// Copyright (c) 2008 The NetBSD Foundation, Inc. // All rights reserved. // // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without // modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions // are met: // 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright // notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. // 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright // notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the // documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. // // THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE NETBSD FOUNDATION, INC. AND // CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, // INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. // IN NO EVENT SHALL THE FOUNDATION OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY // DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL // DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE // GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS // INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER // IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR // OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN // IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. extern "C" { #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/wait.h> #include <limits.h> #include <signal.h> #include <stdint.h> #include <unistd.h> } #include <cerrno> #include <cstdlib> #include <cstring> #include <fstream> #include <ios> #include <iostream> #include <iterator> #include <list> #include <memory> #include <utility> #include "atf-c++/check.hpp" #include "atf-c++/detail/application.hpp" #include "atf-c++/detail/auto_array.hpp" #include "atf-c++/detail/env.hpp" #include "atf-c++/detail/exceptions.hpp" #include "atf-c++/detail/fs.hpp" #include "atf-c++/detail/process.hpp" #include "atf-c++/detail/sanity.hpp" #include "atf-c++/detail/text.hpp" static const useconds_t seconds_in_useconds = (1000 * 1000); static const useconds_t mseconds_in_useconds = 1000; static const useconds_t useconds_in_nseconds = 1000; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Auxiliary functions. // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ namespace { enum status_check_t { sc_exit, sc_ignore, sc_signal, }; struct status_check { status_check_t type; bool negated; int value; status_check(const status_check_t& p_type, const bool p_negated, const int p_value) : type(p_type), negated(p_negated), value(p_value) { } }; enum output_check_t { oc_ignore, oc_inline, oc_file, oc_empty, oc_match, oc_save }; struct output_check { output_check_t type; bool negated; std::string value; output_check(const output_check_t& p_type, const bool p_negated, const std::string& p_value) : type(p_type), negated(p_negated), value(p_value) { } }; class temp_file : public std::ostream { std::auto_ptr< atf::fs::path > m_path; int m_fd; public: temp_file(const char* pattern) : std::ostream(NULL), m_fd(-1) { const atf::fs::path file = atf::fs::path( atf::env::get("TMPDIR", "/tmp")) / pattern; atf::auto_array< char > buf(new char[file.str().length() + 1]); std::strcpy(buf.get(), file.c_str()); m_fd = ::mkstemp(buf.get()); if (m_fd == -1) throw atf::system_error("atf_check::temp_file::temp_file(" + file.str() + ")", "mkstemp(3) failed", errno); m_path.reset(new atf::fs::path(buf.get())); } ~temp_file(void) { close(); try { remove(*m_path); } catch (const atf::system_error&) { // Ignore deletion errors. } } const atf::fs::path& get_path(void) const { return *m_path; } void write(const std::string& text) { if (::write(m_fd, text.c_str(), text.size()) == -1) throw atf::system_error("atf_check", "write(2) failed", errno); } void close(void) { if (m_fd != -1) { flush(); ::close(m_fd); m_fd = -1; } } }; } // anonymous namespace static useconds_t get_monotonic_useconds(void) { struct timespec ts; useconds_t res; int rc; rc = clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &ts); if (rc != 0) throw std::runtime_error("clock_gettime: " + std::string(strerror(errno))); res = ts.tv_sec * seconds_in_useconds; res += ts.tv_nsec / useconds_in_nseconds; return res; } static bool timo_expired(useconds_t timeout) { if (get_monotonic_useconds() >= timeout) return true; return false; } static int parse_exit_code(const std::string& str) { try { const int value = atf::text::to_type< int >(str); if (value < 0 || value > 255) throw std::runtime_error("Unused reason"); return value; } catch (const std::runtime_error&) { throw atf::application::usage_error("Invalid exit code for -s option; " "must be an integer in range 0-255"); } } static struct name_number { const char *name; int signo; } signal_names_to_numbers[] = { { "hup", SIGHUP }, { "int", SIGINT }, { "quit", SIGQUIT }, { "trap", SIGTRAP }, { "abrt", SIGABRT }, { "kill", SIGKILL }, { "segv", SIGSEGV }, { "pipe", SIGPIPE }, { "alrm", SIGALRM }, { "term", SIGTERM }, { "usr1", SIGUSR1 }, { "usr2", SIGUSR2 }, { NULL, INT_MIN }, }; static int signal_name_to_number(const std::string& str) { struct name_number* iter = signal_names_to_numbers; int signo = INT_MIN; while (signo == INT_MIN && iter->name != NULL) { if (str == iter->name || str == std::string("sig") + iter->name) signo = iter->signo; else iter++; } return signo; } static int parse_signal(const std::string& str) { const int signo = signal_name_to_number(str); if (signo == INT_MIN) { try { return atf::text::to_type< int >(str); } catch (const std::runtime_error&) { throw atf::application::usage_error("Invalid signal name or number " "in -s option"); } } INV(signo != INT_MIN); return signo; } static status_check parse_status_check_arg(const std::string& arg) { const std::string::size_type delimiter = arg.find(':'); bool negated = (arg.compare(0, 4, "not-") == 0); const std::string action_str = arg.substr(0, delimiter); const std::string action = negated ? action_str.substr(4) : action_str; const std::string value_str = ( delimiter == std::string::npos ? "" : arg.substr(delimiter + 1)); int value; status_check_t type; if (action == "eq") { // Deprecated; use exit instead. TODO: Remove after 0.10. type = sc_exit; if (negated) throw atf::application::usage_error("Cannot negate eq checker"); negated = false; value = parse_exit_code(value_str); } else if (action == "exit") { type = sc_exit; if (value_str.empty()) value = INT_MIN; else value = parse_exit_code(value_str); } else if (action == "ignore") { if (negated) throw atf::application::usage_error("Cannot negate ignore checker"); type = sc_ignore; value = INT_MIN; } else if (action == "ne") { // Deprecated; use not-exit instead. TODO: Remove after 0.10. type = sc_exit; if (negated) throw atf::application::usage_error("Cannot negate ne checker"); negated = true; value = parse_exit_code(value_str); } else if (action == "signal") { type = sc_signal; if (value_str.empty()) value = INT_MIN; else value = parse_signal(value_str); } else throw atf::application::usage_error("Invalid status checker"); return status_check(type, negated, value); } static output_check parse_output_check_arg(const std::string& arg) { const std::string::size_type delimiter = arg.find(':'); const bool negated = (arg.compare(0, 4, "not-") == 0); const std::string action_str = arg.substr(0, delimiter); const std::string action = negated ? action_str.substr(4) : action_str; output_check_t type; if (action == "empty") type = oc_empty; else if (action == "file") type = oc_file; else if (action == "ignore") { if (negated) throw atf::application::usage_error("Cannot negate ignore checker"); type = oc_ignore; } else if (action == "inline") type = oc_inline; else if (action == "match") type = oc_match; else if (action == "save") { if (negated) throw atf::application::usage_error("Cannot negate save checker"); type = oc_save; } else throw atf::application::usage_error("Invalid output checker"); return output_check(type, negated, arg.substr(delimiter + 1)); } static void parse_repeat_check_arg(const std::string& arg, useconds_t *m_timo, useconds_t *m_interval) { const std::string::size_type delimiter = arg.find(':'); const bool has_interval = (delimiter != std::string::npos); const std::string timo_str = arg.substr(0, delimiter); long l; char *end; // There is no reason this couldn't be a non-integer number of seconds, // this was just easy to do for now. errno = 0; l = strtol(timo_str.c_str(), &end, 10); if (errno == ERANGE) throw atf::application::usage_error("Bogus timeout in seconds"); else if (errno != 0) throw atf::application::usage_error("Timeout must be a number"); if (*end != 0) throw atf::application::usage_error("Timeout must be a number"); *m_timo = get_monotonic_useconds() + (l * seconds_in_useconds); // 50 milliseconds is chosen arbitrarily. There is a tradeoff between // longer and shorter poll times. A shorter poll time makes for faster // tests. A longer poll time makes for lower CPU overhead for the polled // operation. 50ms is chosen with these tradeoffs in mind: on // microcontrollers, the hope is that we can still avoid meaningful CPU use // with a small test every 50ms. And on typical fast x86 hardware, our // tests can be much more precise with time wasted than they typically are // without this feature. *m_interval = 50 * mseconds_in_useconds; if (!has_interval) return; const std::string intv_str = arg.substr(delimiter + 1, std::string::npos); // Same -- this could be non-integer milliseconds. errno = 0; l = strtol(intv_str.c_str(), &end, 10); if (errno == ERANGE) throw atf::application::usage_error( "Bogus repeat interval in milliseconds"); else if (errno != 0) throw atf::application::usage_error( "Repeat interval must be a number"); if (*end != 0) throw atf::application::usage_error( "Repeat interval must be a number"); *m_interval = l * mseconds_in_useconds; } static std::string flatten_argv(char* const* argv) { std::string cmdline; char* const* arg = &argv[0]; while (*arg != NULL) { if (arg != &argv[0]) cmdline += ' '; cmdline += *arg; arg++; } return cmdline; } static std::auto_ptr< atf::check::check_result > execute(const char* const* argv) { // TODO: This should go to stderr... but fixing it now may be hard as test // cases out there might be relying on stderr being silent. std::cout << "Executing command [ "; for (int i = 0; argv[i] != NULL; ++i) std::cout << argv[i] << " "; std::cout << "]\n"; std::cout.flush(); atf::process::argv_array argva(argv); return atf::check::exec(argva); } static std::auto_ptr< atf::check::check_result > execute_with_shell(char* const* argv) { const std::string cmd = flatten_argv(argv); const std::string shell = atf::env::get("ATF_SHELL", ATF_SHELL); const char* sh_argv[4]; sh_argv[0] = shell.c_str(); sh_argv[1] = "-c"; sh_argv[2] = cmd.c_str(); sh_argv[3] = NULL; return execute(sh_argv); } static void cat_file(const atf::fs::path& path) { std::ifstream stream(path.c_str()); if (!stream) throw std::runtime_error("Failed to open " + path.str()); stream >> std::noskipws; std::istream_iterator< char > begin(stream), end; std::ostream_iterator< char > out(std::cerr); std::copy(begin, end, out); stream.close(); } static bool grep_file(const atf::fs::path& path, const std::string& regexp) { std::ifstream stream(path.c_str()); if (!stream) throw std::runtime_error("Failed to open " + path.str()); bool found = false; std::string line; while (!found && !std::getline(stream, line).fail()) { if (atf::text::match(line, regexp)) found = true; } stream.close(); return found; } static bool file_empty(const atf::fs::path& p) { atf::fs::file_info f(p); return (f.get_size() == 0); } static bool compare_files(const atf::fs::path& p1, const atf::fs::path& p2) { bool equal = false; std::ifstream f1(p1.c_str()); if (!f1) throw std::runtime_error("Failed to open " + p1.str()); std::ifstream f2(p2.c_str()); if (!f2) throw std::runtime_error("Failed to open " + p2.str()); for (;;) { char buf1[512], buf2[512]; f1.read(buf1, sizeof(buf1)); if (f1.bad()) throw std::runtime_error("Failed to read from " + p1.str()); f2.read(buf2, sizeof(buf2)); if (f2.bad()) throw std::runtime_error("Failed to read from " + p2.str()); if ((f1.gcount() == 0) && (f2.gcount() == 0)) { equal = true; break; } if ((f1.gcount() != f2.gcount()) || (std::memcmp(buf1, buf2, f1.gcount()) != 0)) { break; } } return equal; } static void print_diff(const atf::fs::path& p1, const atf::fs::path& p2) { const atf::process::status s = atf::process::exec(atf::fs::path("diff"), atf::process::argv_array("diff", "-u", p1.c_str(), p2.c_str(), NULL), atf::process::stream_connect(STDOUT_FILENO, STDERR_FILENO), atf::process::stream_inherit()); if (!s.exited()) std::cerr << "Failed to run diff(3)\n"; if (s.exitstatus() != 1) std::cerr << "Error while running diff(3)\n"; } static std::string decode(const std::string& s) { size_t i; std::string res; res.reserve(s.length()); i = 0; while (i < s.length()) { char c = s[i++]; if (c == '\\') { switch (s[i++]) { case 'a': c = '\a'; break; case 'b': c = '\b'; break; case 'c': break; case 'e': c = 033; break; case 'f': c = '\f'; break; case 'n': c = '\n'; break; case 'r': c = '\r'; break; case 't': c = '\t'; break; case 'v': c = '\v'; break; case '\\': break; case '0': { int count = 3; c = 0; while (--count >= 0 && (unsigned)(s[i] - '0') < 8) c = (c << 3) + (s[i++] - '0'); break; } default: --i; break; } } res.push_back(c); } return res; } static bool run_status_check(const status_check& sc, const atf::check::check_result& cr) { bool result; if (sc.type == sc_exit) { if (cr.exited() && sc.value != INT_MIN) { const int status = cr.exitcode(); if (!sc.negated && sc.value != status) { std::cerr << "Fail: incorrect exit status: " << status << ", expected: " << sc.value << "\n"; result = false; } else if (sc.negated && sc.value == status) { std::cerr << "Fail: incorrect exit status: " << status << ", expected: " << "anything else\n"; result = false; } else result = true; } else if (cr.exited() && sc.value == INT_MIN) { result = true; } else { std::cerr << "Fail: program did not exit cleanly\n"; result = false; } } else if (sc.type == sc_ignore) { result = true; } else if (sc.type == sc_signal) { if (cr.signaled() && sc.value != INT_MIN) { const int status = cr.termsig(); if (!sc.negated && sc.value != status) { std::cerr << "Fail: incorrect signal received: " << status << ", expected: " << sc.value << "\n"; result = false; } else if (sc.negated && sc.value == status) { std::cerr << "Fail: incorrect signal received: " << status << ", expected: " << "anything else\n"; result = false; } else result = true; } else if (cr.signaled() && sc.value == INT_MIN) { result = true; } else { std::cerr << "Fail: program did not receive a signal\n"; result = false; } } else { UNREACHABLE; result = false; } if (result == false) { std::cerr << "stdout:\n"; cat_file(atf::fs::path(cr.stdout_path())); std::cerr << "\n"; std::cerr << "stderr:\n"; cat_file(atf::fs::path(cr.stderr_path())); std::cerr << "\n"; } return result; } static bool run_status_checks(const std::vector< status_check >& checks, const atf::check::check_result& result) { bool ok = false; for (std::vector< status_check >::const_iterator iter = checks.begin(); !ok && iter != checks.end(); iter++) { ok |= run_status_check(*iter, result); } return ok; } static bool run_output_check(const output_check oc, const atf::fs::path& path, const std::string& stdxxx) { bool result; if (oc.type == oc_empty) { const bool is_empty = file_empty(path); if (!oc.negated && !is_empty) { std::cerr << "Fail: " << stdxxx << " not empty\n"; print_diff(atf::fs::path("/dev/null"), path); result = false; } else if (oc.negated && is_empty) { std::cerr << "Fail: " << stdxxx << " is empty\n"; result = false; } else result = true; } else if (oc.type == oc_file) { const bool equals = compare_files(path, atf::fs::path(oc.value)); if (!oc.negated && !equals) { std::cerr << "Fail: " << stdxxx << " does not match golden " "output\n"; print_diff(atf::fs::path(oc.value), path); result = false; } else if (oc.negated && equals) { std::cerr << "Fail: " << stdxxx << " matches golden output\n"; cat_file(atf::fs::path(oc.value)); result = false; } else result = true; } else if (oc.type == oc_ignore) { result = true; } else if (oc.type == oc_inline) { temp_file temp("atf-check.XXXXXX"); temp.write(decode(oc.value)); temp.close(); const bool equals = compare_files(path, temp.get_path()); if (!oc.negated && !equals) { std::cerr << "Fail: " << stdxxx << " does not match expected " "value\n"; print_diff(temp.get_path(), path); result = false; } else if (oc.negated && equals) { std::cerr << "Fail: " << stdxxx << " matches expected value\n"; cat_file(temp.get_path()); result = false; } else result = true; } else if (oc.type == oc_match) { const bool matches = grep_file(path, oc.value); if (!oc.negated && !matches) { std::cerr << "Fail: regexp " + oc.value + " not in " << stdxxx << "\n"; cat_file(path); result = false; } else if (oc.negated && matches) { std::cerr << "Fail: regexp " + oc.value + " is in " << stdxxx << "\n"; cat_file(path); result = false; } else result = true; } else if (oc.type == oc_save) { INV(!oc.negated); std::ifstream ifs(path.c_str(), std::fstream::binary); ifs >> std::noskipws; std::istream_iterator< char > begin(ifs), end; std::ofstream ofs(oc.value.c_str(), std::fstream::binary | std::fstream::trunc); std::ostream_iterator <char> obegin(ofs); std::copy(begin, end, obegin); result = true; } else { UNREACHABLE; result = false; } return result; } static bool run_output_checks(const std::vector< output_check >& checks, const atf::fs::path& path, const std::string& stdxxx) { bool ok = true; for (std::vector< output_check >::const_iterator iter = checks.begin(); iter != checks.end(); iter++) { ok &= run_output_check(*iter, path, stdxxx); } return ok; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // The "atf_check" application. // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ namespace { class atf_check : public atf::application::app { bool m_rflag; bool m_xflag; useconds_t m_timo; useconds_t m_interval; std::vector< status_check > m_status_checks; std::vector< output_check > m_stdout_checks; std::vector< output_check > m_stderr_checks; static const char* m_description; bool run_output_checks(const atf::check::check_result&, const std::string&) const; std::string specific_args(void) const; options_set specific_options(void) const; void process_option(int, const char*); void process_option_s(const std::string&); public: atf_check(void); int main(void); }; } // anonymous namespace const char* atf_check::m_description = "atf-check executes given command and analyzes its results."; atf_check::atf_check(void) : app(m_description, "atf-check(1)"), m_rflag(false), m_xflag(false) { } bool atf_check::run_output_checks(const atf::check::check_result& r, const std::string& stdxxx) const { if (stdxxx == "stdout") { return ::run_output_checks(m_stdout_checks, atf::fs::path(r.stdout_path()), "stdout"); } else if (stdxxx == "stderr") { return ::run_output_checks(m_stderr_checks, atf::fs::path(r.stderr_path()), "stderr"); } else { UNREACHABLE; return false; } } std::string atf_check::specific_args(void) const { return "<command>"; } atf_check::options_set atf_check::specific_options(void) const { using atf::application::option; options_set opts; opts.insert(option('s', "qual:value", "Handle status. Qualifier " "must be one of: ignore exit:<num> signal:<name|num>")); opts.insert(option('o', "action:arg", "Handle stdout. Action must be " "one of: empty ignore file:<path> inline:<val> match:regexp " "save:<path>")); opts.insert(option('e', "action:arg", "Handle stderr. Action must be " "one of: empty ignore file:<path> inline:<val> match:regexp " "save:<path>")); opts.insert(option('r', "timeout[:interval]", "Repeat failed check until " "the timeout expires.")); opts.insert(option('x', "", "Execute command as a shell command")); return opts; } void atf_check::process_option(int ch, const char* arg) { switch (ch) { case 's': m_status_checks.push_back(parse_status_check_arg(arg)); break; case 'o': m_stdout_checks.push_back(parse_output_check_arg(arg)); break; case 'e': m_stderr_checks.push_back(parse_output_check_arg(arg)); break; case 'r': m_rflag = true; parse_repeat_check_arg(arg, &m_timo, &m_interval); break; case 'x': m_xflag = true; break; default: UNREACHABLE; } } int atf_check::main(void) { if (m_argc < 1) throw atf::application::usage_error("No command specified"); int status = EXIT_FAILURE; if (m_status_checks.empty()) m_status_checks.push_back(status_check(sc_exit, false, EXIT_SUCCESS)); else if (m_status_checks.size() > 1) { // TODO: Remove this restriction. throw atf::application::usage_error("Cannot specify -s more than once"); } if (m_stdout_checks.empty()) m_stdout_checks.push_back(output_check(oc_empty, false, "")); if (m_stderr_checks.empty()) m_stderr_checks.push_back(output_check(oc_empty, false, "")); do { std::auto_ptr< atf::check::check_result > r = m_xflag ? execute_with_shell(m_argv) : execute(m_argv); if ((run_status_checks(m_status_checks, *r) == false) || (run_output_checks(*r, "stderr") == false) || (run_output_checks(*r, "stdout") == false)) status = EXIT_FAILURE; else status = EXIT_SUCCESS; if (m_rflag && status == EXIT_FAILURE) { if (timo_expired(m_timo)) break; usleep(m_interval); } } while (m_rflag && status == EXIT_FAILURE); return status; } int main(int argc, char* const* argv) { return atf_check().run(argc, argv); }