.\" Copyright (c) 2011 Joseph Koshy.  All rights reserved.
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.\"    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
.\" 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
.\"    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
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.\" This software is provided by Joseph Koshy ``as is'' and
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.\" $Id$
.Dd December 15, 2011
.Nm elftc_set_timestamps
.Nd set file timestamps
.Lb libelftc
.In libelftc.h
.Ft int
.Fn elftc_set_timestamps "const char *filename" "struct stat *sb"
.Fn elftc_set_timestamps
function is used to set the access and modified time stamps on a file
based on the contents of a
.Vt "struct stat"
.Ar filename
names an existing file in the file system.
.Ar sb
points to structure of type
.Vt "struct stat"
populated by a prior call to
.Xr fstat 2
.Xr stat 2 .
This function will invoke the high-resolution
.Xr utimes 2
system call if the underlying operating system supports it.
On operating systems lacking support for
.Xr utimes 2 ,
the function will use lower resolution
.Xr utime 2
system call.
To set the access and modified times for a new file to those of an
existing file, use:
.Bd -literal -offset indent
struct stat sb;
const char *existing_filename, *new_filename;

if (stat(existing_filename, &sb) < 0)
	err(EXIT_FAILURE, "stat failed");

if (elftc_set_timestamps(new_filename, &sb) < 0)
	err(EXIT_FAILURE, "timestamps could not be set");
.Xr fstat 2 ,
.Xr stat 2 ,
.Xr utime 2 ,
.Xr utimes 2 .