/* #ifdef-format output routines for GNU DIFF.

   Copyright (C) 1989, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 2001, 2002, 2004 Free
   Software Foundation, Inc.

   This file is part of GNU DIFF.

   GNU DIFF is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY.  No author or distributor
   accepts responsibility to anyone for the consequences of using it
   or for whether it serves any particular purpose or works at all,
   unless he says so in writing.  Refer to the GNU DIFF General Public
   License for full details.

   Everyone is granted permission to copy, modify and redistribute
   GNU DIFF, but only under the conditions described in the
   GNU DIFF General Public License.   A copy of this license is
   supposed to have been given to you along with GNU DIFF so you
   can know your rights and responsibilities.  It should be in a
   file named COPYING.  Among other things, the copyright notice
   and this notice must be preserved on all copies.  */

#include "diff.h"

#include <xalloc.h>

struct group
  struct file_data const *file;
  lin from, upto; /* start and limit lines for this group of lines */

static char const *format_group (FILE *, char const *, char,
				 struct group const *);
static char const *do_printf_spec (FILE *, char const *,
				   struct file_data const *, lin,
				   struct group const *);
static char const *scan_char_literal (char const *, char *);
static lin groups_letter_value (struct group const *, char);
static void format_ifdef (char const *, lin, lin, lin, lin);
static void print_ifdef_hunk (struct change *);
static void print_ifdef_lines (FILE *, char const *, struct group const *);

static lin next_line0;
static lin next_line1;

/* Print the edit-script SCRIPT as a merged #ifdef file.  */

print_ifdef_script (struct change *script)
  next_line0 = next_line1 = - files[0].prefix_lines;
  print_script (script, find_change, print_ifdef_hunk);
  if (next_line0 < files[0].valid_lines
      || next_line1 < files[1].valid_lines)
      begin_output ();
      format_ifdef (group_format[UNCHANGED],
		    next_line0, files[0].valid_lines,
		    next_line1, files[1].valid_lines);

/* Print a hunk of an ifdef diff.
   This is a contiguous portion of a complete edit script,
   describing changes in consecutive lines.  */

static void
print_ifdef_hunk (struct change *hunk)
  lin first0, last0, first1, last1;

  /* Determine range of line numbers involved in each file.  */
  enum changes changes = analyze_hunk (hunk, &first0, &last0, &first1, &last1);
  if (!changes)

  begin_output ();

  /* Print lines up to this change.  */
  if (next_line0 < first0 || next_line1 < first1)
    format_ifdef (group_format[UNCHANGED],
		  next_line0, first0,
		  next_line1, first1);

  /* Print this change.  */
  next_line0 = last0 + 1;
  next_line1 = last1 + 1;
  format_ifdef (group_format[changes],
		first0, next_line0,
		first1, next_line1);

/* Print a set of lines according to FORMAT.
   Lines BEG0 up to END0 are from the first file;
   lines BEG1 up to END1 are from the second file.  */

static void
format_ifdef (char const *format, lin beg0, lin end0, lin beg1, lin end1)
  struct group groups[2];

  groups[0].file = &files[0];
  groups[0].from = beg0;
  groups[0].upto = end0;
  groups[1].file = &files[1];
  groups[1].from = beg1;
  groups[1].upto = end1;
  format_group (outfile, format, 0, groups);

/* Print to file OUT a set of lines according to FORMAT.
   The format ends at the first free instance of ENDCHAR.
   Yield the address of the terminating character.
   GROUPS specifies which lines to print.
   If OUT is zero, do not actually print anything; just scan the format.  */

static char const *
format_group (register FILE *out, char const *format, char endchar,
	      struct group const *groups)
  register char c;
  register char const *f = format;

  while ((c = *f) != endchar && c != 0)
      char const *f1 = ++f;
      if (c == '%')
	switch ((c = *f++))
	  case '%':

	  case '(':
	    /* Print if-then-else format e.g. `%(n=1?thenpart:elsepart)'.  */
	      int i;
	      uintmax_t value[2];
	      FILE *thenout, *elseout;

	      for (i = 0; i < 2; i++)
		  if (ISDIGIT (*f))
		      char *fend;
		      errno = 0;
		      value[i] = strtoumax (f, &fend, 10);
		      if (errno)
			goto bad_format;
		      f = fend;
		      value[i] = groups_letter_value (groups, *f);
		      if (value[i] == -1)
			goto bad_format;
		  if (*f++ != "=?"[i])
		    goto bad_format;
	      if (value[0] == value[1])
		thenout = out, elseout = 0;
		thenout = 0, elseout = out;
	      f = format_group (thenout, f, ':', groups);
	      if (*f)
		  f = format_group (elseout, f + 1, ')', groups);
		  if (*f)

	  case '<':
	    /* Print lines deleted from first file.  */
	    print_ifdef_lines (out, line_format[OLD], &groups[0]);

	  case '=':
	    /* Print common lines.  */
	    print_ifdef_lines (out, line_format[UNCHANGED], &groups[0]);

	  case '>':
	    /* Print lines inserted from second file.  */
	    print_ifdef_lines (out, line_format[NEW], &groups[1]);

	    f = do_printf_spec (out, f - 2, 0, 0, groups);
	    if (f)
	    /* Fall through. */
	    c = '%';
	    f = f1;

      if (out)
	putc (c, out);

  return f;

/* For the line group pair G, return the number corresponding to LETTER.
   Return -1 if LETTER is not a group format letter.  */
static lin
groups_letter_value (struct group const *g, char letter)
  switch (letter)
    case 'E': letter = 'e'; g++; break;
    case 'F': letter = 'f'; g++; break;
    case 'L': letter = 'l'; g++; break;
    case 'M': letter = 'm'; g++; break;
    case 'N': letter = 'n'; g++; break;

  switch (letter)
      case 'e': return translate_line_number (g->file, g->from) - 1;
      case 'f': return translate_line_number (g->file, g->from);
      case 'l': return translate_line_number (g->file, g->upto) - 1;
      case 'm': return translate_line_number (g->file, g->upto);
      case 'n': return g->upto - g->from;
      default: return -1;

/* Print to file OUT, using FORMAT to print the line group GROUP.
   But do nothing if OUT is zero.  */
static void
print_ifdef_lines (register FILE *out, char const *format,
		   struct group const *group)
  struct file_data const *file = group->file;
  char const * const *linbuf = file->linbuf;
  lin from = group->from, upto = group->upto;

  if (!out)

  /* If possible, use a single fwrite; it's faster.  */
  if (!expand_tabs && format[0] == '%')
      if (format[1] == 'l' && format[2] == '\n' && !format[3] && from < upto)
	  fwrite (linbuf[from], sizeof (char),
		  linbuf[upto] + (linbuf[upto][-1] != '\n') -  linbuf[from],
      if (format[1] == 'L' && !format[2])
	  fwrite (linbuf[from], sizeof (char),
		  linbuf[upto] -  linbuf[from], out);

  for (;  from < upto;  from++)
      register char c;
      register char const *f = format;

      while ((c = *f++) != 0)
	  char const *f1 = f;
	  if (c == '%')
	    switch ((c = *f++))
	      case '%':

	      case 'l':
		output_1_line (linbuf[from],
			       (linbuf[from + 1]
				- (linbuf[from + 1][-1] == '\n')),
			       0, 0);

	      case 'L':
		output_1_line (linbuf[from], linbuf[from + 1], 0, 0);

		f = do_printf_spec (out, f - 2, file, from, 0);
		if (f)
		c = '%';
		f = f1;

	  putc (c, out);

static char const *
do_printf_spec (FILE *out, char const *spec,
		struct file_data const *file, lin n,
		struct group const *groups)
  char const *f = spec;
  char c;
  char c1;

  /* Scan printf-style SPEC of the form %[-'0]*[0-9]*(.[0-9]*)?[cdoxX].  */
  /* assert (*f == '%'); */
  while ((c = *f++) == '-' || c == '\'' || c == '0')
  while (ISDIGIT (c))
    c = *f++;
  if (c == '.')
    while (ISDIGIT (c = *f++))
  c1 = *f++;

  switch (c)
    case 'c':
      if (c1 != '\'')
	return 0;
	  char value;
	  f = scan_char_literal (f, &value);
	  if (!f)
	    return 0;
	  if (out)
	    putc (value, out);

    case 'd': case 'o': case 'x': case 'X':
	lin value;

	if (file)
	    if (c1 != 'n')
	      return 0;
	    value = translate_line_number (file, n);
	    value = groups_letter_value (groups, c1);
	    if (value < 0)
	      return 0;

	if (out)
	    /* For example, if the spec is "%3xn", use the printf
	       format spec "%3lx".  Here the spec prefix is "%3".  */
	    long int long_value = value;
	    size_t spec_prefix_len = f - spec - 2;
	    char format[spec_prefix_len + 3];
	    char *format = xmalloc (spec_prefix_len + 3);
	    char *p = format + spec_prefix_len;
	    memcpy (format, spec, spec_prefix_len);
	    *p++ = 'l';
	    *p++ = c;
	    *p = '\0';
	    fprintf (out, format, long_value);
	    free (format);

      return 0;

  return f;

/* Scan the character literal represented in the string LIT; LIT points just
   after the initial apostrophe.  Put the literal's value into *VALPTR.
   Yield the address of the first character after the closing apostrophe,
   or zero if the literal is ill-formed.  */
static char const *
scan_char_literal (char const *lit, char *valptr)
  register char const *p = lit;
  char value;
  ptrdiff_t digits;
  char c = *p++;

  switch (c)
      case 0:
      case '\'':
	return 0;

      case '\\':
	value = 0;
	while ((c = *p++) != '\'')
	    unsigned int digit = c - '0';
	    if (8 <= digit)
	      return 0;
	    value = 8 * value + digit;
	digits = p - lit - 2;
	if (! (1 <= digits && digits <= 3))
	  return 0;

	value = c;
	if (*p++ != '\'')
	  return 0;

  *valptr = value;
  return p;