/* * Automated Testing Framework (atf) * * Copyright (c) 2007 The NetBSD Foundation, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE NETBSD FOUNDATION, INC. AND * CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, * INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE FOUNDATION OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY * DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE * GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER * IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR * OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN * IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/wait.h> #include <errno.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <unistd.h> #include "atf-c/defs.h" #include "atf-c/error.h" #include "process.h" #include "sanity.h" /* This prototype is not in the header file because this is a private * function; however, we need to access it during testing. */ atf_error_t atf_process_status_init(atf_process_status_t *, int); /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- * The "stream_prepare" auxiliary type. * --------------------------------------------------------------------- */ struct stream_prepare { const atf_process_stream_t *m_sb; bool m_pipefds_ok; int m_pipefds[2]; }; typedef struct stream_prepare stream_prepare_t; static atf_error_t stream_prepare_init(stream_prepare_t *sp, const atf_process_stream_t *sb) { atf_error_t err; const int type = atf_process_stream_type(sb); sp->m_sb = sb; sp->m_pipefds_ok = false; if (type == atf_process_stream_type_capture) { if (pipe(sp->m_pipefds) == -1) err = atf_libc_error(errno, "Failed to create pipe"); else { err = atf_no_error(); sp->m_pipefds_ok = true; } } else err = atf_no_error(); return err; } static void stream_prepare_fini(stream_prepare_t *sp) { if (sp->m_pipefds_ok) { close(sp->m_pipefds[0]); close(sp->m_pipefds[1]); } } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- * The "atf_process_stream" type. * --------------------------------------------------------------------- */ const int atf_process_stream_type_capture = 1; const int atf_process_stream_type_connect = 2; const int atf_process_stream_type_inherit = 3; const int atf_process_stream_type_redirect_fd = 4; const int atf_process_stream_type_redirect_path = 5; static bool stream_is_valid(const atf_process_stream_t *sb) { return (sb->m_type == atf_process_stream_type_capture) || (sb->m_type == atf_process_stream_type_connect) || (sb->m_type == atf_process_stream_type_inherit) || (sb->m_type == atf_process_stream_type_redirect_fd) || (sb->m_type == atf_process_stream_type_redirect_path); } atf_error_t atf_process_stream_init_capture(atf_process_stream_t *sb) { sb->m_type = atf_process_stream_type_capture; POST(stream_is_valid(sb)); return atf_no_error(); } atf_error_t atf_process_stream_init_connect(atf_process_stream_t *sb, const int src_fd, const int tgt_fd) { PRE(src_fd >= 0); PRE(tgt_fd >= 0); PRE(src_fd != tgt_fd); sb->m_type = atf_process_stream_type_connect; sb->m_src_fd = src_fd; sb->m_tgt_fd = tgt_fd; POST(stream_is_valid(sb)); return atf_no_error(); } atf_error_t atf_process_stream_init_inherit(atf_process_stream_t *sb) { sb->m_type = atf_process_stream_type_inherit; POST(stream_is_valid(sb)); return atf_no_error(); } atf_error_t atf_process_stream_init_redirect_fd(atf_process_stream_t *sb, const int fd) { sb->m_type = atf_process_stream_type_redirect_fd; sb->m_fd = fd; POST(stream_is_valid(sb)); return atf_no_error(); } atf_error_t atf_process_stream_init_redirect_path(atf_process_stream_t *sb, const atf_fs_path_t *path) { sb->m_type = atf_process_stream_type_redirect_path; sb->m_path = path; POST(stream_is_valid(sb)); return atf_no_error(); } void atf_process_stream_fini(atf_process_stream_t *sb) { PRE(stream_is_valid(sb)); } int atf_process_stream_type(const atf_process_stream_t *sb) { PRE(stream_is_valid(sb)); return sb->m_type; } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- * The "atf_process_status" type. * --------------------------------------------------------------------- */ atf_error_t atf_process_status_init(atf_process_status_t *s, int status) { s->m_status = status; return atf_no_error(); } void atf_process_status_fini(atf_process_status_t *s ATF_DEFS_ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED) { } bool atf_process_status_exited(const atf_process_status_t *s) { int mutable_status = s->m_status; return WIFEXITED(mutable_status); } int atf_process_status_exitstatus(const atf_process_status_t *s) { PRE(atf_process_status_exited(s)); int mutable_status = s->m_status; return WEXITSTATUS(mutable_status); } bool atf_process_status_signaled(const atf_process_status_t *s) { int mutable_status = s->m_status; return WIFSIGNALED(mutable_status); } int atf_process_status_termsig(const atf_process_status_t *s) { PRE(atf_process_status_signaled(s)); int mutable_status = s->m_status; return WTERMSIG(mutable_status); } bool atf_process_status_coredump(const atf_process_status_t *s) { PRE(atf_process_status_signaled(s)); #if defined(WCOREDUMP) int mutable_status = s->m_status; return WCOREDUMP(mutable_status); #else return false; #endif } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- * The "atf_process_child" type. * --------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static atf_error_t atf_process_child_init(atf_process_child_t *c) { c->m_pid = 0; c->m_stdout = -1; c->m_stderr = -1; return atf_no_error(); } static void atf_process_child_fini(atf_process_child_t *c) { if (c->m_stdout != -1) close(c->m_stdout); if (c->m_stderr != -1) close(c->m_stderr); } atf_error_t atf_process_child_wait(atf_process_child_t *c, atf_process_status_t *s) { atf_error_t err; int status; if (waitpid(c->m_pid, &status, 0) == -1) err = atf_libc_error(errno, "Failed waiting for process %d", c->m_pid); else { atf_process_child_fini(c); err = atf_process_status_init(s, status); } return err; } pid_t atf_process_child_pid(const atf_process_child_t *c) { return c->m_pid; } int atf_process_child_stdout(atf_process_child_t *c) { PRE(c->m_stdout != -1); return c->m_stdout; } int atf_process_child_stderr(atf_process_child_t *c) { PRE(c->m_stderr != -1); return c->m_stderr; } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- * Free functions. * --------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static atf_error_t safe_dup(const int oldfd, const int newfd) { atf_error_t err; if (oldfd != newfd) { if (dup2(oldfd, newfd) == -1) { err = atf_libc_error(errno, "Could not allocate file descriptor"); } else { close(oldfd); err = atf_no_error(); } } else err = atf_no_error(); return err; } static atf_error_t child_connect(const stream_prepare_t *sp, int procfd) { atf_error_t err; const int type = atf_process_stream_type(sp->m_sb); if (type == atf_process_stream_type_capture) { close(sp->m_pipefds[0]); err = safe_dup(sp->m_pipefds[1], procfd); } else if (type == atf_process_stream_type_connect) { if (dup2(sp->m_sb->m_tgt_fd, sp->m_sb->m_src_fd) == -1) err = atf_libc_error(errno, "Cannot connect descriptor %d to %d", sp->m_sb->m_tgt_fd, sp->m_sb->m_src_fd); else err = atf_no_error(); } else if (type == atf_process_stream_type_inherit) { err = atf_no_error(); } else if (type == atf_process_stream_type_redirect_fd) { err = safe_dup(sp->m_sb->m_fd, procfd); } else if (type == atf_process_stream_type_redirect_path) { int aux = open(atf_fs_path_cstring(sp->m_sb->m_path), O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, 0644); if (aux == -1) err = atf_libc_error(errno, "Could not create %s", atf_fs_path_cstring(sp->m_sb->m_path)); else { err = safe_dup(aux, procfd); if (atf_is_error(err)) close(aux); } } else { UNREACHABLE; err = atf_no_error(); } return err; } static void parent_connect(const stream_prepare_t *sp, int *fd) { const int type = atf_process_stream_type(sp->m_sb); if (type == atf_process_stream_type_capture) { close(sp->m_pipefds[1]); *fd = sp->m_pipefds[0]; } else if (type == atf_process_stream_type_connect) { /* Do nothing. */ } else if (type == atf_process_stream_type_inherit) { /* Do nothing. */ } else if (type == atf_process_stream_type_redirect_fd) { /* Do nothing. */ } else if (type == atf_process_stream_type_redirect_path) { /* Do nothing. */ } else { UNREACHABLE; } } static atf_error_t do_parent(atf_process_child_t *c, const pid_t pid, const stream_prepare_t *outsp, const stream_prepare_t *errsp) { atf_error_t err; err = atf_process_child_init(c); if (atf_is_error(err)) goto out; c->m_pid = pid; parent_connect(outsp, &c->m_stdout); parent_connect(errsp, &c->m_stderr); out: return err; } static void do_child(void (*)(void *), void *, const stream_prepare_t *, const stream_prepare_t *) ATF_DEFS_ATTRIBUTE_NORETURN; static void do_child(void (*start)(void *), void *v, const stream_prepare_t *outsp, const stream_prepare_t *errsp) { atf_error_t err; err = child_connect(outsp, STDOUT_FILENO); if (atf_is_error(err)) goto out; err = child_connect(errsp, STDERR_FILENO); if (atf_is_error(err)) goto out; start(v); UNREACHABLE; out: if (atf_is_error(err)) { char buf[1024]; atf_error_format(err, buf, sizeof(buf)); fprintf(stderr, "Unhandled error: %s\n", buf); atf_error_free(err); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } else exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } static atf_error_t fork_with_streams(atf_process_child_t *c, void (*start)(void *), const atf_process_stream_t *outsb, const atf_process_stream_t *errsb, void *v) { atf_error_t err; stream_prepare_t outsp; stream_prepare_t errsp; pid_t pid; err = stream_prepare_init(&outsp, outsb); if (atf_is_error(err)) goto out; err = stream_prepare_init(&errsp, errsb); if (atf_is_error(err)) goto err_outpipe; pid = fork(); if (pid == -1) { err = atf_libc_error(errno, "Failed to fork"); goto err_errpipe; } if (pid == 0) { do_child(start, v, &outsp, &errsp); UNREACHABLE; abort(); err = atf_no_error(); } else { err = do_parent(c, pid, &outsp, &errsp); if (atf_is_error(err)) goto err_errpipe; } goto out; err_errpipe: stream_prepare_fini(&errsp); err_outpipe: stream_prepare_fini(&outsp); out: return err; } static atf_error_t init_stream_w_default(const atf_process_stream_t *usersb, atf_process_stream_t *inheritsb, const atf_process_stream_t **realsb) { atf_error_t err; if (usersb == NULL) { err = atf_process_stream_init_inherit(inheritsb); if (!atf_is_error(err)) *realsb = inheritsb; } else { err = atf_no_error(); *realsb = usersb; } return err; } atf_error_t atf_process_fork(atf_process_child_t *c, void (*start)(void *), const atf_process_stream_t *outsb, const atf_process_stream_t *errsb, void *v) { atf_error_t err; atf_process_stream_t inherit_outsb, inherit_errsb; const atf_process_stream_t *real_outsb, *real_errsb; real_outsb = NULL; /* Shut up GCC warning. */ err = init_stream_w_default(outsb, &inherit_outsb, &real_outsb); if (atf_is_error(err)) goto out; real_errsb = NULL; /* Shut up GCC warning. */ err = init_stream_w_default(errsb, &inherit_errsb, &real_errsb); if (atf_is_error(err)) goto out_out; err = fork_with_streams(c, start, real_outsb, real_errsb, v); if (errsb == NULL) atf_process_stream_fini(&inherit_errsb); out_out: if (outsb == NULL) atf_process_stream_fini(&inherit_outsb); out: return err; } static int const_execvp(const char *file, const char *const *argv) { #define UNCONST(a) ((void *)(unsigned long)(const void *)(a)) return execvp(file, UNCONST(argv)); #undef UNCONST } static atf_error_t list_to_array(const atf_list_t *l, const char ***ap) { atf_error_t err; const char **a; a = (const char **)malloc((atf_list_size(l) + 1) * sizeof(const char *)); if (a == NULL) err = atf_no_memory_error(); else { const char **aiter; atf_list_citer_t liter; aiter = a; atf_list_for_each_c(liter, l) { *aiter = (const char *)atf_list_citer_data(liter); aiter++; } *aiter = NULL; err = atf_no_error(); *ap = a; } return err; } struct exec_args { const atf_fs_path_t *m_prog; const char *const *m_argv; void (*m_prehook)(void); }; static void do_exec(void *v) { struct exec_args *ea = v; if (ea->m_prehook != NULL) ea->m_prehook(); const int ret = const_execvp(atf_fs_path_cstring(ea->m_prog), ea->m_argv); const int errnocopy = errno; INV(ret == -1); fprintf(stderr, "exec(%s) failed: %s\n", atf_fs_path_cstring(ea->m_prog), strerror(errnocopy)); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } atf_error_t atf_process_exec_array(atf_process_status_t *s, const atf_fs_path_t *prog, const char *const *argv, const atf_process_stream_t *outsb, const atf_process_stream_t *errsb, void (*prehook)(void)) { atf_error_t err; atf_process_child_t c; struct exec_args ea = { prog, argv, prehook }; PRE(outsb == NULL || atf_process_stream_type(outsb) != atf_process_stream_type_capture); PRE(errsb == NULL || atf_process_stream_type(errsb) != atf_process_stream_type_capture); err = atf_process_fork(&c, do_exec, outsb, errsb, &ea); if (atf_is_error(err)) goto out; again: err = atf_process_child_wait(&c, s); if (atf_is_error(err)) { INV(atf_error_is(err, "libc") && atf_libc_error_code(err) == EINTR); atf_error_free(err); goto again; } out: return err; } atf_error_t atf_process_exec_list(atf_process_status_t *s, const atf_fs_path_t *prog, const atf_list_t *argv, const atf_process_stream_t *outsb, const atf_process_stream_t *errsb, void (*prehook)(void)) { atf_error_t err; const char **argv2; PRE(outsb == NULL || atf_process_stream_type(outsb) != atf_process_stream_type_capture); PRE(errsb == NULL || atf_process_stream_type(errsb) != atf_process_stream_type_capture); argv2 = NULL; /* Silence GCC warning. */ err = list_to_array(argv, &argv2); if (atf_is_error(err)) goto out; err = atf_process_exec_array(s, prog, argv2, outsb, errsb, prehook); free(argv2); out: return err; }