# $Id: dep.mk,v 1.22 2024/02/19 00:06:19 sjg Exp $ # should be set properly in sys.mk _this ?= ${.PARSEFILE:S,bsd.,,} .if !target(__${_this}__) __${_this}__: .NOTMAIN # handle Proc*C as well... .if defined(SRCS) .if !empty(SRCS:M*.pc) .include <proc.mk> .endif .if ${MAKE_VERSION:U0} >= 20211212 OBJ_SUFFIXES += ${.SUFFIXES:M*o} .else # it would be nice to be able to query .SUFFIXES OBJ_SUFFIXES += .o .po .lo ${PICO} .endif OBJ_SUFFIXES += ${PCM} # explicit dependencies help short-circuit .SUFFIX searches SRCS_DEP_FILTER+= N*.[hly] .for s in ${SRCS:${SRCS_DEP_FILTER:O:u:ts:}} .for e in ${OBJ_SUFFIXES:O:u} .if !target(${s:T:R}$e) ${s:T:R}$e: $s .endif .endfor .endfor .endif .if exists(/usr/bin/mkdep) MKDEP_CMD?= mkdep .elif exists(/usr/local/share/bin/mkdeps.sh) MKDEP_CMD?= /usr/local/share/bin/mkdeps.sh -N .endif MKDEP_CMD?= mkdep MKDEP ?= ${MKDEP_CMD} .NOPATH: .depend .if ${MKDEP_MK:Uno} == "auto.dep.mk" && make(depend) # auto.dep.mk does not "do" depend MK_AUTODEP= no .endif .if ${MK_AUTODEP} == yes MKDEP_MK ?= autodep.mk .include <${MKDEP_MK}> .else MKDEP_ENV_VARS += CC CXX .for v in ${MKDEP_ENV_VARS:O:u} .if !empty($v) MKDEP_ENV += $v='${$v}' .endif .endfor _MKDEP = ${MKDEP_ENV} ${MKDEP} # some of the rules involve .h sources, so remove them from mkdep line .if !target(depend) depend: beforedepend .depend _SUBDIRUSE afterdepend .if defined(SRCS) # libs can have too many SRCS for a single command line # so do them one at a time. .depend: ${SRCS} ${.PARSEDIR}/${.PASEFILE} @rm -f .depend .ifdef LIB @files="${.ALLSRC:M*.[sS]}"; \ set -x; for f in $$files; do ${_MKDEP} -a ${MKDEPFLAGS} \ ${CFLAGS:M-[ID]*} ${CPPFLAGS} ${AINC} $$f; done @files="${.ALLSRC:M*.c} ${.ALLSRC:M*.pc:T:.pc=.c}"; \ set -x; for f in $$files; do ${_MKDEP} -a ${MKDEPFLAGS} \ ${CFLAGS:M-[ID]*} ${CPPFLAGS} $$f; done @files="${.ALLSRC:M*.cc} ${.ALLSRC:M*.C} ${.ALLSRC:M*.cxx}"; \ set -x; for f in $$files; do ${_MKDEP} -a ${MKDEPFLAGS} \ ${CXXFLAGS:M-[ID]*} ${CPPFLAGS} $$f; done .else @files="${.ALLSRC:M*.[Ss]}"; \ case "$$files" in *.[Ss]*) \ echo ${_MKDEP} -a ${MKDEPFLAGS} \ ${CFLAGS:M-[ID]*} ${CPPFLAGS} ${AINC} $$files; \ ${_MKDEP} -a ${MKDEPFLAGS} \ ${CFLAGS:M-[ID]*} ${CPPFLAGS} ${AINC} $$files;; \ esac @files="${.ALLSRC:M*.c} ${.ALLSRC:M*.pc:T:.pc=.c}"; \ case "$$files" in *.c*) \ echo ${_MKDEP} -a ${MKDEPFLAGS} \ ${CFLAGS:M-[ID]*} ${CPPFLAGS} $$files; \ ${_MKDEP} -a ${MKDEPFLAGS} \ ${CFLAGS:M-[ID]*} ${CPPFLAGS} $$files;; \ esac @files="${.ALLSRC:M*.cc} ${.ALLSRC:M*.C} ${.ALLSRC:M*.cxx}"; \ case "$$files" in *.[Cc]*) \ echo ${_MKDEP} -a ${MKDEPFLAGS} \ ${CXXFLAGS:M-[ID]*} ${CPPFLAGS} $$files; \ ${_MKDEP} -a ${MKDEPFLAGS} \ ${CXXFLAGS:M-[ID]*} ${CPPFLAGS} $$files;; \ esac .endif .-include <ccm.dep.mk> .else .depend: .endif .if !target(beforedepend) beforedepend: .endif .if !target(afterdepend) afterdepend: .endif .endif .endif .if !target(tags) .if defined(SRCS) tags: ${SRCS} _SUBDIRUSE -cd ${.CURDIR}; ctags -f /dev/stdout ${.ALLSRC:N*.h} | \ sed "s;\${.CURDIR}/;;" > tags .else tags: .endif .endif .if defined(SRCS) cleandir: cleandepend .if !target(cleandepend) cleandepend: rm -f .depend ${.CURDIR}/tags .endif .endif .endif