/* * Double-precision vector 2^x function. * * Copyright (c) 2019-2024, Arm Limited. * SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT OR Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception */ #include "v_math.h" #include "v_poly_f64.h" #include "test_sig.h" #include "test_defs.h" #define N (1 << V_EXP_TABLE_BITS) #define IndexMask (N - 1) #define BigBound 1022.0 #define UOFlowBound 1280.0 #define TinyBound 0x2000000000000000 /* asuint64(0x1p-511). */ static const struct data { float64x2_t poly[4]; float64x2_t shift, scale_big_bound, scale_uoflow_bound; } data = { /* Coefficients are computed using Remez algorithm with minimisation of the absolute error. */ .poly = { V2 (0x1.62e42fefa3686p-1), V2 (0x1.ebfbdff82c241p-3), V2 (0x1.c6b09b16de99ap-5), V2 (0x1.3b2abf5571ad8p-7) }, .shift = V2 (0x1.8p52 / N), .scale_big_bound = V2 (BigBound), .scale_uoflow_bound = V2 (UOFlowBound), }; static inline uint64x2_t lookup_sbits (uint64x2_t i) { return (uint64x2_t){ __v_exp_data[i[0] & IndexMask], __v_exp_data[i[1] & IndexMask] }; } #if WANT_SIMD_EXCEPT # define Thres 0x2080000000000000 /* asuint64(512.0) - TinyBound. */ /* Call scalar exp2 as a fallback. */ static float64x2_t VPCS_ATTR NOINLINE special_case (float64x2_t x, float64x2_t y, uint64x2_t is_special) { return v_call_f64 (exp2, x, y, is_special); } #else # define SpecialOffset 0x6000000000000000 /* 0x1p513. */ /* SpecialBias1 + SpecialBias1 = asuint(1.0). */ # define SpecialBias1 0x7000000000000000 /* 0x1p769. */ # define SpecialBias2 0x3010000000000000 /* 0x1p-254. */ static inline float64x2_t VPCS_ATTR special_case (float64x2_t s, float64x2_t y, float64x2_t n, const struct data *d) { /* 2^(n/N) may overflow, break it up into s1*s2. */ uint64x2_t b = vandq_u64 (vclezq_f64 (n), v_u64 (SpecialOffset)); float64x2_t s1 = vreinterpretq_f64_u64 (vsubq_u64 (v_u64 (SpecialBias1), b)); float64x2_t s2 = vreinterpretq_f64_u64 (vaddq_u64 ( vsubq_u64 (vreinterpretq_u64_f64 (s), v_u64 (SpecialBias2)), b)); uint64x2_t cmp = vcagtq_f64 (n, d->scale_uoflow_bound); float64x2_t r1 = vmulq_f64 (s1, s1); float64x2_t r0 = vmulq_f64 (vfmaq_f64 (s2, s2, y), s1); return vbslq_f64 (cmp, r1, r0); } #endif /* Fast vector implementation of exp2. Maximum measured error is 1.65 ulp. _ZGVnN2v_exp2(-0x1.4c264ab5b559bp-6) got 0x1.f8db0d4df721fp-1 want 0x1.f8db0d4df721dp-1. */ VPCS_ATTR float64x2_t V_NAME_D1 (exp2) (float64x2_t x) { const struct data *d = ptr_barrier (&data); uint64x2_t cmp; #if WANT_SIMD_EXCEPT uint64x2_t ia = vreinterpretq_u64_f64 (vabsq_f64 (x)); cmp = vcgeq_u64 (vsubq_u64 (ia, v_u64 (TinyBound)), v_u64 (Thres)); /* Mask special lanes and retain a copy of x for passing to special-case handler. */ float64x2_t xc = x; x = v_zerofy_f64 (x, cmp); #else cmp = vcagtq_f64 (x, d->scale_big_bound); #endif /* n = round(x/N). */ float64x2_t z = vaddq_f64 (d->shift, x); uint64x2_t u = vreinterpretq_u64_f64 (z); float64x2_t n = vsubq_f64 (z, d->shift); /* r = x - n/N. */ float64x2_t r = vsubq_f64 (x, n); /* s = 2^(n/N). */ uint64x2_t e = vshlq_n_u64 (u, 52 - V_EXP_TABLE_BITS); u = lookup_sbits (u); float64x2_t s = vreinterpretq_f64_u64 (vaddq_u64 (u, e)); /* y ~ exp2(r) - 1. */ float64x2_t r2 = vmulq_f64 (r, r); float64x2_t y = v_pairwise_poly_3_f64 (r, r2, d->poly); y = vmulq_f64 (r, y); if (unlikely (v_any_u64 (cmp))) #if !WANT_SIMD_EXCEPT return special_case (s, y, n, d); #else return special_case (xc, vfmaq_f64 (s, s, y), cmp); #endif return vfmaq_f64 (s, s, y); } TEST_SIG (V, D, 1, exp2, -9.9, 9.9) TEST_ULP (V_NAME_D1 (exp2), 1.15) TEST_DISABLE_FENV_IF_NOT (V_NAME_D1 (exp2), WANT_SIMD_EXCEPT) TEST_SYM_INTERVAL (V_NAME_D1 (exp2), 0, TinyBound, 5000) TEST_SYM_INTERVAL (V_NAME_D1 (exp2), TinyBound, BigBound, 10000) TEST_SYM_INTERVAL (V_NAME_D1 (exp2), BigBound, UOFlowBound, 5000) TEST_SYM_INTERVAL (V_NAME_D1 (exp2), UOFlowBound, inf, 10000)