# $File: blender,v 1.9 2022/12/21 15:53:27 christos Exp $
# blender: file(1) magic for Blender 3D related files
# Native format rule v1.2. For questions use the developers list
# https://lists.blender.org/mailman/listinfo/bf-committers
# GLOB chunk was moved near start and provides subversion info since 2.42
# Update:	Joerg Jenderek
# URL: 		http://fileformats.archiveteam.org/wiki/BLEND
#		http://www.blender.org/
# Reference:	http://mark0.net/download/triddefs_xml.7z/defs/b/blend.trid.xml
#		http://formats.kaitai.io/blender_blend/index.html
# Note:		called "Blender 3D data" by TrID
#		and gzip compressed variant handled by ./compress
0		string	=BLENDER	Blender3D,
#!:mime		application/octet-stream
!:mime		application/x-blender
!:ext		blend
# no sample found with extension blender
#!:ext		blend/blender
>7		string	=_		saved as 32-bits
>>8		string	=v		little endian
>>>9		byte	x		with version %c.
>>>10		byte	x		\b%c
>>>11		byte	x		\b%c
>>>0x40		string	=GLOB		\b.
>>>>0x58	leshort	x		\b%.4d
>>8		string	=V		big endian
>>>9		byte	x		with version %c.
>>>10		byte	x		\b%c
>>>11		byte	x		\b%c
>>>0x40		string	=GLOB		\b.
>>>>0x58	beshort	x		\b%.4d
>7		string	=-		saved as 64-bits
>>8		string	=v		little endian
>>9		byte	x		with version %c.
>>10		byte	x		\b%c
>>11		byte	x		\b%c
>>0x44		string	=GLOB		\b.
>>>0x60		leshort	x		\b%.4d
>>8		string	=V		big endian
>>>9		byte	x		with version %c.
>>>10		byte	x		\b%c
>>>11		byte	x		\b%c
>>>0x44		string	=GLOB		\b.
>>>>0x60	beshort	x		\b%.4d

# Scripts that run in the embedded Python interpreter
0		string	#!BPY		Blender3D BPython script