# $FreeBSD$
# System-wide .profile file for sh(1).
# For the setting of languages and character sets please see
# login.conf(5) and in particular the charset and lang options.
# For full locales list check /usr/share/locale/*
# You should also read the setlocale(3) man page for information
# on how to achieve more precise control of locale settings.
# Check system messages
# msgs -q
# Allow terminal messages
# mesg y

# Load each .sh file in /etc/profile.d/, then /usr/local/etc/profile,
# then each .sh file in /usr/local/etc/profile.d/.
export _loaded
for _dir in /etc /usr/local/etc ; do
	for _file in "${_dir}"/profile "${_dir}"/profile.d/*.sh ; do
		if [ -f "${_file}" ] ; then
			case :${_loaded}: in
				. "${_file}"
unset _loaded _dir _file