Global: delete FROM_CMDLINE (not found) Command: FROM_CMDLINE = # (empty) Global: .MAKEOVERRIDES = FROM_CMDLINE Global: VAR = added Global: VAR = overwritten Global: delete VAR Global: delete VAR (not found) Var_SetExpand: variable name "${:U}" expands to empty string, with value "empty name" - ignored Var_AppendExpand: variable name "${:U}" expands to empty string, with value "empty name" - ignored Global: FROM_CMDLINE = overwritten ignored! Global: VAR = 1 Global: VAR = 1 2 Global: VAR = 1 2 3 Var_Parse: ${VAR:M[2]} (eval-defined) Evaluating modifier ${VAR:M...} on value "1 2 3" Pattern for ':M' is "[2]" ModifyWords: split "1 2 3" into 3 words Result of ${VAR:M[2]} is "2" Var_Parse: ${VAR:N[2]} (eval-defined) Evaluating modifier ${VAR:N...} on value "1 2 3" Pattern for ':N' is "[2]" ModifyWords: split "1 2 3" into 3 words Result of ${VAR:N[2]} is "1 3" Var_Parse: ${VAR:S,2,two,} (eval-defined) Evaluating modifier ${VAR:S...} on value "1 2 3" Modifier part: "2" Modifier part: "two" ModifyWords: split "1 2 3" into 3 words Result of ${VAR:S,2,two,} is "1 two 3" Var_Parse: ${VAR:Q} (eval-defined) Evaluating modifier ${VAR:Q} on value "1 2 3" Result of ${VAR:Q} is "1\ 2\ 3" Var_Parse: ${VAR:tu:tl:Q} (eval-defined) Evaluating modifier ${VAR:t...} on value "1 2 3" Result of ${VAR:tu} is "1 2 3" Evaluating modifier ${VAR:t...} on value "1 2 3" Result of ${VAR:tl} is "1 2 3" Evaluating modifier ${VAR:Q} on value "1 2 3" Result of ${VAR:Q} is "1\ 2\ 3" Var_Parse: ${:Uvalue:${:UM*e}:Mvalu[e]} (eval-defined) Evaluating modifier ${:U...} on value "" (eval-defined, undefined) Result of ${:Uvalue} is "value" (eval-defined, defined) Indirect modifier "M*e" from "${:UM*e}" Evaluating modifier ${:M...} on value "value" (eval-defined, defined) Pattern for ':M' is "*e" ModifyWords: split "value" into 1 word Result of ${:M*e} is "value" (eval-defined, defined) Evaluating modifier ${:M...} on value "value" (eval-defined, defined) Pattern for ':M' is "valu[e]" ModifyWords: split "value" into 1 word Result of ${:Mvalu[e]} is "value" (eval-defined, defined) Global: delete VAR Var_Parse: ${:Uvariable:unknown} (eval-defined) Evaluating modifier ${:U...} on value "" (eval-defined, undefined) Result of ${:Uvariable} is "variable" (eval-defined, defined) Evaluating modifier ${:u...} on value "variable" (eval-defined, defined) make: "" line 46: Unknown modifier "unknown" Result of ${:unknown} is error (eval-defined, defined) make: "" line 46: Malformed conditional (${:Uvariable:unknown}) Var_Parse: ${UNDEFINED} (eval-defined) make: "" line 56: Malformed conditional (${UNDEFINED}) Global: delete .SHELL (not found) Command: .SHELL = </path/to/shell> Command: .SHELL = overwritten ignored (read-only) Global: .MAKEFLAGS = -r -k -d v -d Global: .MAKEFLAGS = -r -k -d v -d 0 make: Fatal errors encountered -- cannot continue make: stopped in unit-tests exit status 1