/* * $Id: tailbox.c,v 1.68 2012/11/18 15:48:52 tom Exp $ * * tailbox.c -- implements the tail box * * Copyright 2000-2011,2012 Thomas E. Dickey * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License, version 2.1 * as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this program; if not, write to * Free Software Foundation, Inc. * 51 Franklin St., Fifth Floor * Boston, MA 02110, USA. * * An earlier version of this program lists as authors * Pasquale De Marco (demarco_p@abramo.it) */ #include <dialog.h> #include <dlg_keys.h> #include <sys/stat.h> typedef struct { DIALOG_CALLBACK obj; WINDOW *text; const char **buttons; int hscroll; int old_hscroll; char line[MAX_LEN + 2]; off_t last_pos; } MY_OBJ; /* * Return current line of text. */ static char * get_line(MY_OBJ * obj) { FILE *fp = obj->obj.input; int col = -(obj->hscroll); int j, tmpint, ch; do { if (((ch = getc(fp)) == EOF) && !feof(fp)) dlg_exiterr("Error moving file pointer in get_line()."); else if (!feof(fp) && (ch != '\n')) { if ((ch == TAB) && (dialog_vars.tab_correct)) { tmpint = dialog_state.tab_len - ((col + obj->hscroll) % dialog_state.tab_len); for (j = 0; j < tmpint; j++) { if (col >= 0 && col < MAX_LEN) obj->line[col] = ' '; ++col; } } else { if (col >= 0) obj->line[col] = (char) ch; ++col; } if (col >= MAX_LEN) break; } } while (!feof(fp) && (ch != '\n')); if (col < 0) col = 0; obj->line[col] = '\0'; return obj->line; } /* * Print a new line of text. */ static void print_line(MY_OBJ * obj, WINDOW *win, int row, int width) { int i, y, x; char *line = get_line(obj); (void) wmove(win, row, 0); /* move cursor to correct line */ (void) waddch(win, ' '); #ifdef NCURSES_VERSION (void) waddnstr(win, line, MIN((int) strlen(line), width - 2)); #else line[MIN((int) strlen(line), width - 2)] = '\0'; waddstr(win, line); #endif getyx(win, y, x); (void) y; /* Clear 'residue' of previous line */ for (i = 0; i < width - x; i++) (void) waddch(win, ' '); } /* * Go back 'target' lines in text file. BUFSIZ has to be in 'size_t' range. */ static void last_lines(MY_OBJ * obj, int target) { FILE *fp = obj->obj.input; size_t inx; int count = 0; char buf[BUFSIZ + 1]; size_t size_to_read; size_t size_as_read; long offset = 0; long fpos = 0; if (fseek(fp, 0L, SEEK_END) == -1 || (fpos = ftell(fp)) < 0) dlg_exiterr("Error moving file pointer in last_lines()."); if (fpos != 0) { ++target; for (;;) { if (fpos >= BUFSIZ) { size_to_read = BUFSIZ; } else { size_to_read = (size_t) fpos; } fpos = fpos - (long) size_to_read; if (fseek(fp, fpos, SEEK_SET) == -1) dlg_exiterr("Error moving file pointer in last_lines()."); size_as_read = fread(buf, sizeof(char), size_to_read, fp); if (ferror(fp)) dlg_exiterr("Error reading file in last_lines()."); if (size_as_read == 0) { fpos = 0; offset = 0; break; } offset += (long) size_as_read; for (inx = size_as_read - 1; inx != 0; --inx) { if (buf[inx] == '\n') { if (++count > target) break; offset = (long) (inx + 1); } } if (count > target) { break; } else if (fpos == 0) { offset = 0; break; } } if (fseek(fp, fpos + offset, SEEK_SET) == -1) dlg_exiterr("Error moving file pointer in last_lines()."); } } /* * Print a new page of text. */ static void print_page(MY_OBJ * obj, int height, int width) { int i; for (i = 0; i < height; i++) { print_line(obj, obj->text, i, width); } (void) wnoutrefresh(obj->text); } static void print_last_page(MY_OBJ * obj) { int high = getmaxy(obj->obj.win) - (2 * MARGIN + (obj->obj.bg_task ? 1 : 3)); int wide = getmaxx(obj->text); last_lines(obj, high); print_page(obj, high, wide); } static void repaint_text(MY_OBJ * obj) { FILE *fp = obj->obj.input; int cur_y, cur_x; getyx(obj->obj.win, cur_y, cur_x); obj->old_hscroll = obj->hscroll; print_last_page(obj); obj->last_pos = ftell(fp); (void) wmove(obj->obj.win, cur_y, cur_x); /* Restore cursor position */ wrefresh(obj->obj.win); } static bool handle_input(DIALOG_CALLBACK * cb) { MY_OBJ *obj = (MY_OBJ *) cb; FILE *fp = obj->obj.input; struct stat sb; if (fstat(fileno(fp), &sb) == 0 && sb.st_size != obj->last_pos) { repaint_text(obj); } return TRUE; } static bool handle_my_getc(DIALOG_CALLBACK * cb, int ch, int fkey, int *result) { MY_OBJ *obj = (MY_OBJ *) cb; bool done = FALSE; if (!fkey && dlg_char_to_button(ch, obj->buttons) == 0) { ch = DLGK_ENTER; fkey = TRUE; } if (fkey) { switch (ch) { case DLGK_ENTER: *result = DLG_EXIT_OK; done = TRUE; break; case DLGK_BEGIN: /* Beginning of line */ obj->hscroll = 0; break; case DLGK_GRID_LEFT: /* Scroll left */ if (obj->hscroll > 0) { obj->hscroll -= 1; } break; case DLGK_GRID_RIGHT: /* Scroll right */ if (obj->hscroll < MAX_LEN) obj->hscroll += 1; break; default: beep(); break; } if ((obj->hscroll != obj->old_hscroll)) repaint_text(obj); } else { switch (ch) { case ERR: clearerr(cb->input); ch = getc(cb->input); (void) ungetc(ch, cb->input); if (ch != EOF) { handle_input(cb); } break; case ESC: done = TRUE; *result = DLG_EXIT_ESC; break; default: beep(); break; } } return !done; } /* * Display text from a file in a dialog box, like in a "tail -f". */ int dialog_tailbox(const char *title, const char *file, int height, int width, int bg_task) { /* *INDENT-OFF* */ static DLG_KEYS_BINDING binding[] = { HELPKEY_BINDINGS, ENTERKEY_BINDINGS, DLG_KEYS_DATA( DLGK_BEGIN, '0' ), DLG_KEYS_DATA( DLGK_BEGIN, KEY_BEG ), DLG_KEYS_DATA( DLGK_GRID_LEFT, 'H' ), DLG_KEYS_DATA( DLGK_GRID_LEFT, 'h' ), DLG_KEYS_DATA( DLGK_GRID_LEFT, KEY_LEFT ), DLG_KEYS_DATA( DLGK_GRID_RIGHT, 'L' ), DLG_KEYS_DATA( DLGK_GRID_RIGHT, 'l' ), DLG_KEYS_DATA( DLGK_GRID_RIGHT, KEY_RIGHT ), END_KEYS_BINDING }; /* *INDENT-ON* */ #ifdef KEY_RESIZE int old_height = height; int old_width = width; #endif int fkey; int x, y, result, thigh; WINDOW *dialog, *text; const char **buttons = 0; MY_OBJ *obj; FILE *fd; int min_width = 12; /* Open input file for reading */ if ((fd = fopen(file, "rb")) == NULL) dlg_exiterr("Can't open input file in dialog_tailbox()."); #ifdef KEY_RESIZE retry: #endif dlg_auto_sizefile(title, file, &height, &width, 2, min_width); dlg_print_size(height, width); dlg_ctl_size(height, width); x = dlg_box_x_ordinate(width); y = dlg_box_y_ordinate(height); thigh = height - ((2 * MARGIN) + (bg_task ? 0 : 2)); dialog = dlg_new_window(height, width, y, x); dlg_mouse_setbase(x, y); /* Create window for text region, used for scrolling text */ text = dlg_sub_window(dialog, thigh, width - (2 * MARGIN), y + MARGIN, x + MARGIN); dlg_draw_box2(dialog, 0, 0, height, width, dialog_attr, border_attr, border2_attr); dlg_draw_bottom_box2(dialog, border_attr, border2_attr, dialog_attr); dlg_draw_title(dialog, title); dlg_draw_helpline(dialog, FALSE); if (!bg_task) { buttons = dlg_exit_label(); dlg_button_layout(buttons, &min_width); dlg_draw_buttons(dialog, height - (2 * MARGIN), 0, buttons, FALSE, FALSE, width); } (void) wmove(dialog, thigh, (MARGIN + 1)); (void) wnoutrefresh(dialog); obj = dlg_calloc(MY_OBJ, 1); assert_ptr(obj, "dialog_tailbox"); obj->obj.input = fd; obj->obj.win = dialog; obj->obj.handle_getc = handle_my_getc; obj->obj.handle_input = bg_task ? handle_input : 0; obj->obj.keep_bg = bg_task && dialog_vars.cant_kill; obj->obj.bg_task = bg_task; obj->text = text; obj->buttons = buttons; dlg_add_callback(&(obj->obj)); dlg_register_window(dialog, "tailbox", binding); dlg_register_buttons(dialog, "tailbox", buttons); /* Print last page of text */ dlg_attr_clear(text, thigh, getmaxx(text), dialog_attr); repaint_text(obj); dlg_trace_win(dialog); if (bg_task) { result = DLG_EXIT_OK; } else { int ch; do { ch = dlg_getc(dialog, &fkey); #ifdef KEY_RESIZE if (fkey && ch == KEY_RESIZE) { /* reset data */ height = old_height; width = old_width; /* repaint */ dlg_clear(); dlg_del_window(dialog); refresh(); dlg_mouse_free_regions(); dlg_button_layout(buttons, &min_width); goto retry; } #endif } while (handle_my_getc(&(obj->obj), ch, fkey, &result)); } dlg_mouse_free_regions(); return result; }