/* $NetBSD: str.h,v 1.16 2022/12/05 23:41:24 rillig Exp $ */ /* Copyright (c) 2021 Roland Illig <rillig@NetBSD.org> All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ /* * Memory-efficient string handling. */ /* A read-only string that may need to be freed after use. */ typedef struct FStr { const char *str; void *freeIt; } FStr; /* A read-only range of a character array, NOT null-terminated. */ typedef struct Substring { const char *start; const char *end; } Substring; /* * Builds a string, only allocating memory if the string is different from the * expected string. */ typedef struct LazyBuf { char *data; size_t len; size_t cap; const char *expected; } LazyBuf; /* The result of splitting a string into words. */ typedef struct Words { char **words; size_t len; void *freeIt; } Words; /* The result of splitting a string into words. */ typedef struct SubstringWords { Substring *words; size_t len; void *freeIt; } SubstringWords; MAKE_INLINE FStr FStr_Init(const char *str, void *freeIt) { FStr fstr; fstr.str = str; fstr.freeIt = freeIt; return fstr; } /* Return a string that is the sole owner of str. */ MAKE_INLINE FStr FStr_InitOwn(char *str) { return FStr_Init(str, str); } /* Return a string that refers to the shared str. */ MAKE_INLINE FStr FStr_InitRefer(const char *str) { return FStr_Init(str, NULL); } MAKE_INLINE void FStr_Done(FStr *fstr) { free(fstr->freeIt); #ifdef CLEANUP fstr->str = NULL; fstr->freeIt = NULL; #endif } MAKE_STATIC Substring Substring_Init(const char *start, const char *end) { Substring sub; sub.start = start; sub.end = end; return sub; } MAKE_INLINE Substring Substring_InitStr(const char *str) { return Substring_Init(str, str + strlen(str)); } MAKE_STATIC size_t Substring_Length(Substring sub) { return (size_t)(sub.end - sub.start); } MAKE_STATIC bool Substring_IsEmpty(Substring sub) { return sub.start == sub.end; } MAKE_INLINE bool Substring_Equals(Substring sub, const char *str) { size_t len = strlen(str); return Substring_Length(sub) == len && memcmp(sub.start, str, len) == 0; } MAKE_INLINE bool Substring_Eq(Substring sub, Substring str) { size_t len = Substring_Length(sub); return len == Substring_Length(str) && memcmp(sub.start, str.start, len) == 0; } MAKE_STATIC Substring Substring_Sub(Substring sub, size_t start, size_t end) { assert(start <= Substring_Length(sub)); assert(end <= Substring_Length(sub)); return Substring_Init(sub.start + start, sub.start + end); } MAKE_STATIC bool Substring_HasPrefix(Substring sub, Substring prefix) { return Substring_Length(sub) >= Substring_Length(prefix) && memcmp(sub.start, prefix.start, Substring_Length(prefix)) == 0; } MAKE_STATIC bool Substring_HasSuffix(Substring sub, Substring suffix) { size_t suffixLen = Substring_Length(suffix); return Substring_Length(sub) >= suffixLen && memcmp(sub.end - suffixLen, suffix.start, suffixLen) == 0; } /* Returns an independent, null-terminated copy of the substring. */ MAKE_STATIC FStr Substring_Str(Substring sub) { if (Substring_IsEmpty(sub)) return FStr_InitRefer(""); return FStr_InitOwn(bmake_strsedup(sub.start, sub.end)); } MAKE_STATIC const char * Substring_SkipFirst(Substring sub, char ch) { const char *p; for (p = sub.start; p != sub.end; p++) if (*p == ch) return p + 1; return sub.start; } MAKE_STATIC const char * Substring_LastIndex(Substring sub, char ch) { const char *p; for (p = sub.end; p != sub.start; p--) if (p[-1] == ch) return p - 1; return NULL; } MAKE_STATIC Substring Substring_Dirname(Substring pathname) { const char *p; for (p = pathname.end; p != pathname.start; p--) if (p[-1] == '/') return Substring_Init(pathname.start, p - 1); return Substring_InitStr("."); } MAKE_STATIC Substring Substring_Basename(Substring pathname) { const char *p; for (p = pathname.end; p != pathname.start; p--) if (p[-1] == '/') return Substring_Init(p, pathname.end); return pathname; } MAKE_STATIC void LazyBuf_Init(LazyBuf *buf, const char *expected) { buf->data = NULL; buf->len = 0; buf->cap = 0; buf->expected = expected; } MAKE_INLINE void LazyBuf_Done(LazyBuf *buf) { free(buf->data); } MAKE_STATIC void LazyBuf_Add(LazyBuf *buf, char ch) { if (buf->data != NULL) { if (buf->len == buf->cap) { buf->cap *= 2; buf->data = bmake_realloc(buf->data, buf->cap); } buf->data[buf->len++] = ch; } else if (ch == buf->expected[buf->len]) { buf->len++; return; } else { buf->cap = buf->len + 16; buf->data = bmake_malloc(buf->cap); memcpy(buf->data, buf->expected, buf->len); buf->data[buf->len++] = ch; } } MAKE_STATIC void LazyBuf_AddStr(LazyBuf *buf, const char *str) { const char *p; for (p = str; *p != '\0'; p++) LazyBuf_Add(buf, *p); } MAKE_INLINE void LazyBuf_AddSubstring(LazyBuf *buf, Substring sub) { const char *p; for (p = sub.start; p != sub.end; p++) LazyBuf_Add(buf, *p); } MAKE_STATIC Substring LazyBuf_Get(const LazyBuf *buf) { const char *start = buf->data != NULL ? buf->data : buf->expected; return Substring_Init(start, start + buf->len); } /* * Returns the content of the buffer as a newly allocated string. * * See LazyBuf_Get to avoid unnecessary memory allocations. */ MAKE_STATIC FStr LazyBuf_DoneGet(LazyBuf *buf) { if (buf->data != NULL) { LazyBuf_Add(buf, '\0'); return FStr_InitOwn(buf->data); } return Substring_Str(LazyBuf_Get(buf)); } Words Str_Words(const char *, bool); MAKE_INLINE void Words_Free(Words w) { free(w.words); free(w.freeIt); } SubstringWords Substring_Words(const char *, bool); MAKE_INLINE void SubstringWords_Init(SubstringWords *w) { w->words = NULL; w->len = 0; w->freeIt = NULL; } MAKE_INLINE void SubstringWords_Free(SubstringWords w) { free(w.words); free(w.freeIt); } char *str_concat2(const char *, const char *); char *str_concat3(const char *, const char *, const char *); bool Str_Match(const char *, const char *); void Str_Intern_Init(void); void Str_Intern_End(void); const char *Str_Intern(const char *);