/* * $Id: trace.c,v 1.26 2018/06/13 00:06:48 tom Exp $ * * trace.c -- implements screen-dump and keystroke-logging * * Copyright 2007-2017,2018 Thomas E. Dickey * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License, version 2.1 * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this program; if not, write to * Free Software Foundation, Inc. * 51 Franklin St., Fifth Floor * Boston, MA 02110, USA. */ #include <dialog.h> #ifdef HAVE_DLG_TRACE #ifdef NEED_WCHAR_H #include <wchar.h> #endif #include <dlg_keys.h> #include <time.h> #define myFP dialog_state.trace_output static void dlg_trace_time(const char *tag) { time_t now = time((time_t *) 0); fprintf(myFP, "%s %s", tag, ctime(&now)); } void dlg_trace_msg(const char *fmt,...) { if (myFP != 0) { va_list ap; va_start(ap, fmt); vfprintf(myFP, fmt, ap); va_end(ap); fflush(myFP); } } void dlg_trace_2s(const char *name, const char *value) { bool first = TRUE; const char *next; int left, right = 0; if (value == 0) value = "<NULL>"; while (value[right] != '\0') { value += right; if ((next = strchr(value, '\n')) != 0) { left = (int) (next - value); right = left + 1; } else { left = (int) strlen(value); right = left; } if (first) { first = FALSE; dlg_trace_msg("#%14s=%.*s\n", name, left, value); } else { dlg_trace_msg("#+\t\t%.*s\n", left, value); } } } void dlg_trace_2n(const char *name, int value) { dlg_trace_msg("#\t%7s=%d\n", name, value); } void dlg_trace_win(WINDOW *win) { if (myFP != 0) { int y, x; int j, k; WINDOW *top = wgetparent(win); while (top != 0 && top != stdscr) { win = top; top = wgetparent(win); } if (win != 0) { int rc = getmaxy(win); int cc = getmaxx(win); chtype ch, c2; fprintf(myFP, "window %dx%d at %d,%d\n", rc, cc, getbegy(win), getbegx(win)); getyx(win, y, x); for (j = 0; j < rc; ++j) { fprintf(myFP, "%3d:", j); for (k = 0; k < cc; ++k) { #ifdef USE_WIDE_CURSES char buffer[80]; ch = mvwinch(win, j, k) & (A_CHARTEXT | A_ALTCHARSET); if (ch & A_ALTCHARSET) { c2 = dlg_asciibox(ch); if (c2 != 0) { ch = c2; } buffer[0] = (char) ch; buffer[1] = '\0'; } else { cchar_t cch; wchar_t *uc; if (win_wch(win, &cch) == ERR || (uc = wunctrl((&cch))) == 0 || uc[1] != 0 || wcwidth(uc[0]) <= 0) { buffer[0] = '.'; buffer[1] = '\0'; } else { mbstate_t state; const wchar_t *ucp = uc; memset(&state, 0, sizeof(state)); wcsrtombs(buffer, &ucp, sizeof(buffer), &state); k += wcwidth(uc[0]) - 1; } } fputs(buffer, myFP); #else ch = mvwinch(win, j, k) & (A_CHARTEXT | A_ALTCHARSET); c2 = dlg_asciibox(ch); if (c2 != 0) { ch = c2; } else if (unctrl(ch) == 0 || strlen(unctrl(ch)) > 1) { ch = '.'; } fputc((int) (ch & 0xff), myFP); #endif } fputc('\n', myFP); } wmove(win, y, x); fflush(myFP); } } } void dlg_trace_chr(int ch, int fkey) { static int last_err = 0; /* * Do not bother to trace ERR's indefinitely, since those are usually due * to relatively short polling timeouts. */ if (last_err && !fkey && ch == ERR) { ++last_err; } else if (myFP != 0) { const char *fkey_name = "?"; if (last_err) { fprintf(myFP, "skipped %d ERR's\n", last_err); last_err = 0; } if (fkey) { if (fkey > KEY_MAX || (fkey_name = keyname(fkey)) == 0) { #define CASE(name) case name: fkey_name = #name; break switch ((DLG_KEYS_ENUM) fkey) { CASE(DLGK_MIN); CASE(DLGK_OK); CASE(DLGK_CANCEL); CASE(DLGK_EXTRA); CASE(DLGK_HELP); CASE(DLGK_ESC); CASE(DLGK_PAGE_FIRST); CASE(DLGK_PAGE_LAST); CASE(DLGK_PAGE_NEXT); CASE(DLGK_PAGE_PREV); CASE(DLGK_ITEM_FIRST); CASE(DLGK_ITEM_LAST); CASE(DLGK_ITEM_NEXT); CASE(DLGK_ITEM_PREV); CASE(DLGK_FIELD_FIRST); CASE(DLGK_FIELD_LAST); CASE(DLGK_FIELD_NEXT); CASE(DLGK_FIELD_PREV); CASE(DLGK_FORM_FIRST); CASE(DLGK_FORM_LAST); CASE(DLGK_FORM_NEXT); CASE(DLGK_FORM_PREV); CASE(DLGK_GRID_UP); CASE(DLGK_GRID_DOWN); CASE(DLGK_GRID_LEFT); CASE(DLGK_GRID_RIGHT); CASE(DLGK_DELETE_LEFT); CASE(DLGK_DELETE_RIGHT); CASE(DLGK_DELETE_ALL); CASE(DLGK_ENTER); CASE(DLGK_BEGIN); CASE(DLGK_FINAL); CASE(DLGK_SELECT); CASE(DLGK_HELPFILE); CASE(DLGK_TRACE); CASE(DLGK_TOGGLE); } } } else if (ch == ERR) { fkey_name = "ERR"; last_err = 1; } else { fkey_name = unctrl((chtype) ch); if (fkey_name == 0) fkey_name = "UNKNOWN"; } if (ch >= 0) { fprintf(myFP, "chr %s (ch=%#x, fkey=%d)\n", fkey_name, ch, fkey); } else { fprintf(myFP, "chr %s (ch=%d, fkey=%d)\n", fkey_name, ch, fkey); } fflush(myFP); } } void dlg_trace(const char *fname) { if (fname != 0) { if (myFP == 0) { myFP = fopen(fname, "a"); if (myFP != 0) { dlg_trace_time("## opened at"); DLG_TRACE(("## dialog %s\n", dialog_version())); DLG_TRACE(("## vile: confmode\n")); } } } else if (myFP != 0) { dlg_trace_time("## closed at"); fclose(myFP); myFP = 0; } } #else #undef dlg_trace extern void dlg_trace(const char *); void dlg_trace(const char *fname) { (void) fname; } #endif