# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause # # RCSid: # $Id: host-target.mk,v 1.20 2024/02/17 17:26:57 sjg Exp $ # # @(#) Copyright (c) 2007-2023 Simon J. Gerraty # # This file is provided in the hope that it will # be of use. There is absolutely NO WARRANTY. # Permission to copy, redistribute or otherwise # use this file is hereby granted provided that # the above copyright notice and this notice are # left intact. # # Please send copies of changes and bug-fixes to: # sjg@crufty.net # Host platform information; may be overridden .if !target(__${.PARSEFILE}__) __${.PARSEFILE}__: .NOTMAIN .if !defined(_HOST_OSNAME) # use .MAKE.OS if available _HOST_OSNAME := ${.MAKE.OS:U${uname -s:L:sh}} .export _HOST_OSNAME .endif .if !defined(_HOST_OSREL) _HOST_OSREL != uname -r .export _HOST_OSREL .endif .if !defined(_HOST_ARCH) _HOST_ARCH != uname -p 2> /dev/null || uname -m # uname -p may produce garbage on linux .if ${_HOST_ARCH:[\#]} > 1 || ${_HOST_ARCH:Nunknown} == "" _HOST_ARCH = ${_HOST_MACHINE} .elif ${_HOST_OSNAME:NDarwin} == "" && ${_HOST_ARCH:Narm:Ni386} == "" # _HOST_MACHINE is more explicit/useful _HOST_ARCH = ${_HOST_MACHINE} .endif .export _HOST_ARCH .endif .if !defined(_HOST_MACHINE) _HOST_MACHINE != uname -m # just in case _HOST_ARCH := ${_HOST_ARCH} # uname -m may produce garbage on darwin ppc .if ${_HOST_MACHINE:[\#]} > 1 _HOST_MACHINE := ${_HOST_ARCH} .endif .export _HOST_MACHINE .endif .if !defined(HOST_MACHINE) HOST_MACHINE := ${_HOST_MACHINE} .export HOST_MACHINE .endif HOST_OSMAJOR := ${_HOST_OSREL:C/[^0-9].*//} HOST_OSTYPE := ${_HOST_OSNAME:S,/,,g}-${_HOST_OSREL:C/\([^\)]*\)//}-${_HOST_ARCH} HOST_OS := ${_HOST_OSNAME} host_os := ${_HOST_OSNAME:tl} HOST_TARGET := ${host_os:S,/,,g}${HOST_OSMAJOR}-${_HOST_ARCH} # sometimes we want HOST_TARGET32 MACHINE32.amd64 = i386 MACHINE32.x86_64 = i386 .if !defined(_HOST_ARCH32) _HOST_ARCH32 := ${MACHINE32.${_HOST_ARCH}:U${_HOST_ARCH:S,64$,,}} .export _HOST_ARCH32 .endif HOST_TARGET32 := ${host_os:S,/,,g}${HOST_OSMAJOR}-${_HOST_ARCH32} .export HOST_TARGET HOST_TARGET32 # tr is insanely non-portable, accommodate the lowest common denominator TR ?= tr toLower = ${TR} 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ' 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' toUpper = ${TR} 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ' .endif