(3e0bc2855b573bcffa2a52955a878f537f5ac0cd) (b6cda913bba42e1fdad82df41d906ff603319743)
1// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
3//! Work queues.
5//! This file has two components: The raw work item API, and the safe work item API.
7//! One pattern that is used in both APIs is the `ID` const generic, which exists to allow a single
8//! type to define multiple `work_struct` fields. This is done by choosing an id for each field,

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194 // closure.
195 //
196 // Furthermore, if the C workqueue code accesses the pointer after this call to
197 // `__enqueue`, then the work item was successfully enqueued, and `bindings::queue_work_on`
198 // will have returned true. In this case, `__enqueue` promises that the raw pointer will
199 // stay valid until we call the function pointer in the `work_struct`, so the access is ok.
200 unsafe {
201 w.__enqueue(move |work_ptr| {
1// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
3//! Work queues.
5//! This file has two components: The raw work item API, and the safe work item API.
7//! One pattern that is used in both APIs is the `ID` const generic, which exists to allow a single
8//! type to define multiple `work_struct` fields. This is done by choosing an id for each field,

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194 // closure.
195 //
196 // Furthermore, if the C workqueue code accesses the pointer after this call to
197 // `__enqueue`, then the work item was successfully enqueued, and `bindings::queue_work_on`
198 // will have returned true. In this case, `__enqueue` promises that the raw pointer will
199 // stay valid until we call the function pointer in the `work_struct`, so the access is ok.
200 unsafe {
201 w.__enqueue(move |work_ptr| {
202 bindings::queue_work_on(
203 bindings::wq_misc_consts_WORK_CPU_UNBOUND as _,
204 queue_ptr,
205 work_ptr,
206 )
202 bindings::queue_work_on(bindings::WORK_CPU_UNBOUND as _, queue_ptr, work_ptr)
207 })
208 }
209 }
211 /// Tries to spawn the given function or closure as a work item.
212 ///
213 /// This method can fail because it allocates memory to store the work item.
214 pub fn try_spawn<T: 'static + Send + FnOnce()>(&self, func: T) -> Result<(), AllocError> {

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252/// This is the low-level trait that is designed for being as general as possible.
254/// The `ID` parameter to this trait exists so that a single type can provide multiple
255/// implementations of this trait. For example, if a struct has multiple `work_struct` fields, then
256/// you will implement this trait once for each field, using a different id for each field. The
257/// actual value of the id is not important as long as you use different ids for different fields
258/// of the same struct. (Fields of different structs need not use different ids.)
203 })
204 }
205 }
207 /// Tries to spawn the given function or closure as a work item.
208 ///
209 /// This method can fail because it allocates memory to store the work item.
210 pub fn try_spawn<T: 'static + Send + FnOnce()>(&self, func: T) -> Result<(), AllocError> {

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248/// This is the low-level trait that is designed for being as general as possible.
250/// The `ID` parameter to this trait exists so that a single type can provide multiple
251/// implementations of this trait. For example, if a struct has multiple `work_struct` fields, then
252/// you will implement this trait once for each field, using a different id for each field. The
253/// actual value of the id is not important as long as you use different ids for different fields
254/// of the same struct. (Fields of different structs need not use different ids.)
260/// Note that the id is used only to select the right method to call during compilation. It wont be
256/// Note that the id is used only to select the right method to call during compilation. It won't be
261/// part of the final executable.
263/// # Safety
265/// Implementers must ensure that any pointers passed to a `queue_work_on` closure by `__enqueue`
266/// remain valid for the duration specified in the guarantees section of the documentation for
267/// `__enqueue`.
268pub unsafe trait RawWorkItem<const ID: u64> {

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257/// part of the final executable.
259/// # Safety
261/// Implementers must ensure that any pointers passed to a `queue_work_on` closure by `__enqueue`
262/// remain valid for the duration specified in the guarantees section of the documentation for
263/// `__enqueue`.
264pub unsafe trait RawWorkItem<const ID: u64> {

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