/* * ***************************************************************************** * * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause * * Copyright (c) 2018-2024 Gavin D. Howard and contributors. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this * list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * ***************************************************************************** * * Code to manipulate vectors (resizable arrays). * */ #include <assert.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdbool.h> #include <vector.h> #include <lang.h> #include <vm.h> void bc_vec_grow(BcVec* restrict v, size_t n) { size_t cap, len; #if !BC_ENABLE_LIBRARY sig_atomic_t lock; #endif // !BC_ENABLE_LIBRARY cap = v->cap; len = v->len + n; // If this is true, we might overflow. if (len > SIZE_MAX / 2) cap = len; else { // Keep doubling until larger. while (cap < len) { cap += cap; } } BC_SIG_TRYLOCK(lock); v->v = bc_vm_realloc(v->v, bc_vm_arraySize(cap, v->size)); v->cap = cap; BC_SIG_TRYUNLOCK(lock); } void bc_vec_init(BcVec* restrict v, size_t esize, BcDtorType dtor) { BC_SIG_ASSERT_LOCKED; assert(v != NULL && esize); v->v = bc_vm_malloc(bc_vm_arraySize(BC_VEC_START_CAP, esize)); v->size = (BcSize) esize; v->cap = BC_VEC_START_CAP; v->len = 0; v->dtor = (BcSize) dtor; } void bc_vec_expand(BcVec* restrict v, size_t req) { assert(v != NULL); // Only expand if necessary. if (v->cap < req) { #if !BC_ENABLE_LIBRARY sig_atomic_t lock; #endif // !BC_ENABLE_LIBRARY BC_SIG_TRYLOCK(lock); v->v = bc_vm_realloc(v->v, bc_vm_arraySize(req, v->size)); v->cap = req; BC_SIG_TRYUNLOCK(lock); } } void bc_vec_npop(BcVec* restrict v, size_t n) { #if !BC_ENABLE_LIBRARY sig_atomic_t lock; #endif // !BC_ENABLE_LIBRARY assert(v != NULL && n <= v->len); BC_SIG_TRYLOCK(lock); if (!v->dtor) v->len -= n; else { const BcVecFree d = bc_vec_dtors[v->dtor]; size_t esize = v->size; size_t len = v->len - n; // Loop through and manually destruct every element. while (v->len > len) { d(v->v + (esize * --v->len)); } } BC_SIG_TRYUNLOCK(lock); } void bc_vec_npopAt(BcVec* restrict v, size_t n, size_t idx) { char* ptr; char* data; #if !BC_ENABLE_LIBRARY sig_atomic_t lock; #endif // !BC_ENABLE_LIBRARY assert(v != NULL); assert(idx + n < v->len); // Grab start and end pointers. ptr = bc_vec_item(v, idx); data = bc_vec_item(v, idx + n); BC_SIG_TRYLOCK(lock); if (v->dtor) { size_t i; const BcVecFree d = bc_vec_dtors[v->dtor]; // Destroy every popped item. for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) { d(bc_vec_item(v, idx + i)); } } v->len -= n; // NOLINTNEXTLINE memmove(ptr, data, (v->len - idx) * v->size); BC_SIG_TRYUNLOCK(lock); } void bc_vec_npush(BcVec* restrict v, size_t n, const void* data) { #if !BC_ENABLE_LIBRARY sig_atomic_t lock; #endif // !BC_ENABLE_LIBRARY size_t esize; assert(v != NULL && data != NULL); BC_SIG_TRYLOCK(lock); // Grow if necessary. if (v->len + n > v->cap) bc_vec_grow(v, n); esize = v->size; // Copy the elements in. // NOLINTNEXTLINE memcpy(v->v + (esize * v->len), data, esize * n); v->len += n; BC_SIG_TRYUNLOCK(lock); } inline void bc_vec_push(BcVec* restrict v, const void* data) { bc_vec_npush(v, 1, data); } void* bc_vec_pushEmpty(BcVec* restrict v) { #if !BC_ENABLE_LIBRARY sig_atomic_t lock; #endif // !BC_ENABLE_LIBRARY void* ptr; assert(v != NULL); BC_SIG_TRYLOCK(lock); // Grow if necessary. if (v->len + 1 > v->cap) bc_vec_grow(v, 1); ptr = v->v + v->size * v->len; v->len += 1; BC_SIG_TRYUNLOCK(lock); return ptr; } inline void bc_vec_pushByte(BcVec* restrict v, uchar data) { assert(v != NULL && v->size == sizeof(uchar)); bc_vec_npush(v, 1, &data); } void bc_vec_pushIndex(BcVec* restrict v, size_t idx) { uchar amt, nums[sizeof(size_t) + 1]; assert(v != NULL); assert(v->size == sizeof(uchar)); // Encode the index. for (amt = 0; idx; ++amt) { nums[amt + 1] = (uchar) idx; idx &= ((size_t) ~(UCHAR_MAX)); idx >>= sizeof(uchar) * CHAR_BIT; } nums[0] = amt; // Push the index onto the vector. bc_vec_npush(v, amt + 1, nums); } void bc_vec_pushAt(BcVec* restrict v, const void* data, size_t idx) { assert(v != NULL && data != NULL && idx <= v->len); BC_SIG_ASSERT_LOCKED; // Do the easy case. if (idx == v->len) bc_vec_push(v, data); else { char* ptr; size_t esize; // Grow if necessary. if (v->len == v->cap) bc_vec_grow(v, 1); esize = v->size; ptr = v->v + esize * idx; // NOLINTNEXTLINE memmove(ptr + esize, ptr, esize * (v->len++ - idx)); // NOLINTNEXTLINE memcpy(ptr, data, esize); } } void bc_vec_string(BcVec* restrict v, size_t len, const char* restrict str) { #if !BC_ENABLE_LIBRARY sig_atomic_t lock; #endif // !BC_ENABLE_LIBRARY assert(v != NULL && v->size == sizeof(char)); assert(!v->dtor); assert(!v->len || !v->v[v->len - 1]); assert(v->v != str); BC_SIG_TRYLOCK(lock); bc_vec_popAll(v); bc_vec_expand(v, bc_vm_growSize(len, 1)); // NOLINTNEXTLINE memcpy(v->v, str, len); v->len = len; bc_vec_pushByte(v, '\0'); BC_SIG_TRYUNLOCK(lock); } void bc_vec_concat(BcVec* restrict v, const char* restrict str) { #if !BC_ENABLE_LIBRARY sig_atomic_t lock; #endif // !BC_ENABLE_LIBRARY assert(v != NULL && v->size == sizeof(char)); assert(!v->dtor); assert(!v->len || !v->v[v->len - 1]); assert(v->v != str); BC_SIG_TRYLOCK(lock); // If there is already a string, erase its nul byte. if (v->len) v->len -= 1; bc_vec_npush(v, strlen(str) + 1, str); BC_SIG_TRYUNLOCK(lock); } void bc_vec_empty(BcVec* restrict v) { #if !BC_ENABLE_LIBRARY sig_atomic_t lock; #endif // !BC_ENABLE_LIBRARY assert(v != NULL && v->size == sizeof(char)); assert(!v->dtor); BC_SIG_TRYLOCK(lock); bc_vec_popAll(v); bc_vec_pushByte(v, '\0'); BC_SIG_TRYUNLOCK(lock); } #if BC_ENABLE_HISTORY void bc_vec_replaceAt(BcVec* restrict v, size_t idx, const void* data) { char* ptr; BC_SIG_ASSERT_LOCKED; assert(v != NULL); ptr = bc_vec_item(v, idx); if (v->dtor) bc_vec_dtors[v->dtor](ptr); // NOLINTNEXTLINE memcpy(ptr, data, v->size); } #endif // BC_ENABLE_HISTORY inline void* bc_vec_item(const BcVec* restrict v, size_t idx) { assert(v != NULL && v->len && idx < v->len); return v->v + v->size * idx; } inline void* bc_vec_item_rev(const BcVec* restrict v, size_t idx) { assert(v != NULL && v->len && idx < v->len); return v->v + v->size * (v->len - idx - 1); } inline void bc_vec_clear(BcVec* restrict v) { BC_SIG_ASSERT_LOCKED; v->v = NULL; v->len = 0; v->dtor = BC_DTOR_NONE; } void bc_vec_free(void* vec) { BcVec* v = (BcVec*) vec; BC_SIG_ASSERT_LOCKED; bc_vec_popAll(v); free(v->v); } #if !BC_ENABLE_LIBRARY /** * Finds a name in a map by binary search. Returns the index where the item * *would* be if it doesn't exist. Callers are responsible for checking that the * item exists at the index. * @param v The map. * @param name The name to find. * @return The index of the item with @a name, or where the item would be * if it does not exist. */ static size_t bc_map_find(const BcVec* restrict v, const char* name) { size_t low = 0, high = v->len; while (low < high) { size_t mid = low + (high - low) / 2; const BcId* id = bc_vec_item(v, mid); int result = strcmp(name, id->name); if (!result) return mid; else if (result < 0) high = mid; else low = mid + 1; } return low; } bool bc_map_insert(BcVec* restrict v, const char* name, size_t idx, size_t* restrict i) { BcId id; BC_SIG_ASSERT_LOCKED; assert(v != NULL && name != NULL && i != NULL); *i = bc_map_find(v, name); assert(*i <= v->len); if (*i != v->len && !strcmp(name, ((BcId*) bc_vec_item(v, *i))->name)) { return false; } id.name = bc_slabvec_strdup(&vm->slabs, name); id.idx = idx; bc_vec_pushAt(v, &id, *i); return true; } size_t bc_map_index(const BcVec* restrict v, const char* name) { size_t i; BcId* id; assert(v != NULL && name != NULL); i = bc_map_find(v, name); // If out of range, return invalid. if (i >= v->len) return BC_VEC_INVALID_IDX; id = (BcId*) bc_vec_item(v, i); // Make sure the item exists and return appropriately. return strcmp(name, id->name) ? BC_VEC_INVALID_IDX : i; } #if DC_ENABLED const char* bc_map_name(const BcVec* restrict v, size_t idx) { size_t i, len = v->len; for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) { BcId* id = (BcId*) bc_vec_item(v, i); if (id->idx == idx) return id->name; } BC_UNREACHABLE #if !BC_CLANG return ""; #endif // !BC_CLANG } #endif // DC_ENABLED /** * Initializes a single slab. * @param s The slab to initialize. */ static void bc_slab_init(BcSlab* s) { s->s = bc_vm_malloc(BC_SLAB_SIZE); s->len = 0; } /** * Adds a string to a slab and returns a pointer to it, or NULL if it could not * be added. * @param s The slab to add to. * @param str The string to add. * @param len The length of the string, including its nul byte. * @return A pointer to the new string in the slab, or NULL if it could not * be added. */ static char* bc_slab_add(BcSlab* s, const char* str, size_t len) { char* ptr; assert(s != NULL); assert(str != NULL); assert(len == strlen(str) + 1); if (s->len + len > BC_SLAB_SIZE) return NULL; ptr = (char*) (s->s + s->len); // NOLINTNEXTLINE bc_strcpy(ptr, len, str); s->len += len; return ptr; } void bc_slab_free(void* slab) { free(((BcSlab*) slab)->s); } void bc_slabvec_init(BcVec* v) { BcSlab* slab; assert(v != NULL); bc_vec_init(v, sizeof(BcSlab), BC_DTOR_SLAB); // We always want to have at least one slab. slab = bc_vec_pushEmpty(v); bc_slab_init(slab); } char* bc_slabvec_strdup(BcVec* v, const char* str) { char* s; size_t len; BcSlab slab; BcSlab* slab_ptr; BC_SIG_ASSERT_LOCKED; assert(v != NULL && v->len); assert(str != NULL); len = strlen(str) + 1; // If the len is greater than 128, then just allocate it with malloc. if (BC_UNLIKELY(len >= BC_SLAB_SIZE)) { // SIZE_MAX is a marker for these standalone allocations. slab.len = SIZE_MAX; slab.s = bc_vm_strdup(str); // Push the standalone slab. bc_vec_pushAt(v, &slab, v->len - 1); return slab.s; } // Add to a slab. slab_ptr = bc_vec_top(v); s = bc_slab_add(slab_ptr, str, len); // If it couldn't be added, add a slab and try again. if (BC_UNLIKELY(s == NULL)) { slab_ptr = bc_vec_pushEmpty(v); bc_slab_init(slab_ptr); s = bc_slab_add(slab_ptr, str, len); assert(s != NULL); } return s; } void bc_slabvec_clear(BcVec* v) { BcSlab* s; bool again; // This complicated loop exists because of standalone allocations over 128 // bytes. do { // Get the first slab. s = bc_vec_item(v, 0); // Either the slab must be valid (not standalone), or there must be // another slab. assert(s->len != SIZE_MAX || v->len > 1); // Do we have to loop again? We do if it's a standalone allocation. again = (s->len == SIZE_MAX); // Pop the standalone allocation, not the one after it. if (again) bc_vec_npopAt(v, 1, 0); } while (again); // If we get here, we know that the first slab is a valid slab. We want to // pop all of the other slabs. if (v->len > 1) bc_vec_npop(v, v->len - 1); // Empty the first slab. s->len = 0; } #endif // !BC_ENABLE_LIBRARY #if BC_DEBUG_CODE void bc_slabvec_print(BcVec* v, const char* func) { size_t i; BcSlab* s; bc_file_printf(&vm->ferr, "%s\n", func); for (i = 0; i < v->len; ++i) { s = bc_vec_item(v, i); bc_file_printf(&vm->ferr, "%zu { s = %zu, len = %zu }\n", i, (uintptr_t) s->s, s->len); } bc_file_puts(&vm->ferr, bc_flush_none, "\n"); bc_file_flush(&vm->ferr, bc_flush_none); } #endif // BC_DEBUG_CODE