/* * memset benchmark. * * Copyright (c) 2021, Arm Limited. * SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT OR Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception */ #define _GNU_SOURCE #include <stdint.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <assert.h> #include "stringlib.h" #include "benchlib.h" #define ITERS 5000 #define ITERS2 20000000 #define ITERS3 1000000 #define NUM_TESTS 16384 #define MIN_SIZE 32768 #define MAX_SIZE (1024 * 1024) static uint8_t a[MAX_SIZE + 4096] __attribute__((__aligned__(4096))); #define DOTEST(STR,TESTFN) \ printf (STR); \ RUN (TESTFN, memset); \ RUNA64 (TESTFN, __memset_aarch64); \ RUNSVE (TESTFN, __memset_aarch64_sve); \ RUNMOPS (TESTFN, __memset_mops); \ RUNA32 (TESTFN, __memset_arm); \ printf ("\n"); typedef struct { uint32_t offset : 20, len : 12; } memset_test_t; static memset_test_t test_arr[NUM_TESTS]; typedef struct { uint16_t size; uint16_t freq; } freq_data_t; typedef struct { uint8_t align; uint16_t freq; } align_data_t; #define SIZE_NUM 65536 #define SIZE_MASK (SIZE_NUM-1) static uint8_t len_arr[SIZE_NUM]; /* Frequency data for memset sizes up to 4096 based on SPEC2017. */ static freq_data_t memset_len_freq[] = { {40,28817}, {32,15336}, { 16,3823}, {296,3545}, { 24,3454}, { 8,1412}, {292,1202}, { 48, 927}, { 12, 613}, { 11, 539}, {284, 493}, {108, 414}, { 88, 380}, { 20, 295}, {312, 271}, { 72, 233}, { 2, 200}, { 4, 192}, { 15, 180}, { 14, 174}, { 13, 160}, { 56, 151}, { 36, 144}, { 64, 140}, {4095,133}, { 10, 130}, { 9, 124}, { 3, 124}, { 28, 120}, { 0, 118}, {288, 110}, {1152, 96}, {104, 90}, { 1, 86}, {832, 76}, {248, 74}, {1024, 69}, {120, 64}, {512, 63}, {384, 60}, { 6, 59}, { 80, 54}, { 17, 50}, { 7, 49}, {520, 47}, {2048, 39}, {256, 37}, {864, 33}, {1440, 28}, { 22, 27}, {2056, 24}, {260, 23}, { 68, 23}, { 5, 22}, { 18, 21}, {200, 18}, {2120, 18}, { 60, 17}, { 52, 16}, {336, 15}, { 44, 13}, {192, 13}, {160, 12}, {2064, 12}, {128, 12}, { 76, 11}, {164, 11}, {152, 10}, {136, 9}, {488, 7}, { 96, 6}, {560, 6}, {1016, 6}, {112, 5}, {232, 5}, {168, 5}, {952, 5}, {184, 5}, {144, 4}, {252, 4}, { 84, 3}, {960, 3}, {3808, 3}, {244, 3}, {280, 3}, {224, 3}, {156, 3}, {1088, 3}, {440, 3}, {216, 2}, {304, 2}, { 23, 2}, { 25, 2}, { 26, 2}, {264, 2}, {328, 2}, {1096, 2}, {240, 2}, {1104, 2}, {704, 2}, {1664, 2}, {360, 2}, {808, 1}, {544, 1}, {236, 1}, {720, 1}, {368, 1}, {424, 1}, {640, 1}, {1112, 1}, {552, 1}, {272, 1}, {776, 1}, {376, 1}, { 92, 1}, {536, 1}, {824, 1}, {496, 1}, {760, 1}, {792, 1}, {504, 1}, {344, 1}, {1816, 1}, {880, 1}, {176, 1}, {320, 1}, {352, 1}, {2008, 1}, {208, 1}, {408, 1}, {228, 1}, {2072, 1}, {568, 1}, {220, 1}, {616, 1}, {600, 1}, {392, 1}, {696, 1}, {2144, 1}, {1280, 1}, {2136, 1}, {632, 1}, {584, 1}, {456, 1}, {472, 1}, {3440, 1}, {2088, 1}, {680, 1}, {2928, 1}, {212, 1}, {648, 1}, {1752, 1}, {664, 1}, {3512, 1}, {1032, 1}, {528, 1}, {4072, 1}, {204, 1}, {2880, 1}, {3392, 1}, {712, 1}, { 59, 1}, {736, 1}, {592, 1}, {2520, 1}, {744, 1}, {196, 1}, {172, 1}, {728, 1}, {2040, 1}, {1192, 1}, {3600, 1}, {0, 0} }; #define ALIGN_NUM 1024 #define ALIGN_MASK (ALIGN_NUM-1) static uint8_t align_arr[ALIGN_NUM]; /* Alignment data for memset based on SPEC2017. */ static align_data_t memset_align_freq[] = { {16, 338}, {8, 307}, {32, 148}, {64, 131}, {4, 72}, {1, 23}, {2, 5}, {0, 0} }; static void init_memset_distribution (void) { int i, j, freq, size, n; for (n = i = 0; (freq = memset_len_freq[i].freq) != 0; i++) for (j = 0, size = memset_len_freq[i].size; j < freq; j++) len_arr[n++] = size; assert (n == SIZE_NUM); for (n = i = 0; (freq = memset_align_freq[i].freq) != 0; i++) for (j = 0, size = memset_align_freq[i].align; j < freq; j++) align_arr[n++] = size - 1; assert (n == ALIGN_NUM); } static size_t init_memset (size_t max_size) { size_t total = 0; /* Create a random set of memsets with the given size and alignment distributions. */ for (int i = 0; i < NUM_TESTS; i++) { test_arr[i].offset = (rand32 (0) & (max_size - 1)); test_arr[i].offset &= ~align_arr[rand32 (0) & ALIGN_MASK]; test_arr[i].len = len_arr[rand32 (0) & SIZE_MASK]; total += test_arr[i].len; } return total; } static void inline __attribute ((always_inline)) memset_random (const char *name, void *(*set)(void *, int, size_t)) { uint64_t total_size = 0; uint64_t tsum = 0; printf ("%22s ", name); rand32 (0x12345678); for (int size = MIN_SIZE; size <= MAX_SIZE; size *= 2) { uint64_t memset_size = init_memset (size) * ITERS; for (int c = 0; c < NUM_TESTS; c++) set (a + test_arr[c].offset, 0, test_arr[c].len); uint64_t t = clock_get_ns (); for (int i = 0; i < ITERS; i++) for (int c = 0; c < NUM_TESTS; c++) set (a + test_arr[c].offset, 0, test_arr[c].len); t = clock_get_ns () - t; total_size += memset_size; tsum += t; printf ("%dK: %5.2f ", size / 1024, (double)memset_size / t); } printf( "avg %5.2f\n", (double)total_size / tsum); } static void inline __attribute ((always_inline)) memset_medium (const char *name, void *(*set)(void *, int, size_t)) { printf ("%22s ", name); for (int size = 8; size <= 512; size *= 2) { uint64_t t = clock_get_ns (); for (int i = 0; i < ITERS2; i++) set (a, 0, size); t = clock_get_ns () - t; printf ("%dB: %5.2f ", size, (double)size * ITERS2 / t); } printf ("\n"); } static void inline __attribute ((always_inline)) memset_large (const char *name, void *(*set)(void *, int, size_t)) { printf ("%22s ", name); for (int size = 1024; size <= 65536; size *= 2) { uint64_t t = clock_get_ns (); for (int i = 0; i < ITERS3; i++) set (a, 0, size); t = clock_get_ns () - t; printf ("%dKB: %6.2f ", size / 1024, (double)size * ITERS3 / t); } printf ("\n"); } int main (void) { init_memset_distribution (); memset (a, 1, sizeof (a)); DOTEST ("Random memset (bytes/ns):\n", memset_random); DOTEST ("Medium memset (bytes/ns):\n", memset_medium); DOTEST ("Large memset (bytes/ns):\n", memset_large); return 0; }