/*- * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause * * Copyright (c) 2021-2022 Alfonso Sabato Siciliano * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "bsddialog.h" #include "bsddialog_theme.h" #include "lib_util.h" struct privateitem { const char *label; /* formitem.label */ unsigned int ylabel; /* formitem.ylabel */ unsigned int xlabel; /* formitem.xlabel */ unsigned int yfield; /* formitem.yfield */ unsigned int xfield; /* formitem.xfield */ bool secure; /* formitem.flags & BSDDIALOG_FIELDHIDDEN */ bool readonly; /* formitem.flags & BSDDIALOG_FIELDREADONLY */ bool fieldnocolor; /* formitem.flags & BSDDIALOG_FIELDNOCOLOR */ bool extendfield; /* formitem.flags & BSDDIALOG_FIELDEXTEND */ bool fieldonebyte; /* formitem.flags & BSDDIALOG_FIELDSINGLEBYTE */ bool cursorend; /* formitem.flags & BSDDIALOG_FIELDCURSOREND */ bool cursor; /* field cursor visibility */ const char *bottomdesc; /* formitem.bottomdesc */ wchar_t *privwbuf; /* formitem.value */ wchar_t *pubwbuf; /* string for drawitem() */ unsigned int maxletters; /* formitem.maxvaluelen, [priv|pub]wbuf size */ unsigned int nletters; /* letters in privwbuf and pubwbuf */ unsigned int pos; /* pos in privwbuf and pubwbuf */ unsigned int fieldcols; /* formitem.fieldlen */ unsigned int xcursor; /* position in fieldcols [0 - fieldcols-1] */ unsigned int xposdraw; /* first pubwbuf index to draw */ }; struct privateform { WINDOW *border; WINDOW *pad; unsigned int h; /* only to create pad */ unsigned int w; /* only to create pad */ unsigned int wmin; /* to refresh, w can change for FIELDEXTEND */ unsigned int ys; /* to refresh */ unsigned int ye; /* to refresh */ unsigned int xs; /* to refresh */ unsigned int xe; /* to refresh */ unsigned int y; /* changes moving focus around items */ unsigned int viewrows; /* visible rows, real formheight */ unsigned int minviewrows; /* min viewrows, ylabel != yfield */ wchar_t securewch; /* wide char of conf.form.secure[mb]ch */ }; enum operation { MOVE_CURSOR_BEGIN, MOVE_CURSOR_END, MOVE_CURSOR_RIGHT, MOVE_CURSOR_LEFT, DEL_LETTER }; static bool fieldctl(struct privateitem *item, enum operation op) { bool change; int width, oldwidth, nextwidth, cols; unsigned int i; change = false; switch (op){ case MOVE_CURSOR_BEGIN: if (item->pos == 0 && item->xcursor == 0) break; /* here the cursor is changed */ change = true; item->pos = 0; item->xcursor = 0; item->xposdraw = 0; break; case MOVE_CURSOR_END: while (fieldctl(item, MOVE_CURSOR_RIGHT)) change = true; break; case MOVE_CURSOR_LEFT: if (item->pos == 0) break; /* check redundant by item->pos == 0 because of 'while' below */ if (item->xcursor == 0 && item->xposdraw == 0) break; /* here some letter to left */ change = true; item->pos -= 1; width = wcwidth(item->pubwbuf[item->pos]); if (((int)item->xcursor) - width < 0) { item->xcursor = 0; item->xposdraw -= 1; } else item->xcursor -= width; while (true) { if (item->xposdraw == 0) break; if (item->xcursor >= item->fieldcols / 2) break; if (wcwidth(item->pubwbuf[item->xposdraw - 1]) + item->xcursor + width > item->fieldcols) break; item->xposdraw -= 1; item->xcursor += wcwidth(item->pubwbuf[item->xposdraw]); } break; case DEL_LETTER: if (item->nletters == 0) break; if (item->pos == item->nletters) break; /* here a letter under the cursor */ change = true; for (i = item->pos; i < item->nletters; i++) { item->privwbuf[i] = item->privwbuf[i+1]; item->pubwbuf[i] = item->pubwbuf[i+1]; } item->nletters -= 1; item->privwbuf[i] = L'\0'; item->pubwbuf[i] = L'\0'; break; case MOVE_CURSOR_RIGHT: /* used also by "insert", see handler loop */ if (item->pos + 1 == item->maxletters) break; if (item->pos == item->nletters) break; /* here a change to right */ change = true; oldwidth = wcwidth(item->pubwbuf[item->pos]); item->pos += 1; if (item->pos == item->nletters) { /* empty column */ nextwidth = 1; } else { /* a letter to right */ nextwidth = wcwidth(item->pubwbuf[item->pos]); } if (item->xcursor + oldwidth + nextwidth - 1 >= item->fieldcols) { cols = nextwidth; item->xposdraw = item->pos; while (item->xposdraw != 0) { cols += wcwidth(item->pubwbuf[item->xposdraw - 1]); if (cols > (int)item->fieldcols) break; item->xposdraw -= 1; } item->xcursor = 0; for (i = item->xposdraw; i < item->pos ; i++) item->xcursor += wcwidth(item->pubwbuf[i]); } else { item->xcursor += oldwidth; } break; } return (change); } static void drawitem(struct privateform *form, struct privateitem *item, bool focus) { int color; unsigned int n, cols; /* Label */ wattron(form->pad, t.dialog.color); mvwaddstr(form->pad, item->ylabel, item->xlabel, item->label); wattroff(form->pad, t.dialog.color); /* Field */ if (item->readonly) color = t.form.readonlycolor; else if (item->fieldnocolor) color = t.dialog.color; else color = focus ? t.form.f_fieldcolor : t.form.fieldcolor; wattron(form->pad, color); mvwhline(form->pad, item->yfield, item->xfield, ' ', item->fieldcols); n = 0; cols = wcwidth(item->pubwbuf[item->xposdraw]); while (cols <= item->fieldcols && item->xposdraw + n < wcslen(item->pubwbuf)) { n++; cols += wcwidth(item->pubwbuf[item->xposdraw + n]); } mvwaddnwstr(form->pad, item->yfield, item->xfield, &item->pubwbuf[item->xposdraw], n); wattroff(form->pad, color); /* Bottom Desc */ move(SCREENLINES - 1, 2); clrtoeol(); if (item->bottomdesc != NULL && focus) { attron(t.form.bottomdesccolor); addstr(item->bottomdesc); attroff(t.form.bottomdesccolor); refresh(); } /* Cursor */ curs_set((focus && item->cursor) ? 1 : 0); wmove(form->pad, item->yfield, item->xfield + item->xcursor); prefresh(form->pad, form->y, 0, form->ys, form->xs, form->ye, form->xe); } /* * Trick: draw 2 times an item switching focus. * Problem: curses tries to optimize the rendering but sometimes it misses some * updates or draws old stuff. libformw has a similar problem fixed by the * same trick. * Case 1: KEY_DC and KEY_BACKSPACE, deleted multicolumn letters are drawn * again. It seems fixed by new items pad and prefresh(), previously WINDOW. * Case2: some terminal, tmux and ssh does not show the cursor. */ #define DRAWITEM_TRICK(form,item,focus) do { \ drawitem(form, item, !focus); \ drawitem(form, item, focus); \ } while (0) static bool insertch(struct privateform *form, struct privateitem *item, wchar_t wch) { int i; if (item->nletters >= item->maxletters) return (false); for (i = (int)item->nletters - 1; i >= (int)item->pos; i--) { item->privwbuf[i+1] = item->privwbuf[i]; item->pubwbuf[i+1] = item->pubwbuf[i]; } item->privwbuf[item->pos] = wch; item->pubwbuf[item->pos] = item->secure ? form->securewch : wch; item->nletters += 1; item->privwbuf[item->nletters] = L'\0'; item->pubwbuf[item->nletters] = L'\0'; return (true); } static char* alloc_wstomb(wchar_t *wstr) { int len, nbytes, i; char mbch[MB_LEN_MAX], *mbstr; nbytes = MB_LEN_MAX; /* to ensure a null terminated string */ len = wcslen(wstr); for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { wctomb(mbch, wstr[i]); nbytes += mblen(mbch, MB_LEN_MAX); } if((mbstr = malloc(nbytes)) == NULL) return (NULL); wcstombs(mbstr, wstr, nbytes); return (mbstr); } static int return_values(struct bsddialog_conf *conf, int output, int nitems, struct bsddialog_formitem *apiitems, struct privateitem *items) { int i; if (output != BSDDIALOG_OK && conf->form.value_without_ok == false) return (output); for (i = 0; i < nitems; i++) { if (conf->form.value_wchar) { apiitems[i].value = (char*)wcsdup(items[i].privwbuf); } else { apiitems[i].value = alloc_wstomb(items[i].privwbuf); } if (apiitems[i].value == NULL) RETURN_ERROR("Cannot allocate memory for form value"); } return (output); } static unsigned int firstitem(unsigned int nitems, struct privateitem *items) { int i; for (i = 0; i < (int)nitems; i++) if (items[i].readonly == false) break; return (i); } static unsigned int lastitem(unsigned int nitems, struct privateitem *items) { int i; for (i = nitems - 1; i >= 0 ; i--) if (items[i].readonly == false) break; return (i); } static unsigned int previtem(unsigned int nitems, struct privateitem *items, int curritem) { int i; for (i = curritem - 1; i >= 0; i--) if (items[i].readonly == false) return(i); for (i = nitems - 1; i > curritem - 1; i--) if (items[i].readonly == false) return(i); return (curritem); } static unsigned int nextitem(unsigned int nitems, struct privateitem *items, int curritem) { int i; for (i = curritem + 1; i < (int)nitems; i++) if (items[i].readonly == false) return(i); for (i = 0; i < curritem; i++) if (items[i].readonly == false) return(i); return (curritem); } static void redrawbuttons(WINDOW *window, struct buttons *bs, bool focus, bool shortcut) { int selected; selected = bs->curr; if (focus == false) bs->curr = -1; draw_buttons(window, *bs, shortcut); wrefresh(window); bs->curr = selected; } static void update_formborders(struct bsddialog_conf *conf, struct privateform *form) { int h, w; getmaxyx(form->border, h, w); draw_borders(conf, form->border, h, w, LOWERED); if (form->viewrows < form->h) { wattron(form->border, t.dialog.arrowcolor); if (form->y > 0) mvwhline(form->border, 0, (w / 2) - 2, conf->ascii_lines ? '^' : ACS_UARROW, 5); if (form->y + form->viewrows < form->h) mvwhline(form->border, h-1, (w / 2) - 2, conf->ascii_lines ? 'v' : ACS_DARROW, 5); wattroff(form->border, t.dialog.arrowcolor); wrefresh(form->border); } } /* use menu autosizing, linelen = form.w, nitems = form.h */ static int menu_autosize(struct bsddialog_conf *conf, int rows, int cols, int *h, int *w, const char *text, int linelen, unsigned int *menurows, int nitems, struct buttons bs) { int htext, wtext, menusize, notext; notext = 2; if (*menurows == BSDDIALOG_AUTOSIZE) { /* algo 1): grows vertically */ /* notext = 1; */ /* algo 2): grows horizontally, better with little screens */ notext += nitems; notext = MIN(notext, widget_max_height(conf) - HBORDERS - 3); } else notext += *menurows; /* cols autosize, rows autosize, rows fullscreen, menu particularity */ if (cols == BSDDIALOG_AUTOSIZE || rows <= BSDDIALOG_AUTOSIZE) { if (text_size(conf, rows, cols, text, &bs, notext, linelen + 4, &htext, &wtext) != 0) return (BSDDIALOG_ERROR); } if (cols == BSDDIALOG_AUTOSIZE) *w = widget_min_width(conf, wtext, linelen + 4, &bs); if (rows == BSDDIALOG_AUTOSIZE) { if (*menurows == 0) { menusize = widget_max_height(conf) - HBORDERS - 2 /*buttons*/ - htext; menusize = MIN(menusize, nitems + 2); *menurows = menusize - 2 < 0 ? 0 : menusize - 2; } else /* h autosize with fixed menurows */ menusize = *menurows + 2; *h = widget_min_height(conf, htext, menusize, true); /* * avoid menurows overflow and * with rows=AUTOSIZE menurows!=0 becomes max-menurows */ *menurows = MIN(*h - 6 - htext, (int)*menurows); } else { if (*menurows == 0) { if (*h - 6 - htext <= 0) *menurows = 0; /* form_checksize() will check */ else *menurows = MIN(*h-6-htext, nitems); } } return (0); } static int form_checksize(int rows, int cols, const char *text, struct privateform *form, int nitems, struct buttons bs) { int mincols, textrow, menusize; /* cols */ mincols = VBORDERS; mincols += buttons_min_width(bs); mincols = MAX(mincols, (int)form->w + 6); if (cols < mincols) RETURN_ERROR("Form width, cols < buttons or xlabels/xfields"); /* rows */ if (nitems > 0 && form->viewrows == 0) RETURN_ERROR("items > 0 but viewrows == 0, if formheight = 0 " "terminal too small"); if (form->viewrows < form->minviewrows) RETURN_ERROR("Few formheight rows, if formheight = 0 terminal " "too small"); textrow = text != NULL && text[0] != '\0' ? 1 : 0; menusize = nitems > 0 ? 3 : 0; if (rows < 2 + 2 + menusize + textrow) RETURN_ERROR("Few lines for this form"); return (0); } static void curriteminview(struct privateform *form, struct privateitem *item) { unsigned int yup, ydown; yup = MIN(item->ylabel, item->yfield); ydown = MAX(item->ylabel, item->yfield); if (form->y > yup && form->y > 0) form->y = yup; if ((int)(form->y + form->viewrows) - 1 < (int)ydown) form->y = ydown - form->viewrows + 1; } /* API */ int bsddialog_form(struct bsddialog_conf *conf, const char *text, int rows, int cols, unsigned int formheight, unsigned int nitems, struct bsddialog_formitem *apiitems) { bool switchfocus, changeitem, focusinform, insecurecursor, loop; int curritem, mbchsize, next, retval, y, x, h, w, wchtype; unsigned int i, j, itemybeg, itemxbeg, tmp; wchar_t *winit; wint_t input; WINDOW *widget, *textpad, *shadow; struct privateitem *items, *item; struct buttons bs; struct privateform form; for (i = 0; i < nitems; i++) { if (apiitems[i].maxvaluelen == 0) RETURN_ERROR("maxvaluelen cannot be zero"); if (apiitems[i].fieldlen == 0) RETURN_ERROR("fieldlen cannot be zero"); } insecurecursor = false; if (conf->form.securembch != NULL) { mbchsize = mblen(conf->form.securembch, MB_LEN_MAX); if(mbtowc(&form.securewch, conf->form.securembch, mbchsize) < 0) RETURN_ERROR("Cannot convert securembch to wchar_t"); insecurecursor = true; } else if (conf->form.securech != '\0') { form.securewch = btowc(conf->form.securech); insecurecursor = true; } else { form.securewch = L' '; } if ((items = malloc(nitems * sizeof(struct privateitem))) == NULL) RETURN_ERROR("Cannot allocate internal items"); form.h = form.w = form.minviewrows = 0; for (i = 0; i < nitems; i++) { item = &items[i]; item->label = apiitems[i].label; item->ylabel = apiitems[i].ylabel; item->xlabel = apiitems[i].xlabel; item->yfield = apiitems[i].yfield; item->xfield = apiitems[i].xfield; item->secure = apiitems[i].flags & BSDDIALOG_FIELDHIDDEN; item->readonly = apiitems[i].flags & BSDDIALOG_FIELDREADONLY; item->fieldnocolor = apiitems[i].flags & BSDDIALOG_FIELDNOCOLOR; item->extendfield = apiitems[i].flags & BSDDIALOG_FIELDEXTEND; item->fieldonebyte = apiitems[i].flags & BSDDIALOG_FIELDSINGLEBYTE; item->cursorend = apiitems[i].flags & BSDDIALOG_FIELDCURSOREND; item->bottomdesc = apiitems[i].bottomdesc; if (item->readonly || (item->secure && !insecurecursor)) item->cursor = false; else item->cursor = true; item->maxletters = apiitems[i].maxvaluelen; item->privwbuf = calloc(item->maxletters + 1, sizeof(wchar_t)); if (item->privwbuf == NULL) RETURN_ERROR("Cannot allocate item private buffer"); memset(item->privwbuf, 0, item->maxletters + 1); item->pubwbuf = calloc(item->maxletters + 1, sizeof(wchar_t)); if (item->pubwbuf == NULL) RETURN_ERROR("Cannot allocate item private buffer"); memset(item->pubwbuf, 0, item->maxletters + 1); if ((winit = alloc_mbstows(apiitems[i].init)) == NULL) RETURN_ERROR("Cannot allocate item.init in wchar_t*"); wcsncpy(item->privwbuf, winit, item->maxletters); wcsncpy(item->pubwbuf, winit, item->maxletters); free(winit); item->nletters = wcslen(item->pubwbuf); if (item->secure) { for (j = 0; j < item->nletters; j++) item->pubwbuf[j] = form.securewch; } item->fieldcols = apiitems[i].fieldlen; item->xposdraw = 0; item->xcursor = 0; item->pos = 0; form.h = MAX(form.h, items[i].ylabel); form.h = MAX(form.h, items[i].yfield); form.w = MAX(form.w, items[i].xlabel + strcols(items[i].label)); form.w = MAX(form.w, items[i].xfield + items[i].fieldcols); if (i == 0) { itemybeg = MIN(items[i].ylabel, items[i].yfield); itemxbeg = MIN(items[i].xlabel, items[i].xfield); } else { tmp = MIN(items[i].ylabel, items[i].yfield); itemybeg = MIN(itemybeg, tmp); tmp = MIN(items[i].xlabel, items[i].xfield); itemxbeg = MIN(itemxbeg, tmp); } tmp = abs((int)items[i].ylabel - (int)items[i].yfield); form.minviewrows = MAX(form.minviewrows, tmp); } if (nitems > 0) { form.h = form.h + 1 - itemybeg; form.w -= itemxbeg; form.minviewrows += 1; } form.wmin = form.w; for (i = 0; i < nitems; i++) { items[i].ylabel -= itemybeg; items[i].yfield -= itemybeg; items[i].xlabel -= itemxbeg; items[i].xfield -= itemxbeg; } get_buttons(conf, &bs, BUTTON_OK_LABEL, BUTTON_CANCEL_LABEL); form.viewrows = formheight; if (set_widget_size(conf, rows, cols, &h, &w) != 0) return (BSDDIALOG_ERROR); if (menu_autosize(conf, rows, cols, &h, &w, text, form.w, &form.viewrows, form.h, bs) != 0) return (BSDDIALOG_ERROR); if (form_checksize(h, w, text, &form, nitems, bs) != 0) return (BSDDIALOG_ERROR); if (set_widget_position(conf, &y, &x, h, w) != 0) return (BSDDIALOG_ERROR); if (new_dialog(conf, &shadow, &widget, y, x, h, w, &textpad, text, &bs, true) != 0) return (BSDDIALOG_ERROR); doupdate(); prefresh(textpad, 0, 0, y + 1, x + 1 + TEXTHMARGIN, y + h - form.viewrows, x + 1 + w - TEXTHMARGIN); form.border = new_boxed_window(conf, y + h - 5 - form.viewrows, x + 2, form.viewrows + 2, w - 4, LOWERED); for (i = 0; i < nitems; i++) { if (items[i].extendfield) { form.w = w - 6; items[i].fieldcols = form.w - items[i].xfield; } if (items[i].cursorend) fieldctl(item, MOVE_CURSOR_END); } form.pad = newpad(form.h, form.w); wbkgd(form.pad, t.dialog.color); form.ys = y + h - 5 - form.viewrows + 1; form.ye = y + h - 5 ; if ((int)form.w >= w - 6) { /* left */ form.xs = x + 3; form.xe = form.xs + w - 7; } else { /* center */ form.xs = x + 3 + (w-6)/2 - form.w/2; form.xe = form.xs + w - 5; } curritem = -1; for (i=0 ; i < nitems; i++) { DRAWITEM_TRICK(&form, &items[i], false); if (curritem == -1 && items[i].readonly == false) curritem = i; } if (curritem != -1) { focusinform = true; redrawbuttons(widget, &bs, conf->button.always_active, false); form.y = 0; item = &items[curritem]; curriteminview(&form, item); update_formborders(conf, &form); wrefresh(form.border); DRAWITEM_TRICK(&form, item, true); } else { item = NULL; focusinform = false; wrefresh(form.border); } changeitem = switchfocus = false; loop = true; while (loop) { if ((wchtype = get_wch(&input)) == ERR) continue; switch(input) { case KEY_ENTER: case 10: /* Enter */ if (focusinform && conf->button.always_active == false) break; retval = return_values(conf, bs.value[bs.curr], nitems, apiitems, items); loop = false; break; case 27: /* Esc */ if (conf->key.enable_esc) { retval = return_values(conf, BSDDIALOG_ESC, nitems, apiitems, items); loop = false; } break; case '\t': /* TAB */ if (focusinform) { switchfocus = true; } else { if (bs.curr + 1 < (int)bs.nbuttons) { bs.curr++; } else { bs.curr = 0; if (curritem != -1) { switchfocus = true; } } draw_buttons(widget, bs, true); wrefresh(widget); } break; case KEY_LEFT: if (focusinform) { if(fieldctl(item, MOVE_CURSOR_LEFT)) DRAWITEM_TRICK(&form, item, true); } else if (bs.curr > 0) { bs.curr--; draw_buttons(widget, bs, true); wrefresh(widget); } else if (curritem != -1) { switchfocus = true; } break; case KEY_RIGHT: if (focusinform) { if(fieldctl(item, MOVE_CURSOR_RIGHT)) DRAWITEM_TRICK(&form, item, true); } else if (bs.curr < (int) bs.nbuttons - 1) { bs.curr++; draw_buttons(widget, bs, true); wrefresh(widget); } else if (curritem != -1) { switchfocus = true; } break; case KEY_UP: if (focusinform) { next = previtem(nitems, items, curritem); changeitem = curritem != next; } else if (curritem != -1) { switchfocus = true; } break; case KEY_DOWN: if (focusinform == false) break; if (nitems == 1) { switchfocus = true; } else { next = nextitem(nitems, items, curritem); changeitem = curritem != next; } break; case KEY_PPAGE: if (focusinform) { next = firstitem(nitems, items); changeitem = curritem != next; } break; case KEY_NPAGE: if (focusinform) { next = lastitem(nitems, items); changeitem = curritem != next; } break; case KEY_BACKSPACE: case 127: /* Backspace */ if (focusinform == false) break; if(fieldctl(item, MOVE_CURSOR_LEFT)) if(fieldctl(item, DEL_LETTER)) DRAWITEM_TRICK(&form, item, true); break; case KEY_DC: if (focusinform == false) break; if(fieldctl(item, DEL_LETTER)) DRAWITEM_TRICK(&form, item, true); break; case KEY_HOME: if (focusinform == false) break; if(fieldctl(item, MOVE_CURSOR_BEGIN)) DRAWITEM_TRICK(&form, item, true); break; case KEY_END: if (focusinform == false) break; if (fieldctl(item, MOVE_CURSOR_END)) DRAWITEM_TRICK(&form, item, true); break; case KEY_F(1): if (conf->key.f1_file == NULL && conf->key.f1_message == NULL) break; curs_set(0); if (f1help(conf) != 0) { retval = BSDDIALOG_ERROR; loop = false; } /* No break, screen size can change */ case KEY_RESIZE: /* Important for decreasing screen */ hide_widget(y, x, h, w, conf->shadow); refresh(); form.viewrows = formheight; form.w = form.wmin; if (set_widget_size(conf, rows, cols, &h, &w) != 0) return (BSDDIALOG_ERROR); if (menu_autosize(conf, rows, cols, &h, &w, text, form.w, &form.viewrows, form.h, bs) != 0) return (BSDDIALOG_ERROR); if (form_checksize(h, w, text, &form, nitems, bs) != 0) return (BSDDIALOG_ERROR); if (set_widget_position(conf, &y, &x, h, w) != 0) return (BSDDIALOG_ERROR); if (update_dialog(conf, shadow, widget, y, x, h, w, textpad, text, &bs, true) != 0) return (BSDDIALOG_ERROR); doupdate(); prefresh(textpad, 0, 0, y + 1, x + 1 + TEXTHMARGIN, y + h - form.viewrows, x + 1 + w - TEXTHMARGIN); wclear(form.border); mvwin(form.border, y + h - 5 - form.viewrows, x + 2); wresize(form.border, form.viewrows + 2, w - 4); for (i = 0; i < nitems; i++) { fieldctl(&items[i], MOVE_CURSOR_BEGIN); if (items[i].extendfield) { form.w = w - 6; items[i].fieldcols = form.w - items[i].xfield; } if (items[i].cursorend) fieldctl(&items[i], MOVE_CURSOR_END); } form.ys = y + h - 5 - form.viewrows + 1; form.ye = y + h - 5 ; if ((int)form.w >= w - 6) { /* left */ form.xs = x + 3; form.xe = form.xs + w - 7; } else { /* center */ form.xs = x + 3 + (w-6)/2 - form.w/2; form.xe = form.xs + w - 5; } if (curritem != -1) { redrawbuttons(widget, &bs, conf->button.always_active || !focusinform, !focusinform); curriteminview(&form, item); update_formborders(conf, &form); wrefresh(form.border); /* drawitem just to prefresh() pad */ DRAWITEM_TRICK(&form, item, focusinform); } else { wrefresh(form.border); } break; default: if (wchtype == KEY_CODE_YES) break; if (focusinform) { if (item->fieldonebyte && wctob(input) == EOF) break; /* * MOVE_CURSOR_RIGHT manages new positions * because the cursor remains on the new letter, * "if" and "while" update the positions. */ if(insertch(&form, item, input)) { fieldctl(item, MOVE_CURSOR_RIGHT); /* * no if(fieldctl), update always * because it fails with maxletters. */ DRAWITEM_TRICK(&form, item, true); } } else { if (shortcut_buttons(input, &bs)) { retval = return_values(conf, bs.value[bs.curr], nitems, apiitems, items); loop = false; } } break; } /* end switch handler */ if (switchfocus) { focusinform = !focusinform; bs.curr = 0; redrawbuttons(widget, &bs, conf->button.always_active || !focusinform, !focusinform); DRAWITEM_TRICK(&form, item, focusinform); switchfocus = false; } if (changeitem) { DRAWITEM_TRICK(&form, item, false); curritem = next; item = &items[curritem]; curriteminview(&form, item); update_formborders(conf, &form); DRAWITEM_TRICK(&form, item, true); changeitem = false; } } /* end while handler */ curs_set(0); delwin(form.pad); delwin(form.border); for (i = 0; i < nitems; i++) { free(items[i].privwbuf); free(items[i].pubwbuf); } end_dialog(conf, shadow, widget, textpad); return (retval); }