0aTakahiro_Laboratories    Quake I save: d12 Takahiro laboratories
0	string	5\x0aStayin'_Alive    Quake I save: d13 Stayin' alive
0	string	5\x0aB.O.S.S._HQ      Quake I save: d14 B.O.S.S. HQ
0	string	5\x0aSHOWDOWN!        Quake I save: d15 Showdown!

# Malice DeathMatch levels

0	string	5\x0aThe_Seventh_Precinct	 Quake I save: ddm1 The seventh precinct
0	string	5\x0aSub_Station		 Quake I save: ddm2 Sub station
0	string	5\x0aCrazy_Eights!		 Quake I save: ddm3 Crazy eights!
0	string	5\x0aEast_Side_Invertationa	 Quake I save: ddm4 East side invertationa
0	string	5\x0aSlaughterhouse		 Quake I save: ddm5 Slaughterhouse
0	string	5\x0aDOMINO			 Quake I save: ddm6 Domino
0	string	5\x0aSANDRA'S_LADDER		 Quake I save: ddm7 Sandra's ladder

0	string	MComprHD	MAME CHD compressed hard disk image,
>12	belong	x		version %u

# MAME input recordings

0	string		MAMEINP\0		MAME input recording
>8	leqdate		x			at %s,
>16	leshort		x			format version %d.
>18	leshort		x			\b%d,
>20	string/12	x			%s driver,
>32	string/32	x			%s

# doom - submitted by Jon Dowland

0	string	=IWAD		doom main IWAD data
>4	lelong	x		containing %d lumps
0	string	=PWAD		doom patch PWAD data
>4	lelong	x		containing %d lumps

# Build engine group files (Duke Nukem, Shadow Warrior, ...)
# Extension: .grp
# Created by: "Ganael Laplanche" <ganael.laplanche@martymac.org>
0	string	KenSilverman	Build engine group file
>12	lelong	x		containing %d files

# Summary: Warcraft 3 save
# Extension: .w3g
# Created by: "Nelson A. de Oliveira" <naoliv@gmail.com>
0	string		Warcraft\ III\ recorded\ game	%s

# Summary: Warcraft 3 map
# Extension: .w3m
# Created by: "Nelson A. de Oliveira" <naoliv@gmail.com>
0	string		HM3W		Warcraft III map file

# Summary: SGF Smart Game Format
# Extension: .sgf
# Reference: https://www.red-bean.com/sgf/
# Created by: Eduardo Sabbatella <eduardo_sabbatella@yahoo.com.ar>
# Modified by (1): Abel Cheung (regex, more game format)
# FIXME: Some games don't have GM (game type)
0	regex		\\(;.*GM\\[[0-9]{1,2}\\]	Smart Game Format
>2	search/0x200/b	GM[
>>&0	string		1]	(Go)
>>&0	string		2]	(Othello)
>>&0	string		3]	(chess)
>>&0	string		4]	(Gomoku+Renju)
>>&0	string		5]	(Nine Men's Morris)
>>&0	string		6]	(Backgammon)
>>&0	string		7]	(Chinese chess)
>>&0	string		8]	(Shogi)
>>&0	string		9]	(Lines of Action)
>>&0	string		10]	(Ataxx)
>>&0	string		11]	(Hex)
>>&0	string		12]	(Jungle)
>>&0	string		13]	(Neutron)
>>&0	string		14]	(Philosopher's Football)
>>&0	string		15]	(Quadrature)
>>&0	string		16]	(Trax)
>>&0	string		17]	(Tantrix)
>>&0	string		18]	(Amazons)
>>&0	string		19]	(Octi)
>>&0	string		20]	(Gess)
>>&0	string		21]	(Twixt)
>>&0	string		22]	(Zertz)
>>&0	string		23]	(Plateau)
>>&0	string		24]	(Yinsh)
>>&0	string		25]	(Punct)
>>&0	string		26]	(Gobblet)
>>&0	string		27]	(hive)
>>&0	string		28]	(Exxit)
>>&0	string		29]	(Hnefatal)
>>&0	string		30]	(Kuba)
>>&0	string		31]	(Tripples)
>>&0	string		32]	(Chase)
>>&0	string		33]	(Tumbling Down)
>>&0	string		34]	(Sahara)
>>&0	string		35]	(Byte)
>>&0	string		36]	(Focus)
>>&0	string		37]	(Dvonn)
>>&0	string		38]	(Tamsk)
>>&0	string		39]	(Gipf)
>>&0	string		40]	(Kropki)

# NetImmerse/Gamebryo game engine entries

# Summary: Gamebryo game engine file
# Extension: .nif, .kf
# Created by: Abel Cheung <abelcheung@gmail.com>
0		string		Gamebryo\ File\ Format,\ Version\ 	Gamebryo game engine file
>&0		regex		[0-9a-z.]+				\b, version %s

# Summary: Gamebryo game engine file
# Extension: .kfm
# Created by: Abel Cheung <abelcheung@gmail.com>
0		string		;Gamebryo\ KFM\ File\ Version\ 		Gamebryo game engine animation File
>&0		regex		[0-9a-z.]+				\b, version %s

# Summary: NetImmerse game engine file
# Extension .nif
# Created by: Abel Cheung <abelcheung@gmail.com>
0		string		NetImmerse\ File\ Format,\ Version
>&0		string		n\ 					NetImmerse game engine file
>>&0		regex		[0-9a-z.]+				\b, version %s

# Type:	SGF Smart Game Format
# URL:	https://www.red-bean.com/sgf/
# From:	Eduardo Sabbatella <eduardo_sabbatella@yahoo.com.ar>
2	regex/c	\\(;.*GM\\[[0-9]{1,2}\\]	Smart Game Format
>2	regex/c	GM\\[1\\]			- Go Game
>2	regex/c	GM\\[6\\]			- BackGammon Game
>2	regex/c	GM\\[11\\]			- Hex Game
>2	regex/c	GM\\[18\\]			- Amazons Game
>2	regex/c	GM\\[19\\]			- Octi Game
>2	regex/c	GM\\[20\\]			- Gess Game
>2	regex/c	GM\\[21\\]			- twix Game

# Epic Games/Unreal Engine Package
# URL: https://docs.unrealengine.com/udk/Three/ContentCooking.html
#      https://eliotvu.com/page/unreal-package-file-format
# Little-endian version (such as x86 PC)
0		lelong		0x9E2A83C1	Unreal Engine package (little-endian)
!:ext		xxx/tfc/upk/me1/u
>4		uleshort	!0		\b, version %u
>>6		uleshort	!0		\b/%03u
>>0		use		upk_header
# Big-endian version (such as PS3)
0		belong		0x9E2A83C1	Unreal Engine package (big-endian)
!:ext		xxx/tfc
>6		ubeshort	!0		\b, version %u
>>4		ubeshort	!0		\b/%03u
>>0		use		\^upk_header

0		name		upk_header
# Identify game from version and licensee
>4		ulelong		0x000002b2	(Alice Madness Returns)
>4		ulelong		0x002f0313	(Aliens: Colonial Marines)
>4		ulelong		0x005b021b	(Alpha Protocol)
>4		ulelong		0x0000032c	(AntiChamber)
>4		ulelong		0x00200223	(APB: All Points Bulletin)
>4		ulelong		0x004b02d7	(Bioshock Infinite)
>4		ulelong		0x00380340	(Borderlands 2)
>4		ulelong		0x001d02e6	(Bulletstorm)
>4		ulelong		0x00050240	(CrimeCraft)
>4		ulelong		0x00000356	(Deadlight)
>4		ulelong		0x001e0321	(Dishonored)
>4		ulelong		0x000202a6	(Dungeon Defenders)
>4		ulelong		0x000901ea	(Gears of War)
>4		ulelong		0x0000023f	(Gears of War 2)
>4		ulelong		0x0000033c	(Gears of War 3)
>4		ulelong		0x0000034e	(Gears of War: Judgement)
>4		ulelong		0x0004035c	(Hawken)
>4		ulelong		0x0001034a	(Infinity Blade 2)
>4		ulelong		0x00000350	(InMomentum)
>4		ulelong		0x0015037D	(Life Is Strange)
>4		ulelong		0x000b01a5	(Medal of Honor: Airborne)
>4		ulelong		0x002b0218	(Mirrors Edge)
>4		ulelong		0x0000027e	(Monday Night Combat)
>4		ulelong		0x0000024b	(MoonBase Alpha)
>4		ulelong		0x002e01d8	(Mortal Kombat Komplete Edition 2605)
>4		ulelong		0x0000035c	(Painkiller HD)
>4		ulelong		0x0000034d	(Q.U.B.E)
>4		ulelong		0x80660340	(Quantum Conundrum)
>4		ulelong		0x0000035b	(Ravaged)
>4		ulelong		0x00150340	(Remember Me)
>4		ulelong		0x00060171	(Roboblitz)
>4		ulelong		0x00000325	(Rock of Ages)
>4		ulelong		0x0000032a	(Sanctum)
>4		ulelong		0x00030248	(Saw)
>4		ulelong		0x007e0248	(Singularity)
>4		ulelong		0x00090388	(Soldier Front 2)
>4		ulelong		0x000701e6	(Stargate Worlds)
>4		ulelong		0x00000334	(Super Monday Night Combat)
>4		ulelong		0x000002c2	(The Ball)
>4		ulelong		0x000e0262	(The Exiled Realm of Arborea or TERA)
>4		ulelong		0x0000035b	(The Five Cores)
>4		ulelong		0x00000349	(The Haunted: Hells Reach)
>4		ulelong		0x00000354	(Unmechanical)
>4		ulelong		0x035c0298	(Unreal Development Kit)
>4		ulelong		0x00000200	(Unreal Tournament 3)
>4		ulelong		0x0000032d	(Waves)
>4		ulelong		0x003b034d	(XCOM: Enemy Unknown)
# Newer versions insert more headers
>4		ulelong&0xFFFF	<249
>>12		lelong		!0		\b, names: %d
>>28		lelong		!0		\b, imports: %d
>>20		lelong		!0		\b, exports: %d
>4		ulelong&0xFFFF	>248
>>12		belong&0xFF	!0
>>>12		string		x		\b, folder "%s"
>>>>&5		lelong		!0		\b, names: %d
>>>>&21		lelong		!0		\b, imports: %d
>>>>&13		lelong		!0		\b, exports: %d
>>12		belong&0xFF	0
>>>16		belong&0xFF	!0
>>>>16		string		x		\b, folder "%s"
>>>>>&5		lelong		!0		\b, names: %d
>>>>>&21	lelong		!0		\b, imports: %d
>>>>>&13	lelong		!0		\b, exports: %d
>>>16		belong&0xFF	0
>>>>20		string		x		\b, folder "%s"
>>>>>&5		lelong		!0		\b, names: %d
>>>>>&21	lelong		!0		\b, imports: %d
>>>>>&13	lelong		!0		\b, exports: %d

0	string		ESVG
>4	lelong		0x00160000
>10	string		TOC\020		Empire Deluxe for DOS saved game

# Sid Meier's Civilization V/VI
# From: Benjamin Lowry <ben@ben.gmbh>
0	string	CIV5
>4	byte	0x08		Sid Meier's Civilization V saved game,
>>12	regex	[0-9a-z.]+	saved by game version %s
>4	byte	0x01		Sid Meier's Civilization V replay data,
>>12	regex	[0-9a-z.]+	saved by game version %s

0	string	CIV6		Sid Meier's Civilization VI saved game

# https://syzygy-tables.info/
# From Michel Van den Bergh
0	string	\327f\f\245	Syzygy DTZ tablebase
!:mime	application/syzygy
0	string	q\350#]		Syzygy WDL tablebase
!:mime	application/syzygy

# Grand Theft Auto (GTA) file formats.
# Summary:
# Includes GTA-specific formats used in all games from 1997 to present. Games
# and formats were created by Rockstar North, formerly DMA Design. Magic tests
# were written based on a combination of official and community documentation.
# Created by: Oliver Galvin <odg@riseup.net>
# References:
# * Classic GTA documentation and research:
#    <https://gitlab.com/classic-gta/gta-data>
# * Official RenderWare documentation available from EA:
#    <https://github.com/electronicarts/RenderWare3Docs>
# * Lots of community research in the GTAMods wiki:
#    <https://gtamods.com/wiki>

# GTA 2D-Era data - 'Classic' top down games (1/L/2)

## GTA text

0	string	\xbf\xf8\xbd\x49\x62\xbe	GTA1 in-game text (FXT),
0	string	GBL	GTA2 in-game text (GXT),
>3	string  	E	English,
>>4	uleshort	x	version %d
>3	string  	F	French,
>>4	uleshort	x	version %d
>3	string  	G	German,
>>4	uleshort	x	version %d
>3	string  	I	Italian,
>>4	uleshort	x	version %d
>3	string  	S	Spanish,
>>4	uleshort	x	version %d
>3	string  	J	Japanese,
>>4	uleshort	x	version %d

## GTA maps

0	ulelong 	331	GTA1 map layout (CMP),
>4	byte    	1	Level 1
>4	byte    	2	Level 2
>4	byte    	3	Level 3
0	string  	GBMP	GTA2/GBH map layout (GMP),
>4	uleshort	x	version %d
0	string/t	[MapFiles]	GTA2 multiplayer map metadata (MMP)
0	string/t	MainOrBonus\ =\ MAIN	GTA2 single player map listing (test1.seq)

## GTA 2D sprites and textures

0	ulelong 	290	GTA1 style data (GRX), 8 bit editor graphics
0	ulelong 	325	GTA1 style data (GRY), 8 bit in-game graphics
0	ulelong 	336	GTA1 style data (G24), 24 bit in-game graphics
0	string  	GBST	GTA2/GBH style data (STY), in-game graphics,
>4	uleshort	x	version %d

## GTA audio index

0	ulelong	0
>4	ulelong	<0x40000
>>8	ulelong	>4500
>>>8	ulelong	<45000	GTA audio index data (SDT)

## GTA scripts

0	ulelong 	0x00080000
>4	uleshort	0x0024    	GTA2 binary main script (SCR)

0	uleshort	0x063c    	GTA2 binary mission script (SCR), Residential area (ste)
0	uleshort	0x055b    	GTA2 binary mission script (SCR), Downtown area (wil)
0	uleshort	0x0469    	GTA2 binary mission script (SCR), Industrial area (bil)

0	string   	v9.6\0\0 	GTA2 replay file (REP),
>8	regex/30c	[a-z0-9:\ ]+\0\0	created on %s

# GTA 3D-Era (III/VC/SA/LCS/VCS) - used by the RenderWare engine by Criterion Games

## GTA 3D models and textures - RenderWare binary streams

8	ulelong	0x00000310	RenderWare data, v3.1.0.0, used in GTA III on PS2,
>0	ulelong	0x00000016	texture archive (TXD)
>0	ulelong 0x00000010	3D models (DFF)
8	ulelong	0x0401ffff	RenderWare data, v3.1.0.1, used in GTA III on PC/PS2,
>0	ulelong	0x00000016	texture archive (TXD)
>0	ulelong 0x00000010	3D models (DFF)
8	ulelong	0x0800ffff	RenderWare data, v3.2.0.0, used in GTA III on PC,
>0	ulelong	0x00000016	texture archive (TXD)
>0	ulelong 0x00000010	3D models (DFF)
8	ulelong	0x0c00ffff	RenderWare data, v3.3.0.0,
>0	ulelong	0x00000016	texture archive (TXD)
>0	ulelong 0x00000010	3D models (DFF)
8	ulelong	0x0c02ffff	RenderWare data, v3.3.0.2, used in GTA III PC and GTA VC PS2,
>0	ulelong	0x00000016	texture archive (TXD)
>0	ulelong 0x00000010	3D models (DFF)
8	ulelong	0x1000ffff	RenderWare data, v3.4.0.0,
>0	ulelong	0x00000016	texture archive (TXD)
>0	ulelong 0x00000010	3D models (DFF)
8	ulelong	0x1003ffff	RenderWare data, v3.4.0.3, used in GTA VC PC,
>0	ulelong	0x00000016	texture archive (TXD)
>0	ulelong 0x00000010	3D models (DFF)
8	ulelong	0x1005ffff	RenderWare data, v3.4.0.5, used in GTA III/VC on Android,
>0	ulelong	0x00000016	texture archive (TXD)
>0	ulelong 0x00000010	3D models (DFF)
8	ulelong	0x1400ffff	RenderWare data, v3.5.0.0, used in GTA III/VC on Xbox,
>0	ulelong	0x00000016	texture archive (TXD)
>0	ulelong 0x00000010	3D models (DFF)
8	ulelong	0x1803ffff	RenderWare data, v3.6.0.3, used in GTA SA,
>0	ulelong	0x00000016	texture archive (TXD)
>0	ulelong 0x00000010	3D models (DFF)

0	string	COL	RenderWare collision data (COL),
>3	string	L	version 1, used in GTA III/VC/SA
>3	string	2	version 2, used in GTA SA
>3	string	3	version 3, used in GTA SA
>3	string	4	version 4, used in GTA SA

## GTA items and animations

0	string/c	#\ ipl\ generated\ from\ max\ file	GTA Item Placement data (IPL), used in GTA III/VC
0	string/b	bnry	GTA Item Placement data (IPL), used in GTA SA/IV,
>4	ulelong 	x	%d items

0	string	ANP	GTA animation data (IFP),
>3	string	K	version 1, used in GTA III/VC
>3	string	3	version 2, used in GTA SA

0	string	GtaSA29	GTA Replay data (REP), used in GTA SA

## GTA text

0	string	TKEY	GTA in-game text (GXT), version 2, used in GTA III
0	string	TABL	GTA in-game text (GXT), version 3, used in GTA VC/LS/VCS

## GTA scripts

0	string	\x02\x00\x01	GTA script (SCM), used in GTA III/VC/SA

## GTA archives

0	string	VER2	GTA archive (IMG), version 2, used in GTA SA,
>4	ulelong	x	%d items

# GTA HD-Era (IV/V) - used by the Rockstar Advanced Game Engine (RAGE)

## GTA models and textures - RAGE resources
# Note: GTA IV formats not yet documented - WAD, WBD, WBN, WHM, WPL

0	ulelong	0x00695254	GTA Drawable data (WDR), model and weapon data, used in GTA IV
0	ulelong	0x00695238	GTA Windows Frag Type (WFT), vehicle models, used in GTA IV
0	ulelong	0x006953A4	GTA Ped and LOD models (WDD), used in GTA IV
0	ulelong	0x00695384	GTA Windows Texture Dictionary (WTD), used in GTA IV

## GTA text

4	string  	TABL	GTA in-game text (GXT),
>0	uleshort	x	version %d, used in GTA SA/IV
0	string  	2GXT	GTA in-game text (GXT2), used in GTA V

## GTA scripts

0	ulelong	0x0d524353	GTA script (SCO), unencrypted, used in GTA IV,
>4	ulelong	x         	%d code bytes,
>>8	ulelong	x         	%d static variables,
>>>12	ulelong	x         	%d global variables
0	ulelong	0x0e726373	GTA script (SCO), encrypted, used in GTA IV
>4	ulelong	x         	%d code bytes,
>>8	ulelong	x         	%d static variables,
>>>12	ulelong	x         	%d global variables

## GTA archives

0	ulelong	0xa94e2a52	GTA archive (IMG),
>4	ulelong	x        	version %d, used in GTA IV,
>>8	ulelong	x        	%d items

# RPF[0-8]
0	ulelong&0xfffffff0 =0x52504630
>0	ulelong&0xf	<9	RAGE Package Format (RPF), version %d, used in
>>0	ulelong&0xf	=0	Rockstar Table Tennis,
>>0	ulelong&0xf	=1	*unknown*
>>0	ulelong&0xf	=2	GTA IV,
>>0	ulelong&0xf	=3	GTA IV Audio & Midnight Club: LA,
>>0	ulelong&0xf	=4	Max Payne 3,
>>0	ulelong&0xf	=5	*unknown*
>>0	ulelong&0xf	=6	RDR,
>>0	ulelong&0xf	=7	GTA V,
>>0	ulelong&0xf	=8	RDR 2,
>>4	ulelong 	x	%d bytes,
>>>8	ulelong 	x	%d entries

# Blitz3D Model File Format
# From: Alexandre Iooss <erdnaxe@crans.org>
# URL: https://github.com/minetest/B3DExport/blob/master/B3DExport.py
0	string		BB3D
>4	lelong		>0
>>8	lelong		>0	Blitz3D Model
!:ext	b3d
>>>8	lelong		x	\b, version %d

# Minetest Schematic File Format
# From: Alexandre Iooss <erdnaxe@crans.org>
# URL: https://github.com/minetest/minetest/blob/5.6.1/src/mapgen/mg_schematic.h
0	string		MTSM	Minetest Schematic
!:ext	mts
>4	ubeshort	x	\b, version %d
>6	ubeshort	x	\b, size [%d
>8	ubeshort	x	\b, %d
>10	ubeshort	x	\b, %d]

# MagicaVoxel File Format
# From: Alexandre Iooss <erdnaxe@crans.org>
# URL: https://github.com/ephtracy/voxel-model/blob/ee2216c28a78ebb68691dc6cfa9c4ba429117ea2/MagicaVoxel-file-format-vox.txt
# Note: This format is used in Veloren voxel RPG.
0	string		VOX\x20
>4	lelong		>0	MagicaVoxel model
!:ext	vox
>>4	lelong		x	\b, version %d

# Wwise SoundBank
# From: Alexandre Iooss <erdnaxe@crans.org>
# URL: https://wiki.xentax.com/index.php/Wwise_SoundBank_(*.bnk)
0	string	BKHD
# Little-endian version (such as x86 PC)
>4	ulelong	<0x100		Wwise SoundBank (little-endian)
!:ext	bnk
>>0	use	wwise_bkhd
# Big-endian version (such as PS3)
>4	ubelong	<0x100		Wwise SoundBank (big-endian)
!:ext	bnk
>>0	use	\^wwise_bkhd

0	name	wwise_bkhd
>8	ulelong	x		\b, version %d
>12	ulelong	x		\b, id %08X
>16	ulelong	=0x00		\b, SFX
>16	ulelong	=0x01		\b, arabic
>16	ulelong	=0x02		\b, bulgarian
>16	ulelong	=0x03		\b, chinese (HK)
>16	ulelong	=0x04		\b, chinese (PRC)
>16	ulelong	=0x05		\b, chinese (Taiwan)
>16	ulelong	=0x06		\b, czech
>16	ulelong	=0x07		\b, danish
>16	ulelong	=0x08		\b, dutch
>16	ulelong	=0x09		\b, english (Australia)
>16	ulelong	=0x0A		\b, english (India)
>16	ulelong	=0x0B		\b, english (UK)
>16	ulelong	=0x0C		\b, english (US)
>16	ulelong	=0x0D		\b, finnish
>16	ulelong	=0x0E		\b, french (Canada)
>16	ulelong	=0x0F		\b, french (France)
>16	ulelong	=0x10		\b, german
>16	ulelong	=0x11		\b, greek
>16	ulelong	=0x12		\b, hebrew
>16	ulelong	=0x13		\b, hungarian
>16	ulelong	=0x14		\b, indonesian
>16	ulelong	=0x15		\b, italian
>16	ulelong	=0x16		\b, japanese
>16	ulelong	=0x17		\b, korean
>16	ulelong	=0x18		\b, latin
>16	ulelong	=0x19		\b, norwegian
>16	ulelong	=0x1A		\b, polish
>16	ulelong	=0x1B		\b, portuguese (Brazil)
>16	ulelong	=0x1C		\b, portuguese (Portugal)
>16	ulelong	=0x1D		\b, romanian
>16	ulelong	=0x1E		\b, russian
>16	ulelong	=0x1F		\b, slovenian
>16	ulelong	=0x20		\b, spanish (Mexico)
>16	ulelong	=0x21		\b, spanish (Spain)
>16	ulelong	=0x22		\b, spanish (US)
>16	ulelong	=0x23		\b, swedish
>16	ulelong	=0x24		\b, turkish
>16	ulelong	=0x25		\b, ukrainian
>16	ulelong	=0x26		\b, vietnamese

# Wwise Audio Package
# From: Alexandre Iooss <erdnaxe@crans.org>
# URL: https://wiki.xentax.com/index.php/Wwise_Audio_PCK
0	string	AKPK
# Little-endian version (such as x86 PC)
>8	ulelong	<0x100	Wwise Audio Package (little-endian)
!:ext	pck
# Big-endian version (such as PS3)
>8	ubelong	<0x100	Wwise Audio Package (big-endian)
!:ext	pck

# RPG Maker MV/MZ encrypted assets. Version was only ever known to be 00030100.
0	string	RPGMV\0\0\0
>12	string	\0\0\0\0
>>8	belong	x		RPG Maker MV encrypted asset, version %08x
!:ext	png_/ogg_/m4a_/rpgmvp/rpgmvo/rpgmvm

# https://arthran2.itch.io/encrypterator-3000
0	string	ART\0ENCRYPTER100FREE\0VERSION\0\0\0\0	RPG Maker MV encrypted asset, Encrypterator 3000 variant.
!:ext	png_/ogg_/m4a_/rpgmvp/rpgmvo/rpgmvm

# http://www.shikadi.net/moddingwiki/PCX_Library
0	string/b	pcxLib\0
>122	ubyte		0x01	pcxLib archive
>>144	uleshort	0	\b, uncompressed
>>144	uleshort	!0	\b, compressed