
# Import bmake


# For consistency...
Error() {
    echo ERROR: ${1+"$@"} >&2
    exit 1

Cd() {
    [ $# -eq 1 ] || Error "Cd() takes a single parameter."
    cd $1 || Error "cannot \"cd $1\" from $PWD"

# Call this function and then follow it by any specific import script additions
option_parsing() {
    local _shift=$#
    # Parse command line options
    while :
        case "$1" in
	*=*) eval "$1"; shift;;
	--) shift; break;;
	-a) TARBALL=$2; shift 2;;
	-d) RM=echo; shift;;
	-n) ECHO=echo; shift;;
	-P) PR=$2; shift 2;;
	-r) REVIEWER=$2; shift 2;;
	-u) url=$2; shift 2;;
	-h) echo "Usage:";
	    echo "  "$0 '[-ahnPr] [TARBALL=] [PR=] [REVIEWER=]'
	    echo "  "$0 '-a <filename>	  # (a)rchive'
	    echo "  "$0 '-h			  # print usage'
	    echo "  "$0 '-n			  # do not import, check only.'
	    echo "  "$0 '-P <PR Number>	  # Use PR'
	    echo "  "$0 '-r <reviewer(s) list>  # (r)eviewed by'
	    echo "  "$0 'PR=<PR Number>'
	    echo "  "$0 'REVIEWER=<reviewer(s) list>'
	    exit 1;;
	*) break;;
    return $(($_shift - $#))


option_parsing "$@"
shift $?

Cd `dirname $0`
test -s ${TARBALL:-/dev/null} || Error need TARBALL
SB=${SB:-`dirname $here`}
# thing should match what the TARBALL contains
thing=`basename $here`

case "$thing" in
bmake) (cd .. && tar zxf $TARBALL);;
*) Error "we should be in bmake";;

VERSION=`grep '^_MAKE_VERSION' VERSION | sed 's,.*=[[:space:]]*,,'`

rm -f *~
mkdir -p $SB/tmp

# new files are handled automatically
# but we need to rm if needed
# FILES are kept sorted so we can determine what was added and deleted
# but we need to take care dealing with re-ordering
(${GIT} diff FILES | sed -n '/^[+-][^+-]/p'; \
 ${GIT} diff mk/FILES | sed -n '/^[+-][^+-]/s,.,&mk/,p' ) > $TF.diffs
grep '^+' $TF.diffs | sed 's,^.,,' | sort > $TF.adds
grep '^-' $TF.diffs | sed 's,^.,,' | sort > $TF.rms
comm -13 $TF.adds $TF.rms > $TF.rm

if [ -z "$ECHO" ]; then
    test -s $TF.rm && xargs rm -f < $TF.rm
    $GIT add -A
    $GIT diff --staged | tee $SB/tmp/bmake-import.diff
    { echo "$GIT tag -a -m \"Tag bmake/$VERSION\" vendor/NetBSD/bmake/$VERSION"
      echo "echo \"When ready do: $GIT push --follow-tags\""
    } > $SB/tmp/bmake-post.sh
    echo "After you commit, run $SB/tmp/bmake-post.sh"
    comm -23 $TF.adds $TF.rms > $TF.add
    test -s $TF.rm && { echo Removing:; cat $TF.rm; }
    test -s $TF.add && { echo Adding:; cat $TF.add; }
    $GIT diff
${RM:-rm} -f $TF.*