#------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # $File: forth,v 1.4 2021/04/26 15:56:00 christos Exp $ # forth: file(1) magic for various Forth environments # From: Lubomir Rintel <lkundrak@v3.sk> # # Has a FORTH stack diagram and something that looks very much like a FORTH # multi-line word definition. Probably a FORTH source. 0 regex \[[:space:]]\\(([[:space:]].*)?\ --\ (.*[[:space:]])?\\) >0 regex \^:\[[:space:]] >>0 regex \^;$ FORTH program !:mime text/x-forth # Inline word definition complete with a stack diagram 0 regex \^:[[:space:]].*[[:space:]]\\(([[:space:]].*)?\ --\ (.*[[:space:]])?\\)[[:space:]].*[[:space:]];$ FORTH program !:mime text/x-forth # Various dictionary images used by OpenFirware FORTH environment 0 lelong 0xe1a00000 >8 lelong 0xe1a00000 # skip raspberry pi kernel image kernel7.img by checking for positive text length >>24 lelong >0 ARM OpenFirmware FORTH Dictionary, >>>24 lelong x Text length: %d bytes, >>>28 lelong x Data length: %d bytes, >>>32 lelong x Text Relocation Table length: %d bytes, >>>36 lelong x Data Relocation Table length: %d bytes, >>>40 lelong x Entry Point: %#08X, >>>44 lelong x BSS length: %d bytes 0 string MP >28 lelong 1 x86 OpenFirmware FORTH Dictionary, >>4 leshort x %d blocks >>2 leshort x + %d bytes, >>6 leshort x %d relocations, >>8 leshort x Header length: %d paragraphs, >>10 leshort x Data Size: %d >>12 leshort x - %d 4K pages, >>14 lelong x Initial Stack Pointer: %#08X, >>20 lelong x Entry Point: %#08X, >>24 lelong x First Relocation Item: %d, >>26 lelong x Overlay Number: %d, >>18 leshort x Checksum: %#08X 0 belong 0x48000020 PowerPC OpenFirmware FORTH Dictionary, >4 belong x Text length: %d bytes, >8 belong x Data length: %d bytes, >12 belong x BSS length: %d bytes, >16 belong x Symbol Table length: %d bytes, >20 belong x Entry Point: %#08X, >24 belong x Text Relocation Table length: %d bytes, >28 belong x Data Relocation Table length: %d bytes 0 lelong 0x10000007 MIPS OpenFirmware FORTH Dictionary, >4 lelong x Text length: %d bytes, >8 lelong x Data length: %d bytes, >12 lelong x BSS length: %d bytes, >16 lelong x Symbol Table length: %d bytes, >20 lelong x Entry Point: %#08X, >24 lelong x Text Relocation Table length: %d bytes, >28 lelong x Data Relocation Table length: %d bytes # Dictionary images used by minimal C FORTH environments, any platform, # using native byte order. # Weak. #0 short 0x5820 cForth 16-bit Dictionary, #>2 short x Serial: %#08X, #>4 short x Dictionary Start: %#08X, #>6 short x Dictionary Size: %d bytes, #>8 short x User Area Start: %#08X, #>10 short x User Area Size: %d bytes, #>12 short x Entry Point: %#08X 0 long 0x581120 cForth 32-bit Dictionary, >4 long x Serial: %#08X, >8 long x Dictionary Start: %#08X, >12 long x Dictionary Size: %d bytes, >16 long x User Area Start: %#08X, >20 long x User Area Size: %d bytes, >24 long x Entry Point: %#08X