/* * Copyright (c) 2005,2018 * Hartmut Brandt. * All rights reserved. * * Author: Harti Brandt <harti@freebsd.org> * * Redistribution of this software and documentation and use in source and * binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that * the following conditions are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code or documentation must retain the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE AND DOCUMENTATION IS PROVIDED BY FRAUNHOFER FOKUS * AND ITS CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, * INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL * FRAUNHOFER FOKUS OR ITS CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, * INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, * OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING * NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, * EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * $Begemot: bsnmp/snmp_ntp/snmp_ntp.c,v 1.9 2005/10/06 07:15:01 brandt_h Exp $ * * NTP interface for SNMPd. */ #include <sys/queue.h> #include <sys/time.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/select.h> #include <sys/socket.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <errno.h> #include <netdb.h> #ifdef HAVE_STDINT_H #include <stdint.h> #elif defined(HAVE_INTTYPES_H) #include <inttypes.h> #endif #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <syslog.h> #include <unistd.h> #include "support.h" #include "snmpmod.h" #define SNMPTREE_TYPES #include "ntp_tree.h" #include "ntp_oid.h" #define NTPC_MAX 576 #define NTPC_VERSION 3 #define NTPC_MODE 6 #define NTPC_DMAX 468 #define NTPC_BIT_RESP 0x80 #define NTPC_BIT_ERROR 0x40 #define NTPC_BIT_MORE 0x20 #define NTPC_OPMASK 0x1f #define NTPC_OP_READSTAT 1 #define NTPC_OP_READVAR 2 /* our module handle */ static struct lmodule *module; /* debug flag */ static uint32_t ntp_debug; #define DBG_DUMP_PKTS 0x01 #define DBG_DUMP_VARS 0x02 /* OIDs */ static const struct asn_oid oid_ntpMIB = OIDX_ntpMIB; /* the Object Resource registration index */ static u_int reg_index; /* last time we've fetch the system variables */ static uint64_t sysinfo_tick; /* cached system variables */ static int32_t sys_leap; static int sysb_leap; static int32_t sys_stratum; static int sysb_stratum; static int32_t sys_precision; static int sysb_precision; static char *sys_rootdelay; static char *sys_rootdispersion; static char *sys_refid; static char sys_reftime[8]; static int sysb_reftime; static int32_t sys_poll; static int sysb_poll; static uint32_t sys_peer; static int sysb_peer; static u_char sys_clock[8]; static int sysb_clock; static char *sys_system; static char *sys_processor; static int sysb_jitter; static double sys_jitter; static int sysb_stability; static double sys_stability; /* last time we've fetch the peer list */ static uint64_t peers_tick; /* request sequence number generator */ static uint16_t seqno; /* NTPD socket */ static int ntpd_sock; static void *ntpd_fd; struct peer { /* required entries for macros */ uint32_t index; TAILQ_ENTRY(peer) link; int32_t config; /* config bit */ u_char srcadr[4]; /* PeerAddress */ uint32_t srcport; /* PeerPort */ u_char dstadr[4]; /* HostAddress */ uint32_t dstport; /* HostPort */ int32_t leap; /* Leap */ int32_t hmode; /* Mode */ int32_t stratum; /* Stratum */ int32_t ppoll; /* PeerPoll */ int32_t hpoll; /* HostPoll */ int32_t precision; /* Precision */ char *rootdelay; /* RootDelay */ char *rootdispersion;/* RootDispersion */ char *refid; /* RefId */ u_char reftime[8]; /* RefTime */ u_char orgtime[8]; /* OrgTime */ u_char rcvtime[8]; /* ReceiveTime */ u_char xmttime[8]; /* TransmitTime */ u_int32_t reach; /* Reach */ int32_t timer; /* Timer */ char *offset; /* Offset */ char *delay; /* Delay */ char *dispersion; /* Dispersion */ int32_t filt_entries; }; TAILQ_HEAD(peer_list, peer); /* list of peers */ static struct peer_list peers = TAILQ_HEAD_INITIALIZER(peers); struct filt { /* required fields */ struct asn_oid index; TAILQ_ENTRY(filt) link; char *offset; char *delay; char *dispersion; }; TAILQ_HEAD(filt_list, filt); /* list of filters */ static struct filt_list filts = TAILQ_HEAD_INITIALIZER(filts); /* configuration */ static u_char *ntp_host; static u_char *ntp_port; static uint32_t ntp_timeout; static void ntpd_input(int, void *); static int open_socket(void); /* the initialization function */ static int ntp_init(struct lmodule *mod, int argc, char *argv[] __unused) { module = mod; if (argc != 0) { syslog(LOG_ERR, "bad number of arguments for %s", __func__); return (EINVAL); } ntp_host = strdup("localhost"); ntp_port = strdup("ntp"); ntp_timeout = 50; /* 0.5sec */ return (0); } /* * Module is started */ static void ntp_start(void) { if (open_socket() != -1) { ntpd_fd = fd_select(ntpd_sock, ntpd_input, NULL, module); if (ntpd_fd == NULL) { syslog(LOG_ERR, "fd_select failed on ntpd socket: %m"); return; } } reg_index = or_register(&oid_ntpMIB, "The MIB for NTP.", module); } /* * Called, when the module is to be unloaded after it was successfully loaded */ static int ntp_fini(void) { or_unregister(reg_index); fd_deselect(ntpd_fd); return (0); } const struct snmp_module config = { .comment = "This module implements the NTP MIB", .init = ntp_init, .start = ntp_start, .fini = ntp_fini, .tree = ntp_ctree, .tree_size = ntp_CTREE_SIZE, }; /* * Open the NTPD socket */ static int open_socket(void) { struct addrinfo hints, *res, *res0; int error; const char *cause; memset(&hints, 0, sizeof(hints)); hints.ai_family = AF_INET; hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_DGRAM; error = getaddrinfo(ntp_host, ntp_port, &hints, &res0); if (error) { syslog(LOG_ERR, "%s(%s): %s", ntp_host, ntp_port, gai_strerror(error)); return (-1); } ntpd_sock = -1; cause = "no address"; errno = EADDRNOTAVAIL; for (res = res0; res != NULL; res = res->ai_next) { ntpd_sock = socket(res->ai_family, res->ai_socktype, res->ai_protocol); if (ntpd_sock == -1) { cause = "socket"; continue; } if (connect(ntpd_sock, res->ai_addr, res->ai_addrlen) == -1) { cause = "connect"; (void)close(ntpd_sock); ntpd_sock = -1; continue; } break; } if (ntpd_sock == -1) { syslog(LOG_ERR, "%s: %m", cause); return (-1); } freeaddrinfo(res0); return (0); } /* * Dump a packet */ static void dump_packet(const u_char *pkt, size_t ret) { char buf[8 * 3 + 1]; size_t i, j; for (i = 0; i < ret; i += 8) { buf[0] = '\0'; for (j = 0; i + j < (size_t)ret && j < 8; j++) sprintf(buf + strlen(buf), " %02x", pkt[i + j]); syslog(LOG_INFO, "%04zu:%s", i, buf); } } /* * Execute an NTP request. */ static int ntpd_request(u_int op, u_int associd, const char *vars) { u_char *rpkt; u_char *ptr; size_t vlen; ssize_t ret; if ((rpkt = malloc(NTPC_MAX)) == NULL) { syslog(LOG_ERR, "%m"); return (-1); } memset(rpkt, 0, NTPC_MAX); ptr = rpkt; *ptr++ = (NTPC_VERSION << 3) | NTPC_MODE; *ptr++ = op; if (++seqno == 0) seqno++; *ptr++ = seqno >> 8; *ptr++ = seqno; /* skip status */ ptr += 2; *ptr++ = associd >> 8; *ptr++ = associd; /* skip offset */ ptr += 2; if (vars != NULL) { vlen = strlen(vars); if (vlen > NTPC_DMAX) { syslog(LOG_ERR, "NTP request too long (%zu)", vlen); free(rpkt); return (-1); } *ptr++ = vlen >> 8; *ptr++ = vlen; memcpy(ptr, vars, vlen); ptr += vlen; } else /* skip data length (is already zero) */ ptr += 2; while ((ptr - rpkt) % 4 != 0) *ptr++ = 0; if (ntp_debug & DBG_DUMP_PKTS) { syslog(LOG_INFO, "sending %zd bytes", ptr - rpkt); dump_packet(rpkt, ptr - rpkt); } ret = send(ntpd_sock, rpkt, ptr - rpkt, 0); if (ret == -1) { syslog(LOG_ERR, "cannot send to ntpd: %m"); free(rpkt); return (-1); } return (0); } /* * Callback if packet arrived from NTPD */ static int ntpd_read(uint16_t *op, uint16_t *associd, u_char **data, size_t *datalen) { u_char pkt[NTPC_MAX + 1]; u_char *ptr, *nptr; u_int n; ssize_t ret; size_t z; u_int offset; /* current offset */ int more; /* more flag */ int sel; struct timeval inc, end, rem; fd_set iset; *datalen = 0; *data = NULL; offset = 0; inc.tv_sec = ntp_timeout / 100; inc.tv_usec = (ntp_timeout % 100) * 1000; (void)gettimeofday(&end, NULL); timeradd(&end, &inc, &end); next: /* compute remaining time */ (void)gettimeofday(&rem, NULL); if (timercmp(&rem, &end, >=)) { /* do a poll */ rem.tv_sec = 0; rem.tv_usec = 0; } else { timersub(&end, &rem, &rem); } /* select */ FD_ZERO(&iset); FD_SET(ntpd_sock, &iset); sel = select(ntpd_sock + 1, &iset, NULL, NULL, &rem); if (sel == -1) { if (errno == EINTR) goto next; syslog(LOG_ERR, "select ntpd_sock: %m"); free(*data); return (-1); } if (sel == 0) { syslog(LOG_ERR, "timeout on NTP connection"); free(*data); return (-1); } /* now read it */ ret = recv(ntpd_sock, pkt, sizeof(pkt), 0); if (ret == -1) { syslog(LOG_ERR, "error reading from ntpd: %m"); free(*data); return (-1); } if (ntp_debug & DBG_DUMP_PKTS) { syslog(LOG_INFO, "got %zd bytes", ret); dump_packet(pkt, (size_t)ret); } ptr = pkt; if ((*ptr & 0x3f) != ((NTPC_VERSION << 3) | NTPC_MODE)) { syslog(LOG_ERR, "unexpected packet version 0x%x", *ptr); free(*data); return (-1); } ptr++; if (!(*ptr & NTPC_BIT_RESP)) { syslog(LOG_ERR, "not a response packet"); return (-1); } if (*ptr & NTPC_BIT_ERROR) { z = *datalen - 12; if (z > NTPC_DMAX) z = NTPC_DMAX; syslog(LOG_ERR, "error response: %.*s", (int)z, pkt + 12); free(*data); return (-1); } more = (*ptr & NTPC_BIT_MORE); *op = *ptr++ & NTPC_OPMASK; /* seqno */ n = *ptr++ << 8; n |= *ptr++; if (n != seqno) { syslog(LOG_ERR, "expecting seqno %u, got %u", seqno, n); free(*data); return (-1); } /* status */ n = *ptr++ << 8; n |= *ptr++; /* associd */ *associd = *ptr++ << 8; *associd |= *ptr++; /* offset */ n = *ptr++ << 8; n |= *ptr++; if (n != offset) { syslog(LOG_ERR, "offset: expecting %u, got %u", offset, n); free(*data); return (-1); } /* count */ n = *ptr++ << 8; n |= *ptr++; if ((size_t)ret < 12 + n) { syslog(LOG_ERR, "packet too short"); return (-1); } nptr = realloc(*data, *datalen + n); if (nptr == NULL) { syslog(LOG_ERR, "cannot allocate memory: %m"); free(*data); return (-1); } *data = nptr; memcpy(*data + offset, ptr, n); *datalen += n; if (!more) return (0); offset += n; goto next; } /* * Send a request and wait for the response */ static int ntpd_dialog(u_int op, u_int associd, const char *vars, u_char **data, size_t *datalen) { uint16_t rassocid; uint16_t rop; if (ntpd_request(op, associd, vars) == -1) return (-1); if (ntpd_read(&rop, &rassocid, data, datalen) == -1) return (-1); if (rop != op) { syslog(LOG_ERR, "bad response op 0x%x", rop); free(data); return (-1); } if (associd != rassocid) { syslog(LOG_ERR, "response for wrong associd"); free(data); return (-1); } return (0); } /* * Callback if packet arrived from NTPD */ static void ntpd_input(int fd __unused, void *arg __unused) { uint16_t associd; uint16_t op; u_char *data; size_t datalen; if (ntpd_read(&op, &associd, &data, &datalen) == -1) return; free(data); } /* * Find the value of a variable */ static int ntpd_parse(u_char **data, size_t *datalen, char **namep, char **valp) { u_char *ptr = *data; u_char *end = ptr + *datalen; char *ptr1; char endc; /* skip leading spaces */ while (ptr < end && isspace((int)*ptr)) ptr++; if (ptr == end) return (0); *namep = ptr; /* skip to space or '=' or ','*/ while (ptr < end && !isspace((int)*ptr) && *ptr != '=' && *ptr != ',') ptr++; endc = *ptr; *ptr++ = '\0'; /* skip space */ while (ptr < end && isspace((int)*ptr)) ptr++; if (ptr == end || endc == ',') { /* no value */ *valp = NULL; *datalen -= ptr - *data; *data = ptr; return (1); } if (*ptr == '"') { /* quoted */ ptr++; *valp = ptr; while (ptr < end && *ptr != '"') ptr++; if (ptr == end) return (0); *ptr++ = '\0'; /* find comma */ while (ptr < end && isspace((int)*ptr) && *ptr == ',') ptr++; } else { *valp = ptr; /* skip to end of value */ while (ptr < end && *ptr != ',') ptr++; /* remove trailing blanks */ for (ptr1 = ptr; ptr1 > *valp; ptr1--) if (!isspace((int)ptr1[-1])) break; *ptr1 = '\0'; if (ptr < end) ptr++; } *datalen -= ptr - *data; *data = ptr; return (1); } /* * Parse an int32 value */ static int val_parse_int32(const char *val, int32_t *p, int32_t min, int32_t max, int base) { long n; char *end; errno = 0; n = strtol(val, &end, base); if (errno != 0 || *end != '\0') return (0); if (n < min || n > max) return (0); *p = (int32_t)n; return (1); } /* * Parse an uint32 value */ static int val_parse_uint32(const char *val, uint32_t *p, uint32_t min, uint32_t max, int base) { u_long n; char *end; errno = 0; n = strtoul(val, &end, base); if (errno != 0 || *end != '\0') return (0); if (n < min || n > max) return (0); *p = (uint32_t)n; return (1); } /* * Parse a double */ static int val_parse_double(const char *val, double *p) { char *end; errno = 0; *p = strtod(val, &end); if (errno != 0 || *end != '\0') return (0); return (1); } static int val_parse_ts(const char *val, char *buf) { int r, n; u_int i, f; if (strlen(val) > 2 && val[0] == '0' && val[1] == 'x') { /* hex format */ r = sscanf(val + 2, "%x.%x%n", &i, &f, &n); if (r != 2 || (size_t)n != strlen(val + 2)) return (0); } else { /* probably decimal */ r = sscanf(val, "%d.%d%n", &i, &f, &n); if (r != 2 || (size_t)n != strlen(val)) return (0); } buf[0] = i >> 24; buf[1] = i >> 16; buf[2] = i >> 8; buf[3] = i >> 0; buf[4] = f >> 24; buf[5] = f >> 16; buf[6] = f >> 8; buf[7] = f >> 0; return (1); } /* * Parse an IP address. This resolves non-numeric names. */ static int val_parse_ip(const char *val, u_char ip[4]) { int r, n, error; struct addrinfo hints, *res0; struct sockaddr_in *sin_local; r = sscanf(val, "%hhd.%hhd.%hhd.%hhd%n", &ip[0], &ip[1], &ip[2], &ip[3], &n); if (n == 4 && (size_t)n == strlen(val)) return (0); memset(ip, 0, 4); memset(&hints, 0, sizeof(hints)); hints.ai_family = AF_INET; hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_DGRAM; error = getaddrinfo(val, NULL, &hints, &res0); if (error) { syslog(LOG_ERR, "%s: %s", val, gai_strerror(error)); return (-1); } if (res0 == NULL) { syslog(LOG_ERR, "%s: no address", val); return (-1); } sin_local = (struct sockaddr_in *)(void *)res0->ai_addr; ip[3] = sin_local->sin_addr.s_addr >> 24; ip[2] = sin_local->sin_addr.s_addr >> 16; ip[1] = sin_local->sin_addr.s_addr >> 8; ip[0] = sin_local->sin_addr.s_addr >> 0; freeaddrinfo(res0); return (0); } /* * Fetch system info */ static int fetch_sysinfo(void) { u_char *data; u_char *ptr; size_t datalen; char *name; char *val; if (ntpd_dialog(NTPC_OP_READVAR, 0, "leap,stratum,precision,rootdelay,rootdispersion,refid,reftime," "poll,peer,clock,system,processor,jitter,stability", &data, &datalen)) return (-1); /* clear info */ sysb_leap = 0; sysb_stratum = 0; sysb_precision = 0; free(sys_rootdelay); sys_rootdelay = NULL; free(sys_rootdispersion); sys_rootdispersion = NULL; free(sys_refid); sys_refid = NULL; sysb_reftime = 0; sysb_poll = 0; sysb_peer = 0; sysb_clock = 0; free(sys_system); sys_system = NULL; free(sys_processor); sys_processor = NULL; sysb_jitter = 0; sysb_stability = 0; ptr = data; while (ntpd_parse(&ptr, &datalen, &name, &val)) { if (ntp_debug & DBG_DUMP_VARS) syslog(LOG_DEBUG, "%s: '%s'='%s'", __func__, name, val); if (strcmp(name, "leap") == 0 || strcmp(name, "sys.leap") == 0) { sysb_leap = val_parse_int32(val, &sys_leap, 0, 3, 2); } else if (strcmp(name, "stratum") == 0 || strcmp(name, "sys.stratum") == 0) { sysb_stratum = val_parse_int32(val, &sys_stratum, 0, 255, 0); } else if (strcmp(name, "precision") == 0 || strcmp(name, "sys.precision") == 0) { sysb_precision = val_parse_int32(val, &sys_precision, INT32_MIN, INT32_MAX, 0); } else if (strcmp(name, "rootdelay") == 0 || strcmp(name, "sys.rootdelay") == 0) { sys_rootdelay = strdup(val); } else if (strcmp(name, "rootdispersion") == 0 || strcmp(name, "sys.rootdispersion") == 0) { sys_rootdispersion = strdup(val); } else if (strcmp(name, "refid") == 0 || strcmp(name, "sys.refid") == 0) { sys_refid = strdup(val); } else if (strcmp(name, "reftime") == 0 || strcmp(name, "sys.reftime") == 0) { sysb_reftime = val_parse_ts(val, sys_reftime); } else if (strcmp(name, "poll") == 0 || strcmp(name, "sys.poll") == 0) { sysb_poll = val_parse_int32(val, &sys_poll, INT32_MIN, INT32_MAX, 0); } else if (strcmp(name, "peer") == 0 || strcmp(name, "sys.peer") == 0) { sysb_peer = val_parse_uint32(val, &sys_peer, 0, UINT32_MAX, 0); } else if (strcmp(name, "clock") == 0 || strcmp(name, "sys.clock") == 0) { sysb_clock = val_parse_ts(val, sys_clock); } else if (strcmp(name, "system") == 0 || strcmp(name, "sys.system") == 0) { sys_system = strdup(val); } else if (strcmp(name, "processor") == 0 || strcmp(name, "sys.processor") == 0) { sys_processor = strdup(val); } else if (strcmp(name, "jitter") == 0 || strcmp(name, "sys.jitter") == 0) { sysb_jitter = val_parse_double(val, &sys_jitter); } else if (strcmp(name, "stability") == 0 || strcmp(name, "sys.stability") == 0) { sysb_stability = val_parse_double(val, &sys_stability); } } free(data); return (0); } static int parse_filt(char *val, uint16_t associd, int which) { char *w; int cnt; struct filt *f; cnt = 0; for (w = strtok(val, " \t"); w != NULL; w = strtok(NULL, " \t")) { TAILQ_FOREACH(f, &filts, link) if (f->index.subs[0] == associd && f->index.subs[1] == (asn_subid_t)(cnt + 1)) break; if (f == NULL) { f = malloc(sizeof(*f)); memset(f, 0, sizeof(*f)); f->index.len = 2; f->index.subs[0] = associd; f->index.subs[1] = cnt + 1; INSERT_OBJECT_OID(f, &filts); } switch (which) { case 0: f->offset = strdup(w); break; case 1: f->delay = strdup(w); break; case 2: f->dispersion = strdup(w); break; default: abort(); } cnt++; } return (cnt); } /* * Fetch the complete peer list */ static int fetch_peers(void) { u_char *data, *pdata, *ptr; size_t datalen, pdatalen; int i; struct peer *p; struct filt *f; uint16_t associd; char *name, *val; /* free the old list */ while ((p = TAILQ_FIRST(&peers)) != NULL) { TAILQ_REMOVE(&peers, p, link); free(p->rootdelay); free(p->rootdispersion); free(p->refid); free(p->offset); free(p->delay); free(p->dispersion); free(p); } while ((f = TAILQ_FIRST(&filts)) != NULL) { TAILQ_REMOVE(&filts, f, link); free(f->offset); free(f->delay); free(f->dispersion); free(f); } /* fetch the list of associations */ if (ntpd_dialog(NTPC_OP_READSTAT, 0, NULL, &data, &datalen)) return (-1); for (i = 0; i < (int)(datalen / 4); i++) { associd = data[4 * i + 0] << 8; associd |= data[4 * i + 1] << 0; /* ask for the association variables */ if (ntpd_dialog(NTPC_OP_READVAR, associd, "config,srcadr,srcport,dstadr,dstport,leap,hmode,stratum," "hpoll,ppoll,precision,rootdelay,rootdispersion,refid," "reftime,org,rec,xmt,reach,timer,offset,delay,dispersion," "filtdelay,filtoffset,filtdisp", &pdata, &pdatalen)) { free(data); return (-1); } /* now save and parse the data */ p = malloc(sizeof(*p)); if (p == NULL) { free(data); syslog(LOG_ERR, "%m"); return (-1); } memset(p, 0, sizeof(*p)); p->index = associd; INSERT_OBJECT_INT(p, &peers); ptr = pdata; while (ntpd_parse(&ptr, &pdatalen, &name, &val)) { if (ntp_debug & DBG_DUMP_VARS) syslog(LOG_DEBUG, "%s: '%s'='%s'", __func__, name, val); if (strcmp(name, "config") == 0 || strcmp(name, "peer.config") == 0) { val_parse_int32(val, &p->config, 0, 1, 0); } else if (strcmp(name, "srcadr") == 0 || strcmp(name, "peer.srcadr") == 0) { val_parse_ip(val, p->srcadr); } else if (strcmp(name, "srcport") == 0 || strcmp(name, "peer.srcport") == 0) { val_parse_uint32(val, &p->srcport, 1, 65535, 0); } else if (strcmp(name, "dstadr") == 0 || strcmp(name, "peer.dstadr") == 0) { val_parse_ip(val, p->dstadr); } else if (strcmp(name, "dstport") == 0 || strcmp(name, "peer.dstport") == 0) { val_parse_uint32(val, &p->dstport, 1, 65535, 0); } else if (strcmp(name, "leap") == 0 || strcmp(name, "peer.leap") == 0) { val_parse_int32(val, &p->leap, 0, 3, 2); } else if (strcmp(name, "hmode") == 0 || strcmp(name, "peer.hmode") == 0) { val_parse_int32(val, &p->hmode, 0, 7, 0); } else if (strcmp(name, "stratum") == 0 || strcmp(name, "peer.stratum") == 0) { val_parse_int32(val, &p->stratum, 0, 255, 0); } else if (strcmp(name, "ppoll") == 0 || strcmp(name, "peer.ppoll") == 0) { val_parse_int32(val, &p->ppoll, INT32_MIN, INT32_MAX, 0); } else if (strcmp(name, "hpoll") == 0 || strcmp(name, "peer.hpoll") == 0) { val_parse_int32(val, &p->hpoll, INT32_MIN, INT32_MAX, 0); } else if (strcmp(name, "precision") == 0 || strcmp(name, "peer.precision") == 0) { val_parse_int32(val, &p->hpoll, INT32_MIN, INT32_MAX, 0); } else if (strcmp(name, "rootdelay") == 0 || strcmp(name, "peer.rootdelay") == 0) { p->rootdelay = strdup(val); } else if (strcmp(name, "rootdispersion") == 0 || strcmp(name, "peer.rootdispersion") == 0) { p->rootdispersion = strdup(val); } else if (strcmp(name, "refid") == 0 || strcmp(name, "peer.refid") == 0) { p->refid = strdup(val); } else if (strcmp(name, "reftime") == 0 || strcmp(name, "sys.reftime") == 0) { val_parse_ts(val, p->reftime); } else if (strcmp(name, "org") == 0 || strcmp(name, "sys.org") == 0) { val_parse_ts(val, p->orgtime); } else if (strcmp(name, "rec") == 0 || strcmp(name, "sys.rec") == 0) { val_parse_ts(val, p->rcvtime); } else if (strcmp(name, "xmt") == 0 || strcmp(name, "sys.xmt") == 0) { val_parse_ts(val, p->xmttime); } else if (strcmp(name, "reach") == 0 || strcmp(name, "peer.reach") == 0) { val_parse_uint32(val, &p->reach, 0, 65535, 0); } else if (strcmp(name, "timer") == 0 || strcmp(name, "peer.timer") == 0) { val_parse_int32(val, &p->timer, INT32_MIN, INT32_MAX, 0); } else if (strcmp(name, "offset") == 0 || strcmp(name, "peer.offset") == 0) { p->offset = strdup(val); } else if (strcmp(name, "delay") == 0 || strcmp(name, "peer.delay") == 0) { p->delay = strdup(val); } else if (strcmp(name, "dispersion") == 0 || strcmp(name, "peer.dispersion") == 0) { p->dispersion = strdup(val); } else if (strcmp(name, "filtdelay") == 0 || strcmp(name, "peer.filtdelay") == 0) { p->filt_entries = parse_filt(val, associd, 0); } else if (strcmp(name, "filtoffset") == 0 || strcmp(name, "peer.filtoffset") == 0) { p->filt_entries = parse_filt(val, associd, 1); } else if (strcmp(name, "filtdisp") == 0 || strcmp(name, "peer.filtdisp") == 0) { p->filt_entries = parse_filt(val, associd, 2); } } free(pdata); } free(data); return (0); } /* * System variables - read-only scalars only. */ int op_ntpSystem(struct snmp_context *ctx __unused, struct snmp_value *value, u_int sub, u_int iidx __unused, enum snmp_op op) { asn_subid_t which = value->var.subs[sub - 1]; switch (op) { case SNMP_OP_GETNEXT: abort(); case SNMP_OP_GET: if (this_tick > sysinfo_tick) { if (fetch_sysinfo() == -1) return (SNMP_ERR_GENERR); sysinfo_tick = this_tick; } switch (which) { case LEAF_ntpSysLeap: if (!sysb_leap) return (SNMP_ERR_NOSUCHNAME); value->v.integer = sys_leap; break; case LEAF_ntpSysStratum: if (!sysb_stratum) return (SNMP_ERR_NOSUCHNAME); value->v.integer = sys_stratum; break; case LEAF_ntpSysPrecision: if (!sysb_precision) return (SNMP_ERR_NOSUCHNAME); value->v.integer = sys_precision; break; case LEAF_ntpSysRootDelay: if (sys_rootdelay == NULL) return (SNMP_ERR_NOSUCHNAME); return (string_get(value, sys_rootdelay, -1)); case LEAF_ntpSysRootDispersion: if (sys_rootdispersion == NULL) return (SNMP_ERR_NOSUCHNAME); return (string_get(value, sys_rootdispersion, -1)); case LEAF_ntpSysRefId: if (sys_refid == NULL) return (SNMP_ERR_NOSUCHNAME); return (string_get(value, sys_refid, -1)); case LEAF_ntpSysRefTime: if (sysb_reftime == 0) return (SNMP_ERR_NOSUCHNAME); return (string_get(value, sys_reftime, 8)); case LEAF_ntpSysPoll: if (sysb_poll == 0) return (SNMP_ERR_NOSUCHNAME); value->v.integer = sys_poll; break; case LEAF_ntpSysPeer: if (sysb_peer == 0) return (SNMP_ERR_NOSUCHNAME); value->v.uint32 = sys_peer; break; case LEAF_ntpSysClock: if (sysb_clock == 0) return (SNMP_ERR_NOSUCHNAME); return (string_get(value, sys_clock, 8)); case LEAF_ntpSysSystem: if (sys_system == NULL) return (SNMP_ERR_NOSUCHNAME); return (string_get(value, sys_system, -1)); case LEAF_ntpSysProcessor: if (sys_processor == NULL) return (SNMP_ERR_NOSUCHNAME); return (string_get(value, sys_processor, -1)); default: abort(); } return (SNMP_ERR_NOERROR); case SNMP_OP_SET: return (SNMP_ERR_NOT_WRITEABLE); case SNMP_OP_COMMIT: case SNMP_OP_ROLLBACK: abort(); } abort(); } int op_ntpPeersVarTable(struct snmp_context *ctx __unused, struct snmp_value *value, u_int sub, u_int iidx, enum snmp_op op) { asn_subid_t which = value->var.subs[sub - 1]; uint32_t peer; struct peer *t; if (this_tick > peers_tick) { if (fetch_peers() == -1) return (SNMP_ERR_GENERR); peers_tick = this_tick; } switch (op) { case SNMP_OP_GETNEXT: t = NEXT_OBJECT_INT(&peers, &value->var, sub); if (t == NULL) return (SNMP_ERR_NOSUCHNAME); value->var.len = sub + 1; value->var.subs[sub] = t->index; break; case SNMP_OP_GET: t = FIND_OBJECT_INT(&peers, &value->var, sub); if (t == NULL) return (SNMP_ERR_NOSUCHNAME); break; case SNMP_OP_SET: if (index_decode(&value->var, sub, iidx, &peer)) return (SNMP_ERR_NO_CREATION); t = FIND_OBJECT_INT(&peers, &value->var, sub); if (t != NULL) return (SNMP_ERR_NOT_WRITEABLE); return (SNMP_ERR_NO_CREATION); case SNMP_OP_COMMIT: case SNMP_OP_ROLLBACK: default: abort(); } /* * Come here for GET and COMMIT */ switch (which) { case LEAF_ntpPeersConfigured: value->v.integer = t->config; break; case LEAF_ntpPeersPeerAddress: return (ip_get(value, t->srcadr)); case LEAF_ntpPeersPeerPort: value->v.uint32 = t->srcport; break; case LEAF_ntpPeersHostAddress: return (ip_get(value, t->dstadr)); case LEAF_ntpPeersHostPort: value->v.uint32 = t->dstport; break; case LEAF_ntpPeersLeap: value->v.integer = t->leap; break; case LEAF_ntpPeersMode: value->v.integer = t->hmode; break; case LEAF_ntpPeersStratum: value->v.integer = t->stratum; break; case LEAF_ntpPeersPeerPoll: value->v.integer = t->ppoll; break; case LEAF_ntpPeersHostPoll: value->v.integer = t->hpoll; break; case LEAF_ntpPeersPrecision: value->v.integer = t->precision; break; case LEAF_ntpPeersRootDelay: return (string_get(value, t->rootdelay, -1)); case LEAF_ntpPeersRootDispersion: return (string_get(value, t->rootdispersion, -1)); case LEAF_ntpPeersRefId: return (string_get(value, t->refid, -1)); case LEAF_ntpPeersRefTime: return (string_get(value, t->reftime, 8)); case LEAF_ntpPeersOrgTime: return (string_get(value, t->orgtime, 8)); case LEAF_ntpPeersReceiveTime: return (string_get(value, t->rcvtime, 8)); case LEAF_ntpPeersTransmitTime: return (string_get(value, t->xmttime, 8)); case LEAF_ntpPeersReach: value->v.uint32 = t->reach; break; case LEAF_ntpPeersTimer: value->v.uint32 = t->timer; break; case LEAF_ntpPeersOffset: return (string_get(value, t->offset, -1)); case LEAF_ntpPeersDelay: return (string_get(value, t->delay, -1)); case LEAF_ntpPeersDispersion: return (string_get(value, t->dispersion, -1)); default: abort(); } return (SNMP_ERR_NOERROR); } int op_ntpFilterPeersVarTable(struct snmp_context *ctx __unused, struct snmp_value *value, u_int sub, u_int iidx, enum snmp_op op) { asn_subid_t which = value->var.subs[sub - 1]; uint32_t peer; struct peer *t; if (this_tick > peers_tick) { if (fetch_peers() == -1) return (SNMP_ERR_GENERR); peers_tick = this_tick; } switch (op) { case SNMP_OP_GETNEXT: t = NEXT_OBJECT_INT(&peers, &value->var, sub); if (t == NULL) return (SNMP_ERR_NOSUCHNAME); value->var.len = sub + 1; value->var.subs[sub] = t->index; break; case SNMP_OP_GET: t = FIND_OBJECT_INT(&peers, &value->var, sub); if (t == NULL) return (SNMP_ERR_NOSUCHNAME); break; case SNMP_OP_SET: if (index_decode(&value->var, sub, iidx, &peer)) return (SNMP_ERR_NO_CREATION); t = FIND_OBJECT_INT(&peers, &value->var, sub); if (t != NULL) return (SNMP_ERR_NOT_WRITEABLE); return (SNMP_ERR_NO_CREATION); case SNMP_OP_COMMIT: case SNMP_OP_ROLLBACK: default: abort(); } /* * Come here for GET and COMMIT */ switch (which) { case LEAF_ntpFilterValidEntries: value->v.integer = t->filt_entries; break; default: abort(); } return (SNMP_ERR_NOERROR); } int op_ntpFilterRegisterTable(struct snmp_context *ctx __unused, struct snmp_value *value __unused, u_int sub __unused, u_int iidx __unused, enum snmp_op op __unused) { asn_subid_t which = value->var.subs[sub - 1]; uint32_t peer; uint32_t filt; struct filt *t; if (this_tick > peers_tick) { if (fetch_peers() == -1) return (SNMP_ERR_GENERR); peers_tick = this_tick; } switch (op) { case SNMP_OP_GETNEXT: t = NEXT_OBJECT_OID(&filts, &value->var, sub); if (t == NULL) return (SNMP_ERR_NOSUCHNAME); index_append(&value->var, sub, &t->index); break; case SNMP_OP_GET: t = FIND_OBJECT_OID(&filts, &value->var, sub); if (t == NULL) return (SNMP_ERR_NOSUCHNAME); break; case SNMP_OP_SET: if (index_decode(&value->var, sub, iidx, &peer, &filt)) return (SNMP_ERR_NO_CREATION); t = FIND_OBJECT_OID(&filts, &value->var, sub); if (t != NULL) return (SNMP_ERR_NOT_WRITEABLE); return (SNMP_ERR_NO_CREATION); case SNMP_OP_COMMIT: case SNMP_OP_ROLLBACK: default: abort(); } /* * Come here for GET and COMMIT */ switch (which) { case LEAF_ntpFilterPeersOffset: return (string_get(value, t->offset, -1)); case LEAF_ntpFilterPeersDelay: return (string_get(value, t->delay, -1)); case LEAF_ntpFilterPeersDispersion: return (string_get(value, t->dispersion, -1)); default: abort(); } return (SNMP_ERR_NOERROR); } /* * System variables - read-only scalars only. */ int op_begemot_ntp(struct snmp_context *ctx __unused, struct snmp_value *value, u_int sub, u_int iidx __unused, enum snmp_op op) { asn_subid_t which = value->var.subs[sub - 1]; int ret; switch (op) { case SNMP_OP_GETNEXT: abort(); case SNMP_OP_GET: switch (which) { case LEAF_begemotNtpHost: return (string_get(value, ntp_host, -1)); case LEAF_begemotNtpPort: return (string_get(value, ntp_port, -1)); case LEAF_begemotNtpTimeout: value->v.uint32 = ntp_timeout; return (SNMP_ERR_NOERROR); case LEAF_begemotNtpDebug: value->v.uint32 = ntp_debug; return (SNMP_ERR_NOERROR); case LEAF_begemotNtpJitter: if (this_tick > sysinfo_tick) { if (fetch_sysinfo() == -1) return (SNMP_ERR_GENERR); sysinfo_tick = this_tick; } if (!sysb_jitter) return (SNMP_ERR_NOSUCHNAME); value->v.counter64 = sys_jitter / 1000 * (1ULL << 32); return (SNMP_ERR_NOERROR); case LEAF_begemotNtpStability: if (this_tick > sysinfo_tick) { if (fetch_sysinfo() == -1) return (SNMP_ERR_GENERR); sysinfo_tick = this_tick; } if (!sysb_stability) return (SNMP_ERR_NOSUCHNAME); value->v.counter64 = sys_stability * (1ULL << 32); return (SNMP_ERR_NOERROR); } abort(); case SNMP_OP_SET: switch (which) { case LEAF_begemotNtpHost: /* only at initialization */ if (community != COMM_INITIALIZE) return (SNMP_ERR_NOT_WRITEABLE); if ((ret = string_save(value, ctx, -1, &ntp_host)) != SNMP_ERR_NOERROR) return (ret); return (SNMP_ERR_NOERROR); case LEAF_begemotNtpPort: /* only at initialization */ if (community != COMM_INITIALIZE) return (SNMP_ERR_NOT_WRITEABLE); if ((ret = string_save(value, ctx, -1, &ntp_port)) != SNMP_ERR_NOERROR) return (ret); return (SNMP_ERR_NOERROR); case LEAF_begemotNtpTimeout: ctx->scratch->int1 = ntp_timeout; if (value->v.uint32 < 1) return (SNMP_ERR_WRONG_VALUE); ntp_timeout = value->v.integer; return (SNMP_ERR_NOERROR); case LEAF_begemotNtpDebug: ctx->scratch->int1 = ntp_debug; ntp_debug = value->v.integer; return (SNMP_ERR_NOERROR); } abort(); case SNMP_OP_ROLLBACK: switch (which) { case LEAF_begemotNtpHost: string_rollback(ctx, &ntp_host); return (SNMP_ERR_NOERROR); case LEAF_begemotNtpPort: string_rollback(ctx, &ntp_port); return (SNMP_ERR_NOERROR); case LEAF_begemotNtpTimeout: ntp_timeout = ctx->scratch->int1; return (SNMP_ERR_NOERROR); case LEAF_begemotNtpDebug: ntp_debug = ctx->scratch->int1; return (SNMP_ERR_NOERROR); } abort(); case SNMP_OP_COMMIT: switch (which) { case LEAF_begemotNtpHost: string_commit(ctx); return (SNMP_ERR_NOERROR); case LEAF_begemotNtpPort: string_commit(ctx); return (SNMP_ERR_NOERROR); case LEAF_begemotNtpTimeout: case LEAF_begemotNtpDebug: return (SNMP_ERR_NOERROR); } abort(); } abort(); }