/* Tests in the "accounting" test case for the Expat test suite __ __ _ ___\ \/ /_ __ __ _| |_ / _ \\ /| '_ \ / _` | __| | __// \| |_) | (_| | |_ \___/_/\_\ .__/ \__,_|\__| |_| XML parser Copyright (c) 2001-2006 Fred L. Drake, Jr. <fdrake@users.sourceforge.net> Copyright (c) 2003 Greg Stein <gstein@users.sourceforge.net> Copyright (c) 2005-2007 Steven Solie <steven@solie.ca> Copyright (c) 2005-2012 Karl Waclawek <karl@waclawek.net> Copyright (c) 2016-2024 Sebastian Pipping <sebastian@pipping.org> Copyright (c) 2017-2022 Rhodri James <rhodri@wildebeest.org.uk> Copyright (c) 2017 Joe Orton <jorton@redhat.com> Copyright (c) 2017 José Gutiérrez de la Concha <jose@zeroc.com> Copyright (c) 2018 Marco Maggi <marco.maggi-ipsu@poste.it> Copyright (c) 2019 David Loffredo <loffredo@steptools.com> Copyright (c) 2020 Tim Gates <tim.gates@iress.com> Copyright (c) 2021 Donghee Na <donghee.na@python.org> Copyright (c) 2023 Sony Corporation / Snild Dolkow <snild@sony.com> Licensed under the MIT license: Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ #include <math.h> /* NAN, INFINITY */ #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include "expat_config.h" #include "expat.h" #include "internal.h" #include "common.h" #include "minicheck.h" #include "chardata.h" #include "handlers.h" #include "acc_tests.h" #if XML_GE == 1 START_TEST(test_accounting_precision) { struct AccountingTestCase cases[] = { {"<e/>", NULL, NULL, 0}, {"<e></e>", NULL, NULL, 0}, /* Attributes */ {"<e k1=\"v2\" k2=\"v2\"/>", NULL, NULL, 0}, {"<e k1=\"v2\" k2=\"v2\"></e>", NULL, NULL, 0}, {"<p:e xmlns:p=\"https://domain.invalid/\" />", NULL, NULL, 0}, {"<e k=\"&'><"\" />", NULL, NULL, sizeof(XML_Char) * 5 /* number of predefined entities */}, {"<e1 xmlns='https://example.org/'>\n" " <e2 xmlns=''/>\n" "</e1>", NULL, NULL, 0}, /* Text */ {"<e>text</e>", NULL, NULL, 0}, {"<e1><e2>text1<e3/>text2</e2></e1>", NULL, NULL, 0}, {"<e>&'><"</e>", NULL, NULL, sizeof(XML_Char) * 5 /* number of predefined entities */}, {"<e>A)</e>", NULL, NULL, 0}, /* Prolog */ {"<?xml version=\"1.0\"?><root/>", NULL, NULL, 0}, /* Whitespace */ {" <e1> <e2> </e2> </e1> ", NULL, NULL, 0}, {"<e1 ><e2 /></e1 >", NULL, NULL, 0}, {"<e1><e2 k = \"v\"/><e3 k = 'v'/></e1>", NULL, NULL, 0}, /* Comments */ {"<!-- Comment --><e><!-- Comment --></e>", NULL, NULL, 0}, /* Processing instructions */ {"<?xml-stylesheet type=\"text/xsl\" href=\"https://domain.invalid/\" media=\"all\"?><e/>", NULL, NULL, 0}, {"<?pi0?><?pi1 ?><?pi2 ?><r/><?pi4?>", NULL, NULL, 0}, # ifdef XML_DTD {"<?pi0?><?pi1 ?><?pi2 ?><!DOCTYPE r SYSTEM 'first.ent'><r/>", "<?pi3?><!ENTITY % e1 SYSTEM 'second.ent'><?pi4?>%e1;<?pi5?>", "<?pi6?>", 0}, # endif /* XML_DTD */ /* CDATA */ {"<e><![CDATA[one two three]]></e>", NULL, NULL, 0}, /* The following is the essence of this OSS-Fuzz finding: https://bugs.chromium.org/p/oss-fuzz/issues/detail?id=34302 https://oss-fuzz.com/testcase-detail/4860575394955264 */ {"<!DOCTYPE r [\n" "<!ENTITY e \"111<![CDATA[2 <= 2]]>333\">\n" "]>\n" "<r>&e;</r>\n", NULL, NULL, sizeof(XML_Char) * strlen("111<![CDATA[2 <= 2]]>333")}, # ifdef XML_DTD /* Conditional sections */ {"<!DOCTYPE r [\n" "<!ENTITY % draft 'INCLUDE'>\n" "<!ENTITY % final 'IGNORE'>\n" "<!ENTITY % import SYSTEM \"first.ent\">\n" "%import;\n" "]>\n" "<r/>\n", "<![%draft;[<!--1-->]]>\n" "<![%final;[<!--22-->]]>", NULL, sizeof(XML_Char) * (strlen("INCLUDE") + strlen("IGNORE"))}, # endif /* XML_DTD */ /* General entities */ {"<!DOCTYPE root [\n" "<!ENTITY nine \"123456789\">\n" "]>\n" "<root>&nine;</root>", NULL, NULL, sizeof(XML_Char) * strlen("123456789")}, {"<!DOCTYPE root [\n" "<!ENTITY nine \"123456789\">\n" "]>\n" "<root k1=\"&nine;\"/>", NULL, NULL, sizeof(XML_Char) * strlen("123456789")}, {"<!DOCTYPE root [\n" "<!ENTITY nine \"123456789\">\n" "<!ENTITY nine2 \"&nine;&nine;\">\n" "]>\n" "<root>&nine2;&nine2;&nine2;</root>", NULL, NULL, sizeof(XML_Char) * 3 /* calls to &nine2; */ * 2 /* calls to &nine; */ * (strlen("&nine;") + strlen("123456789"))}, {"<!DOCTYPE r [\n" " <!ENTITY five SYSTEM 'first.ent'>\n" "]>\n" "<r>&five;</r>", "12345", NULL, 0}, {"<!DOCTYPE r [\n" " <!ENTITY five SYSTEM 'first.ent'>\n" "]>\n" "<r>&five;</r>", "\xEF\xBB\xBF" /* UTF-8 BOM */, NULL, 0}, # ifdef XML_DTD /* Parameter entities */ {"<!DOCTYPE r [\n" "<!ENTITY % comment \"<!---->\">\n" "%comment;\n" "]>\n" "<r/>", NULL, NULL, sizeof(XML_Char) * strlen("<!---->")}, {"<!DOCTYPE r [\n" "<!ENTITY % ninedef \"<!ENTITY nine "123456789">\">\n" "%ninedef;\n" "]>\n" "<r>&nine;</r>", NULL, NULL, sizeof(XML_Char) * (strlen("<!ENTITY nine \"123456789\">") + strlen("123456789"))}, {"<!DOCTYPE r [\n" "<!ENTITY % comment \"<!--1-->\">\n" "<!ENTITY % comment2 \"%comment;<!--22-->%comment;\">\n" "%comment2;\n" "]>\n" "<r/>\n", NULL, NULL, sizeof(XML_Char) * (strlen("%comment;<!--22-->%comment;") + 2 * strlen("<!--1-->"))}, {"<!DOCTYPE r [\n" " <!ENTITY % five \"12345\">\n" " <!ENTITY % five2def \"<!ENTITY five2 "[%five;][%five;]]]]">\">\n" " %five2def;\n" "]>\n" "<r>&five2;</r>", NULL, NULL, /* from "%five2def;": */ sizeof(XML_Char) * (strlen("<!ENTITY five2 \"[%five;][%five;]]]]\">") + 2 /* calls to "%five;" */ * strlen("12345") + /* from "&five2;": */ strlen("[12345][12345]]]]"))}, {"<!DOCTYPE r SYSTEM \"first.ent\">\n" "<r/>", "<!ENTITY % comment '<!--1-->'>\n" "<!ENTITY % comment2 '<!--22-->%comment;<!--22-->%comment;<!--22-->'>\n" "%comment2;", NULL, sizeof(XML_Char) * (strlen("<!--22-->%comment;<!--22-->%comment;<!--22-->") + 2 /* calls to "%comment;" */ * strlen("<!---->"))}, {"<!DOCTYPE r SYSTEM 'first.ent'>\n" "<r/>", "<!ENTITY % e1 PUBLIC 'foo' 'second.ent'>\n" "<!ENTITY % e2 '<!--22-->%e1;<!--22-->'>\n" "%e2;\n", "<!--1-->", sizeof(XML_Char) * strlen("<!--22--><!--1--><!--22-->")}, { "<!DOCTYPE r SYSTEM 'first.ent'>\n" "<r/>", "<!ENTITY % e1 SYSTEM 'second.ent'>\n" "<!ENTITY % e2 '%e1;'>", "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>\n" "hello\n" "xml" /* without trailing newline! */, 0, }, { "<!DOCTYPE r SYSTEM 'first.ent'>\n" "<r/>", "<!ENTITY % e1 SYSTEM 'second.ent'>\n" "<!ENTITY % e2 '%e1;'>", "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>\n" "hello\n" "xml\n" /* with trailing newline! */, 0, }, {"<!DOCTYPE doc SYSTEM 'first.ent'>\n" "<doc></doc>\n", "<!ELEMENT doc EMPTY>\n" "<!ENTITY % e1 SYSTEM 'second.ent'>\n" "<!ENTITY % e2 '%e1;'>\n" "%e1;\n", "\xEF\xBB\xBF<!ATTLIST doc a1 CDATA 'value'>" /* UTF-8 BOM */, strlen("\xEF\xBB\xBF<!ATTLIST doc a1 CDATA 'value'>")}, # endif /* XML_DTD */ }; const size_t countCases = sizeof(cases) / sizeof(cases[0]); size_t u = 0; for (; u < countCases; u++) { const unsigned long long expectedCountBytesDirect = strlen(cases[u].primaryText); const unsigned long long expectedCountBytesIndirect = (cases[u].firstExternalText ? strlen(cases[u].firstExternalText) : 0) + (cases[u].secondExternalText ? strlen(cases[u].secondExternalText) : 0) + cases[u].expectedCountBytesIndirectExtra; XML_Parser parser = XML_ParserCreate(NULL); XML_SetParamEntityParsing(parser, XML_PARAM_ENTITY_PARSING_ALWAYS); if (cases[u].firstExternalText) { XML_SetExternalEntityRefHandler(parser, accounting_external_entity_ref_handler); XML_SetUserData(parser, (void *)&cases[u]); } enum XML_Status status = _XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, cases[u].primaryText, (int)strlen(cases[u].primaryText), XML_TRUE); if (status != XML_STATUS_OK) { _xml_failure(parser, __FILE__, __LINE__); } const unsigned long long actualCountBytesDirect = testingAccountingGetCountBytesDirect(parser); const unsigned long long actualCountBytesIndirect = testingAccountingGetCountBytesIndirect(parser); XML_ParserFree(parser); if (actualCountBytesDirect != expectedCountBytesDirect) { fprintf( stderr, "Document " EXPAT_FMT_SIZE_T("") " of " EXPAT_FMT_SIZE_T("") ": Expected " EXPAT_FMT_ULL( "") " count direct bytes, got " EXPAT_FMT_ULL("") " instead.\n", u + 1, countCases, expectedCountBytesDirect, actualCountBytesDirect); fail("Count of direct bytes is off"); } if (actualCountBytesIndirect != expectedCountBytesIndirect) { fprintf( stderr, "Document " EXPAT_FMT_SIZE_T("") " of " EXPAT_FMT_SIZE_T("") ": Expected " EXPAT_FMT_ULL( "") " count indirect bytes, got " EXPAT_FMT_ULL("") " instead.\n", u + 1, countCases, expectedCountBytesIndirect, actualCountBytesIndirect); fail("Count of indirect bytes is off"); } } } END_TEST START_TEST(test_billion_laughs_attack_protection_api) { XML_Parser parserWithoutParent = XML_ParserCreate(NULL); XML_Parser parserWithParent = XML_ExternalEntityParserCreate( parserWithoutParent, XCS("entity123"), NULL); if (parserWithoutParent == NULL) fail("parserWithoutParent is NULL"); if (parserWithParent == NULL) fail("parserWithParent is NULL"); // XML_SetBillionLaughsAttackProtectionMaximumAmplification, error cases if (XML_SetBillionLaughsAttackProtectionMaximumAmplification(NULL, 123.0f) == XML_TRUE) fail("Call with NULL parser is NOT supposed to succeed"); if (XML_SetBillionLaughsAttackProtectionMaximumAmplification(parserWithParent, 123.0f) == XML_TRUE) fail("Call with non-root parser is NOT supposed to succeed"); if (XML_SetBillionLaughsAttackProtectionMaximumAmplification( parserWithoutParent, NAN) == XML_TRUE) fail("Call with NaN limit is NOT supposed to succeed"); if (XML_SetBillionLaughsAttackProtectionMaximumAmplification( parserWithoutParent, -1.0f) == XML_TRUE) fail("Call with negative limit is NOT supposed to succeed"); if (XML_SetBillionLaughsAttackProtectionMaximumAmplification( parserWithoutParent, 0.9f) == XML_TRUE) fail("Call with positive limit <1.0 is NOT supposed to succeed"); // XML_SetBillionLaughsAttackProtectionMaximumAmplification, success cases if (XML_SetBillionLaughsAttackProtectionMaximumAmplification( parserWithoutParent, 1.0f) == XML_FALSE) fail("Call with positive limit >=1.0 is supposed to succeed"); if (XML_SetBillionLaughsAttackProtectionMaximumAmplification( parserWithoutParent, 123456.789f) == XML_FALSE) fail("Call with positive limit >=1.0 is supposed to succeed"); if (XML_SetBillionLaughsAttackProtectionMaximumAmplification( parserWithoutParent, INFINITY) == XML_FALSE) fail("Call with positive limit >=1.0 is supposed to succeed"); // XML_SetBillionLaughsAttackProtectionActivationThreshold, error cases if (XML_SetBillionLaughsAttackProtectionActivationThreshold(NULL, 123) == XML_TRUE) fail("Call with NULL parser is NOT supposed to succeed"); if (XML_SetBillionLaughsAttackProtectionActivationThreshold(parserWithParent, 123) == XML_TRUE) fail("Call with non-root parser is NOT supposed to succeed"); // XML_SetBillionLaughsAttackProtectionActivationThreshold, success cases if (XML_SetBillionLaughsAttackProtectionActivationThreshold( parserWithoutParent, 123) == XML_FALSE) fail("Call with non-NULL parentless parser is supposed to succeed"); XML_ParserFree(parserWithParent); XML_ParserFree(parserWithoutParent); } END_TEST START_TEST(test_helper_unsigned_char_to_printable) { // Smoke test unsigned char uc = 0; for (; uc < (unsigned char)-1; uc++) { set_subtest("char %u", (unsigned)uc); const char *const printable = unsignedCharToPrintable(uc); if (printable == NULL) fail("unsignedCharToPrintable returned NULL"); else if (strlen(printable) < (size_t)1) fail("unsignedCharToPrintable returned empty string"); } // Two concrete samples set_subtest("char 'A'"); if (strcmp(unsignedCharToPrintable('A'), "A") != 0) fail("unsignedCharToPrintable result mistaken"); set_subtest("char '\\'"); if (strcmp(unsignedCharToPrintable('\\'), "\\\\") != 0) fail("unsignedCharToPrintable result mistaken"); } END_TEST #endif // XML_GE == 1 void make_accounting_test_case(Suite *s) { #if XML_GE == 1 TCase *tc_accounting = tcase_create("accounting tests"); suite_add_tcase(s, tc_accounting); tcase_add_test(tc_accounting, test_accounting_precision); tcase_add_test(tc_accounting, test_billion_laughs_attack_protection_api); tcase_add_test(tc_accounting, test_helper_unsigned_char_to_printable); #else UNUSED_P(s); #endif /* XML_GE == 1 */ }