/* Miniature re-implementation of the "check" library. This is intended to support just enough of check to run the Expat tests. This interface is based entirely on the portion of the check library being used. __ __ _ ___\ \/ /_ __ __ _| |_ / _ \\ /| '_ \ / _` | __| | __// \| |_) | (_| | |_ \___/_/\_\ .__/ \__,_|\__| |_| XML parser Copyright (c) 1997-2000 Thai Open Source Software Center Ltd Copyright (c) 2000-2017 Expat development team Licensed under the MIT license: Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <setjmp.h> #include <assert.h> #include <string.h> #include "internal.h" /* for UNUSED_P only */ #include "minicheck.h" Suite * suite_create(const char *name) { Suite *suite = (Suite *)calloc(1, sizeof(Suite)); if (suite != NULL) { suite->name = name; } return suite; } TCase * tcase_create(const char *name) { TCase *tc = (TCase *)calloc(1, sizeof(TCase)); if (tc != NULL) { tc->name = name; } return tc; } void suite_add_tcase(Suite *suite, TCase *tc) { assert(suite != NULL); assert(tc != NULL); assert(tc->next_tcase == NULL); tc->next_tcase = suite->tests; suite->tests = tc; } void tcase_add_checked_fixture(TCase *tc, tcase_setup_function setup, tcase_teardown_function teardown) { assert(tc != NULL); tc->setup = setup; tc->teardown = teardown; } void tcase_add_test(TCase *tc, tcase_test_function test) { assert(tc != NULL); if (tc->allocated == tc->ntests) { int nalloc = tc->allocated + 100; size_t new_size = sizeof(tcase_test_function) * nalloc; tcase_test_function *new_tests = realloc(tc->tests, new_size); assert(new_tests != NULL); tc->tests = new_tests; tc->allocated = nalloc; } tc->tests[tc->ntests] = test; tc->ntests++; } static void tcase_free(TCase *tc) { if (! tc) { return; } free(tc->tests); free(tc); } static void suite_free(Suite *suite) { if (! suite) { return; } while (suite->tests != NULL) { TCase *next = suite->tests->next_tcase; tcase_free(suite->tests); suite->tests = next; } free(suite); } SRunner * srunner_create(Suite *suite) { SRunner *runner = calloc(1, sizeof(SRunner)); if (runner != NULL) { runner->suite = suite; } return runner; } static jmp_buf env; static char const *_check_current_function = NULL; static int _check_current_lineno = -1; static char const *_check_current_filename = NULL; void _check_set_test_info(char const *function, char const *filename, int lineno) { _check_current_function = function; _check_current_lineno = lineno; _check_current_filename = filename; } static void add_failure(SRunner *runner, int verbosity) { runner->nfailures++; if (verbosity >= CK_VERBOSE) { printf("%s:%d: %s\n", _check_current_filename, _check_current_lineno, _check_current_function); } } void srunner_run_all(SRunner *runner, int verbosity) { Suite *suite; TCase *volatile tc; assert(runner != NULL); suite = runner->suite; tc = suite->tests; while (tc != NULL) { volatile int i; for (i = 0; i < tc->ntests; ++i) { runner->nchecks++; if (tc->setup != NULL) { /* setup */ if (setjmp(env)) { add_failure(runner, verbosity); continue; } tc->setup(); } /* test */ if (setjmp(env)) { add_failure(runner, verbosity); continue; } (tc->tests[i])(); /* teardown */ if (tc->teardown != NULL) { if (setjmp(env)) { add_failure(runner, verbosity); continue; } tc->teardown(); } } tc = tc->next_tcase; } if (verbosity) { int passed = runner->nchecks - runner->nfailures; double percentage = ((double)passed) / runner->nchecks; int display = (int)(percentage * 100); printf("%d%%: Checks: %d, Failed: %d\n", display, runner->nchecks, runner->nfailures); } } void _fail_unless(int condition, const char *file, int line, const char *msg) { /* Always print the error message so it isn't lost. In this case, we have a failure, so there's no reason to be quiet about what it is. */ UNUSED_P(condition); UNUSED_P(file); UNUSED_P(line); if (msg != NULL) { const int has_newline = (msg[strlen(msg) - 1] == '\n'); fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: %s%s", msg, has_newline ? "" : "\n"); } longjmp(env, 1); } int srunner_ntests_failed(SRunner *runner) { assert(runner != NULL); return runner->nfailures; } void srunner_free(SRunner *runner) { if (! runner) { return; } suite_free(runner->suite); free(runner); }