/*- * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause * * Copyright (c) 2021-2024 Alfonso Sabato Siciliano * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include "bsddialog.h" #include "bsddialog_progressview.h" #include "bsddialog_theme.h" #include "lib_util.h" #define BARPADDING 2 /* Dialog border | BARPADDING | box bar */ #define BOXBORDERS 2 #define MIN_WBAR 15 #define MIN_WBOX (BARPADDING + BOXBORDERS + MIN_WBAR + BARPADDING) #define MIN_WMGBAR 18 /* Mixedgauge main bar */ #define MIN_WMGBOX (BARPADDING + BOXBORDERS + MIN_WMGBAR + BARPADDING) #define HBOX 3 #define WBOX(d) ((d)->w - BORDERS - BARPADDING - BARPADDING) #define WBAR(d) (WBOX(d) - BOXBORDERS) bool bsddialog_interruptprogview; bool bsddialog_abortprogview; long long int bsddialog_total_progview; static const char states[12][14] = { " Succeeded ", /* -1 */ " Failed ", /* -2 */ " Passed ", /* -3 */ " Completed ", /* -4 */ " Checked ", /* -5 */ " Done ", /* -6 */ " Skipped ", /* -7 */ " In Progress ", /* -8 */ "(blank) ", /* -9 */ " N/A ", /* -10 */ " Pending ", /* -11 */ " UNKNOWN ", /* < -11, no API */ }; struct bar { bool toupdate; WINDOW *win; int y; /* bar y in win */ int x; /* bar x in win */ int w; /* width in win */ int perc; /* barlen = (w * perc) / 100 */ const char* fmt; /* format for label */ int label; /* rangebox and pause perc!=label */ }; static void draw_bar(struct bar *b) { int barlen, xlabel; chtype ch; char label[128]; barlen = b->perc > 0 ? (b->perc * b->w) / 100 : 0; ch = ' ' | t.bar.f_color; mvwhline(b->win, b->y, b->x, ch, barlen); ch = ' ' | t.bar.color; mvwhline(b->win, b->y, b->x + barlen, ch, b->w - barlen); sprintf(label, b->fmt, b->label); xlabel = b->x + b->w/2 - (int)strlen(label)/2; /* 1-byte-char string */ wattron(b->win, t.bar.color); /* x+barlen < xlabel */ mvwaddstr(b->win, b->y, xlabel, label); wattroff(b->win, t.bar.color); wattron(b->win, t.bar.f_color); /* x+barlen >= xlabel */ mvwaddnstr(b->win, b->y, xlabel, label, MAX((b->x+barlen) - xlabel, 0)); wattroff(b->win, t.bar.f_color); if (b->toupdate) wnoutrefresh(b->win); b->toupdate = false; } static void update_barbox(struct dialog *d, struct bar *b, bool buttons) { int y; y = d->y + d->h - BORDER - HBOX; if (buttons) y -= HBUTTONS; update_box(d->conf, b->win, y, d->x + BORDER + BARPADDING, HBOX, WBOX(d), RAISED); } int bsddialog_gauge(struct bsddialog_conf *conf, const char *text, int rows, int cols, unsigned int perc, int fd, const char *sep, const char *end) { bool mainloop; int fd2; FILE *input; char inputbuf[2048], ntext[2048], *pntext; struct bar b; struct dialog d; if (prepare_dialog(conf, text, rows, cols, &d) != 0) return (BSDDIALOG_ERROR); if ((b.win = newwin(1, 1, 1, 1)) == NULL) RETURN_ERROR("Cannot build WINDOW bar"); b.y = b.x = 1; b.fmt = "%3d%%"; input = NULL; if (fd >= 0) { CHECK_PTR(sep); CHECK_PTR(end); fd2 = dup(fd); if ((input = fdopen(fd2, "r")) == NULL) RETURN_FMTERROR("Cannot build FILE* from fd %d", fd); } perc = MIN(perc, 100); mainloop = true; while (mainloop) { if (d.built) { hide_dialog(&d); refresh(); /* Important for decreasing screen */ } if (dialog_size_position(&d, HBOX, MIN_WBOX, NULL) != 0) return (BSDDIALOG_ERROR); if (draw_dialog(&d)) return (BSDDIALOG_ERROR); if (d.built) refresh(); /* fix grey lines expanding screen */ TEXTPAD(&d, HBOX); update_barbox(&d, &b, false); b.w = WBAR(&d); b.perc = b.label = perc; b.toupdate = true; draw_bar(&b); doupdate(); if (input == NULL) /* that is fd < 0 */ break; while (true) { fscanf(input, "%s", inputbuf); if (strcmp(inputbuf, end) == 0) { mainloop = false; break; } if (strcmp(inputbuf, sep) == 0) break; } if (mainloop == false) break; fscanf(input, "%d", &perc); perc = MIN(perc, 100); pntext = &ntext[0]; ntext[0] = '\0'; while (true) { fscanf(input, "%s", inputbuf); if (strcmp(inputbuf, end) == 0) { mainloop = false; break; } if (strcmp(inputbuf, sep) == 0) break; strcpy(pntext, inputbuf); pntext += strlen(inputbuf); /* end string, no strlen */ pntext[0] = ' '; pntext++; } pntext[0] = '\0'; d.text = ntext; } if (input != NULL) fclose(input); delwin(b.win); end_dialog(&d); return (BSDDIALOG_OK); } /* Mixedgauge */ static void mvwaddcstr(WINDOW *win, int y, int x, const char *mbstring, unsigned int cols) { size_t charlen, n, w; mbstate_t mbs; const char *pmbstring; wchar_t wch; w = n = 0; pmbstring = mbstring; memset(&mbs, 0, sizeof(mbs)); while ((charlen = mbrlen(pmbstring, MB_CUR_MAX, &mbs)) != 0 && charlen != (size_t)-1 && charlen != (size_t)-2) { mbtowc(&wch, pmbstring, charlen); w += (wch == L'\t') ? TABSIZE : wcwidth(wch); if (w > cols) break; pmbstring += charlen; n += charlen; } mvwaddnstr(win, y, x, mbstring, n); if(w > cols) mvwaddstr(win, y, (x + cols) - 3, "..."); } static int mixedgauge_size_position(struct dialog *d, int nminibars, const char **minilabels, int *htext) { int i, max_minibarlen; max_minibarlen = 0; for (i = 0; i < (int)nminibars; i++) max_minibarlen = MAX(max_minibarlen, (int)strcols(CHECK_STR(minilabels[i]))); max_minibarlen += 18; /* ' '' ['13'] ' */ max_minibarlen = MAX(max_minibarlen, MIN_WMGBOX); /* mainbar */ if (set_widget_size(d->conf, d->rows, d->cols, &d->h, &d->w) != 0) return (BSDDIALOG_ERROR); if (set_widget_autosize(d->conf, d->rows, d->cols, &d->h, &d->w, d->text, htext, &d->bs, nminibars + HBOX, max_minibarlen) != 0) return (BSDDIALOG_ERROR); if (widget_checksize(d->h, d->w, &d->bs, nminibars + HBOX, MIN_WMGBOX) != 0) return (BSDDIALOG_ERROR); if (set_widget_position(d->conf, &d->y, &d->x, d->h, d->w) != 0) return (BSDDIALOG_ERROR); return (0); } static int do_mixedgauge(struct bsddialog_conf *conf, const char *text, int rows, int cols, unsigned int mainperc, unsigned int nminibars, const char **minilabels, int *minipercs, bool color) { int i, miniperc; int ystext, htext; int minicolor, red, green; struct bar b; struct dialog d; CHECK_ARRAY(nminibars, minilabels); CHECK_ARRAY(nminibars, minipercs); red = bsddialog_color(BSDDIALOG_WHITE,BSDDIALOG_RED, BSDDIALOG_BOLD); green = bsddialog_color(BSDDIALOG_WHITE,BSDDIALOG_GREEN,BSDDIALOG_BOLD); if (prepare_dialog(conf, text, rows, cols, &d) != 0) return (BSDDIALOG_ERROR); if (mixedgauge_size_position(&d, nminibars, minilabels, &htext) != 0) return (BSDDIALOG_ERROR); if (draw_dialog(&d) != 0) return (BSDDIALOG_ERROR); /* mini bars */ b.win = d.widget; b.x = 1 + d.w - 2 - 15; b.w = 13; b.fmt = "%3d%%"; b.toupdate = false; for (i = 0; i < (int)nminibars; i++) { miniperc = minipercs[i]; /* label */ if (color && miniperc >= 0) wattron(d.widget, A_BOLD); mvwaddcstr(d.widget, i+1, 2, CHECK_STR(minilabels[i]), d.w-20); if (color && miniperc >= 0) wattroff(d.widget, A_BOLD); /* perc */ if (miniperc == BSDDIALOG_MG_BLANK) continue; mvwaddstr(d.widget, i+1, d.w-2-15, "[ ]"); if (miniperc >= 0) { b.y = i + 1; b.perc = b.label = MIN(miniperc, 100); draw_bar(&b); } else { /* miniperc < 0 */ if (miniperc < BSDDIALOG_MG_PENDING) miniperc = -12; /* UNKNOWN */ minicolor = t.dialog.color; if (color && miniperc == BSDDIALOG_MG_FAILED) minicolor = red; else if (color && miniperc == BSDDIALOG_MG_DONE) minicolor = green; wattron(d.widget, minicolor); miniperc = abs(miniperc + 1); mvwaddstr(d.widget, i+1, 1+d.w-2-15, states[miniperc]); wattroff(d.widget, minicolor); } } wnoutrefresh(d.widget); /* text */ ystext = MAX(d.h - BORDERS - htext - HBOX, (int)nminibars); rtextpad(&d, 0, 0, ystext, HBOX); /* main bar */ if ((b.win = newwin(1, 1, 1, 1)) == NULL) RETURN_ERROR("Cannot build WINDOW bar"); update_barbox(&d, &b, false); wattron(b.win, t.bar.color); mvwaddstr(b.win, 0, 2, "Overall Progress"); wattroff(b.win, t.bar.color); b.y = b.x = 1; b.w = WBAR(&d); b.fmt = "%3d%%"; b.perc = b.label = MIN(mainperc, 100); b.toupdate = true; draw_bar(&b); doupdate(); /* getch(); to test with "alternate mode" */ delwin(b.win); end_dialog(&d); return (BSDDIALOG_OK); } int bsddialog_mixedgauge(struct bsddialog_conf *conf, const char *text, int rows, int cols, unsigned int mainperc, unsigned int nminibars, const char **minilabels, int *minipercs) { int retval; retval = do_mixedgauge(conf, text, rows, cols, mainperc, nminibars, minilabels, minipercs, false); return (retval); } int bsddialog_progressview (struct bsddialog_conf *conf, const char *text, int rows, int cols, struct bsddialog_progviewconf *pvconf, unsigned int nminibar, struct bsddialog_fileminibar *minibar) { bool update; int perc, retval, *minipercs; unsigned int i, mainperc, totaltodo; float readforsec; const char **minilabels; time_t tstart, told, tnew, refresh; if ((minilabels = calloc(nminibar, sizeof(char*))) == NULL) RETURN_ERROR("Cannot allocate memory for minilabels"); if ((minipercs = calloc(nminibar, sizeof(int))) == NULL) RETURN_ERROR("Cannot allocate memory for minipercs"); totaltodo = 0; for (i = 0; i < nminibar; i++) { totaltodo += minibar[i].size; minilabels[i] = minibar[i].label; minipercs[i] = minibar[i].status; } refresh = pvconf->refresh == 0 ? 0 : pvconf->refresh - 1; retval = BSDDIALOG_OK; i = 0; update = true; time(&told); tstart = told; while (!(bsddialog_interruptprogview || bsddialog_abortprogview)) { if (bsddialog_total_progview == 0 || totaltodo == 0) mainperc = 0; else mainperc = (bsddialog_total_progview * 100) / totaltodo; time(&tnew); if (update || tnew > told + refresh) { retval = do_mixedgauge(conf, text, rows, cols, mainperc, nminibar, minilabels, minipercs, true); if (retval == BSDDIALOG_ERROR) return (BSDDIALOG_ERROR); move(SCREENLINES - 1, 2); clrtoeol(); readforsec = ((tnew - tstart) == 0) ? 0 : bsddialog_total_progview / (float)(tnew - tstart); printw(pvconf->fmtbottomstr, bsddialog_total_progview, readforsec); refresh(); time(&told); update = false; } if (i >= nminibar) break; if (minibar[i].status == BSDDIALOG_MG_FAILED) break; perc = pvconf->callback(&minibar[i]); if (minibar[i].status == BSDDIALOG_MG_DONE) { /*||perc >= 100)*/ minipercs[i] = BSDDIALOG_MG_DONE; update = true; i++; } else if (minibar[i].status == BSDDIALOG_MG_FAILED || perc < 0) { minipercs[i] = BSDDIALOG_MG_FAILED; update = true; } else /* perc >= 0 */ minipercs[i] = perc; } free(minilabels); free(minipercs); return (retval); } static int rangebox_redraw(struct dialog *d, struct bar *b, int *bigchange) { if (d->built) { hide_dialog(d); refresh(); /* Important for decreasing screen */ } if (dialog_size_position(d, HBOX, MIN_WBOX, NULL) != 0) return (BSDDIALOG_ERROR); if (draw_dialog(d) != 0) return (BSDDIALOG_ERROR); if (d->built) refresh(); /* Important to fix grey lines expanding screen */ TEXTPAD(d, HBOX + HBUTTONS); b->w = WBAR(d); *bigchange = MAX(1, b->w / 10); update_barbox(d, b, true); b->toupdate = true; return (0); } int bsddialog_rangebox(struct bsddialog_conf *conf, const char *text, int rows, int cols, int min, int max, int *value) { bool loop; int currvalue, retval, bigchange, positions; wint_t input; struct bar b; struct dialog d; CHECK_PTR(value); if (min >= max) RETURN_FMTERROR("min (%d) >= max (%d)", min, max); if (*value < min) RETURN_FMTERROR("value (%d) < min (%d)", *value, min); if (*value > max) RETURN_FMTERROR("value (%d) > max (%d)", *value, max); currvalue = *value; positions = max - min + 1; if (prepare_dialog(conf, text, rows, cols, &d) != 0) return (BSDDIALOG_ERROR); set_buttons(&d, true, OK_LABEL, CANCEL_LABEL); if ((b.win = newwin(1, 1, 1, 1)) == NULL) RETURN_ERROR("Cannot build WINDOW bar"); b.y = b.x = 1; b.fmt = "%d"; if (rangebox_redraw(&d, &b, &bigchange) != 0) return (BSDDIALOG_ERROR); loop = true; while (loop) { if (b.toupdate) { b.perc = ((float)(currvalue - min)*100) / (positions-1); b.label = currvalue; draw_bar(&b); } doupdate(); if (get_wch(&input) == ERR) continue; switch(input) { case KEY_ENTER: case 10: /* Enter */ retval = BUTTONVALUE(d.bs); loop = false; break; case 27: /* Esc */ if (conf->key.enable_esc) { retval = BSDDIALOG_ESC; loop = false; } break; case '\t': /* TAB */ case KEY_CTRL('n'): case KEY_RIGHT: d.bs.curr = (d.bs.curr + 1) % d.bs.nbuttons; DRAW_BUTTONS(d); break; case KEY_CTRL('p'): case KEY_LEFT: d.bs.curr--; if (d.bs.curr < 0) d.bs.curr = d.bs.nbuttons - 1; DRAW_BUTTONS(d); break; case KEY_HOME: currvalue = max; b.toupdate = true; break; case KEY_END: currvalue = min; b.toupdate = true; break; case KEY_NPAGE: currvalue -= bigchange; if (currvalue < min) currvalue = min; b.toupdate = true; break; case KEY_PPAGE: currvalue += bigchange; if (currvalue > max) currvalue = max; b.toupdate = true; break; case '-': case KEY_UP: if (currvalue > min) { currvalue--; b.toupdate = true; } break; case '+': case KEY_DOWN: if (currvalue < max) { currvalue++; b.toupdate = true; } break; case KEY_F(1): if (conf->key.f1_file == NULL && conf->key.f1_message == NULL) break; if (f1help_dialog(conf) != 0) return (BSDDIALOG_ERROR); if (rangebox_redraw(&d, &b, &bigchange) != 0) return (BSDDIALOG_ERROR); break; case KEY_CTRL('l'): case KEY_RESIZE: if (rangebox_redraw(&d, &b, &bigchange) != 0) return (BSDDIALOG_ERROR); break; default: if (shortcut_buttons(input, &d.bs)) { DRAW_BUTTONS(d); doupdate(); retval = BUTTONVALUE(d.bs); loop = false; } } } *value = currvalue; delwin(b.win); end_dialog(&d); return (retval); } static int pause_redraw(struct dialog *d, struct bar *b) { if (d->built) { hide_dialog(d); refresh(); /* Important for decreasing screen */ } if (dialog_size_position(d, HBOX, MIN_WBOX, NULL) != 0) return (BSDDIALOG_ERROR); if (draw_dialog(d) != 0) return (BSDDIALOG_ERROR); if (d->built) refresh(); /* Important to fix grey lines expanding screen */ TEXTPAD(d, HBOX + HBUTTONS); b->w = WBAR(d); update_barbox(d, b, true); b->toupdate = true; return (0); } int bsddialog_pause(struct bsddialog_conf *conf, const char *text, int rows, int cols, unsigned int *seconds) { bool loop; int retval, tout; wint_t input; struct bar b; struct dialog d; CHECK_PTR(seconds); if (prepare_dialog(conf, text, rows, cols, &d) != 0) return (BSDDIALOG_ERROR); set_buttons(&d, true, OK_LABEL, CANCEL_LABEL); if ((b.win = newwin(1, 1, 1, 1)) == NULL) RETURN_ERROR("Cannot build WINDOW bar"); b.y = b.x = 1; b.fmt = "%d"; if (pause_redraw(&d, &b) != 0) return (BSDDIALOG_ERROR); tout = *seconds; nodelay(stdscr, TRUE); timeout(1000); loop = true; while (loop) { if (b.toupdate) { b.perc = (float)tout * 100 / *seconds; b.label = tout; draw_bar(&b); } doupdate(); if (get_wch(&input) == ERR) { /* timeout */ tout--; if (tout < 0) { retval = BSDDIALOG_TIMEOUT; break; } else { b.toupdate = true; continue; } } switch(input) { case KEY_ENTER: case 10: /* Enter */ retval = BUTTONVALUE(d.bs); loop = false; break; case 27: /* Esc */ if (conf->key.enable_esc) { retval = BSDDIALOG_ESC; loop = false; } break; case '\t': /* TAB */ case KEY_RIGHT: d.bs.curr = (d.bs.curr + 1) % d.bs.nbuttons; DRAW_BUTTONS(d); break; case KEY_LEFT: d.bs.curr--; if (d.bs.curr < 0) d.bs.curr = d.bs.nbuttons - 1; DRAW_BUTTONS(d); break; case KEY_F(1): if (conf->key.f1_file == NULL && conf->key.f1_message == NULL) break; if (f1help_dialog(conf) != 0) return (BSDDIALOG_ERROR); if (pause_redraw(&d, &b) != 0) return (BSDDIALOG_ERROR); break; case KEY_CTRL('l'): case KEY_RESIZE: if (pause_redraw(&d, &b) != 0) return (BSDDIALOG_ERROR); break; default: if (shortcut_buttons(input, &d.bs)) { DRAW_BUTTONS(d); doupdate(); retval = BUTTONVALUE(d.bs); loop = false; } } } nodelay(stdscr, FALSE); *seconds = MAX(tout, 0); delwin(b.win); end_dialog(&d); return (retval); }