# $File: digital,v 1.17 2024/08/30 16:53:22 christos Exp $
#  Digital UNIX - Info
0	string	=!<arch>\n________64E	Alpha archive
>22	string	X			-- out of date

0	leshort		0603
>24	leshort		0410		COFF format alpha pure
>24	leshort		0413		COFF format alpha demand paged
# TODO: use other subroutine (./coff) to display name+flags+variables for common object formatted files
#>0	use				display-coff-foo
>>22	leshort&030000	!020000		executable
#!:mime	application/x-foo-executable
# typically no file name suffix for executables like \DEC\HH\HYPERHLP
!:ext	/
>>22	leshort&020000	!0		dynamically linked
>>16	lelong		!0		not stripped
>>16	lelong		0		stripped
>>27	byte		x		- version %d
>>26	byte		x		\b.%d
>>28	byte		x		\b-%d
>24	leshort		0407		COFF format alpha object
>>22	leshort&030000	020000		shared library
>>27	byte		x		- version %d
>>26	byte		x		\b.%d
>>28	byte		x		\b-%d

# Alpha COFF object file or executable
0	leshort		0x0184
>16	leshort		0
>>0	use		display-coff
# can be created by LINK.EXE /MACHINE:ALPHA /ROM
>16	leshort		!0
>>18	leshort		&0x0002
>>>20	leshort		0x0107
>>>>0	use		display-coff
0	leshort		0x0284
>16	leshort		0
>>0	use		display-coff

# Basic recognition of Digital UNIX core dumps - Mike Bremford <mike@opac.bl.uk>
# The actual magic number is just "Core", followed by a 2-byte version
# number; however, treating any file that begins with "Core" as a Digital
# UNIX core dump file may produce too many false hits, so we include one
# byte of the version number as well; DU 5.0 appears only to be up to
# version 2.
0	string		Core\001	Alpha COFF format core dump (Digital UNIX)
>24	string		>\0		\b, from '%s'
0	string		Core\002	Alpha COFF format core dump (Digital UNIX)
>24	string		>\0		\b, from '%s'
# The next is incomplete, we could tell more about this format,
# but its not worth it.
0	leshort		0x188	Alpha compressed COFF
0	leshort		0x18f	Alpha u-code object
# Some other interesting Digital formats,
0	string	\377\377\177		ddis/ddif
0	string	\377\377\174		ddis/dots archive
0	string	\377\377\176		ddis/dtif table data
0	string	\033c\033		LN03 output
0	long	04553207		X image
0	string	=!<PDF>!\n		profiling data file
# Locale data tables (MIPS and Alpha).
# GRR: line below is too general as it matches also TTComp archive, ASCII, 2K  handled by ./archive
0	short		0x0501		locale data table
>6	short		0x24		for MIPS
>6	short		0x40		for Alpha