#------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # $File: audio,v 1.118 2019/11/19 05:30:07 christos Exp $ # audio: file(1) magic for sound formats (see also "iff") # # Jan Nicolai Langfeldt (janl@ifi.uio.no), Dan Quinlan (quinlan@yggdrasil.com), # and others # # Sun/NeXT audio data 0 string .snd Sun/NeXT audio data: >12 belong 1 8-bit ISDN mu-law, !:mime audio/basic >12 belong 2 8-bit linear PCM [REF-PCM], !:mime audio/basic >12 belong 3 16-bit linear PCM, !:mime audio/basic >12 belong 4 24-bit linear PCM, !:mime audio/basic >12 belong 5 32-bit linear PCM, !:mime audio/basic >12 belong 6 32-bit IEEE floating point, !:mime audio/basic >12 belong 7 64-bit IEEE floating point, !:mime audio/basic >12 belong 8 Fragmented sample data, >12 belong 10 DSP program, >12 belong 11 8-bit fixed point, >12 belong 12 16-bit fixed point, >12 belong 13 24-bit fixed point, >12 belong 14 32-bit fixed point, >12 belong 18 16-bit linear with emphasis, >12 belong 19 16-bit linear compressed, >12 belong 20 16-bit linear with emphasis and compression, >12 belong 21 Music kit DSP commands, >12 belong 23 8-bit ISDN mu-law compressed (CCITT G.721 ADPCM voice enc.), !:mime audio/x-adpcm >12 belong 24 compressed (8-bit CCITT G.722 ADPCM) >12 belong 25 compressed (3-bit CCITT G.723.3 ADPCM), >12 belong 26 compressed (5-bit CCITT G.723.5 ADPCM), >12 belong 27 8-bit A-law (CCITT G.711), >20 belong 1 mono, >20 belong 2 stereo, >20 belong 4 quad, >16 belong >0 %d Hz # DEC systems (e.g. DECstation 5000) use a variant of the Sun/NeXT format # that uses little-endian encoding and has a different magic number 0 lelong 0x0064732E DEC audio data: >12 lelong 1 8-bit ISDN mu-law, !:mime audio/x-dec-basic >12 lelong 2 8-bit linear PCM [REF-PCM], !:mime audio/x-dec-basic >12 lelong 3 16-bit linear PCM, !:mime audio/x-dec-basic >12 lelong 4 24-bit linear PCM, !:mime audio/x-dec-basic >12 lelong 5 32-bit linear PCM, !:mime audio/x-dec-basic >12 lelong 6 32-bit IEEE floating point, !:mime audio/x-dec-basic >12 lelong 7 64-bit IEEE floating point, !:mime audio/x-dec-basic >12 belong 8 Fragmented sample data, >12 belong 10 DSP program, >12 belong 11 8-bit fixed point, >12 belong 12 16-bit fixed point, >12 belong 13 24-bit fixed point, >12 belong 14 32-bit fixed point, >12 belong 18 16-bit linear with emphasis, >12 belong 19 16-bit linear compressed, >12 belong 20 16-bit linear with emphasis and compression, >12 belong 21 Music kit DSP commands, >12 lelong 23 8-bit ISDN mu-law compressed (CCITT G.721 ADPCM voice enc.), !:mime audio/x-dec-basic >12 belong 24 compressed (8-bit CCITT G.722 ADPCM) >12 belong 25 compressed (3-bit CCITT G.723.3 ADPCM), >12 belong 26 compressed (5-bit CCITT G.723.5 ADPCM), >12 belong 27 8-bit A-law (CCITT G.711), >20 lelong 1 mono, >20 lelong 2 stereo, >20 lelong 4 quad, >16 lelong >0 %d Hz # Creative Labs AUDIO stuff 0 string MThd Standard MIDI data !:mime audio/midi >8 beshort x (format %d) >10 beshort x using %d track >10 beshort >1 \bs >12 beshort&0x7fff x at 1/%d >12 beshort&0x8000 >0 SMPTE 0 string CTMF Creative Music (CMF) data !:mime audio/x-unknown 0 string SBI SoundBlaster instrument data !:mime audio/x-unknown 0 string Creative\ Voice\ File Creative Labs voice data !:mime audio/x-unknown # is this next line right? it came this way... >19 byte 0x1A >23 byte >0 - version %d >22 byte >0 \b.%d # first entry is also the string "NTRK" 0 belong 0x4e54524b MultiTrack sound data >4 belong x - version %d # Extended MOD format (*.emd) (Greg Roelofs, newt@uchicago.edu); NOT TESTED # [based on posting 940824 by "Dirk/Elastik", husberg@lehtori.cc.tut.fi] 0 string EMOD Extended MOD sound data, >4 byte&0xf0 x version %d >4 byte&0x0f x \b.%d, >45 byte x %d instruments >83 byte 0 (module) >83 byte 1 (song) # Real Audio (Magic .ra\0375) 0 belong 0x2e7261fd RealAudio sound file !:mime audio/x-pn-realaudio 0 string .RMF\0\0\0 RealMedia file !:mime application/vnd.rn-realmedia #video/x-pn-realvideo #video/vnd.rn-realvideo #application/vnd.rn-realmedia # sigh, there are many mimes for that but the above are the most common. # MTM/669/FAR/S3M/ULT/XM format checking [Aaron Eppert, aeppert@dialin.ind.net] # Oct 31, 1995 # fixed by <doj@cubic.org> 2003-06-24 # Too short... #0 string MTM MultiTracker Module sound file #0 string if Composer 669 Module sound data #0 string JN Composer 669 Module sound data (extended format) 0 string MAS_U ULT(imate) Module sound data #0 string FAR Module sound data #>4 string >\15 Title: "%s" 0x2c string SCRM ScreamTracker III Module sound data >0 string >\0 Title: "%s" !:mime audio/x-s3m # .stm before it got above .s3m extension 0x16 string \!Scream\! ScreamTracker Module sound data >0 string >\0 Title: "%s" # Gravis UltraSound patches # From <ache@nagual.ru> 0 string GF1PATCH110\0ID#000002\0 GUS patch 0 string GF1PATCH100\0ID#000002\0 Old GUS patch # mime types according to http://www.geocities.com/nevilo/mod.htm: # audio/it .it # audio/x-zipped-it .itz # audio/xm fasttracker modules # audio/x-s3m screamtracker modules # audio/s3m screamtracker modules # audio/x-zipped-mod mdz # audio/mod mod # audio/x-mod All modules (mod, s3m, 669, mtm, med, xm, it, mdz, stm, itz, xmz, s3z) # # Taken from loader code from mikmod version 2.14 # by Steve McIntyre (stevem@chiark.greenend.org.uk) # <doj@cubic.org> added title printing on 2003-06-24 0 string MAS_UTrack_V00 >14 string >/0 ultratracker V1.%.1s module sound data !:mime audio/x-mod #audio/x-tracker-module 0 string UN05 MikMod UNI format module sound data 0 string Extended\ Module: Fasttracker II module sound data !:mime audio/x-mod #audio/x-tracker-module >17 string >\0 Title: "%s" 21 string/c =!SCREAM! Screamtracker 2 module sound data !:mime audio/x-mod #audio/x-screamtracker-module 21 string BMOD2STM Screamtracker 2 module sound data !:mime audio/x-mod #audio/x-screamtracker-module 1080 string M.K. 4-channel Protracker module sound data !:mime audio/x-mod #audio/x-protracker-module >0 string >\0 Title: "%s" 1080 string M!K! 4-channel Protracker module sound data !:mime audio/x-mod #audio/x-protracker-module >0 string >\0 Title: "%s" 1080 string FLT4 4-channel Startracker module sound data !:mime audio/x-mod #audio/x-startracker-module >0 string >\0 Title: "%s" 1080 string FLT8 8-channel Startracker module sound data !:mime audio/x-mod #audio/x-startracker-module >0 string >\0 Title: "%s" 1080 string 4CHN 4-channel Fasttracker module sound data !:mime audio/x-mod #audio/x-fasttracker-module >0 string >\0 Title: "%s" 1080 string 6CHN 6-channel Fasttracker module sound data !:mime audio/x-mod #audio/x-fasttracker-module >0 string >\0 Title: "%s" 1080 string 8CHN 8-channel Fasttracker module sound data !:mime audio/x-mod #audio/x-fasttracker-module >0 string >\0 Title: "%s" 1080 string CD81 8-channel Octalyser module sound data !:mime audio/x-mod #audio/x-octalysertracker-module >0 string >\0 Title: "%s" 1080 string OKTA 8-channel Octalyzer module sound data !:mime audio/x-mod #audio/x-octalysertracker-module >0 string >\0 Title: "%s" # Not good enough. #1082 string CH #>1080 string >/0 %.2s-channel Fasttracker "oktalyzer" module sound data 1080 string 16CN 16-channel Taketracker module sound data !:mime audio/x-mod #audio/x-taketracker-module >0 string >\0 Title: "%s" 1080 string 32CN 32-channel Taketracker module sound data !:mime audio/x-mod #audio/x-taketracker-module >0 string >\0 Title: "%s" # TOC sound files -Trevor Johnson <trevor@jpj.net> # 0 string TOC TOC sound file # sidfiles <pooka@iki.fi> # added name,author,(c) and new RSID type by <doj@cubic.org> 2003-06-24 0 string SIDPLAY\ INFOFILE Sidplay info file 0 string PSID PlaySID v2.2+ (AMIGA) sidtune >4 beshort >0 w/ header v%d, >14 beshort =1 single song, >14 beshort >1 %d songs, >16 beshort >0 default song: %d >0x16 string >\0 name: "%s" >0x36 string >\0 author: "%s" >0x56 string >\0 copyright: "%s" 0 string RSID RSID sidtune PlaySID compatible >4 beshort >0 w/ header v%d, >14 beshort =1 single song, >14 beshort >1 %d songs, >16 beshort >0 default song: %d >0x16 string >\0 name: "%s" >0x36 string >\0 author: "%s" >0x56 string >\0 copyright: "%s" # IRCAM sound files - Michael Pruett <michael@68k.org> # http://www-mmsp.ece.mcgill.ca/documents/AudioFormats/IRCAM/IRCAM.html 0 belong 0x64a30100 IRCAM file (VAX little-endian) 0 belong 0x0001a364 IRCAM file (VAX big-endian) 0 belong 0x64a30200 IRCAM file (Sun big-endian) 0 belong 0x0002a364 IRCAM file (Sun little-endian) 0 belong 0x64a30300 IRCAM file (MIPS little-endian) 0 belong 0x0003a364 IRCAM file (MIPS big-endian) 0 belong 0x64a30400 IRCAM file (NeXT big-endian) 0 belong 0x64a30400 IRCAM file (NeXT big-endian) 0 belong 0x0004a364 IRCAM file (NeXT little-endian) # NIST SPHERE <mpruett@sgi.com> 0 string NIST_1A\n\ \ \ 1024\n NIST SPHERE file # Sample Vision <mpruett@sgi.com> 0 string SOUND\ SAMPLE\ DATA\ Sample Vision file # Audio Visual Research <tonigonenstein@users.sourceforge.net> 0 string 2BIT Audio Visual Research file, >12 beshort =0 mono, >12 beshort =-1 stereo, >14 beshort x %d bits >16 beshort =0 unsigned, >16 beshort =-1 signed, >22 belong&0x00ffffff x %d Hz, >18 beshort =0 no loop, >18 beshort =-1 loop, >21 ubyte <128 note %d, >22 byte =0 replay 5.485 KHz >22 byte =1 replay 8.084 KHz >22 byte =2 replay 10.971 KHz >22 byte =3 replay 16.168 KHz >22 byte =4 replay 21.942 KHz >22 byte =5 replay 32.336 KHz >22 byte =6 replay 43.885 KHz >22 byte =7 replay 47.261 KHz # SGI SoundTrack <mpruett@sgi.com> 0 string _SGI_SoundTrack SGI SoundTrack project file # ID3 version 2 tags <waschk@informatik.uni-rostock.de> 0 string ID3 Audio file with ID3 version 2 >3 byte x \b.%d >4 byte x \b.%d >>5 byte &0x80 \b, unsynchronized frames >>5 byte &0x40 \b, extended header >>5 byte &0x20 \b, experimental >>5 byte &0x10 \b, footer present >(6.I+10) indirect x \b, contains: # NSF (NES sound file) magic 0 string NESM\x1a NES Sound File >14 string >\0 ("%s" by >46 string >\0 %s, copyright >78 string >\0 %s), >5 byte x version %d, >6 byte x %d tracks, >122 byte&0x2 =1 dual PAL/NTSC >122 byte&0x1 =1 PAL >122 byte&0x1 =0 NTSC # NSFE (Extended NES sound file) magic # http://slickproductions.org/docs/NSF/nsfespec.txt # From: David Pflug <david@pflug.email> 0 string NSFE Extended NES Sound File >48 search/0x1000 auth >>&0 string >\0 ("%s" >>>&1 string >\0 by %s >>>>&1 string >\0 \b, copyright %s >>>>>&1 string >\0 \b, ripped by %s >20 byte x \b), %d tracks, >18 byte&0x2 =1 dual PAL/NTSC >18 byte&0x2 =0 >>18 byte&0x1 =1 PAL >>18 byte&0x1 =0 NTSC # Type: SNES SPC700 sound files # From: Josh Triplett <josh@freedesktop.org> 0 string SNES-SPC700\ Sound\ File\ Data\ v SNES SPC700 sound file >&0 string 0.30 \b, version %s >>0x23 byte 0x1B \b, without ID666 tag >>0x23 byte 0x1A \b, with ID666 tag >>>0x2E string >\0 \b, song "%.32s" >>>0x4E string >\0 \b, game "%.32s" # Impulse tracker module (audio/x-it) 0 string IMPM Impulse Tracker module sound data - !:mime audio/x-mod >4 string >\0 "%s" >40 leshort !0 compatible w/ITv%x >42 leshort !0 created w/ITv%x # Imago Orpheus module (audio/x-imf) 60 string IM10 Imago Orpheus module sound data - >0 string >\0 "%s" # From <collver1@attbi.com> # These are the /etc/magic entries to decode modules, instruments, and # samples in Impulse Tracker's native format. 0 string IMPS Impulse Tracker Sample >18 byte &2 16 bit >18 byte ^2 8 bit >18 byte &4 stereo >18 byte ^4 mono 0 string IMPI Impulse Tracker Instrument >28 leshort !0 ITv%x >30 byte !0 %d samples # Yamaha TX Wave: file(1) magic for Yamaha TX Wave audio files # From <collver1@attbi.com> 0 string LM8953 Yamaha TX Wave >22 byte 0x49 looped >22 byte 0xC9 non-looped >23 byte 1 33kHz >23 byte 2 50kHz >23 byte 3 16kHz # scream tracker: file(1) magic for Scream Tracker sample files # # From <collver1@attbi.com> 76 string SCRS Scream Tracker Sample >0 byte 1 sample >0 byte 2 adlib melody >0 byte >2 adlib drum >31 byte &2 stereo >31 byte ^2 mono >31 byte &4 16bit little endian >31 byte ^4 8bit >30 byte 0 unpacked >30 byte 1 packed # audio # From: Cory Dikkers <cdikkers@swbell.net> 0 string MMD0 MED music file, version 0 0 string MMD1 OctaMED Pro music file, version 1 0 string MMD3 OctaMED Soundstudio music file, version 3 0 string OctaMEDCmpr OctaMED Soundstudio compressed file 0 string MED MED_Song 0 string SymM Symphonie SymMOD music file # # Track Length (TRL), Tracks (TRK), Samples (SMP), Subsongs (SS) # http://lclevy.free.fr/exotica/ahx/ahxformat.txt 0 string THX AHX version >3 byte =0 1 module data >3 byte =1 2 module data >10 byte x TRL: %u >11 byte x TRK: %u >12 byte x SMP: %u >13 byte x SS: %u # 0 string OKTASONG Oktalyzer module data # 0 string DIGI\ Booster\ module\0 %s >20 byte >0 %c >>21 byte >0 \b%c >>>22 byte >0 \b%c >>>>23 byte >0 \b%c >610 string >\0 \b, "%s" # 0 string DBM0 DIGI Booster Pro Module >4 byte >0 V%X. >>5 byte x \b%02X >16 string >\0 \b, "%s" # 0 string FTMN FaceTheMusic module >16 string >\0d \b, "%s" # From: <doj@cubic.org> 2003-06-24 0 string AMShdr\32 Velvet Studio AMS Module v2.2 0 string Extreme Extreme Tracker AMS Module v1.3 0 string DDMF Xtracker DMF Module >4 byte x v%i >0xD string >\0 Title: "%s" >0x2B string >\0 Composer: "%s" 0 string DSM\32 Dynamic Studio Module DSM 0 string SONG DigiTrekker DTM Module 0 string DMDL DigiTrakker MDL Module 0 string PSM\32 Protracker Studio PSM Module 44 string PTMF Poly Tracker PTM Module >0 string >\32 Title: "%s" 0 string MT20 MadTracker 2.0 Module MT2 0 string RAD\40by\40REALiTY!! RAD Adlib Tracker Module RAD 0 string RTMM RTM Module 0x426 string MaDoKaN96 XMS Adlib Module >0 string >\0 Composer: "%s" 0 string AMF AMF Module >4 string >\0 Title: "%s" 0 string MODINFO1 Open Cubic Player Module Inforation MDZ 0 string Extended\40Instrument: Fast Tracker II Instrument # From: Takeshi Hamasaki <hma@syd.odn.ne.jp> # NOA Nancy Codec file 0 string \210NOA\015\012\032 NOA Nancy Codec Movie file # Yamaha SMAF format 0 string MMMD Yamaha SMAF file # Sharp Jisaku Melody format for PDC 0 string \001Sharp\040JisakuMelody SHARP Cell-Phone ringing Melody >20 string Ver01.00 Ver. 1.00 >>32 byte x , %d tracks # Free lossless audio codec <http://flac.sourceforge.net> # From: Przemyslaw Augustyniak <silvathraec@rpg.pl> 0 string fLaC FLAC audio bitstream data !:mime audio/flac >4 byte&0x7f >0 \b, unknown version >4 byte&0x7f 0 \b # some common bits/sample values >>20 beshort&0x1f0 0x030 \b, 4 bit >>20 beshort&0x1f0 0x050 \b, 6 bit >>20 beshort&0x1f0 0x070 \b, 8 bit >>20 beshort&0x1f0 0x0b0 \b, 12 bit >>20 beshort&0x1f0 0x0f0 \b, 16 bit >>20 beshort&0x1f0 0x170 \b, 24 bit >>20 byte&0xe 0x0 \b, mono >>20 byte&0xe 0x2 \b, stereo >>20 byte&0xe 0x4 \b, 3 channels >>20 byte&0xe 0x6 \b, 4 channels >>20 byte&0xe 0x8 \b, 5 channels >>20 byte&0xe 0xa \b, 6 channels >>20 byte&0xe 0xc \b, 7 channels >>20 byte&0xe 0xe \b, 8 channels # sample rates derived from known oscillator frequencies; # 24.576 MHz (video/fs=48kHz), 22.5792 (audio/fs=44.1kHz) and # 16.384 (other/fs=32kHz). >>17 belong&0xfffff0 0x02b110 \b, 11.025 kHz >>17 belong&0xfffff0 0x03e800 \b, 16 kHz >>17 belong&0xfffff0 0x056220 \b, 22.05 kHz >>17 belong&0xfffff0 0x05dc00 \b, 24 kHz >>17 belong&0xfffff0 0x07d000 \b, 32 kHz >>17 belong&0xfffff0 0x0ac440 \b, 44.1 kHz >>17 belong&0xfffff0 0x0bb800 \b, 48 kHz >>17 belong&0xfffff0 0x0fa000 \b, 64 kHz >>17 belong&0xfffff0 0x158880 \b, 88.2 kHz >>17 belong&0xfffff0 0x177000 \b, 96 kHz >>17 belong&0xfffff0 0x1f4000 \b, 128 kHz >>17 belong&0xfffff0 0x2b1100 \b, 176.4 kHz >>17 belong&0xfffff0 0x2ee000 \b, 192 kHz >>17 belong&0xfffff0 0x3e8000 \b, 256 kHz >>17 belong&0xfffff0 0x562200 \b, 352.8 kHz >>17 belong&0xfffff0 0x5dc000 \b, 384 kHz >>21 byte&0xf >0 \b, >4G samples >>21 byte&0xf 0 \b >>>22 belong >0 \b, %u samples >>>22 belong 0 \b, length unknown # (ISDN) VBOX voice message file (Wolfram Kleff) 0 string VBOX VBOX voice message data # ReBorn Song Files (.rbs) # David J. Singer <doc@deadvirgins.org.uk> 8 string RB40 RBS Song file >29 string ReBorn created by ReBorn >37 string Propellerhead created by ReBirth # Synthesizer Generator and Kimwitu share their file format 0 string A#S#C#S#S#L#V#3 Synthesizer Generator or Kimwitu data # Kimwitu++ uses a slightly different magic 0 string A#S#C#S#S#L#HUB Kimwitu++ data # From "Simon Hosie 0 string TFMX-SONG TFMX module sound data # Monkey's Audio compressed audio format (.ape) # From danny.milo@gmx.net (Danny Milosavljevic) # New version from Abel Cheung <abel (@) oaka.org> 0 string MAC\040 Monkey's Audio compressed format !:mime audio/x-ape >4 uleshort >0x0F8B version %d >>(0x08.l) uleshort =1000 with fast compression >>(0x08.l) uleshort =2000 with normal compression >>(0x08.l) uleshort =3000 with high compression >>(0x08.l) uleshort =4000 with extra high compression >>(0x08.l) uleshort =5000 with insane compression >>(0x08.l+18) uleshort =1 \b, mono >>(0x08.l+18) uleshort =2 \b, stereo >>(0x08.l+20) ulelong x \b, sample rate %d >4 uleshort <0x0F8C version %d >>6 uleshort =1000 with fast compression >>6 uleshort =2000 with normal compression >>6 uleshort =3000 with high compression >>6 uleshort =4000 with extra high compression >>6 uleshort =5000 with insane compression >>10 uleshort =1 \b, mono >>10 uleshort =2 \b, stereo >>12 ulelong x \b, sample rate %d # adlib sound files # From: Alex Myczko <alex@aiei.ch> # https://github.com/rerrahkr/BambooTracker 0 string BambooTrackerMod BambooTracker module >22 byte x \b, version %u >21 byte x \b.%u >20 byte x \b.%u 0 string BambooTrackerIst BambooTracker instrument >22 byte x \b, version %u >21 byte x \b.%u >20 byte x \b.%u 0 string CC2x CheeseCutter 2 song 0 string RAWADATA RdosPlay RAW 1068 string RoR AMUSIC Adlib Tracker 0 string JCH EdLib 0 string mpu401tr MPU-401 Trakker 0 string SAdT Surprise! Adlib Tracker >4 byte x Version %d 0 string XAD! eXotic ADlib 0 string ofTAZ! eXtra Simple Music 0 string FMK! FM Kingtracker Song 0 string DFM DFM Song 0 string \<CUD-FM-File\> CFF Song 0 string _A2module A2M Song # Spectrum 128 tunes (.ay files). # From: Emanuel Haupt <ehaupt@critical.ch> 0 string ZXAYEMUL Spectrum 128 tune 0 string \0BONK BONK, #>5 byte x version %d >14 byte x %d channel(s), >15 byte =1 lossless, >15 byte =0 lossy, >16 byte x mid-side 384 string LockStream LockStream Embedded file (mostly MP3 on old Nokia phones) # format VQF (proprietary codec for sound) # some infos on the header file available at : # http://www.twinvq.org/english/technology_format.html 0 string TWIN97012000 VQF data >27 short 0 \b, Mono >27 short 1 \b, Stereo >31 short >0 \b, %d kbit/s >35 short >0 \b, %d kHz # Nelson A. de Oliveira (naoliv@gmail.com) # .eqf 0 string Winamp\ EQ\ library\ file %s # it will match only versions like v<digit>.<digit> # Since I saw only eqf files with version v1.1 I think that it's OK >23 string x \b%.4s # .preset 0 string [Equalizer\ preset] XMMS equalizer preset # .m3u 0 search/1 #EXTM3U M3U playlist text # .pls 0 search/1 [playlist] PLS playlist text # licq.conf 1 string [licq] LICQ configuration file # Atari ST audio files by Dirk Jagdmann <doj@cubic.org> # NOTE: Most SNDH music is packed using ICE, which has # magic numbers "ICE!" and "Ice!". Some SNDH music is # not packed, so we check for both packed and unpacked. 12 string SNDH SNDH Atari ST music 0 belong&0xFFDFDFFF 0x49434521 >14 search/40 NDH SNDH Atari ST music >14 search/40 TITL SNDH Atari ST music 0 string SC68\ Music-file\ /\ (c)\ (BeN)jami sc68 Atari ST music # musepak support From: "Jiri Pejchal" <jiri.pejchal@gmail.com> 0 string MP+ Musepack audio (MP+) !:mime audio/x-musepack >3 byte 255 \b, SV pre8 >3 byte&0xF 0x6 \b, SV 6 >3 byte&0xF 0x8 \b, SV 8 >3 byte&0xF 0x7 \b, SV 7 >>3 byte&0xF0 0x0 \b.0 >>3 byte&0xF0 0x10 \b.1 >>3 byte&0xF0 240 \b.15 >>10 byte&0xF0 0x0 \b, no profile >>10 byte&0xF0 0x10 \b, profile 'Unstable/Experimental' >>10 byte&0xF0 0x50 \b, quality 0 >>10 byte&0xF0 0x60 \b, quality 1 >>10 byte&0xF0 0x70 \b, quality 2 (Telephone) >>10 byte&0xF0 0x80 \b, quality 3 (Thumb) >>10 byte&0xF0 0x90 \b, quality 4 (Radio) >>10 byte&0xF0 0xA0 \b, quality 5 (Standard) >>10 byte&0xF0 0xB0 \b, quality 6 (Xtreme) >>10 byte&0xF0 0xC0 \b, quality 7 (Insane) >>10 byte&0xF0 0xD0 \b, quality 8 (BrainDead) >>10 byte&0xF0 0xE0 \b, quality 9 >>10 byte&0xF0 0xF0 \b, quality 10 >>27 byte 0x0 \b, Buschmann 1.7.0-9, Klemm 0.90-1.05 >>27 byte 102 \b, Beta 1.02 >>27 byte 104 \b, Beta 1.04 >>27 byte 105 \b, Alpha 1.05 >>27 byte 106 \b, Beta 1.06 >>27 byte 110 \b, Release 1.1 >>27 byte 111 \b, Alpha 1.11 >>27 byte 112 \b, Beta 1.12 >>27 byte 113 \b, Alpha 1.13 >>27 byte 114 \b, Beta 1.14 >>27 byte 115 \b, Alpha 1.15 0 string MPCK Musepack audio (MPCK) !:mime audio/x-musepack # IMY # from http://filext.com/detaillist.php?extdetail=IMY # https://cellphones.about.com/od/cellularfaqs/f/rf_imelody.htm # http://download.ncl.ie/doc/api/ie/ncl/media/music/IMelody.html # http://www.wx800.com/msg/download/irda/iMelody.pdf 0 string BEGIN:IMELODY iMelody Ringtone Format # From: "Mateus Caruccio" <mateus@caruccio.com> # guitar pro v3,4,5 from http://filext.com/file-extension/gp3 0 string \030FICHIER\ GUITAR\ PRO\ v3. Guitar Pro Ver. 3 Tablature # From: "Leslie P. Polzer" <leslie.polzer@gmx.net> 60 string SONG SoundFX Module sound file # Type: Adaptive Multi-Rate Codec # URL: http://filext.com/detaillist.php?extdetail=AMR # From: Russell Coker <russell@coker.com.au> 0 string #!AMR Adaptive Multi-Rate Codec (GSM telephony) !:mime audio/amr !:ext amr # Type: SuperCollider 3 Synth Definition File Format # From: Mario Lang <mlang@debian.org> 0 string SCgf SuperCollider3 Synth Definition file, >4 belong x version %d # Type: True Audio Lossless Audio # URL: https://wiki.multimedia.cx/index.php?title=True_Audio # From: Mike Melanson <mike@multimedia.cx> 0 string TTA1 True Audio Lossless Audio # Type: WavPack Lossless Audio # URL: https://wiki.multimedia.cx/index.php?title=WavPack # From: Mike Melanson <mike@multimedia.cx> 0 string wvpk WavPack Lossless Audio # From Fabio R. Schmidlin <frs@pop.com.br> # VGM music file 0 string Vgm\040 >9 ubyte >0 VGM Video Game Music dump v !:mime audio/x-vgm !:ext vgm >>9 ubyte/16 >0 \b%d >>9 ubyte&0x0F x \b%d >>8 ubyte/16 x \b.%d >>8 ubyte&0x0F >0 \b%d #Get soundchips >>8 ubyte x \b, soundchip(s)= >>0x0C ulelong >0 SN76489, >>0x10 ulelong >0 YM2413, >>0x2C ulelong >0 YM2612, >>0x30 ulelong >0 YM2151, >>0x38 ulelong >0 Sega PCM, >>0x34 ulelong >0xC >>>0x40 ulelong >0 RF5C68, >>0x34 ulelong >0x10 >>>0x44 ulelong >0 YM2203, >>0x34 ulelong >0x14 >>>0x48 ulelong >0 YM2608, >>0x34 ulelong >0x18 >>>0x4C lelong >0 YM2610, >>>0x4C lelong <0 YM2610B, >>0x34 ulelong >0x1C >>>0x50 ulelong >0 YM3812, >>0x34 ulelong >0x20 >>>0x54 ulelong >0 YM3526, >>0x34 ulelong >0x24 >>>0x58 ulelong >0 Y8950, >>0x34 ulelong >0x28 >>>0x5C ulelong >0 YMF262, >>0x34 ulelong >0x2C >>>0x60 ulelong >0 YMF278B, >>0x34 ulelong >0x30 >>>0x64 ulelong >0 YMF271, >>0x34 ulelong >0x34 >>>0x68 ulelong >0 YMZ280B, >>0x34 ulelong >0x38 >>>0x6C ulelong >0 RF5C164, >>0x34 ulelong >0x3C >>>0x70 ulelong >0 PWM, >>0x34 ulelong >0x40 >>>0x74 ulelong >0 >>>>0x78 ubyte 0x00 AY-3-8910, >>>>0x78 ubyte 0x01 AY-3-8912, >>>>0x78 ubyte 0x02 AY-3-8913, >>>>0x78 ubyte 0x03 AY-3-8930, >>>>0x78 ubyte 0x10 YM2149, >>>>0x78 ubyte 0x11 YM3439, >>>>0x78 ubyte 0x12 YMZ284, >>>>0x78 ubyte 0x13 YMZ294, # VGM 1.61 >>0x34 ulelong >0x4C >>>0x80 ulelong >0 DMG, >>0x34 ulelong >0x50 >>>0x84 lelong >0 NES APU, >>>0x84 lelong <0 NES APU with FDS, >>0x34 ulelong >0x54 >>>0x88 ulelong >0 MultiPCM, >>0x34 ulelong >0x58 >>>0x8C ulelong >0 uPD7759, >>0x34 ulelong >0x5C >>>0x90 ulelong >0 OKIM6258, >>0x34 ulelong >0x64 >>>0x98 ulelong >0 OKIM6295, >>0x34 ulelong >0x68 >>>0x9C ulelong >0 K051649, >>0x34 ulelong >0x6C >>>0xA0 ulelong >0 K054539, >>0x34 ulelong >0x70 >>>0xA4 ulelong >0 HuC6280, >>0x34 ulelong >0x74 >>>0xA8 ulelong >0 C140, >>0x34 ulelong >0x78 >>>0xAC ulelong >0 K053260, >>0x34 ulelong >0x7C >>>0xB0 ulelong >0 Pokey, >>0x34 ulelong >0x80 >>>0xB4 ulelong >0 QSound, # VGM 1.71 >>0x34 ulelong >0x84 >>>0xB8 ulelong >0 SCSP, >>0x34 ulelong >0x8C >>>0xC0 ulelong >0 WonderSwan, >>0x34 ulelong >0x90 >>>0xC4 ulelong >0 VSU, >>0x34 ulelong >0x94 >>>0xC8 ulelong >0 SAA1099, >>0x34 ulelong >0x98 >>>0xCC ulelong >0 ES5503, >>0x34 ulelong >0x9C >>>0xD0 lelong >0 ES5505, >>>0xD0 lelong <0 ES5506, >>0x34 ulelong >0xA4 >>>0xD8 ulelong >0 X1-010, >>0x34 ulelong >0xA8 >>>0xDC ulelong >0 C352, >>0x34 ulelong >0xAC >>>0xE0 ulelong >0 GA20, # GVOX Encore file format # Since this is a proprietary file format and there is no publicly available # format specification, this is just based on induction # 0 string SCOW >4 byte 0xc4 GVOX Encore music, version 5.0 or above >4 byte 0xc2 GVOX Encore music, version < 5.0 0 string ZBOT >4 byte 0xc5 GVOX Encore music, version < 5.0 # Summary: Garmin Voice Processing Module (WAVE audios) # From: Joerg Jenderek # URL: https://www.garmin.com/ # Reference: http://www.poi-factory.com/node/19580 # NOTE: there exist 2 other Garmin VPM formats 0 string AUDIMG # skip text files starting with string "AUDIMG" >13 ubyte <13 Garmin Voice Processing Module !:mime audio/x-vpm-wav-garmin !:ext vpm # 3 bytes indicating the voice version (200,220) >>6 string x \b, version %3.3s # day of release (01-31) >>12 ubyte x \b, %.2d # month of release (01-12) >>13 ubyte x \b.%.2d # year of release (like 2006, 2007, 2008) >>14 uleshort x \b.%.4d # hour of release (0-23) >>11 ubyte x %.2d # minute of release (0-59) >>10 ubyte x \b:%.2d # second of release (0-59) >>9 ubyte x \b:%.2d # if you select a language like german on your garmin device # you can only select voice modules with corresponding language byte ID like 1 >>18 ubyte x \b, language ID %d # structure for phrases/sentences? # number of voice sample in the 1st phrase? #>>19 uleshort x \b, 0x%x samples #>>>21 uleshort >0 \b, at 0x%4.4x #>>>(21.s) ubequad x 0x%llx # 2nd phrase? #>>23 uleshort x \b, 0x%x samples #>>>25 uleshort >0 \b, at 0x%4.4x #>>>(25.s) ubequad x 0x%llx # pointer to 1st audio WAV sample >>16 uleshort >0 >>>(16.s) ulelong >0 \b, at 0x%x # WAV length # 1 space char after "bytes" to get phrase "bytes RIFF" >>>>(16.s+4) ulelong >0 %u bytes # look for magic >>>>>(&-8.l) string RIFF # determine type by ./riff >>>>>>&-4 indirect x # 2 - ~ 131 WAV samples following same way # # Summary: encrypted Garmin Voice Processing Module # From: Joerg Jenderek # URL: https://www.garmin.com/us/products/ontheroad/voicestudio # NOTE: Encrypted variant used in voices like DrNightmare, Elfred, Yeti. # There exist 2 other Garmin VPM formats 0 ubequad 0xa141190fecc8ced6 Garmin Voice Processing Module (encrypted) !:mime audio/x-vpm-garmin !:ext vpm # From Martin Mueller Skarbiniks Pedersen 0 string GDM >0x3 byte 0xFE General Digital Music. >0x4 string >\0 title: "%s" >0x24 string >\0 musician: "%s" >>0x44 beshort 0x0D0A >>>0x46 byte 0x1A >>>>0x47 string GMFS Version >>>>0x4B byte x %d. >>>>0x4C byte x \b%02d >>>>0x4D beshort 0x000 (2GDM v >>>>0x4F byte x \b%d. >>>>>0x50 byte x \b%d) 0 string MTM Multitracker >0x3 byte/16 x Version %d. >0x3 byte&0x0F x \b%02d >>0x4 string >\0 title: "%s" 0 string HVL >3 byte <2 Hively Tracker Song >3 byte 0 1 module data >3 byte 1 2 module data 0 string MO3 >3 ubyte <6 MOdule with MP3 >>3 byte 0 Version 0 (With MP3 and lossless) >>3 byte 1 Version 1 (With ogg and lossless) >>3 byte 3 Version 2.2 >>3 byte 4 (With no LAME header) >>3 byte 5 Version 2.4 0 string ADRVPACK AProSys module # ftp://ftp.modland.com/pub/documents/format_documentation/\ # Art%20Of%20Noise%20(.aon).txt 0 string AON >4 string "ArtOfNoise by Bastian Spiegel(twice/lego)" >0x2e string NAME Art of Noise Tracker Song >3 string <9 >3 string 4 (4 voices) >3 string 8 (8 voices) >>0x36 string >\0 Title: "%s" 0 string FAR >0x2c byte 0x0d >0x2d byte 0x0a >0x2e byte 0x1a >>0x3 byte 0xFE Farandole Tracker Song >>>0x31 byte/16 x Version %d. >>>0x31 byte&0x0F x \b%02d >>>>0x4 string >\0 \b, title: "%s" # magic for Klystrack, https://kometbomb.github.io/klystrack/ # from Alex Myczko <alex@aiei.ch> 0 string cyd!song Klystrack song >8 byte >0 \b, version %u >8 byte >26 #>>9 byte x \b, channels %u #>>10 leshort x \b, time signature %u #>>12 leshort x \b, sequence step %u #>>14 byte x \b, instruments %u #>>15 leshort x \b, patterns %u #>>17 leshort x \b, sequences %u #>>19 leshort x \b, length %u #>>21 leshort x \b, loop point %u #>>23 byte x \b, master volume %u #>>24 byte x \b, song speed %u #>>25 byte x \b, song speed2 %u #>>26 byte x \b, song rate %u #>>27 belong x \b, flags %#x #>>31 byte x \b, multiplex period %u #>>32 byte x \b, pitch inaccuracy %u >>149 pstring x \b, title %s 0 string cyd!inst Klystrack instrument # magic for WOPL instrument files, https://github.com/Wohlstand/OPL3BankEditor # see Specifications/WOPL-and-OPLI-Specification.txt 0 string WOPL3-INST\0 WOPL instrument >11 leshort x \b, version %u 0 string WOPL3-BANK\0 WOPL instrument bank >11 leshort x \b, version %u # AdLib/OPL instrument files. Format specifications on # http://www.shikadi.net/moddingwiki 0 string Junglevision\ Patch\ File Junglevision instrument data 0 string #OPL_II# DMX OP2 instrument data 0 string IBK\x1a IBK instrument data 0 string 2OP\x1a IBK instrument data, 2 operators 0 string 4OP\x1a IBK instrument data, 4 operators 2 string ADLIB- AdLib instrument data >0 byte x \b, version %u >1 byte x \b.%u # CRI ADX ADPCM audio # Used by various Sega games. # https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ADX_(file_format) # https://wiki.multimedia.cx/index.php/CRI_ADX_file # Added by David Korth <gerbilsoft@gerbilsoft.com> 0x00 beshort 0x8000 >(2.S-2) string (c)CRI CRI ADX ADPCM audio !:ext adx !:mime audio/x-adx !:strength +50 >>0x12 byte x v%u >>0x04 byte 0x02 \b, pre-set prediction coefficients >>0x04 byte 0x03 \b, standard ADX >>0x04 byte 0x04 \b, exponential scale >>0x04 byte 0x10 \b, AHX (Dreamcast) >>0x04 byte 0x11 \b, AHX >>0x08 belong x \b, %u Hz >>0x12 byte 0x03 >>>0x02 beshort >0x2B >>>>0x18 belong !0 \b, looping >>0x12 byte 0x04 >>>0x02 beshort >0x37 >>>>0x24 belong !0 \b, looping >>0x13 byte&0x08 0x08 \b, encrypted # Lossless audio (.la) (http://www.lossless-audio.com/) 0 string LA >2 string 03 Lossless audio version 0.3 >2 string 04 Lossless audio version 0.4 # Sony PlayStation Audio (.xa) 0 leshort 0x4158 Sony PlayStation Audio # Portable Sound Format # Used for audio rips for various consoles. # http://fileformats.archiveteam.org/wiki/Portable_Sound_Format # Added by David Korth <gerbilsoft@gerbilsoft.com> 0 string PSF >3 byte 0x01 >3 byte 0x02 >3 byte 0x11 >3 byte 0x12 >3 byte 0x13 >3 byte 0x21 >3 byte 0x22 >3 byte 0x23 >3 byte 0x41 >>0 string PSF Portable Sound Format !:mime audio/x-psf >>>3 byte 0x01 (Sony PlayStation) >>>3 byte 0x02 (Sony PlayStation 2) >>>3 byte 0x11 (Sega Saturn) >>>3 byte 0x12 (Sega Dreamcast) >>>3 byte 0x13 (Sega Mega Drive) >>>3 byte 0x21 (Nintendo 64) >>>3 byte 0x22 (Game Boy Advance) >>>3 byte 0x23 (Super NES) >>>3 byte 0x41 (Capcom QSound) # Atari 8-bit SAP audio format # http://asap.sourceforge.net/sap-format.html # Added by David Korth <gerbilsoft@gerbilsoft.com> 0 string SAP\r\n Atari 8-bit SAP audio file !:mime audio/x-sap !:ext sap >5 search/1024 NAME >>&1 string x \b: %s >>5 search/1024 AUTHOR >>>&1 string x by %s # Nintendo Wii BRSTM audio format (fields) # NOTE: Assuming HEAD starts at 0x40. # FIXME: Replace 0x48 with HEAD offset plus 8. 0 name nintendo-wii-brstm-fields >(0x10.L) string HEAD \b: >>(0x10.L+0x0C) belong x >>>(&-4.L+0x48) belong x >>>>&-4 byte 0 PCM, signed 8-bit, >>>>&-4 byte 1 PCM, signed 16-bit, >>>>&-4 byte 2 THP ADPCM, >>>>&-3 byte !0 looping, >>>>&-2 byte 1 mono >>>>&-2 byte 2 stereo >>>>&-2 byte 3 3 channels >>>>&-2 byte 4 quad >>>>&-2 byte >4 %u channels >>>>&0 beshort !0 %u Hz # Nintendo Wii BRSTM audio format # https://wiibrew.org/wiki/BRSTM_file # Added by David Korth <gerbilsoft@gerbilsoft.com> 0 string RSTM Nintendo Wii BRSTM audio file !:mime audio/x-brstm !:ext brstm # Wii is big-endian, so default to BE. >4 beshort 0xFEFF >>0 use nintendo-wii-brstm-fields >4 leshort 0xFEFF >>0 use \^nintendo-wii-brstm-fields # Nintendo 3DS BCSTM audio format (fields) 0 name nintendo-3ds-bcstm-fields >(0x18.l) string INFO \b: # INFO block: Stream information starts at 0x20 (minus 4 for the 'INFO' magic) >>&0x1C byte 0 PCM, signed 8-bit, >>&0x1C byte 1 PCM, signed 16-bit, >>&0x1C byte 2 DSP ADPCM, >>&0x1C byte 3 IMA ADPCM, >>&0x1D byte !0 looping, >>&0x1E byte 1 mono >>&0x1E byte 2 stereo >>&0x1E byte 3 3 channels >>&0x1E byte 4 quad >>&0x1E byte >4 %u channels >>&0x20 lelong !0 %u Hz # Nintendo 3DS BCSTM audio format # https://www.3dbrew.org/wiki/BCSTM # Added by David Korth <gerbilsoft@gerbilsoft.com> 0 string CSTM Nintendo 3DS BCSTM audio file !:mime audio/x-bcstm !:ext bcstm # 3DS is little-endian, so default to LE. >4 leshort 0xFEFF >>0 use nintendo-3ds-bcstm-fields >4 beshort 0xFEFF >>0 use \^nintendo-3ds-bcstm-fields # Nintendo Wii U BFSTM audio format # http://mk8.tockdom.com/wiki/BFSTM_(File_Format) # NOTE: This format is very similar to BCSTM. # Added by David Korth <gerbilsoft@gerbilsoft.com> 0 string FSTM Nintendo Wii U BFSTM audio file !:mime audio/x-bfstm !:ext bfstm # BFSTM is used on both Wii U (BE) and Switch (LE), # so default to LE. >4 leshort 0xFEFF >>0 use nintendo-3ds-bcstm-fields >4 beshort 0xFEFF >>0 use \^nintendo-3ds-bcstm-fields # Nintendo 3DS BCSTM audio format (fields) 0 name nintendo-3ds-bcwav-fields >(0x18.l) string INFO \b: # INFO block (minus 4 for INFO magic) >>&0x4 byte 0 PCM, signed 8-bit, >>&0x4 byte 1 PCM, signed 16-bit, >>&0x4 byte 2 DSP ADPCM, >>&0x4 byte 3 IMA ADPCM, >>&0x5 byte !0 looping, >>&0x8 lelong x stereo >>&0x8 lelong !0 %u Hz # Nintendo 3DS BCWAV audio format # https://www.3dbrew.org/wiki/BCWAV # Added by David Korth <gerbilsoft@gerbilsoft.com> 0 string CWAV Nintendo 3DS BCWAV audio file !:mime audio/x-bcwav !:ext bcwav # 3DS is little-endian, so default to LE. >4 leshort 0xFEFF >>0 use nintendo-3ds-bcwav-fields >4 beshort 0xFEFF >>0 use \^nintendo-3ds-bcwav-fields