6798660 Cadmium .NOT file processing problem with CWD relative file pathsContributed by Richard Lowe6785284 Mapfile versioning rules need to be more visible to gatelings6800164 Standard file exclu
6798660 Cadmium .NOT file processing problem with CWD relative file pathsContributed by Richard Lowe6785284 Mapfile versioning rules need to be more visible to gatelings6800164 Standard file exclusion mechanism needed for Cadmium tools
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6449514 move OpenSSL from /usr/sfw to /usr, /lib6457487 clean up Makefile for cmd/openssl6686002 move /usr/lib/libkmf and plugins to /lib - PSARC 2007/6746686004 move libcryptoutil and libelfsign
6449514 move OpenSSL from /usr/sfw to /usr, /lib6457487 clean up Makefile for cmd/openssl6686002 move /usr/lib/libkmf and plugins to /lib - PSARC 2007/6746686004 move libcryptoutil and libelfsign from /usr/lib to /lib - PSARC 2007/6746700122 cryptosvc should be able to start before filesystem/usr
6756692 ugly prompt for pkcs11 token pin when using pktool6763087 pktool signcsr dumps core in some conditions due to uninitialized variables.6744183 pktool doesn't accept "KPClientAuth", "KPKdc" o
6756692 ugly prompt for pkcs11 token pin when using pktool6763087 pktool signcsr dumps core in some conditions due to uninitialized variables.6744183 pktool doesn't accept "KPClientAuth", "KPKdc" or "scLogon" as valid ekus
6737647 token name matching logic in KMF is broken
backout 6449514/6686002/6686004/6700122: needs more work
6449514 move OpenSSL from /usr/sfw to /usr, /lib6686002 move /usr/lib/libkmf and plugins to /lib - PSARC 2007/6746686004 move libcryptoutil and libelfsign from /usr/lib to /lib - PSARC 2007/674670
6449514 move OpenSSL from /usr/sfw to /usr, /lib6686002 move /usr/lib/libkmf and plugins to /lib - PSARC 2007/6746686004 move libcryptoutil and libelfsign from /usr/lib to /lib - PSARC 2007/6746700122 cryptosvc should be able to start before filesystem/usr
PSARC 2008/306 pktool CLI update (dir option correction)6670712 cert of dsa type with key pair can not signcsr of rsa type, viceversa.6670714 pktool gencert keystore=nss and keytype=dsa FAIL, param
PSARC 2008/306 pktool CLI update (dir option correction)6670712 cert of dsa type with key pair can not signcsr of rsa type, viceversa.6670714 pktool gencert keystore=nss and keytype=dsa FAIL, parameter error6670715 pktool gencsr keystore=nss and token="install" (something not "internal") core dumped6670725 pktool signcsr command fails to update the keyusage values.6699535 pktool operations should not have "dir" option for file-based keystore6700175 fix for 6654080 is not complete
6494306 need single source for bignum code--HG--rename : usr/src/uts/sun4u/rsa/Makefile => deleted_files/usr/src/uts/sun4u/rsa/Makefilerename : usr/src/uts/sun4u/rsa/mont_mulf.s => usr/src/common
6494306 need single source for bignum code--HG--rename : usr/src/uts/sun4u/rsa/Makefile => deleted_files/usr/src/uts/sun4u/rsa/Makefilerename : usr/src/uts/sun4u/rsa/mont_mulf.s => usr/src/common/bignum/sun4u/mont_mulf_kernel_v9.srename : usr/src/uts/intel/rsa/Makefile.32 => usr/src/uts/intel/bignum/Makefile.32rename : usr/src/uts/intel/rsa/Makefile.64 => usr/src/uts/intel/bignum/Makefile.64
6683064 check_rtime could do with some spring cleaning
6669251 KMF needs to support empty PINs6669357 KMF pkcs11 incorrectly sets some attributes when creating certificates and keys6679525 [CLI] Subcommands in pktool's help are overtranslated6680520 p
6669251 KMF needs to support empty PINs6669357 KMF pkcs11 incorrectly sets some attributes when creating certificates and keys6679525 [CLI] Subcommands in pktool's help are overtranslated6680520 pktool needs to prompt for PIN more often
PSARC 2008/037 new EKU support for pktool and kmfcfg6648052 pktool(1) could allow certificate signing and verification6652751 kmf_get_kmf_error_str() doesn't know about KMF_ERR_ATTR_NOT_FOUND66540
PSARC 2008/037 new EKU support for pktool and kmfcfg6648052 pktool(1) could allow certificate signing and verification6652751 kmf_get_kmf_error_str() doesn't know about KMF_ERR_ATTR_NOT_FOUND6654080 kmf_verify_data() should use algorithm from the cert if KMF_ALGORITHM_INDEX_ATTR is missing6654205 kmf_find_prikey_by_cert() should be public6654910 kmf_validate_cert() won't get over non-existent x509v3 extensions in TA6660235 Command summary on pktool help should be localizable.6660622 KMF needs API to determine format of raw data
6643119 kmf_validate_cert() should download CRL only when the previous one has expired (fix lint)
6630137 Un-initialized variable caused a wrong branch in KMFPK11_StoreKey6643119 kmf_validate_cert() should download CRL only when the previous one has expired
6634339 kmf_find_key returns error when searching for raw (RSA) public key
PSARC 2007/604 KMF Pluggability Enhancements6621224 KMF Dynamic Plugin Support6621231 pktool list keystore=file dir=/tmp/test prints out incorrect output
6620497 KMF does not build proper PKCS12 PDUs6624214 kmf_get_cert_extn can leak memory6629477 libkmf is crashed in OpenSSL_StoreKey if keytype is not KMF_RSA or KMF_DSA
6614385 libkmf should be able to open plugins on demand
6612107 pktool list objtype=cert Serial: oddity6612173 pktool interactive mode should ask more questions6612636 pktool delete is inconsistent6613494 pktool fails creation outkey = in dir= if there
6612107 pktool list objtype=cert Serial: oddity6612173 pktool interactive mode should ask more questions6612636 pktool delete is inconsistent6613494 pktool fails creation outkey = in dir= if there is a file/dir in current dir of same name
6607135 KMF incorrectly labels public keys as private
6546405 KMF Interfaces need to be extensible (fix lint)
PSARC 2007/426 KMFAPI Interface Taxonomy ChangePSARC 2007/465 pktool symmetric key enhancements6546405 KMF Interfaces need to be extensible6547894 pktool should be more detailed6590232 pktool sho
PSARC 2007/426 KMFAPI Interface Taxonomy ChangePSARC 2007/465 pktool symmetric key enhancements6546405 KMF Interfaces need to be extensible6547894 pktool should be more detailed6590232 pktool should import and export generic keys
6585894 pktool import usage shows bogus nickname parameter6585913 pktool import keystore=nss does not work for PEM encoded certs
6558467 memory leak in kcfd
6455242 nightly should be able to preserve all proto areas from a single build.6467531 nightly(1) needs option to generate OpenSolaris delivery--HG--rename : usr/src/pkgdefs/SUNWftpu/copyright =>
6455242 nightly should be able to preserve all proto areas from a single build.6467531 nightly(1) needs option to generate OpenSolaris delivery--HG--rename : usr/src/pkgdefs/SUNWftpu/copyright => usr/src/cmd/cmd-inet/usr.sbin/in.ftpd/LICENSE
6550297 elfsign mysteriously fails with missing packages