CondParser_Eval: !(${:UINF} > 1e100)
make: "" line 15: Comparison with '>' requires both operands 'INF' and '1e100' to be numeric
CondParser_Eval: ${:UNaN} > NaN
make: "" line 21: Comparison with '>' requires both operands 'NaN' and 'NaN' to be numeric
CondParser_Eval: !(${:UNaN} == NaN)
Comparing "NaN" == "NaN"
CondParser_Eval: 123 ! 123
make: "" line 38: Malformed conditional (123 ! 123)
CondParser_Eval: ${:U 123} < 124
Comparing 123.000000 < 124.000000
CondParser_Eval: ${:U123 } < 124
make: "" line 54: Comparison with '<' requires both operands '123 ' and '124' to be numeric
make: Fatal errors encountered -- cannot continue
make: stopped making "all" in unit-tests
exit status 1