# $Id: links.mk,v 1.7 2020/08/19 17:51:53 sjg Exp $
#	@(#) Copyright (c) 2005, Simon J. Gerraty
#	This file is provided in the hope that it will
#	be of use.  There is absolutely NO WARRANTY.
#	Permission to copy, redistribute or otherwise
#	use this file is hereby granted provided that
#	the above copyright notice and this notice are
#	left intact.
#	Please send copies of changes and bug-fixes to:
#	sjg@crufty.net

# some platforms need something special
LN?= ln
ECHO?= echo


		${ECHO} "$$t -> $$l"; \
		case `'ls' -l $$t 2> /dev/null` in \
		*"> $$l") ;; \
		*) \
			mkdir -p `dirname $$t`; \
			rm -f $$t; \
			${LN} -s $$l $$t;; \

		${ECHO} "$$t -> $$l"; \
		mkdir -p `dirname $$t`; \
		rm -f $$t; \
		${LN} $$l $$t

	while test $$\# -ge 2; do \
		l=$$1; shift; \
		t=${DESTDIR}$$1; shift; \
	done; :;

	while test $$\# -ge 2; do \
		l=${DESTDIR}$$1; shift; \
		t=${DESTDIR}$$1; shift; \
		${__LINK_SCRIPT}; \
	done; :;


	@set ${$@_LINKS:U${LINKS}}; ${_LINKS_SCRIPT}

# sometimes we want to ensure DESTDIR is ignored
	while test $$\# -ge 2; do \
		l=$$1; shift; \
		t=$$1; shift; \
	done; :;

	while test $$\# -ge 2; do \
		l=$$1; shift; \
		t=$$1; shift; \
		${__LINK_SCRIPT}; \
	done; :;