Global:SPECIALS = \: : \\ * \* CondParser_Eval: ${SPECIALS:M${:U}\:} != ${SPECIALS:M\:${:U}} Var_Parse: ${SPECIALS:M${:U}\:} != ${SPECIALS:M\:${:U}} with VARE_UNDEFERR|VARE_WANTRES Applying ${SPECIALS:M...} to "\: : \\ * \*" (VARE_UNDEFERR|VARE_WANTRES, none, none) Var_Parse: ${:U}\: with VARE_UNDEFERR|VARE_WANTRES Applying ${:U} to "" (VARE_UNDEFERR|VARE_WANTRES, none, VES_UNDEF) Result of ${:U} is "" (VARE_UNDEFERR|VARE_WANTRES, none, VES_DEF) Pattern[SPECIALS] for [\: : \\ * \*] is [\:] ModifyWords: split "\: : \\ * \*" into 5 words VarMatch [\:] [\:] VarMatch [:] [\:] VarMatch [\\] [\:] VarMatch [*] [\:] VarMatch [\*] [\:] Result of ${SPECIALS:M${:U}\:} is ":" (VARE_UNDEFERR|VARE_WANTRES, none, none) Var_Parse: ${SPECIALS:M\:${:U}} with VARE_UNDEFERR|VARE_WANTRES Applying ${SPECIALS:M...} to "\: : \\ * \*" (VARE_UNDEFERR|VARE_WANTRES, none, none) Var_Parse: ${:U} with VARE_UNDEFERR|VARE_WANTRES Applying ${:U} to "" (VARE_UNDEFERR|VARE_WANTRES, none, VES_UNDEF) Result of ${:U} is "" (VARE_UNDEFERR|VARE_WANTRES, none, VES_DEF) Pattern[SPECIALS] for [\: : \\ * \*] is [:] ModifyWords: split "\: : \\ * \*" into 5 words VarMatch [\:] [:] VarMatch [:] [:] VarMatch [\\] [:] VarMatch [*] [:] VarMatch [\*] [:] Result of ${SPECIALS:M\:${:U}} is ":" (VARE_UNDEFERR|VARE_WANTRES, none, none) lhs = ":", rhs = ":", op = != Global:VALUES = : :: :\: CondParser_Eval: ${VALUES:M\:${:U\:}} != ${VALUES:M${:U\:}\:} Var_Parse: ${VALUES:M\:${:U\:}} != ${VALUES:M${:U\:}\:} with VARE_UNDEFERR|VARE_WANTRES Applying ${VALUES:M...} to ": :: :\:" (VARE_UNDEFERR|VARE_WANTRES, none, none) Var_Parse: ${:U:} with VARE_UNDEFERR|VARE_WANTRES Applying ${:U} to "" (VARE_UNDEFERR|VARE_WANTRES, none, VES_UNDEF) Result of ${:U} is "" (VARE_UNDEFERR|VARE_WANTRES, none, VES_DEF) Pattern[VALUES] for [: :: :\:] is [:] ModifyWords: split ": :: :\:" into 3 words VarMatch [:] [:] VarMatch [::] [:] VarMatch [:\:] [:] Result of ${VALUES:M\:${:U\:}} is ":" (VARE_UNDEFERR|VARE_WANTRES, none, none) Var_Parse: ${VALUES:M${:U\:}\:} with VARE_UNDEFERR|VARE_WANTRES Applying ${VALUES:M...} to ": :: :\:" (VARE_UNDEFERR|VARE_WANTRES, none, none) Var_Parse: ${:U\:}\: with VARE_UNDEFERR|VARE_WANTRES Applying ${:U...} to "" (VARE_UNDEFERR|VARE_WANTRES, none, VES_UNDEF) Result of ${:U\:} is ":" (VARE_UNDEFERR|VARE_WANTRES, none, VES_DEF) Pattern[VALUES] for [: :: :\:] is [:\:] ModifyWords: split ": :: :\:" into 3 words VarMatch [:] [:\:] VarMatch [::] [:\:] VarMatch [:\:] [:\:] Result of ${VALUES:M${:U\:}\:} is "::" (VARE_UNDEFERR|VARE_WANTRES, none, none) lhs = ":", rhs = "::", op = != make: "" line 42: warning: XXX: Oops Global:.MAKEFLAGS = -r -k -d cv -d Global:.MAKEFLAGS = -r -k -d cv -d 0 make: "" line 67: Dollar followed by nothing make: Fatal errors encountered -- cannot continue make: stopped in unit-tests exit status 1