%{ #include <err.h> #include <string.h> #include <syslog.h> #include "dma.h" extern int yylineno; static void yyerror(const char *); static void yyerror(const char *msg) { /** * Because we do error '\n' below, we need to report the error * one line above of what yylineno points to. */ syslog(LOG_CRIT, "aliases line %d: %s", yylineno - 1, msg); fprintf(stderr, "aliases line %d: %s\n", yylineno - 1, msg); } int yywrap(void) { return (1); } %} %union { char *ident; struct stritem *strit; struct alias *alias; } %token <ident> T_IDENT %token T_ERROR %token T_EOF 0 %type <strit> dests %type <alias> alias aliases %% start : aliases T_EOF { LIST_FIRST(&aliases) = $1; } aliases : /* EMPTY */ { $$ = NULL; } | alias aliases { if ($2 != NULL && $1 != NULL) LIST_INSERT_AFTER($2, $1, next); else if ($2 == NULL) $2 = $1; $$ = $2; } ; alias : T_IDENT ':' dests '\n' { struct alias *al; if ($1 == NULL) YYABORT; al = calloc(1, sizeof(*al)); if (al == NULL) YYABORT; al->alias = $1; SLIST_FIRST(&al->dests) = $3; $$ = al; } | error '\n' { YYABORT; } ; dests : T_IDENT { struct stritem *it; if ($1 == NULL) YYABORT; it = calloc(1, sizeof(*it)); if (it == NULL) YYABORT; it->str = $1; $$ = it; } | T_IDENT ',' dests { struct stritem *it; if ($1 == NULL) YYABORT; it = calloc(1, sizeof(*it)); if (it == NULL) YYABORT; it->str = $1; SLIST_NEXT(it, next) = $3; $$ = it; } ; %%