/* * ***************************************************************************** * * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause * * Copyright (c) 2018-2024 Gavin D. Howard and contributors. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this * list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * ***************************************************************************** * * The parser for dc. * */ #if DC_ENABLED #include <assert.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <setjmp.h> #include <dc.h> #include <program.h> #include <vm.h> /** * Parses a register. The lexer should have already lexed the true name of the * register, per extended registers and such. * @param p The parser. * @param var True if the parser is for a variable, false otherwise. */ static void dc_parse_register(BcParse* p, bool var) { bc_lex_next(&p->l); if (p->l.t != BC_LEX_NAME) bc_parse_err(p, BC_ERR_PARSE_TOKEN); bc_parse_pushName(p, p->l.str.v, var); } /** * Parses a dc string. * @param p The parser. */ static inline void dc_parse_string(BcParse* p) { bc_parse_addString(p); bc_lex_next(&p->l); } /** * Parses a token that requires a memory operation, like load or store. * @param p The parser. * @param inst The instruction to push for the memory operation. * @param name Whether the load or store is to a variable or array, and not to * a global. * @param store True if the operation is a store, false otherwise. */ static void dc_parse_mem(BcParse* p, uchar inst, bool name, bool store) { // Push the instruction. bc_parse_push(p, inst); // Parse the register if necessary. if (name) dc_parse_register(p, inst != BC_INST_ARRAY_ELEM); // Stores use the bc assign infrastructure, but they need to do a swap // first. if (store) { bc_parse_push(p, BC_INST_SWAP); bc_parse_push(p, BC_INST_ASSIGN_NO_VAL); } bc_lex_next(&p->l); } /** * Parses a conditional execution instruction. * @param p The parser. * @param inst The instruction for the condition. */ static void dc_parse_cond(BcParse* p, uchar inst) { // Push the instruction for the condition and the conditional execution. bc_parse_push(p, inst); bc_parse_push(p, BC_INST_EXEC_COND); // Parse the register. dc_parse_register(p, true); bc_lex_next(&p->l); // If the next token is an else, parse the else. if (p->l.t == BC_LEX_KW_ELSE) { dc_parse_register(p, true); bc_lex_next(&p->l); } // Otherwise, push a marker for no else. else bc_parse_pushIndex(p, SIZE_MAX); } /** * Parses a token for dc. * @param p The parser. * @param t The token to parse. * @param flags The flags that say what is allowed or not. */ static void dc_parse_token(BcParse* p, BcLexType t, uint8_t flags) { uchar inst; bool assign, get_token = false; switch (t) { case BC_LEX_OP_REL_EQ: case BC_LEX_OP_REL_LE: case BC_LEX_OP_REL_GE: case BC_LEX_OP_REL_NE: case BC_LEX_OP_REL_LT: case BC_LEX_OP_REL_GT: { inst = (uchar) (t - BC_LEX_OP_REL_EQ + BC_INST_REL_EQ); dc_parse_cond(p, inst); break; } case BC_LEX_SCOLON: case BC_LEX_COLON: { dc_parse_mem(p, BC_INST_ARRAY_ELEM, true, t == BC_LEX_COLON); break; } case BC_LEX_STR: { dc_parse_string(p); break; } case BC_LEX_NEG: { // This tells us whether or not the neg is for a command or at the // beginning of a number. If it's a command, push it. Otherwise, // fallthrough and parse the number. if (dc_lex_negCommand(&p->l)) { bc_parse_push(p, BC_INST_NEG); get_token = true; break; } bc_lex_next(&p->l); // Fallthrough. BC_FALLTHROUGH } case BC_LEX_NUMBER: { bc_parse_number(p); // Push the negative instruction if we fell through from above. if (t == BC_LEX_NEG) bc_parse_push(p, BC_INST_NEG); get_token = true; break; } case BC_LEX_KW_READ: { // Make sure the read is not recursive. if (BC_ERR(flags & BC_PARSE_NOREAD)) { bc_parse_err(p, BC_ERR_EXEC_REC_READ); } else bc_parse_push(p, BC_INST_READ); get_token = true; break; } case BC_LEX_OP_ASSIGN: case BC_LEX_STORE_PUSH: { assign = t == BC_LEX_OP_ASSIGN; inst = assign ? BC_INST_VAR : BC_INST_PUSH_TO_VAR; dc_parse_mem(p, inst, true, assign); break; } case BC_LEX_LOAD: case BC_LEX_LOAD_POP: { inst = t == BC_LEX_LOAD_POP ? BC_INST_PUSH_VAR : BC_INST_LOAD; dc_parse_mem(p, inst, true, false); break; } case BC_LEX_REG_STACK_LEVEL: { dc_parse_mem(p, BC_INST_REG_STACK_LEN, true, false); break; } case BC_LEX_STORE_IBASE: case BC_LEX_STORE_OBASE: case BC_LEX_STORE_SCALE: #if BC_ENABLE_EXTRA_MATH case BC_LEX_STORE_SEED: #endif // BC_ENABLE_EXTRA_MATH { inst = (uchar) (t - BC_LEX_STORE_IBASE + BC_INST_IBASE); dc_parse_mem(p, inst, false, true); break; } case BC_LEX_ARRAY_LENGTH: { // Need to push the array first, based on how length is implemented. bc_parse_push(p, BC_INST_ARRAY); dc_parse_register(p, false); bc_parse_push(p, BC_INST_LENGTH); get_token = true; break; } case BC_LEX_EOF: case BC_LEX_INVALID: #if BC_ENABLED case BC_LEX_OP_INC: case BC_LEX_OP_DEC: #endif // BC_ENABLED case BC_LEX_OP_BOOL_NOT: #if BC_ENABLE_EXTRA_MATH case BC_LEX_OP_TRUNC: #endif // BC_ENABLE_EXTRA_MATH case BC_LEX_OP_POWER: case BC_LEX_OP_MULTIPLY: case BC_LEX_OP_DIVIDE: case BC_LEX_OP_MODULUS: case BC_LEX_OP_PLUS: case BC_LEX_OP_MINUS: #if BC_ENABLE_EXTRA_MATH case BC_LEX_OP_PLACES: case BC_LEX_OP_LSHIFT: case BC_LEX_OP_RSHIFT: #endif // BC_ENABLE_EXTRA_MATH case BC_LEX_OP_BOOL_OR: case BC_LEX_OP_BOOL_AND: #if BC_ENABLED case BC_LEX_OP_ASSIGN_POWER: case BC_LEX_OP_ASSIGN_MULTIPLY: case BC_LEX_OP_ASSIGN_DIVIDE: case BC_LEX_OP_ASSIGN_MODULUS: case BC_LEX_OP_ASSIGN_PLUS: case BC_LEX_OP_ASSIGN_MINUS: #if BC_ENABLE_EXTRA_MATH case BC_LEX_OP_ASSIGN_PLACES: case BC_LEX_OP_ASSIGN_LSHIFT: case BC_LEX_OP_ASSIGN_RSHIFT: #endif // BC_ENABLE_EXTRA_MATH #endif // BC_ENABLED case BC_LEX_NLINE: case BC_LEX_WHITESPACE: case BC_LEX_LPAREN: case BC_LEX_RPAREN: case BC_LEX_LBRACKET: case BC_LEX_COMMA: case BC_LEX_RBRACKET: case BC_LEX_LBRACE: case BC_LEX_NAME: case BC_LEX_RBRACE: #if BC_ENABLED case BC_LEX_KW_AUTO: case BC_LEX_KW_BREAK: case BC_LEX_KW_CONTINUE: case BC_LEX_KW_DEFINE: case BC_LEX_KW_FOR: case BC_LEX_KW_IF: case BC_LEX_KW_LIMITS: case BC_LEX_KW_RETURN: case BC_LEX_KW_WHILE: case BC_LEX_KW_HALT: case BC_LEX_KW_LAST: #endif // BC_ENABLED case BC_LEX_KW_IBASE: case BC_LEX_KW_OBASE: case BC_LEX_KW_SCALE: #if BC_ENABLE_EXTRA_MATH case BC_LEX_KW_SEED: #endif // BC_ENABLE_EXTRA_MATH case BC_LEX_KW_LENGTH: case BC_LEX_KW_PRINT: case BC_LEX_KW_SQRT: case BC_LEX_KW_ABS: case BC_LEX_KW_IS_NUMBER: case BC_LEX_KW_IS_STRING: #if BC_ENABLE_EXTRA_MATH case BC_LEX_KW_IRAND: #endif // BC_ENABLE_EXTRA_MATH case BC_LEX_KW_ASCIIFY: case BC_LEX_KW_MODEXP: case BC_LEX_KW_DIVMOD: case BC_LEX_KW_QUIT: #if BC_ENABLE_EXTRA_MATH case BC_LEX_KW_RAND: #endif // BC_ENABLE_EXTRA_MATH case BC_LEX_KW_MAXIBASE: case BC_LEX_KW_MAXOBASE: case BC_LEX_KW_MAXSCALE: #if BC_ENABLE_EXTRA_MATH case BC_LEX_KW_MAXRAND: #endif // BC_ENABLE_EXTRA_MATH case BC_LEX_KW_LINE_LENGTH: #if BC_ENABLED case BC_LEX_KW_GLOBAL_STACKS: #endif // BC_ENABLED case BC_LEX_KW_LEADING_ZERO: case BC_LEX_KW_STREAM: case BC_LEX_KW_ELSE: case BC_LEX_EXTENDED_REGISTERS: case BC_LEX_EQ_NO_REG: case BC_LEX_EXECUTE: case BC_LEX_PRINT_STACK: case BC_LEX_CLEAR_STACK: case BC_LEX_STACK_LEVEL: case BC_LEX_DUPLICATE: case BC_LEX_SWAP: case BC_LEX_POP: case BC_LEX_PRINT_POP: case BC_LEX_NQUIT: case BC_LEX_EXEC_STACK_LENGTH: case BC_LEX_SCALE_FACTOR: { // All other tokens should be taken care of by the caller, or they // actually *are* invalid. bc_parse_err(p, BC_ERR_PARSE_TOKEN); } } if (get_token) bc_lex_next(&p->l); } void dc_parse_expr(BcParse* p, uint8_t flags) { BcInst inst; BcLexType t; bool need_expr, have_expr = false; need_expr = ((flags & BC_PARSE_NOREAD) != 0); // dc can just keep parsing forever basically, unlike bc, which has to have // a whole bunch of complicated nonsense because its language was horribly // designed. // While we don't have EOF... while ((t = p->l.t) != BC_LEX_EOF) { // Eat newline. if (t == BC_LEX_NLINE) { bc_lex_next(&p->l); continue; } // Get the instruction that corresponds to the token. inst = dc_parse_insts[t]; // If the instruction is invalid, that means we have to do some harder // parsing. So if not invalid, just push the instruction; otherwise, // parse the token. if (inst != BC_INST_INVALID) { bc_parse_push(p, inst); bc_lex_next(&p->l); } else dc_parse_token(p, t, flags); have_expr = true; } // If we don't have an expression and need one, barf. Otherwise, just push a // BC_INST_POP_EXEC if we have EOF and BC_PARSE_NOCALL, which dc uses to // indicate that it is executing a string. if (BC_ERR(need_expr && !have_expr)) bc_err(BC_ERR_EXEC_READ_EXPR); else if (p->l.t == BC_LEX_EOF && (flags & BC_PARSE_NOCALL)) { bc_parse_push(p, BC_INST_POP_EXEC); } } void dc_parse_parse(BcParse* p) { assert(p != NULL); BC_SETJMP_LOCKED(vm, exit); // If we have EOF, someone called this function one too many times. // Otherwise, parse. if (BC_ERR(p->l.t == BC_LEX_EOF)) bc_parse_err(p, BC_ERR_PARSE_EOF); else dc_parse_expr(p, 0); exit: // Need to reset if there was an error. if (BC_SIG_EXC(vm)) bc_parse_reset(p); BC_LONGJMP_CONT(vm); BC_SIG_MAYLOCK; } #endif // DC_ENABLED